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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Tired_1 View Post
    Hey all I don't know if you remember me I was one of the people that joined the group after the episode Sunday then disappeared... well im back and I made video it still needs alot of work also its my first JT video but here it is anyway.

    well enjoy or try to
    Very well done - very nice J/T moments.

    Thanks for sharing.


      Originally posted by Camy View Post
      Oh, planet...I loved that! thanks for reminding me of that....I remember AthosianGirl came in here all bubbly and excited about those cards....and I went to the store and saw them..but didn't buy them....LOL

      I wish I had now!

      Bella, I just bought the magazine....WITCHY, I actually found it! LOL

      WARNING! THIS IS OT and it's a Camy moment rant! READ only if you want to be bored out of your mind!
      I was about to go and ask the guy to order it for me and there they were....lots of them too..and then when I went to awful that a grown woman like me would blush and fluster when checking this, what do I do..I go and get a photography book, cause I got a new camera and the only thing I really know how to do is point and shoot! LOL and then I got a book for my wee one......and then I got a Tai Chi book for the other wee one and then.....I got a book on, I"m thinking....okay this is will look like I"m buying this for the older kid....yeah, so the girl ringing me in takes all the other books, scans them and all..and then when it comes to the mag...what does she do...she lifts up the damn thing for exhibition....every 30 something and older person that is behind me...must have seen me twice blush...and then the kid on the other cashier comes over and my cashier asks him...did you get your copy already?


      I swear I"m not making this up! I don't know why this bothers me..not bother me....but here's a thirty something woman buying a TV show thing you know I"ll be buying a teen magazine!

      OH, GOSH! Is this like a stage in my life?This is so unlike me!
      I can’t relate to that exact situation, although close enough in its way. You think something through, and your best laid plans disappear before you can blink.

      I don’t think you have anything to worry about.

      I’ll tell you this though, it might make you laugh, it might not, but it sure was a bit embarrassing at the time.

      I was at this kind of Roman themed festival not all that long ago, picking up a free lunch by having all these little tasters, from a woman who was cooking meals from 2,000yr old recipes. At one point she was passing round some of the ingredients to show people. I couldn’t’ have been fully paying attention, for what I did and I can laugh at it now, was eat a black peppercorn the size of a small grape, I kid you not it was that big., been bought especially in India.

      It was as if I’d bitten into a hot coal or something, they were shocked I’d done it, the back of my throat was just shocked.

      You were supposed to smell the damn thing, not eat it.

      Oh everyone nearby thought it was quite hilarious, some absurd sense of pride made me turn down the drink they offered, with me trying to blag it, saying “oh I can’t taste anything at all”. I reckon the beetroot impression my face did told the lie that that was, even with the heat it was quite obvious I fear.

      After a few minutes I made a discrete exit in search of some refreshing, and all I could find, was a bottle of lemonade that had seemingly been roasting in the sun for hours.

      Sorry for the OT, thought someone else’s embarrassment might might be helpful.

      Originally posted by vaberella View Post
      Are you a Teyla fan? I'm sure most of you are, if you love this pairing. Well I just got some news and posted it at the Teylafen on LJ and I just posted some really great news on the Teyla thread.

      Here's a link: spoilers for S4
      *raises hand*

      Yes, and thanks, for the info.

      Hmm, a season long arc eh?

      Very interested to see what they’ve got planned, I do hope they don’t bungle their main attempt at exploring and developing Teyla’s character.

      I know after Submersion and the poem, we agreed that “dark Teyla” as long as it didn’t’ stray too far, would be a good idea. But at the same time, I can’t go back on what I said, in so far as it should only last a limited number of episodes.

      I know this is all speculation, not substantiated in any way or close but, I’d be more than a bit disappointed, annoyed, if it were used in some way to push Teyla aside at times so to speak, to allow for more screen time for AT.

      On a brighter note, and away from my concerns, more sparring you say? And hopefully with John, more often than not too. Well we’ve been lacking/missing that, kick ass, in every sense of the word.

      Let’s just hope the ptb have come to their senses, and this is it, Teyla’s big season, which should mean potential for much JT.

      Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
      Oh Camy, I buy everything online! I rarely actually go into a store anymore. I even order my groceries online and do all my banking online. Who has time to wait in line?! LOL!
      I’m with you on the online banking, DVDs, books, audio and the like, electronics e.t.c. However as for groceries, I’m one of those converts to organic food and local produce.

