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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by NinaM View Post
    I'm really looking forward to season 4....

    I do think that Joe has a problem with the suger sweet kind of love...but other then that doesn't seem to have a problem with it...not from what I could gather from his talk at the Expo or his latest interview...he liked the struggle , the friction, being in love but not showing it full out... and at some point it feels like John has that with Teyla... feelings but not showing it full blown out in the open...well we'll see I guess what the future will bring...BUT I have enjoyed their wonderful scenes together in season 3...and hope for many more in season 4...

    And I hope to meet Joe again someday too...would love to meet Rachel too...
    I'm booked for who know..he might be there....and maybe Rachel...but we'll see...
    He doesn't seem to be into the mushy stuff and thank God for that. I don't expect any big declarations yet between them as the show hopefully will go on for years and they are not going to have John and Teyla commit to anyone this early on. But I hope to see the contiuned hints and maybe the odd intimate moment between them where we can see that they mean a lot to each other.

    With looking forward to season four and also looking forward to P3- we will be wishing our lives away...


      Originally posted by bluealien View Post
      He doesn't seem to be into the mushy stuff and thank God for that. I don't expect any big declarations yet between them as the show hopefully will go on for years and they are not going to have John and Teyla commit to anyone this early on. But I hope to see the contiuned hints and maybe the odd intimate moment between them where we can see that they mean a lot to each other.

      With looking forward to season four and also looking forward to P3- we will be wishing our lives away...

      I'm booked for P3 too YAY roll on Feb LOL LOL

      John sheppard is my happy place
      John Sheppard is my happy place


        Hi Wendy!

        I might have something for you later on...but right now, I"ve been working on different things...

        As far as Joe...from the beginning Joe has been in favor of something with Teyla....Teyla's role was there to begin with as a "potential" love interest for John Sheppard....In the interviews, he seemed to be the one pointing the obvious sexual tension that is there between JT. I like the idea of the conflict, of thinking the impossible and longing for something that is unattainable....and that is what perhaps John and Teyla see from each other...I like how the series is really expanding on a friendship built on a strong bond and makes the relationship more special to me and more meaningful...their connection is not just physical, but it goes farther than that...if John and Teyla would have been together by now..our poor Teyla would have either died, or become the host for little sheppies and teyla's all around the keeping them apart but wanting each other, you see the longing and yet you preserve Teyla's role and John's....most of the time, the writers and creators when they make a couple canon, it is either the female role that suffers to become a stereotype or she's killed off or the relationship ends or she goes off with another...and I don't want either for this duo....I think Teyla's role needs further growth as well as John's....however, I do want to see a progression...I do want to see them fall in love, and I do want to see them actually struggle with wanting to be together....does that make sense....right now, we know that Teyla is interested in someone...I want to know who that is and if it's John...then I want to see how she is going to make this work....I want to see them fight to be together, and I want to see them struggle with not only the harsh of their lives but their relationship as well..I think that these two characters have shown us so well just how much they mean to each other and how much they trust and rely on each other that when they do come together, it will be like if they were never apart...and that is all due to the great characters portrayed by Joe and Rachel....most of the time it's a glance, a touch, a nod, a sigh, a gesture that defines them....and their actions of course...

        but yeah, I don't want anything sweet and mushy either and certainly something subtle....Teyla has to be a part of John's team in order to remain in SGA...if she were to become something more....I really wonder how her role in the team would be I'd love to see a little secret rendevouz kind of thing...LOL

        Okay...Wikked is keeping the Galleria very pretty with her caps...go and check them out, she's doing Trinity right now....

        so, I"m done with my after all that convo of mushy, I"m sure that my December Calendar is not going to reflect what I just wrote above....LOL

        but this was made by someone with lots of love for me...and that person is not a JT shipper, but a JW shipper! so just goes to show you that some people can distinguish between fiction and non-fiction and between what matters in friendships....I didn't even ask her to make this for me, but she did cause she knows me too up, little JT's and Teylies! although not an actual cap from the show, it's still looks damn real...and if this is as close as I'll ever see JT married, than I"m more than happy.....therefore, December is very special to me....hope you guys like it!

