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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    blue- Great wallpaper yet again

    HyperCaz- Great manip pic...thanks for sharing..

    Nick- Very nice 100 word telling of someone elses view on J/T...... I adore that little scene...the smiles from them both...ah yes they only had eyes for eachother...
    Sigs by Scifan


      Originally posted by expendable_crewman View Post
      What's with people putting smiles on my face today? LC, I left a note at fanfiction. For some reason, I keep thinking about summer tanned men with dark hair. (??) Maybe that's why I'm smiling ... Well done, hon.
      Awww, now you're putting a smile on my face! But yeah, given that I'm stuck in the dead of winter and in subzero temps, a summer tanned John sounded even more appealing. LOL! Thank you!!!

      Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


        Caz, great pic!

        Hi, all.

        Here's a challenge for you all: 100-500 words or an art pic or vid.

        JT snowbound--make us feel the cold, make us feel the snuggles to keep warm. The rest is up to you.



          Oh, my goodness...I've been gone for a little while..and look at all the goodies!

          Nick...I feel like you do....a wise girl.....with a gift in every how you worded that! and that little perspective from an Athosian's point of view...WOW! you need to "clean" this up and posted as a fic....this is really an ingenious idea! I don't think I"ve read anything quite like it! love it!

          and that Oscar's suggestion...MAGNIFICENT IDEA!

          Bella has her challenges for this thread for this month...but I will certainly incorporate that in the Galleria if you don't mind.....I've been working like a slave for two females in this thread...but I won't single them out....

          Stephie, and JTjaforever a.k.a. Cyn are really sweet girls...

          Hyp...Girl, those manips are AWESOME! Love it!

          BLUE, you are making me want to just stop and let you lead the Galleria! LOVE IT!

          Stephi, I finally got around to reading your fic...YOU SHOULD WRITE MORE OFTEN!

          Hey, I can bribe you now!

          Um..jeepers, did I forget anyone?

          DM..Lovely challenge..but I"m so busy right now...I had the challenge for Bella......but I don't know If I will be able to finish it....

          I hope I didn't forget anything....


            Cyn, 200!?

   are baby!

            LOOK AT ME! I just did 6,000 posts!

            *don't know I should cry or laugh about that*

            Here's a little gift....take it or give it away!
            Inspired by Stephies' favorite cap!



              Congrats Camy on 6000 posts....

              We don't have much life sometimes do we ...*lol*

              Love the banner... One of many favorite scenes between them... the sexual tension,,, the looks,,, just love it...
              Sigs by Scifan


                I won't mention, who....*cough* Steph- ie .... has had me working with that cap all week! and when I browsed through my caps....all I see is the gizzillion banners that I made with one of those pics....

                so, I had no choice but to take that pic again! LOL


                *you know I'm only kidding, *cough* Stephie*

                Ouchie, my head!


                  Originally posted by Nick 0208 Ldn View Post
                  Hey all, how's things

                  CHALLENGE: The extras point of view.
                  Pick any j/t scene from any ep and write 100 words on what a background character was thinking. Eg. Nurse, marine. Try and post a screen cap as well.

                  Whilst playing catc up, i thought i'd have a quick stab at this in my own way.


                  Two problems though, first it's a 107 words, whoops. And second is that, well the person is not immediately in view, i mean we know there are Athosians in the background but not exactly standing right out and named so to speak. Basically a bit of license needs to be afforded.

                  This is supposed to be from the perspective of an Athosian woman returning to the main settlement when the team arrives on New Athos.

                  I was surprised at the sound of raised voices, Teyla’s. She was smiling, there was happiness there, like I had not seen in all the time since our relocation. But why? Hm, the Atlanteans were back. Teyla called Sheppard’s name before any other; he was grinning and staring right at her. The two of them, seeming entranced, without pressures only joyful if for but a second, before the formalities and the burdens of life took hold once more. All these weeks Teyla had appeared content, but such pure emotion she had rarely shown. The spark for all this, not simply the return of a friend, I wonder…
                  Nick! You just don't know (but I'm going to tell you)! This is my favorite scene from Return1(remember the sig). That was wonderful! You should write more. I remember starting off with a little something and look at me now. Great job!

