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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by seldear View Post
    And now I'm going to get beaten up by the hardcore John/Teyla shippers on this thread for saying that John/Teyla isn't canon...


    Only w/a wet noodle, my dear

    As it's been said - time will tell the tale. Let's just have fun...that's what this is all about



      And now I'm going to get beaten up by the hardcore John/Teyla shippers on this thread for saying that John/Teyla isn't canon...



      Blasphemy is not allowed in this thread, Sel!


        Camy has some great HD caps from that kiss, I'm sure she could be coaxed to post them again... It's also been used in many a vid, as you can well imagine.
        Will do, ma'am!

        Blue!!! Welcome back!!!! It's too quiet around here lately! And you were at Atlantis! LOL! I love it! And ironic too since I was just telling Camy a few days ago that I may be going to the Atlantis in the Bahamas next year! It would be through work though. But would still be very cool! Hope you found lots of J/T inspiration while you were there!
        She almost got swept into the real Atlantis!
        but she will be back! She's going at it again! She's determined!

        Cyn, you are so right! This is the FUN ship, so let's get back to that! And don't think for one moment we're not going to keep bugging you until you make that vid. I'm proud of you for even trying!
        Yes, she keeps hounding me with that logo! I"m actually chanting it at times now...during my meditation's quite lifting actually!

        Speaking of vids, Donna, there are some wonderful resources online. Here are some to get you started.
        I really want to learn how to vid...that's all I need and then I"ll be UNSTOPPABLE!

        And Camy, you're bugging me to vid a certain song? What song? *Looks around innocently* LOL! But seriously, I didn't forget one, did I? I'm actually not sure I know what you're talking about. I swear, I would forget my head lately if it wasn't attached..
        *sighs* She leaves me, doesn't email me, Cyn was bugging me the entire time, and now she forgets things! *sighs*
        It was just a figure of speech and you were the likely suspect to that example!

        But in Memorybook, it was very basic manipulation, and I can do a lot more than that with some of the clips I have from Joe in other shows, but I don't know if that would be welcome or not. What do you guys think??
        From what I've gathered from people's reactions, it seems that vidders like manips for the sake of the editing skill--or lack thereof, LOL--and for the sake of telling a story, while non-vidders and the general audience don't like them because they're watching them to see their favorite moments, not to see something made up.
        Hm...I'm going to have to go back and see that particular vid to really get a good idea of what you are talking about.....Personally, I prefer the caps to match the scenes in makes the vid more real and more meaningful because you can actually relate the theme to real things that have been in the show...however, let's say that like poor Nina, she had to find John driving a car...well, I don't see the harm in showing a cap of John driving in car in another movie....because it will flow better with the vid, but, what I wouldn't like to see is perhaps a scene of both John and Teyla being manipulated just to fit the moment because then it is kind of "fake", if you know what I mean....but I don't know...I guess I''m not really that savvy when it comes to vids....honestly, Steph...I think you have the idea of what you like and what you want to reality, you are manipulating scenes to go along with the vids' long as it's nothing like, Oh, I don't know..making John and Teyla hop on the next shuttle in Disney World or something...then I think subtel manips to go with the flow of the fic is fine with long as it's nothing so out there that I know it wouldn't fit the real characters....for me, I trust your judgement!

        Camy, thanks for reposting the calendar! I think it would be great to get back on schedule again! You and Bella put so much work into planning it and now is exactly when we need activities to help pass the time while waiting for new eps. Gonna be a long wait, but I think it will go by fast, time always does! I just keep staring at all the J/T prettiness in the interim.
        yeah, it's been really slow here but I think people are looking forward to the new episodes and hopefully that would get things going...also the JT Awards that Dee started will be opening soon, she should come with news....and then there's new challenges and spoilers coming out now since they started taping already..did you guys check out the new caps here in GW from the Return Part 2...they are crispy clean and beautiful...what a shame they didn't give us caps for The Return part 1 like that! *sighs*

        Nice to have you back, me when you get the chance hon....

        Missed you so much!


          Conversion kiss!

          I think that is it for now!


            im posting my first vid yay but ive done it wrong as the song ran alittle short of the video so half of it has no music im in the middle of experimenting so as i go along ill probably get better at it could you comment on it please
            Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


              *claps madly* Woohooo, another potential vidder....

              Nicely done everything else in life, practice makes us better...keep it coming.....


                Originally posted by jtjaforever View Post
                YAYYY!!!!!!! Steph's back!!! We missed you How's Mom??

                I liked what you did w/Memory Book (granted I have a special place in my heart for that vid - LOL), but the manips worked for the song. A manip was used in that French vid Animal Attraction/Desire and it worked well w/the music. As a vidder I would assume that you know how best to tell your story and help alternating a scene slightly to achieve that result works for me. I felt those were subtle things and did not take away from the quality of the vid.

                And I guess others agreed it did win a SGA award - didn't it
                Thanks Cyn!!! Mom is doing much better, although now my Grandma is in the hospital! Bit of a crazy week!

