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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Camy View Post
    LOL! No, was all his reaction to Koyla's smell! LOL

    Blue, Nina...I love what you guys wrote here...all this speculation...and yeah...John would go bizerk.....

    but I wonder....if they are going to focus on the team...which Blue, I agree with you totally about concentrating on the team...then it doesn't make sense to go all out on the team in these type of scenarios...hey, what if it's Weir having Mike Brantons' baby!
    I think they will be focusing on the team too so don't really see how babies could fit in at all either.


      I do think the focus will be most on the has been said that season 4 will focus on the main team... and to tell you the truth I think this is one of the reasons for the changes in the cast... I think all in all they have realized that they can't handle writing good character driven stories off all the main characters they had before without having one or several lacking in the stories..just because they HAD to have everyone in it at some point.. sure it could be done just look in Echoes...BUT they can't just make one epi and then lack in the rest... which I think they might have realized and goes now over to focus on the true main cast..the team...
      Sigs by Scifan


        Originally posted by spirited Chihiro View Post
        Hey just quickly everyone...a fic recommendation

        It isnt technically ship, but there are slight hints and it is very teyla focused

        It is called Shadows in the light by Yogo!!!

        It is rated M...which by australian standards is 15+ so make sure ur old enough,...though dont know what this means for u guys!
        Thanks for the link - great story.


          Okay...let's discuss the Runner...this was a very interesting story...and what a great way to introduce Ronon....certainly we knew he would be a presence not to be ignored...I was excited about his character...but at the same time missed Ford...but anyhow....

          Take a look at the caps and read the transcripts or watch the episode and come up with questions, clarifications, challenges, missing scenes, any ideas that you can come up with as a result of this episode...

          Now, I loved that when Teyla walked in the room at the very beginning, you see that John stops whatever he's doing or whom he's talking too and all his attention focuses on much so that even Lorne does it this is interesting because Lorne was introduced in this, you wonder, Teyla walks in the room and Weir is set aside, and both men focus on her as if she was a leader as you can see how John's influence is great on his team.....they treat Teyla as he does.....following his footsteps....then back in the planet, John chooses Teyla to tag with him....and we see how much he relies on her for some argue that Ronon now has taken that role....BULL!

          If you look at the episodes from then on....John always counts on Teyla for information and for her expertise before Ronon....he counts on Ronon more as a back up to him....and as the brawn....LOL

          Now, the scene in Runner after they are captured and tied usual, John always asking Teyla if she is okay...poor Teyla throughout the entire episdoe she looked miserable and in so much pain....

          Now the part where John as Teyla to inform Ronon why we should trust I interpreted this as John using Teyla to explain as a means of getting through to Ronon.....I think John sort of used Teyla to get to Ronon's trust....sort of like, he was very tight and rigid with John....but with a woman, things can be, please, I"m not sounding as a sexist.....I just thought, John isn't dumb..he can tell Ronon the same thing that Teyla told him....but I wonder if the whole thing was a strategy to get Ronon to open up more and to trust them.....what do you guys think?

          Next, the scene where John tells Teyla "what the hell are you doing?"

          Now this one threw me off a bit....and those who were here when that episode air know how Camy gets when things throw her off.....LOL

          and now I get it, sort of...but I wanted to know what you guys think about that scene too.....It was meant to be a playful banter...okay I get that...but his expression was so quick that it confused me...and also, his use of the word "hell" which to me is a word that sometimes you use when you are annoyed or upset, was also a confusing indicator for me...

          So, thoughts on that particualar scene and your interpretation....I guess the only thing that to me says it was meant to be cute, is Teyla's reaction...and please go and see the caps that I posted....but there are a ton of them and it takes awhile to upload the caps so if you are on dial up...don't go there!

          but Teyla's quircky smile, tells me what I needed to know...she interpreted his words as a flirtatious double meaning and that is how then the scene was supposed to be viewed...but John didn't play that way to my eyes.....or maybe I"m just a bit behind on stuff...LOL

          thoughts? clarifications?

