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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by NinaM View Post
    *lol* you sure are in a squee mode today ... *lol*

    Did you think I would forget to direct you over to the goodies
    sure am!!! got lots to squee about!! and of course you would let me know when your vid was done, heck i bug you enough about them LOL!!!!

    i just watched it!! Love the song, fitted so well with all the clips you used, especially ones like the sunday clip of
    shep helping teyla out of the infirmary!!
    ahhh some of my favs!! well done nina another excellent vid!!!! and it had shep whump in it so thats good too LOL!!
    i am one happy person today!! thanks nina!!



      Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
      sure am!!! got lots to squee about!! and of course you would let me know when your vid was done, heck i bug you enough about them LOL!!!!

      i just watched it!! Love the song, fitted so well with all the clips you used, especially ones like the sunday clip of
      shep helping teyla out of the infirmary!!
      ahhh some of my favs!! well done nina another excellent vid!!!! and it had shep whump in it so thats good too LOL!!
      i am one happy person today!! thanks nina!!
      Glad that I could make you smile and squee...and *lol* yes you tend to bug me about the videos... but hey I'll always deliver at some point

      And the whump...hrmm well I couldn't very well leave it out... I mean that's what came to mind,,and went to tell the story for the video of it...I mean those scenes did well with the lyrics...

      Thanks again Roo....
      Sigs by Scifan


        Nina, absolutely love the video!!!! Great job! I hope we get many, many, many more J/T moments in Season 4! We get so many awesome videos, graphics and fics out of them!

        Nick, really enjoyed the fic! Keep it up!


          Originally posted by NinaM View Post
          Glad that I could make you smile and squee...and *lol* yes you tend to bug me about the videos... but hey I'll always deliver at some point

          And the whump...hrmm well I couldn't very well leave it out... I mean that's what came to mind,,and went to tell the story for the video of it...I mean those scenes did well with the lyrics...

          Thanks again Roo....
          so when's the next one huh huh huh??!!!!!

          i did and Squee!! actually your vid made me feel a bit teary eyed too...think its the song and all the sad emotional whump clips you used too!!beautiful vid!

          just d/l the song too so now whenever i listen to it ill think of your vid!



            Originally posted by Lady_of_Stargate View Post
            Nina, absolutely love the video!!!! Great job! I hope we get many, many, many more J/T moments in Season 4! We get so many awesome videos, graphics and fics out of them!

            Nick, really enjoyed the fic! Keep it up!
            Thanks...I'm so glad that you enjoyed it...

            Oh trust me I hope for many more great moments between them in season 4 too...we sure get great videos, graphics and pics out of it... it's all to the incredible chemistry ...

            Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
            so when's the next one huh huh huh??!!!!!

            i did and Squee!! actually your vid made me feel a bit teary eyed too...think its the song and all the sad emotional whump clips you used too!!beautiful vid!

            just d/l the song too so now whenever i listen to it ill think of your vid!
            At some point trust me there will be more next most likely will be solo John one though

            Teary eyed...ahh now that is truly a compliment... yeah I do think it's the combination of the song and the emotional clips I used...

            Glad you are getting the's a great one... and yeah I'll think of my J/T moments when hearing it from now on

            Thanks again
            Sigs by Scifan


              Originally posted by NinaM View Post
              Hey all.....guess what............I come bearing a gift...

              Yes it's my 3rd J/T video that just got done..

              I can't now remember who on this thread that recommended this song,,, and to tell the truth I didn't think I would make a video to it but I thought about it and came to think what I saw when hearing the song..what did it tell me about J/T ...well this is my view for the song... and I'm sure the one that suggested this song will notice who they are when they hear it

              Anyway enough talk...and give a link instead....


              John & Teyla #3 (Keep Holding on)


              YAY!! So glad you made this Nina! When I first heard the song it made me think of J/T and now there's a vid! Just finished now off to watch!
              Sig by Cazzblade


                Back again...
                Nina- That was just perfect! Wow! Loved it! I give it 5 kissy J/Ts!
                Sig by Cazzblade


                  Originally posted by Camy View Post
                  Oh, I just went to see if I could find in the stores and no luck....again....

                  you guys should have seen me......are you ready for this one...


                  Seller: Miss, *love him for that one* do you need any help looking for something..?