                  Originally posted by HyperCaz View Post
                  I know someone has probably already done a manip of this but eh. spoiler cut for bigness.

                  This is beautiful. How do you get so close to the outline without backgroud residue?

                  Originally posted by Nick 0208 Ldn View Post
                  *clears throat*

                  BRAVO! ENCORE!

                  Just loved how you wrote it, caught the atmosphere/mood just right. As someone said you can totally imagine it. A v good thing Camy asked you.

                  When you play catch up, you're like one of the three wise men, a gift always in hand.
                  *Blushes horribly* Thank you.

                  Originally posted by Nick 0208 Ldn View Post

                  Not fully clued in on what the calendar has in store for us in the coming weeks, although it is awards/Oscars season. Might've already been suggested or done for all i know while i was absent, but um, why not an Oscars type thing for all the JT moments in Season 3? We'd need to think up a few categories of course. A goer?
                  Oh, excellent idea! We could have best scenes for:

                  Best fight scene
                  Best disagreement/argument
                  Best comical discussion/expression
                  Best conveyance of pain or emotional distress
                  and.....uurr.... you know, stuff like that......


                    Originally posted by Camy View Post
                    Cyn, 200!?

           are baby!

                    LOOK AT ME! I just did 6,000 posts!

                    *don't know I should cry or laugh about that*

                    Here's a little gift....take it or give it away!
                    Inspired by Stephies' favorite cap!

                    That's beautiful Camy, as always! You sure you don't have a degree in design or art or something and aren't pulling our legs?

                    6,000 posts! Geez Louise that's a lot. CONGRATS!


                      Thanks Dee...Well, let's see...I do have practice with my house..I love designs and I get bored very easily...I love shopping....and I love spending...I always tell my husband he's the only thing that I have held on to for so long......cause I just love to change things....LOL

                      so, thanks..but you guys here and the ones that have come and gone have inspired me and put up with me and the stuff that I posted earlier on...LOL

            's my sorry attempt at Bella's Challenge.....I tried to make this 100 words..but the more I keep editing...the more I add on to, here it is....121 words...LOL

                      HEY, IF NICK COULD GET AWAY IT, moreso should I?

                      Here it is.....SORRY, wrong picture at first....EDITED


                      I close my eyes; ashamed, ostracize and abandonment accompany me on this wretched ground. Fury crawls through my raped skin. Anger burns my senses. A dream, a curse, a nightmare; I scream!

                      I close my eyes, again. I see her face. Is she my kindred-spirit or the thief who stabbed my heart? Her words, her beauty, I cannot erase from my dehumanized eyes. Plagued by her disease, haunted with her scent, chastised by her image; Vengeance is mine!

                      I close my eyes. I hear his footsteps echoing his heartbeats. He breathes her scent, hazily listens to her infected words, longing, yearning her senses in his. Like a thief, John Sheppard breached my dreams; watching, wanting, aching, deliriously safeguarding his cherished, Teyla.

                      okay...hope you like it!
                      Last edited by Jeyla4ever; 13 February 2007, 12:04 PM.


                        Originally posted by Camy View Post
                        Cyn, 200!?

               are baby!

                        LOOK AT ME! I just did 6,000 posts!

                        *don't know I should cry or laugh about that*

                        Here's a little gift....take it or give it away!
                        Inspired by Stephies' favorite cap!

                        Thanks Mommy - you're really sweet too .

                        Thanks so much for my gift. Not keep it, I think you took too much for that headache it's making you a bit loopy - LOL.

                        BIG CONGRATS ON 6,000 POST
                        You now qualify for a human host - you did know that right - LOL.

                        Hey, I've been playing w/my LJ since I got home(after going to Wally world) to do my little *thingy* we talked go or no brain cells most likely the later, so I'm calling it quits for a while and try after a nap.

                        I am going to try...*see next post..........*


                          Camy has been hounding me, *don't look at me in that tone of voice Miss C*, now where was I...right.

                          Anyway, she asked me politely to continue the saga of little JT the son of John and Teyla from my story Fear & Joy. Camy posted a manip by slodwick of John w/a baby and a story was born...get it, story - born -baby...never mind. We made a deal, we would tag team little JT's life.