          Next scene again....a bit of a slap on my face...but not as confusing as the one above...when John and Teyla were faced with Ronon's stunner again...after attempting to escape.....Ronon aims his stunner at Teyla and tells John that he's taking him with him....but then it is believed that he's going to stun, I don't for a minute believe that Ronon would have killed Teyla...he would have knocked her out.....but not even that John wanted him to do to her...did you guys see it that way, or was I supposed to believe that John believed that Teyla was going to be killed?

          next, I thought that John turned away from Teyla a bit too soon for my taste...but then seeing and joining the Camy GW thread support Group, things were clarified for me....*I'm doing so much better now thank you*

          If you look at the caps....couple of things are extremely interesting...first, John continously looks at Teyla...even when she's not looking at him...he's making sure that she's okay....two, at the beginning, John tells Ronon that if he was going to kill them he would have already done so...and so John from experience knows that this guy is not a killer out to kill them...he also repeats this to Carson when he is escorting him to Ronon and John knows that this guy isn't going to kill, when John sees Ronon's stunner aimed at see his body posture says it since the scenes go by so quickly and half the time I"m on the edge of a breakdown when I'm watching such scenes, I miss these things...THANK GOD FOR BLACK PANTHER"S DETAILS Reports! Man, I'm telling you...those support groups are awesome! then add to that....that I can't squueee in front of hubby so I have to hold it all in! Man, how the heck do I even survive is beyond me!

          Yeah, I view the episodes first with hubby! Not anymore though! LOL

          moving on...where was I? yes...upon looking at the scene, and with the help of BP's reports and my 24 hour support group here in GW....and now frame by frame caps....*breathe* I see that John first leans over to Teyla...raises his hand as in warning or to stop Ronon and then reasons with him...but then when he sees that it's not budging, he looks at Teyla again...turns against her, closes his this to me is priceless...again...I had to freeze this frame to catch this one...but almost like a short prayer that he hopes his plan is right..or his intuition is right, that Ronon isn't going to shoot see that he looks back at Ronon again..but this time, his face puts on that poker, angry face and then he says, suit yourself.....

          When Ronon doesn't shoot her and asks John why he would do that to see that John's eyes go back to Teyla and then Ronon and then throughout the scene they are continously going back and forth between Teyla and Ronon....mind you Teyla only glances back I think the beginning and towards the end....I'm not sure that Teyla felt as confident as John...

          Okay, thoughts? Clarifications?

          and btw, you guys are now officially part of my support Group!


          I'll stop here and let the discussions begin! RUNNER! woooohoooo!


            Camy - Hey girl....

            As of Runner...I haven't watched this epi in some time so I can't really put into much of my thoughts at the moment...the scene that always has stuck with me is the one where they are tied up..wonder why? *lol*

   you said John always seems to ask her is she is okay,,,he did that already in 38 minutes and stunned I think she is used to it...
            So he has always shown for me that he makes sure she is okay before even thinking about himself...

            Then the whole "What they hell are you doing" now the thing is we really don't know what happned to make him say her attempt to get loose she might have very well brushed him which made him say that line...but I never took that line from him to that he was annoyed or anything... just maybe him being a flirt and maybe if she did actually brush against him that he might have been slightly suprised by it and chose to turn it flirty...which made her see it and she gave him her quirky smile... and then go like...being a little innocent just saying she was trying to get her hand free and he then added on it sure didn't feel like it... so no in my eyes I took it as a slight surprise from his side but then put in a flirty comment... maybe he saw his chance to flirt with her here... being close and tied together and then her hands *ahem* wandering *lol*
            Sigs by Scifan


              I had to watch Runner again as its quite a while since I watched this ep.

              Ronan was hot in it - lol...

              Back to John and Teyla..

              The first thing I noticed is how John pretty much always teams up with Teyla. She is his right hand man - and I don't think that Ronan has ever taken over that role. She is his voice of reason and he values her opinion greatly. Ronan is more the brawn but I think John will always ask Teyla's opinion and advise first.

              John always watches over all his team but particulary Teyla - I don't think it is because he thinks she can't take care of herself, but it is a natural instinct to want to look out for the woman who means so much to him.

              Even when tied up John turns to Teyla for advise and her opinion - he knows that she will have words of wisdom to offer, and she always comes through for him. His "what the hell" comment to me indicated more of surprise, he's not used to being in such an intimate and close proximity to her and who can blame him for getting a little flustered. Maybe Teyla was taking liberties and going above and beyond the call of duty in order to try and free her hand... she did give him quite a cheeky smirk. lol

              Johns did gaze at Teyla a few times once they had gotten free, but as he said later to Carson, I don't think he believed that Ronan would really harm them. His bluff to get Ronan into taking their help worked, but again I don't think he would have left Teyla if he really believed that Ronan would have harmed her. John seemed to have an instant connection with Ronan - similiar to his first encounter with Teyla and seemed to know instinctively that Ronan was not really a threat to them.

              Teyla and John always work well together and there seems to be an unspoken understanding between them - making them the perfect couple to team up with during working hours and also during down time.