                  Miss: Um...yes, I"m looking for....Oh, what is the name of that show that my son likes? * puts her head down to think and scratches her head* Um..yes...Stargate..or something....

                  Seller: Yes, the TV show, right?

                  Miss: Yes, I think that's the one!

                  The seller shows the Misses and there is only Stargate SG-1 season 1 and 2...

                  *dissapointingly stares at the seller*

                  Miss: Do you have Stargate...oh, have season 1....

                  Seller: We can order anything that you like that is not in stock. After Xmas everything is pretty much sold...

                  Miss: Oh, well that is good to know. Thank you.

                  Misses leaves dissapointed!

                  Stephie, are back..things are a bit slow here...but yes, I've read one of those but not the first one...thank you...I really like that writer....

                  LOS....I have several programs that I played around with..the one that I have now is over 100 dollars but it's pretty simple....I got a 30 rebate that I never mailed, but it does the trick for me...

                  I think the best one is Photoshop but for me it's complicated...but that is what I find most use....I've no clue how much it costs but I think it's got several versions out there and it's costly...

                  Then I also have Corel's photoimpact...I didn't like that one at all....and that one was costly too...

                  I have another one but that's costly too....yeah, hubby just organized them for me...and he's like, what do you need all of these for...and I"M like..I had to find the one that best suits my style....jeepers, he doesn't understand!

                  Well, I think if you go to the Galleria or the Teyla WOW thread you might get some help there too....

                  not much help, sorry....

                  good luck!

                  LOL! Oh Camy, that made me laugh. I just ordered mine online, then I don't have to deal with sales people. My season two DVD's should arrive on Thurs! Although I already have them from England and a bootleg copy from China that I got from Ebay and didn't realize until too late what I was buying. But now I can actually play them on my computer instead of just in my regionless DVD player! At least I'm doing more than my part in supporting them, LOL!

                  Photoshop programs. Hmm, I'm rather ignorant, but I've got Corel's Photoshop Pro X, which isn't bad....if I can figure it all out that is! I still have tons of tutorials I need to go through to better learn the program. My brother-in-law, who is a professional artist, LOVES adobe Photoshop and swears up and down a storm by it. I've never tried it myself though.

                  Nina!!! I'm so excited you made a new vid!!! I'm stuck at work at the moment, but will watch it and comment as soon as I can later tonight! Thanks so much for making it!!!!! Yay!!!
                  Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                    Originally posted by Nick 0208 Ldn View Post
                    I think this will need a second part else it will seem incomplete but there we go. And i was imagining something a whole lot more elaborate than this, longer too. But if i'd waited for the perfect moment as far as that was concerned, i should still be waiting this time next year, part of me believes.

                    Freely admit i need to work on the descriptive side of things, and it's a bit random, simple even.

                    Anyway, i had a small amount of spare time and put this together. I've beta'd it myself, and for the sake of expediency, i'll leave it at that. Any major errors, tell me quick. lol

                    You getting the impression i'm setting the bar low here yet?


                    More Than Just a Name

                    Lt Colonel John Shepperd had a problem, and both the fault and solution of which, could be found in one person, Dr Rodney McKay. He and Dr Zelenka had taken apart one of the Jumpers for one reason or another, and gone walkabout. So John had been told, Mckay was in the Botany Lab, supposedly just talking with Dr Katie Brown, but also it probably seemed like a pretty good refuge, until that is, John tunred the next corner into the lab, and the poor doctor would have nowhere to go.

                    Well, that was the plan at any rate, for John could only see Dr Brown, no slacking Canadian scientist. Maybe she’ll know where he is. And there was no sign that she was covering for McKay when he entered the lab. Though there was surprise evident, this was likely dute to the fact that John didn’t pass by any of the labs that often.

                    “Colonel Shepperd…not often that we see you down here, is there anything I can do for you?”

                    “Yeah maybe, McKay been in here?”

                    “Rodney? No, should he have?”

                    “I was told I could find him here, him and Radek were doing some kind of repair job on one of the Jumpers but now I can’t find either of them, probably gone offto another job for all I know.”

                    “I’m hoping to meet Rodney for some lunch later, I’ll tell him you came by.”

                    “Nah, don’t’ do that, I don’t want to warn him.” John said with a grin. “Besdies, I plan on finding McKay before then.”