        John and Teyla 2007 Calendar....made by Camy

        Donna...I hope you like the entire calendar...








        Made a second july one....





        No wonder Bambam suggested that I not show this to Joe's wife or Rachel's boyfriend....I can so see this between JT
        Last edited by Jeyla4ever; 20 March 2007, 04:33 PM.


          Oh Camy, those are breathtakingly GORGEOUS! I don't even know what to say! WOW. I can't even imagine how long that must have taken you to do. Talk about a labor of love, LOL! Thank you so much for taking the time to make them!!!! They are amazing!!! And you showcase so wonderfully some of their best moments. I love these so much!!! Yay! 12 whole months of J/T love!

          Thank you!!!!!!
          Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


            Originally posted by WendyJ View Post
            I'm booked for P3 too YAY roll on Feb LOL LOL

            John sheppard is my happy place

            Hi Wendy!!! It's great to see you here! I remember your Con report last year to the yahoo group! So very cool!!!

            And WOW, so many people going to the upcoming P3 Con as well! Hmm, I just may have to check into that...LOL! Where is it at and are there still tickets even available? Feb is when I might be at the Atlantis in the Bahamas for a company sales conference though. But hmmm, that sure is tempting!
            Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


              Thanks Stephie...sometimes I just sit down and I do it in jeepie...sometimes I sit down and I don't get anything done! LOL

              So, it all depends.....that last one was killing me because I am trying so hard to get different layouts and just a different feel of the wallies, and then I was doing all this stuff for the new John and Teyla SGA Awards LJ community......*pimp* that I saw the drawing the Jen made for me and I said, oh, I have to do this one...and all it is, is a bit of blue shade added to it...and VOILA! others have like a gizzillion layers on it! LOL

              Thanks sunshine!

              I love John and Teyla....and they just inspire me...but this was all Donna's doing..she asked me to do it since I had the done the Teyla one...

              Now, Stephie...something similar happened to me this past November.....Joe Flannigan was coming to New Jersey, which is only an hour and a half away from me....and he was schedule to come first on a Saturday....but I got to church on I said no...then Trippy and I thought of going together, and for her I would have gone....but then she couldn't make it....then I read that he cancelled, and I was like....yeah, I didn't loose anything.....and I did the same thing for Rachel..I waited till a month before to purchase the ticket.....then I knew I wasn't going to buy the gold package or anything like that..I only wanted the one day pass....and even that was horrible...for Rachel I ended up going by myself....I was bored out of my mind, talk about a fish out of water.....but it was worth meet her...but anyways, for Joe he reschedule like a little bit before the month and he was now schedule for a was perfect, I could have gone...but I didn't...that was my b-day weekend and hubby and the boys had something planned for me...nothing outrageous, but they mean the world to me....and so, I chose not to go.....I could have told them that I wanted that to be my gift...but nah, I got a whole bunch of other things, moral of this story......go to Atlantis, you can see Joe Flannigan another time!


              No offense to Joe.....I'd love to meet him in person.....too....


                OMG Camy the calanders are amazing wonderful job J/T 4 EVA......


                  Beautiful calenders Camy...


                    Donna claps madly!!!!! thanks hun they are georgous and thanks for making wendy feel welcome
                    Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


                      Well now, what a delightful day this is, and i tell you for why.

                      The weather ain't half bad, a glorious Spring sun shines outside. Though it is a bit deceiving [a tad chilly], like a Cappuccino where nearly the whole damn cup is foam or cream, you feel cheated and if you're a bit stupid and not quite awake, irnoically end up getting burnt.. Pleasing on the eye if not true to the heart of the matter.

                      But oh Camy, now looks are not deceiving here, the JT love is clear to see. In the couple in the calendar and from the person who created it. Such passion for J/T and there is much of it in this place, it is truly epitomised in this.

                      Beautiful Camy, i'll take two, lol.