                Thought I would make use of some of Camy's Runner caps....

                By the way when does season three continue in the USA?.



                  Just got out of a boardroom meeting and had to share! I'm still grinning! We do bi-annual all management meetings where management from all our sites around the world converge for a day to share and review numbers, best practices, etc. They're typically held at our corporate campus, where I work. But anyway, every time, we go around the room and share our names, positions, locations, and then as an ice-breaker, something interesting about ourselves. Today, they had us tell what our favorite TV show was. So of course I had to say SGA. When I said Atlantis, a few others perked up and commented that they watch Atlantis as well. They hadn't stated it as their favorite show, but were casual fans. And then one of them asked me if "that guy and girl had gotten together yet." I asked what girl and they said "the one that's an alien, not from earth." I said, "They're working on it." LOL!
                  But anyway, just thought that was another cute example of how even the casual fan can see J/T are meant to be together.

                  Blue, lovely wallie!!!! Such great expression in Runner! It's one of my favorite eps in season two. Thank you!!! Atlantis returns April 13th by the way. Yay!

                  SC, thank you so much for the fic rec!!! I'll read it later tonight as soon as I can. Right now, I'm in the middle of a busy Monday.... Thank you!!!

                  Great discussion on Runner! I love everyone's observations on how often they watch each other. One of the great subtle examples of how aware of each other they are. They work together and play off each other just beautifully.
                  Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                    Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
                    Just got out of a boardroom meeting and had to share! I'm still grinning! We do bi-annual all management meetings where management from all our sites around the world converge for a day to share and review numbers, best practices, etc. They're typically held at our corporate campus, where I work. But anyway, every time, we go around the room and share our names, positions, locations, and then as an ice-breaker, something interesting about ourselves. Today, they had us tell what our favorite TV show was. So of course I had to say SGA. When I said Atlantis, a few others perked up and commented that they watch Atlantis as well. They hadn't stated it as their favorite show, but were casual fans. And then one of them asked me if "that guy and girl had gotten together yet." I asked what girl and they said "the one that's an alien, not from earth." I said, "They're working on it." LOL!
                    But anyway, just thought that was another cute example of how even the casual fan can see J/T are meant to be together.

                    Great discussion on Runner! I love everyone's observations on how often they watch each other. One of the great subtle examples of how aware of each other they are. They work together and play off each other just beautifully.
                    Hey that is pretty cool.... I mean it's kind of intresting how tidbits like that can come up when mentioning Atlantis *lol*
                    And hey yes who in their right mind wouldn't be able to see the striking chemistry between John and a thumbs up to those people who asked you that

                    And it sure is great to have these wonderful intresting we all see somethings in special scenes...
                    Runner is an epi where you can see just how much the rely on they watch eachother... and time after time...they speak through their eyes.. they know where the other is... and that is one of the things I find so awesome with them... how they really never need words between them to convey something...a look in eachothers eyes can tell the other what they need to know... John and Teyla sure are great at reading eachother... no wonder I love those two together so much...
                    Sigs by Scifan


                      Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
                      Just got out of a boardroom meeting and had to share! I'm still grinning! We do bi-annual all management meetings where management from all our sites around the world converge for a day to share and review numbers, best practices, etc. They're typically held at our corporate campus, where I work. But anyway, every time, we go around the room and share our names, positions, locations, and then as an ice-breaker, something interesting about ourselves. Today, they had us tell what our favorite TV show was. So of course I had to say SGA. When I said Atlantis, a few others perked up and commented that they watch Atlantis as well. They hadn't stated it as their favorite show, but were casual fans. And then one of them asked me if "that guy and girl had gotten together yet." I asked what girl and they said "the one that's an alien, not from earth." I said, "They're working on it." LOL!
                      But anyway, just thought that was another cute example of how even the casual fan can see J/T are meant to be together.
                      I have a story kinda like that, but it's about me. A little more than a year ago, my best friend got into SGA and she wanted to introduce me to it and I absolutely wasn't interested at all, not even a little. Finally after about 2 weeks of constant nagging I finally gave in. We started watching Rising and I still wasn't impressed, but as soon as John put the necklace on Teyla I was like "OMG, are they gonna get together?!?!", and my friend just gave me the biggest 'I told you so' look. I still wasn't completely hooked though. So I guess you could say I was somewhat a casual fan, I wasn't in a hurry to watch the whole season. We kept watching the episodes since she kept bugging me, I only agreed to watch them to see if there was more J/T interaction, but eventually I got addicted to the show all together. Been a J/T fan ever since, I'm even more hooked on the show than she is now!

