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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Nick sounds like you had an interesting week .. lol keep going with the fic, love the idea. You can always post a snippet if you like here and we can let you know what we think.

    Camy I'm still drooling over those return caps. I think that scene just screams how much they mean to each other. Both John and Teyla keep their emotions tightly under wrapps when it comes to feelings but neither could contain themselves here. John couldn't take his eyes off Teyla and that smirk was just plastered on his face for ages. Teyla's face just lit up for joy, we only ever seen this elation from her when it involves John. Yep, they both have it really bad for each other and I'm sure we are going to see some of those feelings realised in season four.

    Vaberella You will have to fill us in a bit more on the TWIX story. Would love to hear a bit more about it and as LC said what was the question that the non JT fan asked, and was it answered.

    Congratulations to any milestoners.

    I know Camy is doing caps of Runner, and then Wikked will be dong Duet and Trinity I think - but it would be nice if we could still list any flirty or intimate scenes we like, and why we like them and what they say about John and Teyla's feelings for each other.

    Off to drool over Lt Colonel Smirky pants again - can't get enought of those looks between them.


      Forgot to mention...



        Originally posted by bluealien View Post
        Vaberella You will have to fill us in a bit more on the TWIX story. Would love to hear a bit more about it and as LC said what was the question that the non JT fan asked, and was it answered.
        I shall fill you in with a list of links and then move forward from there, if you'd like to learn of the madness that TWIX brought on check out below.

        To be clear, I never said the non-JT fan had asked a question. It was more of a response set up as a slam, with an underlining insult, to a post asking about the further development of JT friendship as seen in S3 appearing in S4.

        In my above post click on the blue highlighted word "comment" in caps to see the post. Scroll all the way down until you reach the fourth to last post. Quite interesting to see, since it was pretty much uncalled for, but so have many of the antics of posters on his thread. At the end of the statement she mentions TWIX and the beloved slogan---there were a few questions within the tirade, but I think they were to be rhetorical.

        Okay back to the beginning of TWIX. Actually it started 10 pages before the link I’m about to give you. I believe, VB <---Yes, me! I got fed up with Sheyla and Shepmagen (I really hate it!). So I requested everyone come up with an alternate name. We all started fooling around with ideas…

        1) <- First post discussing TWIX as a viable name.
        You should expand on that post to see the thread, because it was quite entertaining what ensued. I developed a mass of followers who loved the name. I even have a few Emoticon-Drabbles/Posts

        First post with labeled TWIX moment:

        3) < - - It was Angelique afterall, my mind is not a sieve afterall.

        This goes on for about 9 pages and ends with a final post by Sanssong with really no answer…

        I just started using JT---although TWIX had a long ass run. <--Suz post on the topic.

        Since I posted all this and with all the reminiscing I decided to post my top ten list…
        Post. # 10661
        Top Ten Reasons John's Hair is Always Sticking Up:

        10. Perplexity by how many times Teyla's hair colour has changed.
        9. Confused by how many hair styles Teyla has--and where she gets it done.
        8. Confused by all the clothes Teyla has—there is no Mandee’s near by.
        7. When Teyla threw up on him after the beer in ‘HOME’.
        6. When she kissed him back after he was normal in ‘Conversion.’
        5. When she becomes Wraith Teyla.
        4. When she touches him.
        3. When he accidentally walked in, as she was standing naked.
        2. Whenever he sees this face:

        1. 5 minute quickie behind a puddle jumper with Teyla.

        Post. # 10631
        Okay sort of challenge.... Top Ten Reasons Teyla would Kick John's Butt :

        10. When their Sparring.
        9. He got in between her and kicking Bates Butt.
        8. He took away her knife and P90.
        7. He was half Iratus bug.
        6. He was posessed by yet another transient being.
        5. If he kirks with yet another female! Hahahhaha!! I'd like to see that!
        4. He went to their wedding with his hair looking like it normally does.
        3. He let McKay and Zalenka babysit their kid for personal time alone.
        2. He was suspicious of her motives--she'd probably beat him into submission.
        1. He talks to other people about their personal problems.