                Thanks for your comments about vidding with manips as well! I totally agree, if used, it should be subtle and used to further the story, not take away from fandom its meant for in the first place! LOL! It must just be a very fine line... Anyway, thanks for sharing your thoughts!

                Camy, LOL! Oh, and thanks for the pics!!!! I can never get enough of that kiss!

                Donna, beautiful slideshow vid!!!! That's great you were able to figure it out and make your first vid!! Congratulations!!
                Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                  thnx camy and loveconquers i will im not quite ready for doing the clips yet but im going to keep trying at it so for now itll have to be my slideshow ones i mad a mess of the first one so as i go along im hoping to do it better each time and thnx agan glad you liked it im not so sure about the song though its one of my favourites but i dont think its any good for the slide show now
                  Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


                    Trying to catch up but havn't had a chance to read everyone's posts yet. Nina you have another video - woohoo!!

                    Would you mind posting the link again. Thanks. Can't wait to see it.

                    Good luck Donna with attempting to make a video. Look forward to seeing what you come up.


                      Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                      Trying to catch up but havn't had a chance to read everyone's posts yet. Nina you have another video - woohoo!!

                      Would you mind posting the link again. Thanks. Can't wait to see it.

                      Good luck Donna with attempting to make a video. Look forward to seeing what you come up.

                      Hey Blue *waves*
                      Welcome were missed. Atlantis...huh, sounds like fun.


                        Camy - Thanks for the kiss, like Steph said never too much of that - LOL. And to think it was Racheal's first film kiss...oh mama, I could go for having Joe be my first - LOL.

                        Donna - haven't had the opportunity to check yet not able to access YouTube at work, but I'll check out your vid in the am. I'm so excited you did it!! You go girl.


                          Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
                          Hey Toomi! Sorry to hear life's been too busy for you to watch more wonderful eps! Well, hopefully you'll be able to see some more soon! I thought your assessment of Rising 1 and 2 was right on! The cave scene was wonderful in establishing the instant trust and bond between them as well as showing the instant sexual tension that exists between them as well. It was written deliberately into the script and you'll see several more subtle instances of this throughout the seasons as well. You'll also see it develop into deeper trust in season one, deeper friendship in season two, and deeper feelings and connection in season three. It's all so very subtle and so very wonderful to see!
                          Speaking of sexual tension being built up, that kiss picture from Nina's sig is from ep 208, Conversion. Of course as is typical of Stargate, there's a catch to that kiss, but we still love it anyway. Camy has some great HD caps from that kiss, I'm sure she could be coaxed to post them again... It's also been used in many a vid, as you can well imagine.


                          Thanks! I can't wait. I've finally got two days off next week, so I'll catch up then. Looks like I've got tons to look forward to!!

                          Originally posted by Camy View Post
                          Conversion kiss!


                          I think that is it for now!
                          Must. Not. Jump. Ahead. Watch all eps in order.....



                            Originally posted by Camy View Post
                            Earth WEEK! wooohhoo! I think I have an idea!
                            Gee I posted my question in my last post at the right time.

                            Originally posted by Camy View Post
                            I think we've done this before...but humor me.....

                            TOP TEN PLACES THAT JOHN Would Take Teyla to On Earth!

                            My top ten in no particular order
                            1. Pigeon Forge/Gatlinburg, Tennessee Area – there’s tons stuff to do here and a ferris wheel somewhere probably DollyWood
                            2. Las Vegas, Nevada
                            3. Gettysburg, Pennsylvania – to show her some of the history of the US and maybe some ghosts
                            4. Hershey, Pennsylvania - for the chocolate
                            5. Wisconsin – for the Danish, for the cheese, for The House on the Rock and the Baraboo Circus World Museum
                            6. Niagara Falls either side
                            7. New York City , New York- maybe for Broadway show or New Year’s in Time Square
                            8. United Kingdom
                            9. Ireland – for St. Patrick’s Day
                            10. Sydney, Australia- for the beach and surfing

                            Signs by Scifan and me. | My Forum - Planet TV Role Play | My Fan Fiction | My Mini City - Rygel City


                              Those are great planet!

                              Okay....we are doing the episode by episode caps and I"m hoping we can get some discussion in here as well....for those of you in the US that have a BJ's nearby I just went yesterday, and they have Season 2 SGA for 37.99....worth taking a look if you are interested.....

                              Also, I capped and posted a frame by frame scenes from intruder of that wonderful what, 5 minutes scene....of John and Teyla....I"m hoping that it will bring some discussions....just as a warning if you go to the Galleria, they aren't under spoiler cuts, and they are about 50 or so if you are on dial up, I wouldn't go there just yet!

                              So, lets' see if we can get this thread going...discussions, thoughts, comments, challenges, missing scenes, anything related to Intruder....

                              have a great day!


                                Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                                Trying to catch up but havn't had a chance to read everyone's posts yet. Nina you have another video - woohoo!!

                                Would you mind posting the link again. Thanks. Can't wait to see it.

                                Good luck Donna with attempting to make a video. Look forward to seeing what you come up.
                                Here they are....

                                John & Teyla #3 (Keep Holding On)


                                Let me know in case they don't work...

                                Great to have you back by the way
                                Sigs by Scifan