                    He had missed it when he first walked in, but now John’s gaze was drawn to what Dr Brown must’ve been studying before he had interrupted her. At the centre of an orenge-red glow being emitted from an ooverhead lamp, was a large majestic flower, strong and deep in colour, a dark red or a burgundy maybe. Must’ve been part of a sample picked up when off world he guessed.

                    Wondering if it was important, an unusual curiosity got the better of John. “What is that? Can’t ever remember seeing anything quite like that back on Earth?”

                    Dr Brownstill thinking about the earlier conversation was distracted. “Sorry? Oh, that, Major Lorne and his team were on a ‘meet and greet’ mission a month or more ago, they heard stories from the local villagers about a plant with supposed medicinal benefits. They use it for pain relief and by all accounts, it puts our local anesthesia to shame. I went back to collect a range of samples for further study, there are whole meadows of the things, really was beautiful. And you are right, there is nothing qutie like it back on Earth, however there is a rose with some similarities, close in colour and the structure of the flower.”

                    “A cause for good and beautiful, huh? Hm”

                    She was lost in thought for a moment but then an idea came to her.

                    “Colonel, would you like to name it?”

                    “Me? Surely that is for you to do, since you discovered it, or the villagers on the planet, ?”

                    “I have come to think, that a botanist does not need flora in two galaxies bearing her name Colonel Sheppard, I insist.”

                    Stilla little taken aback, it seemed likemore responsibility than he thought he’d be encountering on a quiet day on Atlantis.

                    “I am not sure, got any suggestions.”

                    “Why not yourself in some way?”

                    He couldn’t hide his amusement at that prospect. “HA, no I couldn’t, I wouldn’t do that.”

                    “Something to do with the city, or your time here in Pegasus, or someone else other than yourself then?”

                    Dr Brown kept talking but John was miles away, or wherever exactly, Teyla was at that moment. ‘Beautiful and a casue for good’ I said. And Teyla most definetely is that, no argument. But naming a flower after her, even if it is all these things, how would she take that? How do you work that into a conversation? What would Doc here take from it? Saying that, a nice bunch of those, a walk along the mainland shore under the moonlight, I wonder…

                    “Colonel? Colonel Shepperd?”


                    “Someone else then perhaps?”

                    “No, well yes, someone else. i can’t name it after myself as I said, this isn’t McKay you’re talking to, and can you imagine a flower called John Shpperd anyway?It should be fitting, approriate.

                    Name it the, Teyla Rose.”

                    Dr Brown considered it and him for a long moment, and then smiled warmly.

                    “That is so very nice Colonel, I am sure Teyla will be happy you chose her to name it after.

                    Maybe one day, somebody will name something after me.”

                    “I think you had a lucky escape, would you have wanted the Lantean version of Free Willy named after you?

                    She looked at him, completely incredulous, he didn’t elaborate further nor tell her what Rodney had named the whale. Presently, his watch began beeping all of a sudden.


                    “Oh sh…, listen I’’ve got to go, if you see Rodney in the next hour or so, nudge him in my direction. I’ll be sparring with Teyla.”

                    “Of course” was all she managed before he turned on his heels and half walked half jogged off, in quite the rush.

                    Looking at the now Teyla Rose, she thought about the fact that he had named the flower after Teyla. And his ‘a cause for good and beautiful’ comment. It must be appropriate he said. She didn’t spend much if any of her spare time with John or Teyla, but instanes like this, and things she had heard, mostly from Rodney although he didn’t appear to see anything going on, did make her wonder.

                    A rather guilty looking Rodney McKay made a discrete entrance to the lab, bringing a swift end to her musing.

                    “Rodney! Colonel Shepperd was……”

                    “Was what? Was he here looking for me?”

                    “Yes, and he said he’d be in the gym sparring with Teyla till after twelve.”

                    “Good, thanks, I know not to go near there then.”

                    “Oh dear, can you not go and see him Rodney?”

                    “No, not yet. So, what are you doing, fancy an early lunch?”

                    “Maybe in a minute, I just need to finish this report on the Teyla Rose.”

                    “The what? What did you say? The Teyla Rose?”

                    “Yes, that’s right, I asked Colonel Shepperd if he wanted to name that flower, it’s the one with the unique anesthesic properties I told you about.”

                    “Yes of course, whatever, but he named it after Teyla you’re saying?”

                    “Well, he called it the Teyla Rose, yes.”