        Post.# 10711

        Top Ten Reasons Teyla Likes to Wear the Sparring Skirt/Top:

        10. To match her hair and eyes.
        9. Her favorite color is brown.
        8. Closest she can get to Xena's outfit.
        7. Hides the fact she doesn't wear underwear.
        6. She has a thing for Leather and sticks---closet Dominatrix
        5. John has a thing a thing about submission--closet Masochist
        4. Because she wants this to happen again:

        Thanks Witchy!!
        3. Her way of winning sparring matches by distracting her opponents with the least possible amount of clothing. (If only I get my wish of her a in a thong. ~sigh~)
        2. She likes ventilation.--Hope you get my meaning?
        1. So John has better access.


        I should resurrect the top ten again...D
        Click statement above to read article.


          Very interesting reading VB but I have to say thank god we didnt go with TWIX. It just doesn't seem to fit into into a relationship scenario. I hate Sheyla too and and just like John/Teyla or JT.

          Read JM's blog and I am continually surprised by some people's pettiness when it comes to Shipping. Why can't they just enjoy their own ship without attacking ours. I would think that JM would completely ignore such posts anyway. He is probably so sick of hearing "our ship is the best" bla, bla, bla..

          A JT pic spam.. some spoilers for season 3.


          and finally does John ever look at anyone else this way - has Teyla?

          Last edited by bluealien; 17 March 2007, 06:33 AM.


            Originally posted by bluealien View Post
            Nice to see you back Doxymom,
            Thanks, Blue! Good to see you too.

            Flirty scenes, hmm...popcorn anyone? I also thought the way she looked at John when he was telling the kids stories was spooky. What ep was that? I don't remember.



              Blue, I love that wallpaper. Very pretty.



                Originally posted by Doxymom View Post
                Blue, I love that wallpaper. Very pretty.


                Thank you.

                I'm trying to remember what episode the popcorn scene was from -that was a great flirty scene.

                Anyone know which ep ... and do we have any caps of that. I know Camy is busy with other eps but I'd love to see some pics. Anyone else got any??



                  The popcorn and story telling scenes are both in Hide and Seek. This site has some caps... Page 3-4...
                  Last edited by Lady_of_Stargate; 17 March 2007, 07:06 AM.


                    Originally posted by Lady_of_Stargate View Post
                    The popcorn and story telling scenes are both in Hide and Seek. This site has some caps... Page 3-4...
                    Oh thanks so much - off to have a look.


                      Originally posted by vaberella View Post
                      Do I look like a canary? Or is that a hummingbird? Which one sings?!

                      Anyway, it's on his blog, I'll give the link but won't post the COMMENT, it's fourth from the last post. For those who don't know the purpose of posting the link is to see the post where the "hopeful" name I had for JT is mentioned.

                      As for JM's answer? When it comes to questions like that he's learned the art most mother's learn when dealing with a very ornery child---evasion. In other words, just ignores the post and keeps on chugging. It's quite entertaining to see especially when it's the same questions asked or the same statements made, over and over and over again.

                      Ooooh tidbits...

                      I think you need to look to Trippy's LJ...psst...
                      she has slides.
                      I'm such a rooster---does a rooster sing? No no, it crows.

                      Anyway, don't walk there---run there...or click there...or type there...or whatever it is you have to do to see her post. As for my questions, I sometimes ask about the show, sometimes not. My last question isn't about the show. He hasn't answered any of my Keller ones or anyone else's for Keller, so that might be a surprise. Which is no problem because I like the character.

                      I did ask if Teyla's dad had macked a Wraith Queen to get Teyla. He gave an affirmative "NO", to my utter disappointment. It would just have been entertaining for me if it was the case. Alas, we cannot have everything we hope for.