                          So based on the artistic genuis of Ms. slodwick and Mama Camy I will now present...drum roll please:

                          Morning: Art by slodwick & Camy
                          Story inspired by said art



                          She laid back in the quiet of the early morning and watched as the light through the window danced across the sleeping figures. She would have never imagined her life to be so rich and filled with love as it was now.

                          Teyla smiled as little John Tagan snuggled up closer to her husband, and he instinctively wrapped an arm around him. Always the protector she mused. JT, John called him playfully. She had not seen the need for what the Lateans called a “nickname,” it was not common among her people, yet it had grown on her.

                          Teyla could not resist the urge to reach out, to touch what she now held so dear…this gift, her family. With the death of her Father and Charin she had felt alone, truly for the first time. It was not in the sense of being without those who cared or for whom she was fond, for after all she had her people, her friends on Atlantis…her team. But there had been something missing… a darkness that shrouded her soul. This feeling of lost was something that could only be cured by the love of someone that held her heart like no other. A love that would touch her, allow for one to see her as she truly was and yet love her unconditionally.

                          When John Sheppard left to go back to Earth, Teyla never imagined that loneliness to be so encompassing. It was only when he had returned had her heart lifted, and with it, the darkness. In his arms, the void had been filled. Now as the morning light played across the faces of the two people she loved more than life, Teyla said a prayer of thanks for the blessing of family.

                          John stirred, opening his eyes slowly. “Morning,” he said sleep still lacing his voice.

                          “Good morning,” Teyla whispered. “I’m sorry. I did not mean to wake you. You were both sleeping so peacefully.”

                          “It’s okay,” he reached over and ran a finger across her cheek. “I need to get up anyway.”

                          The baby buried his head deeper into John’s chest and let out a whimper. He looked down at his sleeping son.

                          “Well…maybe I can lay here for a few more minutes.”

                          Teyla smiled, eyes shiny because of the emotions she felt.

                          “Hey, you okay?” John asked slightly concerned. “If you wanted me to get up that badly all you had to do was asked, jeez,” he joked to lighten the mood.

                          Teyla smirked. “I am fine. I am just happy. Never did I imagine in a world plagued by the Wraith that I could experience such happiness.”

                          “Oh, it’s a woman thing.”

                          Teyla punched John in the arm. “OW”, he mouthed as she quirked an brow in amusement.

                          “If you want to know, I never thought I would ever know this kind of happiness either. Now my world is filled with it.” He ran a finger lightly across the dowry crown of little JT’s head. The baby wiggled under his touch, little arms stretching wide.

                          “Oh, oh, I think my little man is about ready for breakfast.” Bright hazel eyes opened slowly as if on clue. JT’s little head turned at the sound of his father’s voice.

                          “Hey, little man, good morning.” John continued running his finger lightly over the baby.

                          “Good morning, JT.” Teyla whispered, softly cradling a tiny hand in hers. JT diverted his attention toward his mother and as surely as if Teyla had called him to breakfast, the baby made known his desire to be fed.

                          “Well,” John said, handing his son to his mother. “I think I’ll let you take it from here.”

                          “Thank you very much,” Teyla smirked again, sitting up in the bed and bringing the baby to her breast. He latched on without hesitation. She smiled warmly at her son. Looking up, she noticed John watching them intently. As always, they spoke in a way that words could not express. He leaned over and kissed her gently on the lips.

                          “Mrs. Sheppard,” he whispered, “did I ever tell you how beautiful you are in the morning.”

                          Teyla gently brushed her hand against the stubble of his cheek. “Yes…everyday.”

                          Hope all enjoyed and thanks for letting me share. You're up Missy
                          Last edited by jtjaforever; 13 February 2007, 09:20 AM.


                            Congratulations of 6000 posts Camy


                              Originally posted by jtjaforever View Post
                              Camy has been hounding me, *don't look at me in that tone of voice Miss C*, now where was I...right.

                              Anyway, she asked me politely to continue the saga of little JT the son of John and Teyla from my story Fear & Joy. Camy posted a manip by slodwick of John w/a baby and a story was born...get it, story - born -baby...never mind. We made a deal, we would tag team little JT's life.