                    McKay thought back some months, so Shepperd, first a country, now a red-burgundy rose eh? Hmm, where is this leading, I should’ve given the rumours and what Ronon was hinting at more credence. And wait a minute, red and burgundy, symbolically, aren’t they…

                    “Love and beauty.”


                    Edited as of 22:22
                    Nick, loved the story. You are going to finish this right


                      Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                      Hey all.....guess what............I come bearing a gift...

                      Yes it's my 3rd J/T video that just got done..

                      I can't now remember who on this thread that recommended this song,,, and to tell the truth I didn't think I would make a video to it but I thought about it and came to think what I saw when hearing the song..what did it tell me about J/T ...well this is my view for the song... and I'm sure the one that suggested this song will notice who they are when they hear it

                      Anyway enough talk...and give a link instead....


                      John & Teyla #3 (Keep Holding on)



                      *Waves* Hi was me . When I first heard this song it so reminder me of our pair and I've yet to develope vidding talent. I love the scenes you used, you did a good job and justice to the music. Thanks so much for doing it.


                        Originally posted by Nick 0208 Ldn View Post

                        There were concerns you'd been half buried under the snow, CNN had an article talkinga bout all the havoc and danger the weather was causing.

                        Although after reading your LJ, it seems that you were playing the kind samaritan helping others in such a position, and not the other way round. Ultimately, good fortune all round then.

                        Thanks for the fic recs too, cheers.

                        LOL! It was pretty close, was just about half buried in snow.
                        Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                          Originally posted by Nick 0208 Ldn View Post
                          I think this will need a second part else it will seem incomplete but there we go. And i was imagining something a whole lot more elaborate than this, longer too. But if i'd waited for the perfect moment as far as that was concerned, i should still be waiting this time next year, part of me believes.

                          Freely admit i need to work on the descriptive side of things, and it's a bit random, simple even.

                          Anyway, i had a small amount of spare time and put this together. I've beta'd it myself, and for the sake of expediency, i'll leave it at that. Any major errors, tell me quick. lol

                          You getting the impression i'm setting the bar low here yet?


                          More Than Just a Name

                          Lt Colonel John Shepperd had a problem, and both the fault and solution of which, could be found in one person, Dr Rodney McKay. He and Dr Zelenka had taken apart one of the Jumpers for one reason or another, and gone walkabout. So John had been told, Mckay was in the Botany Lab, supposedly just talking with Dr Katie Brown, but also it probably seemed like a pretty good refuge, until that is, John tunred the next corner into the lab, and the poor doctor would have nowhere to go.

                          Well, that was the plan at any rate, for John could only see Dr Brown, no slacking Canadian scientist. Maybe she’ll know where he is. And there was no sign that she was covering for McKay when he entered the lab. Though there was surprise evident, this was likely dute to the fact that John didn’t pass by any of the labs that often.

                          “Colonel Shepperd…not often that we see you down here, is there anything I can do for you?”

                          “Yeah maybe, McKay been in here?”

                          “Rodney? No, should he have?”

                          “I was told I could find him here, him and Radek were doing some kind of repair job on one of the Jumpers but now I can’t find either of them, probably gone offto another job for all I know.”

                          “I’m hoping to meet Rodney for some lunch later, I’ll tell him you came by.”

                          “Nah, don’t’ do that, I don’t want to warn him.” John said with a grin. “Besdies, I plan on finding McKay before then.”

                          He had missed it when he first walked in, but now John’s gaze was drawn to what Dr Brown must’ve been studying before he had interrupted her. At the centre of an orenge-red glow being emitted from an ooverhead lamp, was a large majestic flower, strong and deep in colour, a dark red or a burgundy maybe. Must’ve been part of a sample picked up when off world he guessed.

                          Wondering if it was important, an unusual curiosity got the better of John. “What is that? Can’t ever remember seeing anything quite like that back on Earth?”

                          Dr Brownstill thinking about the earlier conversation was distracted. “Sorry? Oh, that, Major Lorne and his team were on a ‘meet and greet’ mission a month or more ago, they heard stories from the local villagers about a plant with supposed medicinal benefits. They use it for pain relief and by all accounts, it puts our local anesthesia to shame. I went back to collect a range of samples for further study, there are whole meadows of the things, really was beautiful. And you are right, there is nothing qutie like it back on Earth, however there is a rose with some similarities, close in colour and the structure of the flower.”