      I don’t mind the hustle and bustle so much, if it’s in an area I like, with a bit of culture, some other attractions, got some character to it. That way it’s not as bad, when you caught up in a mammoth shopping trip, to find that specific pair of shoes or whatever.
      Last edited by Nick 0208 Ldn; 01 March 2007, 12:22 AM.


        Originally posted by Devine27 View Post
        Hey folks! Sorry this took so long........I'll have to catch up with the thread later.

        Series: Stargate Atlantis
        Theme: None
        Characters: Main Cast/Paring John & Teyla
        Rating/Warning: PG-13/Language, sexual situations
        Summary: Teyla celebrates her birthday.

        Wine and Roses 1/3

        Teyla opened her eyes. She could feel something soft making its way up from the base of her spine to the nape of her neck. It brushed gently against her check before coming into view. She smiled. It was a red rose, a plant native to Lantea. Weeks ago, when John discovered a patch on the mainland, he’d explained their significance to his people. Teyla took the flower and sighed. She would never fully understand their ways, like using flowers to express emotion instead of simply telling someone how you felt, but she could appreciate the sentiment.
        “Happy Birthday.” John said before dropping a kiss on her shoulder.
        She turned to him, readily going into his arms and accepting the good morning kiss that awaited her.
        “Thank you.”
        He smiled down at Teyla. “How long will you be on the mainland today?”
        She paused, thinking over the many tasked that needed to be seen to.
        “I shall return by early afternoon. Why?”
        He shrugged his shoulders and then softly caressed her cheek.
        “Birthdays are for celebrating and I want to spend as much time with you today as I can.”
        Teyla’s eyes softened. A slow grin spread across her face as her hand slid down John’s side and underneath the covers.
        His eyebrows rose. “What are you doing?”
        Teyla pulled an innocent face. “You say that birthdays are for celebrating, yes?”
        John stilled and hissed a quick, “Yes.”
        Her hands continued to wander. “And you say that you would like to spend as much time together as possible, yes?”
        He rested his forehead against hers and groaned. “Um huh.”
        “Well,” Teyla arched her back and rubbed her breast against his chest, “I don’t have to leave for another hour and-.”
        She never finished. John captured her lips in a passionate kiss and used his body to pin her to the bed. Teyla gave herself over to the magic of his lips and hands. She smiled and moaned with pleasure. Maybe there was something to this celebrating after all.


        Teyla arrived back in Atlantis a lot later than she’d expected. Once Lt. Thompson parked the Jumper she stood and thanked him for transporting her to and from the mainland safely. Thompson blushed a handsome shade of pink.
        “It was my pleasure ma’am. ‘Sides, if anything happened to you the Colonel’d go ape **** and we’d all be in a world of trouble.”
        When the Lieutenant realized what he’d said, his face changed from pink to bright red. Teyla smothered her grin and placed a calming hand on his arm.
        “I understand and thank you.”
        Quickly collecting her things, she made her way out of the Jumper. Elizabeth found her laughing as she exited the Bay area doors.
        “Oh good, I caught you.”
        Teyla paused. “Is there something you needed?”
        Elizabeth shook her head. “No. I just wanted to let you know that John, Rodney, and Ronon are off world on a mission. It’s just a simple meet and greet through allies, they should be back shortly. I also wanted to tell you that the Daedalus has arrived early with new assignees and supplies.”
        Teyla glanced at Elizabeth. “And you came all this way just to tell me that?”
        Elizabeth grinned. “I needed a break and I thought a brisk walk would be nice.”
        Teyla returned her grin as they strolled down the corridor.
        “Will you be coming to the celebration this evening?”
        Elizabeth sighed. “Yes, once I get through that mountain of reports on my desk. I’ll probably stay just for an hour or two. Will you?”
        Teyla nodded as they reached their point of separation. “Yes, for a while.”
        Elizabeth turned left towards the dinning hall. “I’ll see you later then.”
        Teyla turned right, heading to her quarters. “Until then.”


        Teyla tried to ignore her feelings of disappointment. John couldn’t help being called away. She’d looked forward to spending what was left of the afternoon and evening with him, but it looked as if things would have to wait. Teyla entered her quarters and glanced at her bed. The large white box with a gigantic red ribbon caught her by surprise. She grinned with excitement and hurried across the room. First, she read the small note attached, it was a message from John:


        I’m sorry we weren’t able to spend the rest of the afternoon together, but I’ll be back as soon as I can. I didn’t want to leave without giving you your present first. Wear this tonight and think of me.