                              So based on the artistic genuis of Ms. slodwick and Mama Camy I will now present...drum roll please:

                              Morning: Art by slodwick & Camy
                              Story inspired by said art



                              She laid back in the quiet of the early morning and watched as the light through the window danced across the sleeping figures. She would have never imagined her life to be so rich and filled with love as it was now.

                              Teyla smiled as little John Tagan snuggled up closer to her husband, and he instinctively wrapped an arm around him. Always the protector she mused. JT, John called him playfully. She had not seen the need for what the Lateans called a “nickname,” it was not common among her people, yet it had grown on her.

                              Teyla could not resist the urge to reach out, to touch what she now held so dear…this gift, her family. With the death of her Father and Charin she had felt alone, truly for the first time. It was not in the sense of being without those who cared or for whom she was fond, for after all she had her people, her friends on Atlantis…her team. But there had been something missing… a darkness that shrouded her soul. This feeling of lost was something that could only be cured by the love of someone that held her heart like no other. A love that would touch her, allow for one to see her as she truly was and yet love her unconditionally.

                              When John Sheppard left to go back to Earth, Teyla never imagined that loneliness to be so encompassing. It was only when he had returned had her heart lifted, and with it, the darkness. In his arms, the void had been filled. Now as the morning light played across the faces of the two people she loved more than life, Teyla said a prayer of thanks for the blessing of family.

                              John stirred, opening his eyes slowly. “Morning,” he said sleep still lacing his voice.

                              “Good morning,” Teyla whispered. “I’m sorry. I did not mean to wake you. You were both sleeping so peacefully.”

                              “It’s okay,” he reached over and ran a finger across her cheek. “I need to get up anyway.”

                              The baby buried his head deeper into John’s chest and let out a whimper. He looked down at his sleeping son.

                              “Well…maybe I can lay here for a few more minutes.”

                              Teyla smiled, eyes shiny because of the emotions she felt.

                              “Hey, you okay?” John asked slightly concerned. “If you wanted me to get up that badly all you had to do was asked, jeez,” he joked to lighten the mood.

                              Teyla smirked. “I am fine. I am just happy. Never did I imagine in a world plagued by the Wraith that I could experience such happiness.”

                              “Oh, it’s a woman thing.”

                              Teyla punched John in the arm. “OW”, he mouthed as she quirked an brow in amusement.

                              “If you want to know, I never thought I would ever know this kind of happiness either. Now my world is filled with it.” He ran a finger lightly across the dowry crown of little JT’s head. The baby wiggled under his touch, little arms stretching wide.

                              “Oh, oh, I think my little man is about ready for breakfast.” Bright hazel eyes opened slowly as if on clue. JT’s little head turned at the sound of his father’s voice.

                              “Hey, little man, good morning.” John continued running his finger lightly over the baby.

                              “Good morning, JT.” Teyla whispered, softly cradling a tiny hand in hers. JT diverted his attention toward his mother and as surely as if Teyla had called him to breakfast, the baby made known his desire to be fed.

                              “Well,” John said, handing his son to his mother. “I think I’ll let you take it from here.”

                              “Thank you very much,” Teyla smirked again, sitting up in the bed and bringing the baby to her breast. He latched on without hesitation. She smiled warmly at her son. Looking up, she noticed John watching them intently. As always, they spoke in a way that words could not express. He leaned over and kissed her gently on the lips.

                              “Mrs. Sheppard,” he whispered, “did I ever tell you how beautiful you are in the morning.”

                              Teyla gently brushed her hand against the stubble of his cheek. “Yes…everyday.”

                              Hope all enjoyed and thanks for letting me share. You're up Missy

                              I LOVED IT
                              This was just such a sweet little story of a wonderful family... I can almost see Teyla infront of me when she sees the two most important people in her life laying there sleeping so peacefully beside her... such a cute and sweet moment in the morning... I just SO loved it...
                              And a great pic to go with the story...

                              Thanks so much for sharing this with us...
                              Sigs by Scifan


                                Camy & jtjaforever! OMG! You two just sent me on an emotional rollercoaster of J/T. 1st Camy with John protecting his Teyla and then jtjaforever with J/T and the baby and aww....

                                They were both beautiful. Keep up the excellent work!