                          “A cause for good and beautiful, huh? Hm”

                          She was lost in thought for a moment but then an idea came to her.

                          “Colonel, would you like to name it?”

                          “Me? Surely that is for you to do, since you discovered it, or the villagers on the planet, ?”

                          “I have come to think, that a botanist does not need flora in two galaxies bearing her name Colonel Sheppard, I insist.”

                          Stilla little taken aback, it seemed likemore responsibility than he thought he’d be encountering on a quiet day on Atlantis.

                          “I am not sure, got any suggestions.”

                          “Why not yourself in some way?”

                          He couldn’t hide his amusement at that prospect. “HA, no I couldn’t, I wouldn’t do that.”

                          “Something to do with the city, or your time here in Pegasus, or someone else other than yourself then?”

                          Dr Brown kept talking but John was miles away, or wherever exactly, Teyla was at that moment. ‘Beautiful and a casue for good’ I said. And Teyla most definetely is that, no argument. But naming a flower after her, even if it is all these things, how would she take that? How do you work that into a conversation? What would Doc here take from it? Saying that, a nice bunch of those, a walk along the mainland shore under the moonlight, I wonder…

                          “Colonel? Colonel Shepperd?”


                          “Someone else then perhaps?”

                          “No, well yes, someone else. i can’t name it after myself as I said, this isn’t McKay you’re talking to, and can you imagine a flower called John Shpperd anyway?It should be fitting, approriate.

                          Name it the, Teyla Rose.”

                          Dr Brown considered it and him for a long moment, and then smiled warmly.

                          “That is so very nice Colonel, I am sure Teyla will be happy you chose her to name it after.

                          Maybe one day, somebody will name something after me.”

                          “I think you had a lucky escape, would you have wanted the Lantean version of Free Willy named after you?

                          She looked at him, completely incredulous, he didn’t elaborate further nor tell her what Rodney had named the whale. Presently, his watch began beeping all of a sudden.


                          “Oh sh…, listen I’’ve got to go, if you see Rodney in the next hour or so, nudge him in my direction. I’ll be sparring with Teyla.”

                          “Of course” was all she managed before he turned on his heels and half walked half jogged off, in quite the rush.

                          Looking at the now Teyla Rose, she thought about the fact that he had named the flower after Teyla. And his ‘a cause for good and beautiful’ comment. It must be appropriate he said. She didn’t spend much if any of her spare time with John or Teyla, but instanes like this, and things she had heard, mostly from Rodney although he didn’t appear to see anything going on, did make her wonder.

                          A rather guilty looking Rodney McKay made a discrete entrance to the lab, bringing a swift end to her musing.

                          “Rodney! Colonel Shepperd was……”

                          “Was what? Was he here looking for me?”

                          “Yes, and he said he’d be in the gym sparring with Teyla till after twelve.”

                          “Good, thanks, I know not to go near there then.”

                          “Oh dear, can you not go and see him Rodney?”

                          “No, not yet. So, what are you doing, fancy an early lunch?”

                          “Maybe in a minute, I just need to finish this report on the Teyla Rose.”

                          “The what? What did you say? The Teyla Rose?”

                          “Yes, that’s right, I asked Colonel Shepperd if he wanted to name that flower, it’s the one with the unique anesthesic properties I told you about.”

                          “Yes of course, whatever, but he named it after Teyla you’re saying?”

                          “Well, he called it the Teyla Rose, yes.”

                          McKay thought back some months, so Shepperd, first a country, now a red-burgundy rose eh? Hmm, where is this leading, I should’ve given the rumours and what Ronon was hinting at more credence. And wait a minute, red and burgundy, symbolically, aren’t they…

                          “Love and beauty.”


                          Edited as of 22:22

                          Oh Nick, I loved this!!! I laughed at the "country" comment, LOL! Very clever! I like to think he really did have a secret name for his country as well. And awww, loved how he used that name for the flower in this story as well! Very sweet and oh, so romantic. Now we just need another scene with Teyla finding out. LOL!
                          Thank you so much for sharing this!!!!
                          Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                            Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                            Hey all.....guess what............I come bearing a gift...

                            Yes it's my 3rd J/T video that just got done..

                            I can't now remember who on this thread that recommended this song,,, and to tell the truth I didn't think I would make a video to it but I thought about it and came to think what I saw when hearing the song..what did it tell me about J/T ...well this is my view for the song... and I'm sure the one that suggested this song will notice who they are when they hear it

                            Anyway enough talk...and give a link instead....