                      Actually, a thought just crossed my mind, as I was thinking about Teyla's dad and a Wraith queen. I'm going to ask if there is a chance of having James Earl Jones guest star on SGA as Teyla's dad. Oh that would be super duper hot!! I'd be on that like white on rice. Not only is JEJ the real father of Luke Skywalker [I will not count that onion of an OG as LS's dad] but also the father of Teyla. It would be grandiose to the extreme.

                      He did answer my questions on the wraith and the kids was one of the questions. We will learn more about Wraith dna and I think there's a chance we'll see wraith kiddies. I had wondered about Elia and where they hide the youngins'.

                      Of course I'm sure you're aware of John's backstory which might lead us back to Earth. And there's plenty of speculation on JM's poem----which might relate to a character facing parenthood. I figured it was John finding out he has a kid he didn't know about, but that's total speculation. Trippy shot down that idea... I still wuv you anyway Trip!

                      Other than that, nothing really special. I haven't asked much on Teyla, since really I've been spoiled enough and want to be surprised. Except for this new one, which might make him laugh. I'll ask him to Magic 8 Ball me!
                      I have asked about Ronon and we'll be seenig more of his people and his skills, so that's a plus. I had to ask about Ronon's title as a Specialist, these little things we don't know, bug me, so we'll finally know in S4. Woohoo!! And high five for the Ronon lovers... You know I'm always looking out!

                      Other than that, he talks more about food and the season finale of SG1, the SG films and of course the upcoming con at times. Other than that, nothing much or really revelatory. At the moment for some of us on the S4 thread is the anticipation for a new version of his [JM's] prophetic poem we're currently trying to decipher. <-----Yes, we have absolutely nothing better to do with our time!

                      OY, I had no idea what I was stumbling into with that question. Just read the comment and it's just another tiresome ship war that I want absolutely no part of. Poor JM, I can't believe it's now spilled over into his blog.

                      Moving on from that icky subject, THANK YOU so much for the spoiler recaps! That's great to hear that we'll get more background stories
                      on maybe Teyla and the Athosians (her father?) and on John and Ronon and even the wraith! That's AWESOME! I love backstory.

                      A quick comment on the pregnancy rumor from JM's poem. I still believe it refers to Jeannie Miller, Rodney's sister. That was our original speculation here when the poem first came out and I still think it's the most likely. It refers to the mysterious person as a young mother--female--which greatly narrows the list of candidates and it says she will be needing her brother. Sounds like Jeannie needing Rodney to me. Just my guess of course though!

                      Thanks so much for the awesome update on the latest little spoiler tidbits!!!!
                      Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                        Originally posted by Lady_of_Stargate View Post
                        The popcorn and story telling scenes are both in Hide and Seek. This site has some caps... Page 3-4...
                        Awww, love that scene!!! Thanks Lady!!!! You're awesome!
                        Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                          Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post

                          A quick comment on the pregnancy rumor from JM's poem. I still believe it refers to Jeannie Miller, Rodney's sister. That was our original speculation here when the poem first came out and I still think it's the most likely. It refers to the mysterious person as a young mother--female--which greatly narrows the list of candidates and it says she will be needing her brother. Sounds like Jeannie needing Rodney to me. Just my guess of course though!
                          I agree with that LC. I'm really looking forward to season four - and delighted that we will be getting some more backstory on the characters. Still really excited about Teyla getting an arc and hopefully John will get to play a good part in that arc too.


                            Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                            Very interesting reading VB but I have to say thank god we didnt go with TWIX. It just doesn't seem to fit into into a relationship scenario. I hate Sheyla too and and just like John/Teyla or JT.
                            Hah, you're loss. I'll have you know that my following was quite a large group. Had I pushed the point, I'm sure we could have had a successful coup. Maybe I should start that up again...

                            Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                            Read JM's blog and I am continually surprised by some people's pettiness when it comes to Shipping. Why can't they just enjoy their own ship without attacking ours. I would think that JM would completely ignore such posts anyway. He is probably so sick of hearing "our ship is the best" bla, bla, bla..
                            I'm sure he is, hence the reason he doesn't bother. If you noticed the post which was attacked, he did answer one question of the poster---but ignored the other posters nasty little comments?