        Happy Birthday,

        Next, Teyla untied the ribbon and opened the box. She folded back the tissue paper to reveal a beautiful red dress and matching pumps. Her face lit up with joy. He remembered! It had been nearly three months ago that John had caught her eyeing an off the shoulder, sheath red dress from a Victoria’s Secret catalog that someone had abandoned in the TV lounge. At the time, John had teased her mercilessly about shopping around for new underwear and had proceeded to tell her what he thought would look nice and what wouldn’t, but he’d obviously taken note of the dress. Teyla laid it across the bed, running her hands over the soft material. She couldn’t wait to put it on. She stripped off her clothes and headed for the shower, wondering how she could ever thank John for such an amazing gift.
        Doesn't sound like a bad way to wakt up on your birthday.

        They say a picture can tell a thousand words, i think this one told and gave a hell of a lot more than that. This was great Devine, thank you.

        I don't think John'd be able to sneak roses to Atlantis, he'll need to find a florist in Pegasus, ha.

        Originally posted by Tired_1 View Post
        Hey all I don't know if you remember me I was one of the people that joined the group after the episode Sunday then disappeared... well im back and I made video it still needs alot of work also its my first JT video but here it is anyway.

        well enjoy or try to
        Oh i remember you, hello again. Welcome back, and you bring a JT parcel too.

        Just watched it.

        All the favourites on show. I thought was really very good, and your debut vid too, i look forward to the next one you do.

        Dont' keep us waiting too long mind . And stick around, enjoy the discussion.

        Thanks for posting it.
        Last edited by Nick 0208 Ldn; 02 March 2007, 11:28 PM.


          Season four is looking pretty exciting. I just hate having to wait so long to see it. I'm not a very patient person. LOL!!

          More focus on Teyla and hopefully more focus on John/Teyla - I found it very interesting that Teyla's interview was after Johns and I have a feeling that we will be getting even more John/Teyla moments in season four. All signs are pointing to John and Teyla being in a relationship and its being acknowledged more and more by the ptb.

          I'm looking forward to Teyla's arc and seeing how it effects her character and how John reacts to whatever is happening to her. All sounds like good stuff.

          J/T forever.


            Welcome to the 'Nicks' 2007!

            Best physical fight scene: Hot Zone, the obvious winner.

            Best disagreement/argument: Letters from Pegasus even though in The Gift they we're arguing about how much John cares for her health.

            Best longing glance: So many of them. The Return episodes got mentioned several times but I couldn’t tell whether you were all talking about the same scene or if the episode is just full of longing glances between our favourite couple.

            Best whump moment: John in Common Ground by a narrow margin. Sadly the moment can't be here to collect it's award as it's currently in hospital.

            Best infirmary scene: A tie between The Ark and Sunday. This moment also can't be here tonight as it's busy taking care of the Whump award winner.

            Best Angst moment: Sunday with a honourable mention for TLG.

            Best smile: More Return scenes confusion. Which ever episode had the reunion wins.

            Best comic moment: A clear winner. Fantastic Four discussion in First Strike

            Best J/T Scene: A photo finish indeed. The Cave scene in Rising just beats Sateda

            Best ambiguous answer about ship in an interview by the actors: Rachel is the definite winner. Her winning answer:
            “Q: "Might Sheppard be a potential love Interest for the ever-softening warrior?
            Rachel: I love all my cast mates and I love all of the characters. They're all great, they're all unique and that helps the show be as dynamic as it is. --Dec issue of Stargate Magazine.”

            Best acting moment (RL): Her scene with Jamus in The Ark

            Best acting moment (JF): Pretty much the whole of Common Ground

            Hottest moment (RL and JF): Conversion? Hot Zone? Conversion? Hot Zone? I tossed a coin, Conversion wins!

            Most co-ordinated costumes scene: Technically Sateda and their matching black costumes but because I like Camys answer so much I’m giving the award to Rising.
            “for me is see Teyla for the first time as she is and to see John as he is and what he stands for and where they are both from...that to me was powerful and attracted me to these's like two different worlds colliding and joining as one...but for John and Teyla it was more than that.....they must have been impressed by the fact that they were both from different galaxies and yet for me, they played it so much like a man and a woman fighting for survival and at the same time finding interest in each other on a more emotional and personal level...a connection that was instant for both of them...and so beautifullly displayed in their costumes as to just how different they are...physically, every way...and in their attire it was so evident....and yet, if you look at the pictures, you forget that, and you get pass that and you see a man so intune with this woman....AW..I love it!”