                      *I salute you*

                      And thank Donna for asking you, thanks Donna.

                      One thing though, got a link to the Teyla calendar? I should have seen it but i can't remember doing so, hmm *puzzles*. Would you mind, no rush, just when you get a spare minute.

                      Welcome to the thread Wendy. Forgive me if i sound like an echo, but this is a great place. Wonderful generous people, hey they put up with my rambling so this must be true. And overflowing with insightful discussion and ideas. Not to mention the talent, vids, artwork, fics and the like. Much enjoyment to be got.

                      Anway, hope Wednesday is good tro you all, till later.
                      Last edited by Nick 0208 Ldn; 21 March 2007, 03:02 AM.


                        Originally posted by Camy View Post

                        As far as Joe...from the beginning Joe has been in favor of something with Teyla....Teyla's role was there to begin with as a "potential" love interest for John Sheppard....In the interviews, he seemed to be the one pointing the obvious sexual tension that is there between JT. I like the idea of the conflict, of thinking the impossible and longing for something that is unattainable....and that is what perhaps John and Teyla see from each other...I like how the series is really expanding on a friendship built on a strong bond and makes the relationship more special to me and more meaningful...their connection is not just physical, but it goes farther than that...if John and Teyla would have been together by now..our poor Teyla would have either died, or become the host for little sheppies and teyla's all around the keeping them apart but wanting each other, you see the longing and yet you preserve Teyla's role and John's....most of the time, the writers and creators when they make a couple canon, it is either the female role that suffers to become a stereotype or she's killed off or the relationship ends or she goes off with another...and I don't want either for this duo....I think Teyla's role needs further growth as well as John's....however, I do want to see a progression...I do want to see them fall in love, and I do want to see them actually struggle with wanting to be together....does that make sense....right now, we know that Teyla is interested in someone...I want to know who that is and if it's John...then I want to see how she is going to make this work....I want to see them fight to be together, and I want to see them struggle with not only the harsh of their lives but their relationship as well..I think that these two characters have shown us so well just how much they mean to each other and how much they trust and rely on each other that when they do come together, it will be like if they were never apart...and that is all due to the great characters portrayed by Joe and Rachel....most of the time it's a glance, a touch, a nod, a sigh, a gesture that defines them....and their actions of course...

                        but yeah, I don't want anything sweet and mushy either and certainly something subtle....Teyla has to be a part of John's team in order to remain in SGA...if she were to become something more....I really wonder how her role in the team would be I'd love to see a little secret rendevouz kind of thing...LOL
                        You know... since reading Joe's latest interview in the official magazine...this is just what struck's just like that he talks that he could think of a love story being told in the show... just because of what you wrote just his words...
                        He doesn't want the mushy story...and a love intrest just for that..being a love intrest... that's something he doesn't wanna do... so when it comes to J/T it sounds good... because it shows me just that... it would never be easy..she would never just be his girlfriend...she is on his team..balance out the work relationship and then their private one..she is a warrior beside him fighting the same war as he no there hardly would be any mushy stuff between them... to tell you the truth just as Joe doens't wanna see a love intrest only being just that..I don't want it either... what he and Teyla has that's what I like.. life isn't easy, and love isn't easy... and for me J/T has that deep bond, the deep feelings, but yet has to find a way to balance it out and being able to focus on their mission and war... but hey that's me..

                        And Camy....a wonderful and awesome J/T calendar....
                        Sigs by Scifan


                          Thanks Everyone....I"m glad you like 'em Donna...and I"m working on that sig...but cute has me kind of off the wall here...not sure how to define cute! LOL

                          Nick...I"ll brb!


                            Nick.....*sighs* found it!



                            let me know what you think...


                              Fic recommendation...

                              Rated M for sexual content



                                It's Been Awhile Since My Last Post...

                       The Wallpapers, The Calendar, The Vids, The Pics...i Think You Guys Are So Great...
                                I Love To Watch J/t Vids ...they Captured Really Sweet Moment Between John And Teyla...lovely