                            Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                            and finally does John ever look at anyone else this way - has Teyla?
                            As I enjoy playing devil's advocate here, I'll take a stab at it. Chaya or Ronon---I figure Ronon moves freely in his masculine love affairs between Shep and Zelenka!

                            Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
                            on maybe Teyla and the Athosians (her father?) and on John and Ronon and even the wraith! That's AWESOME! I love backstory.

                            A quick comment on the pregnancy rumor from JM's poem. I still believe it refers to Jeannie Miller, Rodney's sister. That was our original speculation here when the poem first came out and I still think it's the most likely. It refers to the mysterious person as a young mother--female--which greatly narrows the list of candidates and it says she will be needing her brother. Sounds like Jeannie needing Rodney to me. Just my guess of course though!

                            Thanks so much for the awesome update on the latest little spoiler tidbits!!!!

                            Hiya, yeah ship wars are crap. What makes this situation worse is that it's completely one-sided, only one group is making the derogatory comments or proving a point.

                            As for the spoilers, I will have to disagree with your speculations. Although, I will say that no one's speculations are confirmed until the show airs, even if we get JM's revised poem.
                            Yup, we will learn more about Teyla and her father. I believe Trippy did say once that BamBam had asked on his thread if we would like to see flashbacks of Teyla's dad. So I would say that's leading and JM confirmed that we'd be hearing about her father---as it's a revelatory story.

                            As for the comment on the're leaning towards being more incorrect than correct. Killdeer started a thread speculating on the poem. The first stanza or lines refer to SGA and SG1...ONLY ONE of the paired lines later on refer to ONE episode. As Killdeer says refering to what JM says in his post, the rest of the 'stanzas' represent individual episodes. Killdeer points out the one that seems to relate to The Game...and I'm inclined to agree with him, since the paired stanzas seem to be pretty straight forward in their descriptions.

                            So let's say The Game was the episode with the two lines. The two lines you're referring to would then each represent separate episodes. Sure the second one could relate to McKay's sister (and I agree with this since there was fandom rumors of more Jeanie in future), the first line then does not refer to Jeanie, as it's a separate episode. Further more, she's a parent, surprise parenthood wouldn't happen even if she became pregnant again. She'd just be a parent currently experiencing parenthood, finding themselves a parent to another child.

                            That then means, someone else is a daddy or mommy. This could be through adoption, unknown child (in case of the men), or familial connection to a child. But in any case I find the evidence is lined up against Jeannie having "surprise parenthood."

                            Here's the link of the discussion: JM's Poem
                            Click statement above to read article.


                              Originally posted by vaberella View Post
                              Hah, you're loss. I'll have you know that my following was quite a large group. Had I pushed the point, I'm sure we could have had a successful coup. Maybe I should start that up again...
                              I'm glad you didn't push. A candy bar as a name for our ship? I prefer J/T myself.

                              Originally posted by vaberella
                              As for the spoilers, I will have to disagree with your speculations. Although, I will say that no one's speculations are confirmed until the show airs, even if we get JM's revised poem. [spoiler]Yup, we will learn more about Teyla and her father. I believe Trippy did say once that BamBam had asked on his thread if we would like to see flashbacks of Teyla's dad. So I would say that's leading and JM confirmed that we'd be hearing about her father---as it's a revelatory story.
                              Possible spoilers
                              That was in the Ask BamBam thread or one of the Teyla threads he posted in a few months ago. Somene asked if we'd get more Teyla backstory, and he gave a scenario like, would we like to see Teyla training with her dad. He also mentions in it in the last SG Magazine, something about he'd love to play her dad in flashbacks. I'll go see if I can find it.