            Best screencap expression: Not a popular category but Gigajules' "Safe Sex" banner wins.

            Worst excuse to accidentally touch: Runner. Did he make it up or was Teyla just taking advantage of a golden opportunity?

            Shippest shipper that ever shipped: Nominees: Ronon Dex, Sgt Bates, Dr Hewston, Thalen, Phoebus.
            And the winner is Camy. Which begs the question; is she secretly one of the above masquerading as a fan? Is she really Ronon Dex?


              Originally posted by bella View Post

              Welcome to the 'Nicks' 2007!

              Most co-ordinated costumes scene: Technically Sateda and their matching black costumes but because I like Camys answer so much I’m giving the award to Rising.
              “for me is see Teyla for the first time as she is and to see John as he is and what he stands for and where they are both from...that to me was powerful and attracted me to these's like two different worlds colliding and joining as one...but for John and Teyla it was more than that.....they must have been impressed by the fact that they were both from different galaxies and yet for me, they played it so much like a man and a woman fighting for survival and at the same time finding interest in each other on a more emotional and personal level...a connection that was instant for both of them...and so beautifullly displayed in their costumes as to just how different they are...physically, every way...and in their attire it was so evident....and yet, if you look at the pictures, you forget that, and you get pass that and you see a man so intune with this woman....AW..I love it!”
              First, bella, thanks very much for overseeing it all, couting up the variousnominations e.t.c. A bit conusing it must've been here and there,it seems. Sorry if i added to that.

              I think it is great that you chsoe Camy's answer for the above category. I know when i read that for the first time, i just wished that i could've come up with somethig so incisive and original. Really did like it.

              So, Camy, you have to make a speech now you've won an award. You gonna go all Halle Berry or Gwyneth Paltrow on us?

              See you all at the after party, if only.


                thanks for posting the results bella love the line about where you said the award is in currently in hospital thought that was hilarious
                Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


                  SPEECH CAMY!!!

                  No crying allowed or mention of parents.


                    Originally posted by bella View Post

                    Welcome to the 'Nicks' 2007!

                    Best physical fight scene:
                    Hot Zone, the obvious winner.

                    Best disagreement/argument: Letters from Pegasus even though in The Gift they we're arguing about how much John cares for her health.

                    Best longing glance: So many of them. The Return episodes got mentioned several times but I couldn’t tell whether you were all talking about the same scene or if the episode is just full of longing glances between our favourite couple.

                    Best whump moment: John in Common Ground by a narrow margin. Sadly the moment can't be here to collect it's award as it's currently in hospital.

                    Best infirmary scene: A tie between The Ark and Sunday. This moment also can't be here tonight as it's busy taking care of the Whump award winner.

                    Best Angst moment: Sunday with a honourable mention for TLG.

                    Best smile: More Return scenes confusion. Which ever episode had the reunion wins.

                    Best comic moment: A clear winner. Fantastic Four discussion in First Strike

                    Best J/T Scene: A photo finish indeed. The Cave scene in Rising just beats Sateda

                    Best ambiguous answer about ship in an interview by the actors: Rachel is the definite winner. Her winning answer:
                    “Q: "Might Sheppard be a potential love Interest for the ever-softening warrior?
                    Rachel: I love all my cast mates and I love all of the characters. They're all great, they're all unique and that helps the show be as dynamic as it is. --Dec issue of Stargate Magazine.”

                    Best acting moment (RL): Her scene with Jamus in The Ark

                    Best acting moment (JF): Pretty much the whole of Common Ground

                    Hottest moment (RL and JF): Conversion? Hot Zone? Conversion? Hot Zone? I tossed a coin, Conversion wins!

                    Most co-ordinated costumes scene: Technically Sateda and their matching black costumes but because I like Camys answer so much I’m giving the award to Rising.
                    “for me is see Teyla for the first time as she is and to see John as he is and what he stands for and where they are both from...that to me was powerful and attracted me to these's like two different worlds colliding and joining as one...but for John and Teyla it was more than that.....they must have been impressed by the fact that they were both from different galaxies and yet for me, they played it so much like a man and a woman fighting for survival and at the same time finding interest in each other on a more emotional and personal level...a connection that was instant for both of them...and so beautifullly displayed in their costumes as to just how different they are...physically, every way...and in their attire it was so evident....and yet, if you look at the pictures, you forget that, and you get pass that and you see a man so intune with this woman....AW..I love it!”