                      And I'm immensly happy with all the interaction we've seen since then! Can't wait until season 4!


                        Beautiful Blue!

               that little story....although, I don't know if I would....yes, I would....Nick wrote to me to do it with pride....was it Nick?

                        JOHN AND TEYLA SHIPPER!


                        Oh, guys...I just did my nominations for the Isis Awards...I am not good at that stuff...I feel that well, I don't know what I feel but anywho....go and submit your nominations so that not only can we have a lot of fics from JT nominatted this year and show them that we are not the minority, sorry...but also, that we get a good representation of what is out there and what great writers we have....I submitted like that allowed...I kind of skipped through the intro!

                        Yes, I know, only three fics per category..that I did get!


                          Originally posted by Lady_of_Stargate View Post
                          I have a story kinda like that, but it's about me. A little more than a year ago, my best friend got into SGA and she wanted to introduce me to it and I absolutely wasn't interested at all, not even a little. Finally after about 2 weeks of constant nagging I finally gave in. We started watching Rising and I still wasn't impressed, but as soon as John put the necklace on Teyla I was like "OMG, are they gonna get together?!?!", and my friend just gave me the biggest 'I told you so' look. I still wasn't completely hooked though. So I guess you could say I was somewhat a casual fan, I wasn't in a hurry to watch the whole season. We kept watching the episodes since she kept bugging me, I only agreed to watch them to see if there was more J/T interaction, but eventually I got addicted to the show all together. Been a J/T fan ever since, I'm even more hooked on the show than she is now!

                          And I'm immensly happy with all the interaction we've seen since then! Can't wait until season 4!

                          You know my experience was fairly similar. Have never watched a show for ship and didnt even know what shipping was. When I watched Rising I enjoyed it but wasn't thinking - oh this is the best show ever - must watch it all the time. John/Joe took my interest straight away and as soon as Teyla made her first appearance in the tent I liked her. I knew I was going to love her character. Then the scene in the cave - again no shippy glasses at all - but I was blown away by the intensity between John and Teyla - and when he put the necklace around her neck, I remember thinking - these two are just made for each other - they had an instant electric chemistry but yet it was also so subtle.

                          Even after that I wasn't hooked - continued to watch - never took a whole lot of interest in the other characters but John and Teyla's interaction continued to pull me in and intrigue me. So I started to catch up on the eps I missed and the rest is history. John and Teyla have become my favourite characters and I love them together or apart but when they are together they light up the screen. I have enjoyed watching their developing relationship and season three has been fantastic. I love how the writers have handled them and I'm hoping for lots more John and Teyla interaction in season four, and I really see both these characters belonging together.
                          Last edited by bluealien; 20 March 2007, 12:23 AM.


                            Originally posted by Camy View Post
                            Beautiful Blue!

                   that little story....although, I don't know if I would....yes, I would....Nick wrote to me to do it with pride....was it Nick?

                            JOHN AND TEYLA SHIPPER!

                            LOL! Well, I have to confess I didn't admit to being a shipper. I doubt they would even know what the term meant. I was in a boardroom with all the big wig executives, so I wasn't that brave. LOL! But I was proud to say I was a Sci-Fi fan and an Atlantis fan. That was about as brave as I could get.

                            Lady, that's awesome! I love that you're now more addicted than your friend is. LOL!

                            Blue, that's so cool that even when only watching as a casual fan, you still saw the connection between them. Awww!!
                            Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                              Runner..... I think Nina and Blue just about covered my feelings on the episode. By the way, Blue that wallie is awesome.

                              I was strolling through and came across two pics and wondered how I ever missed them. They're from The Return Pt1. It's the scene where Rodney explains to Ronon that the guns 'work good'. John is still pretty excited about getting the team back together, but is having a hard time focusing on the plan. Have you guys seen/ noticed these before?



                                Originally posted by Devine27 View Post
                                Runner..... I think Nina and Blue just about covered my feelings on the episode. By the way, Blue that wallie is awesome.

                                I was strolling through and came across two pics and wondered how I ever missed them. They're from The Return Pt1. It's the scene where Rodney explains to Ronon that the guns 'work good'. John is still pretty excited about getting the team back together, but is having a hard time focusing on the plan. Have you guys seen/ noticed these before?


                                I love those pics...I think I have them on my harddrive...
                                I just loved the fact that he couldn't keep his eyes of her since the moment he saw here again....*sigh* such a wonderful moment between them...
                                Sigs by Scifan