                            John & Teyla #3 (Keep Holding on)


                            Hey Nina! Finally got home from work so was able to watch your vid!!! And it is GORGEOUS!!!! Wonderful all the around!!! I love how you used the words of the song and the idea to "keep holding on" despite and through all the hard times they've been through. Beautifully done!!!! Cyn, great song suggestion too! Nina, just a wonderful vid!!!! Yours just keep getting better and better!!!! I cannot WAIT for your next one!!! Thank you so much for making this and sharing it!!! It just makes my heart melt to watch such lovely and emotional moments with our favorite pair!
                            Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                              I hope people are nominating for the 2007 Isis Awards!

                              It's an excellent opportunity to showcase John/Teyla fic by some of the best authors in our section of fandom, and we've got until the 22nd March to get nominations in.



                                Originally posted by Camy View Post
                                Oh, I just went to see if I could find in the stores and no luck....again....

                                you guys should have seen me......are you ready for this one...


                                Seller: Miss, *love him for that one* do you need any help looking for something..?

                                Miss: Um...yes, I"m looking for....Oh, what is the name of that show that my son likes? * puts her head down to think and scratches her head* Um..yes...Stargate..or something....

                                Seller: Yes, the TV show, right?

                                Miss: Yes, I think that's the one!

                                The seller shows the Misses and there is only Stargate SG-1 season 1 and 2...

                                *dissapointingly stares at the seller*

                                Miss: Do you have Stargate...oh, have season 1....

                                Seller: We can order anything that you like that is not in stock. After Xmas everything is pretty much sold...

                                Miss: Oh, well that is good to know. Thank you.

                                Misses leaves dissapointed!
                                Oh Camy, not again.

                                What you need to do, is go into the centre of town, and scream at the top of you voice, I'M A JT SHIPPER AND PROUD OF IT!! Keep saying it till you feel free and utterly alive. lol

                                Alternatively you could go with, I AM THE SHIPPIEST SHIPPER THAT EVER SHIPPED! You have the award afterall. Though best to steer clear of any alcohol before you try that one me thinks.

                                I got my Season 2 box set the other week, paid extra for next day delivery and everything. There was i thinking that ordering it in the mail, would ensure i got a copy in mint condition, which hasn't always happened int he shops. But no, i end up with a plastic sleeve that's dodgy in the extreme. You can only laugh really.

                                Happier shopping next time Camy.

                                Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                                Hey all.....guess what............I come bearing a gift...

                                Yes it's my 3rd J/T video that just got done..

                                I can't now remember who on this thread that recommended this song,,, and to tell the truth I didn't think I would make a video to it but I thought about it and came to think what I saw when hearing the song..what did it tell me about J/T ...well this is my view for the song... and I'm sure the one that suggested this song will notice who they are when they hear it

                                Anyway enough talk...and give a link instead....

                                BEWARE THOUGH IT HAS SPOILERS FOR SECOND HALF OF SEASON 3 !!

                                John & Teyla #3 (Keep Holding on)


                                Nina, this was fantastic, a real delight. Makes a hat trick for you JT wise and no better shall i see today, other than maybe Henrik Larsson tonight. You're in Sweden so i'm asuming you know who i'm on about here. lol

                                Some super editing, the message of the video too, perfectly epitomises .
                                Common Ground, The Return, The Ark, Sunday, all of it. Really well done. We'll never tire of seeing those.

                                And all credit to Cyn on the song choice, it so hit the mark, really liked it.

                                Thank you, thanks a lot for posting it.

                                Originally posted by seldear View Post
                                I hope people are nominating for the 2007 Isis Awards!

                                It's an excellent opportunity to showcase John/Teyla fic by some of the best authors in our section of fandom, and we've got until the 22nd March to get nominations in.

                                Oh yes i intend to, thankful for the days still left mind, not quite done deciding yet you see.

                                Also thanks to all who read that little fic of mine and said kind words, the cheque's on its way.

                                Just felt i needed to do something, and now it seems like i'll have to do a second part too. Not quite sure how i want it to all play out yet in terms of the details, but when i do i'll get on it.
                                Last edited by Nick 0208 Ldn; 07 March 2007, 07:56 AM.