                    Best screencap expression: Not a popular category but Gigajules' "Safe Sex" banner wins.

                    Worst excuse to accidentally touch: Runner. Did he make it up or was Teyla just taking advantage of a golden opportunity?

                    Shippest shipper that ever shipped: Nominees: Ronon Dex, Sgt Bates, Dr Hewston, Thalen, Phoebus.
                    And the winner is Camy. Which begs the question; is she secretly one of the above masquerading as a fan? Is she really Ronon Dex?
                    oh...i love the john and teyla at the top...cuteness...our own gold shep and teyla statue..

                    *applause* for the winners...

                    Think i'll go see the best whump in the infirmary...

                    R.I.P Wraithlord

                    Awesome sig by SciFan


                      Originally posted by Tired_1 View Post
                      Hey all I don't know if you remember me I was one of the people that joined the group after the episode Sunday then disappeared... well im back and I made video it still needs alot of work also its my first JT video but here it is anyway.


                      well enjoy or try to
                      Hi Tired, glad to see you here. Liked your vid you used clips from all seasons...that's was fun to watch. Thanks for sharing and have fun w/the discussions


                        Originally posted by bella View Post

                        Welcome to the 'Nicks' 2007!

                        Best physical fight scene: Hot Zone, the obvious winner.

                        Best disagreement/argument: Letters from Pegasus even though in The Gift they we're arguing about how much John cares for her health.

                        Best longing glance: So many of them. The Return episodes got mentioned several times but I couldn’t tell whether you were all talking about the same scene or if the episode is just full of longing glances between our favourite couple.

                        Best whump moment: John in Common Ground by a narrow margin. Sadly the moment can't be here to collect it's award as it's currently in hospital.

                        Best infirmary scene: A tie between The Ark and Sunday. This moment also can't be here tonight as it's busy taking care of the Whump award winner.

                        Best Angst moment: Sunday with a honourable mention for TLG.

                        Best smile: More Return scenes confusion. Which ever episode had the reunion wins.

                        Best comic moment: A clear winner. Fantastic Four discussion in First Strike

                        Best J/T Scene: A photo finish indeed. The Cave scene in Rising just beats Sateda

                        Best ambiguous answer about ship in an interview by the actors: Rachel is the definite winner. Her winning answer:
                        “Q: "Might Sheppard be a potential love Interest for the ever-softening warrior?
                        Rachel: I love all my cast mates and I love all of the characters. They're all great, they're all unique and that helps the show be as dynamic as it is. --Dec issue of Stargate Magazine.”

                        Best acting moment (RL): Her scene with Jamus in The Ark

                        Best acting moment (JF): Pretty much the whole of Common Ground

                        Hottest moment (RL and JF): Conversion? Hot Zone? Conversion? Hot Zone? I tossed a coin, Conversion wins!

                        Most co-ordinated costumes scene: Technically Sateda and their matching black costumes but because I like Camys answer so much I’m giving the award to Rising.
                        “for me is see Teyla for the first time as she is and to see John as he is and what he stands for and where they are both from...that to me was powerful and attracted me to these's like two different worlds colliding and joining as one...but for John and Teyla it was more than that.....they must have been impressed by the fact that they were both from different galaxies and yet for me, they played it so much like a man and a woman fighting for survival and at the same time finding interest in each other on a more emotional and personal level...a connection that was instant for both of them...and so beautifullly displayed in their costumes as to just how different they are...physically, every way...and in their attire it was so evident....and yet, if you look at the pictures, you forget that, and you get pass that and you see a man so intune with this woman....AW..I love it!”

                        Best screencap expression: Not a popular category but Gigajules' "Safe Sex" banner wins.

                        Worst excuse to accidentally touch: Runner. Did he make it up or was Teyla just taking advantage of a golden opportunity?

                        Shippest shipper that ever shipped: Nominees: Ronon Dex, Sgt Bates, Dr Hewston, Thalen, Phoebus.
                        And the winner is Camy. Which begs the question; is she secretly one of the above masquerading as a fan? Is she really Ronon Dex?
                        Bella, thanks so much for all the hard work you did w/this. Loving the statuette


                          Originally posted by bella View Post

                          Welcome to the 'Nicks' 2007!