                              Originally posted by vaberella
                              Of course I'm sure you're aware of John's backstory which might lead us back to Earth. And there's plenty of speculation on JM's poem----which might relate to a character facing parenthood. I figured it was John finding out he has a kid he didn't know about, but that's total speculation. Trippy shot down that idea... I still wuv you anyway Trip!
                              Possible spoilers
                              I didn't exactly shoot it down. In fanfic, the idea that John has a child out there somewhere is as common as his failed marriage, so if that did turn out to be the case, then I won't be too surprised. However, what I did say was that I think it's unlikely. Anything can happen, though.
                              Sig by Camy


                                Originally posted by vaberella View Post

                                As for the spoilers, I will have to disagree with your speculations. Although, I will say that no one's speculations are confirmed until the show airs, even if we get JM's revised poem.
                                Yup, we will learn more about Teyla and her father. I believe Trippy did say once that BamBam had asked on his thread if we would like to see flashbacks of Teyla's dad. So I would say that's leading and JM confirmed that we'd be hearing about her father---as it's a revelatory story.

                                As for the comment on the're leaning towards being more incorrect than correct. Killdeer started a thread speculating on the poem. The first stanza or lines refer to SGA and SG1...ONLY ONE of the paired lines later on refer to ONE episode. As Killdeer says refering to what JM says in his post, the rest of the 'stanzas' represent individual episodes. Killdeer points out the one that seems to relate to The Game...and I'm inclined to agree with him, since the paired stanzas seem to be pretty straight forward in their descriptions.

                                So let's say The Game was the episode with the two lines. The two lines you're referring to would then each represent separate episodes. Sure the second one could relate to McKay's sister (and I agree with this since there was fandom rumors of more Jeanie in future), the first line then does not refer to Jeanie, as it's a separate episode. Further more, she's a parent, surprise parenthood wouldn't happen even if she became pregnant again. She'd just be a parent currently experiencing parenthood, finding themselves a parent to another child.

                                That then means, someone else is a daddy or mommy. This could be through adoption, unknown child (in case of the men), or familial connection to a child. But in any case I find the evidence is lined up against Jeannie having "surprise parenthood."

                                Here's the link of the discussion: JM's Poem

                                Yes, BamBam posted oh, maybe 5 months ago, in the Teyla appreciation thread asking if we would find Athosian backstory interesting. Of course everyone answered yes.

                                And I'm also aware of the JM poem thread. Although I will say that JM did state it was written for Atlantis only, so SG1 is not part of it. He also stated that only one line was one episode specific and that all the other lines referred to more than one episode. So I don't know what that means for the parenthood comment, if that is the single episode line that will have drastic impact on one of our main characters or if that is a generic comment that has to do with a few minor characters perhaps. And I know it's probably my blind eye hoping that the parenthood comment

                                simply refers to Jeannie and not to one of our main team members. I would just find it terribly cliche for one of their long lost children to make a sudden appearance. How many times has that been done?! So perhaps I am turning a blind eye, but I truly hope John's marriage comment in Sunday isn't a setup for some child of his to suddenly pop up. I would find that annoying. If it's not Jeannie, I would rather it be something like adoption, where through emotional events, one of them becomes attached to a child and ends up taking him/her under his/her wing. That is also a bit cliche, but more tolerable for me. And actually the two scenarios I wouldn't mind seeing this happen to would be Rodney, because of stated intolerance for children...the ironic would be classic!...or John, because of his seemingly difficulty with emotion. I think that could open a whole new realm for him. I wouldn't want to see Teyla adopted a child, that is just way too stereotypical and cliche, at least IMO! She's the most natural one to take on the tender mother role, therefore, I'd rather see it be one of the lesser obvious characters. But my ultimate preference would be it to just be Jeannie or one of the other minor characters and not our team. I want to see more focus on THEM first before we bring in more characters into the mix.

                                Whatever happens, I do have enough faith in the writers to make it work. I'm happy for the most part with what they've done so far in the big picture!
                                Sig by Mayra~many thanks!