                          Best physical fight scene: Hot Zone, the obvious winner.

                          Best disagreement/argument: Letters from Pegasus even though in The Gift they we're arguing about how much John cares for her health.

                          Best longing glance: So many of them. The Return episodes got mentioned several times but I couldn’t tell whether you were all talking about the same scene or if the episode is just full of longing glances between our favourite couple.

                          Best whump moment: John in Common Ground by a narrow margin. Sadly the moment can't be here to collect it's award as it's currently in hospital.

                          Best infirmary scene: A tie between The Ark and Sunday. This moment also can't be here tonight as it's busy taking care of the Whump award winner.

                          Best Angst moment: Sunday with a honourable mention for TLG.

                          Best smile: More Return scenes confusion. Which ever episode had the reunion wins.

                          Best comic moment: A clear winner. Fantastic Four discussion in First Strike

                          Best J/T Scene: A photo finish indeed. The Cave scene in Rising just beats Sateda

                          Best ambiguous answer about ship in an interview by the actors: Rachel is the definite winner. Her winning answer:
                          “Q: "Might Sheppard be a potential love Interest for the ever-softening warrior?
                          Rachel: I love all my cast mates and I love all of the characters. They're all great, they're all unique and that helps the show be as dynamic as it is. --Dec issue of Stargate Magazine.”

                          Best acting moment (RL): Her scene with Jamus in The Ark

                          Best acting moment (JF): Pretty much the whole of Common Ground

                          Hottest moment (RL and JF): Conversion? Hot Zone? Conversion? Hot Zone? I tossed a coin, Conversion wins!

                          Most co-ordinated costumes scene: Technically Sateda and their matching black costumes but because I like Camys answer so much I’m giving the award to Rising.
                          “for me is see Teyla for the first time as she is and to see John as he is and what he stands for and where they are both from...that to me was powerful and attracted me to these's like two different worlds colliding and joining as one...but for John and Teyla it was more than that.....they must have been impressed by the fact that they were both from different galaxies and yet for me, they played it so much like a man and a woman fighting for survival and at the same time finding interest in each other on a more emotional and personal level...a connection that was instant for both of them...and so beautifullly displayed in their costumes as to just how different they are...physically, every way...and in their attire it was so evident....and yet, if you look at the pictures, you forget that, and you get pass that and you see a man so intune with this woman....AW..I love it!”

                          Best screencap expression: Not a popular category but Gigajules' "Safe Sex" banner wins.

                          Worst excuse to accidentally touch: Runner. Did he make it up or was Teyla just taking advantage of a golden opportunity?

                          Shippest shipper that ever shipped: Nominees: Ronon Dex, Sgt Bates, Dr Hewston, Thalen, Phoebus.
                          And the winner is Camy. Which begs the question; is she secretly one of the above masquerading as a fan? Is she really Ronon Dex?

                          Love the J/T statue by the way.


                            Great!!! I love the statue.


                              Playin’ Catchup!

                              Camy & Steph: Hope you guys are feeling better!

                              Bluealien: Those wallies are beautiful.

                              Mrskeller & LauraT: Welcome to the JT ocean of love!

                              : Sqeed over the mag interview and drooled on the pictures. I need a copy of that mag! ( Loved the bit were Joe said he prefers to see a couple struggling to be together instead of just happy go lucky all the time, it’s kind of boring. (You know me, I love and good fight and the making up after!)

                              Varebella: Loved your comments on JT’s progression over the years; very on point and thanks for the season 4 spoilers.

                              Loveconquers: I already posted on your lj.

                              Camy: The wallie/sig is amazing! SGA Magazine: Accept your closet dorkiness!

                              JT and body odors: They’ed get over it. And mint leaves can come in handy while stuck offworld.

                              Concerns about Sam/Teyla swap in season 4: Majortrip posted this on her lj. This should ease your minds: Chicago Tribune

                              Tired_1: Having problems accessing video. Will try again later.

                              Thanks to everyone for the reviews on Wine and Roses.

                              JaJtforever: *places fingers in ears* Not listening! LOL!

                              Bella: Nnnooooo! I was going to post my answers today! *glares at copy of Wine and Roses* Stupid fic! *sighs* Well, at least a majority of my answers were already covered.


                                OMG! They shut down New Atlantis!

