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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    love your video nina beatiful song and i love the way you captured some of the best moments of our favourite couple anyway im off to bed as im going to las vegas for my birthday on tuesday but ill be looking forward to comin back home to catch up on my favourite thread
    Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


      Originally posted by Nick 0208 Ldn View Post
      Oh, that's a shame, well if you want and it's alright with Nina, i might be able to sort something out.

      I've got access to some web space, could upload it for you and see if that works any better maybe.

      Let me know.
      Thanks for that Nick - I have had problems with this before but eventually it has worked for me. I'll give it until tomorrow and then try again - if no luck I'll let you know.

      Thanks again.


        Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
        love your video nina beatiful song and i love the way you captured some of the best moments of our favourite couple anyway im off to bed as im going to las vegas for my birthday on tuesday but ill be looking forward to comin back home to catch up on my favourite thread
        Thank you Donna...I'm glad you enjoyed it...

        The song is's one of the thing I feel is important to me to find...and I choose mostly favorite scenes...but hey I love all scenes with them together anyway so...I got rather a few to choose from *lol*

        Well have fun in Las Vegas...and Happy Birthday in advance...

        Thanks again...
        Sigs by Scifan


          Originally posted by NinaM View Post
          Sorry to hear it's giving you problems again....

          Try this on...hope this will help...

          Yay!! This worked.

          Bravo Nina !!

          That was awesome. Loved it The song was perfect and all clips just fitted so well. It summed up all the reasons why I love these two so much. Thanks for all your hard work.

          Thanks again Nick for your offer to help.


            Originally posted by bluealien View Post
            Yay!! This worked.

            Bravo Nina !!

            That was awesome. Loved it The song was perfect and all clips just fitted so well. It summed up all the reasons why I love these two so much. Thanks for all your hard work.

            Thanks again Nick for your offer to help.
            YAY I'm so glad it worked for you finally....

            I'm so glad that you loved it...

            Yeah you can feel he bond I guess....seeing those clips... and I love watching them together...

            Thanks again...
            Sigs by Scifan


              Originally posted by NinaM View Post
              Sorry to hear it's giving you problems again....

              Try this on...hope this will help...


              Wow, Nina...that was AWESOME! I LOVED IT! The music was so intense and eerie...but it fit perfectly the idea behind the caps and how much these two have been through and yet have found one another...I Loved the effects that you did with John thinking back and the scene from Sunday....everything was must do some more...It was so worth the wait...Thank you soo much for doing, many talented people here.....oh, I feel a group hug!



                Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                Hey you found it,,,didn't have to bug me for the link...

                I'm so glad you loved it... yeah to song is great..hard to work with as it's the lyrics... have a hard time with lyrics and Atlantis *lol* oh well.... glad it worked out ....

                Oh don't worry Roo more J/T videos will come,,,have 2 video ideas...and there will be more of you say yummy Shep vids...heheh... not letting him go that easily...

                Thanks again Roo....
                nope didnt have to bug you LOL told ya id find it!!!!

                And a big fat YAY to more J/T vids to come!!SQUEE!! hehe

                Look forward to the next one!!



                  Originally posted by Camy View Post
                  BELLISIMO! FANTASTICO!

                  Wow, Nina...that was AWESOME! I LOVED IT! The music was so intense and eerie...but it fit perfectly the idea behind the caps and how much these two have been through and yet have found one another...I Loved the effects that you did with John thinking back and the scene from Sunday....everything was must do some more...It was so worth the wait...Thank you soo much for doing, many talented people here.....oh, I feel a group hug!

                  Awwww Camy

                  Thank you so much for the lovely feedback... I'm so glad you loved it...

                  I knew I had to use that clip from Sunday..and I thought what better way then do an overlay since they played out at the same timeline in the show...

                  Oh there will be more J/T videos trust me...have 2 more atleast already lined up and chosen music to... only have to find the time...

                  Thanks again...
                  Sigs by Scifan


                    Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
                    nope didnt have to bug you LOL told ya id find it!!!!

                    And a big fat YAY to more J/T vids to come!!SQUEE!! hehe

                    Look forward to the next one!!
                    Glad you feel that way

                    Just have to find the time... as usual...hehe
                    Sigs by Scifan


                      Thank you Nina! I loved your new video, your hard work is appreciated!!
                      J/T forever!!!


                        Originally posted by mestes View Post
                        Thank you Nina! I loved your new video, your hard work is appreciated!!
                        J/T forever!!!
                        Thank you so much...

                        I'm glad that you enjoyed the video....

                        and I agree..J/T forever...

                        Thanks again
                        Sigs by Scifan


                          Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                          Well everyone...I guess it's time

                          Camy I promised you to do this a while back...and now it's finally done...

                          My very first John & Teyla video....

                          I'm not 100% happy about it... but I guess it's just as it's always been,,,I'm my own hardest critic.... oh well here goes... enjoy... (I hope)

                          John & Teyla #1 (Gravity Of Love)
                          Be aware of spoilers up until Sunday of season 3
                          Nina, I just wanted to say that I absolutely loved your video, great job!!!! I also loved the song, really looking forward to your next ones!!


                            Geez people, my eye are starting to cross! Looks as if everyone has jumped ship into an ocean of J/T love. Welcome! Just a few comments……

                            Obsessed 1 - Beautiful video. (Thanks for the S3 spoilage.)
                            Stargazr – Too cute. Bet they were both naughty…..
                            ??? – Who posted ‘Favored Son’? *tried to go back but can’t find it* Very funny. Jack and John experimenting? *shakes head and laughs*

                            Originally posted by Camy View Post
                            Devine's series has one scene where John and Teyla are secretly seeing each other and they just started out together unknowngst to the rest...and in one scene John explains to Teyla what courtship is like on Earth especially in his culture..and he mentions dating and figuring out if the couple likes each other....and one thing I love is what John says to Teyla...something in the nature as to "we are beyond that" John and Teyla are just seeing each other in the fic and yet, John is able to say that to Teyla...that's how I see these two....when and if they ever get together, I don't expect them to be all cutesy and loveydouby and trying to figure out whether they belong with each other or not...for me, the only thing stopping these two is to acknowledge their feelings for each other and then, the rest is just, with Sunday...I don't get that feeling.....
                            Wha?!? Oh, Alive. *goes back to review story because I can’t remember what I wrote (blushes horribly)*
                            Alive: Ch 3 Memories
                            “Have you ever been married?”
                            “No, why?”
                            “But you have courted many women? That is your way on Earth, is it not?
                            “Who in the world have you been talking to?”
                            Teyla laughed, “No one in particular, but I do hear things from other people. Have I misunderstood your ways?”
                            “Uh…no, but just because I’ve dated a few women in the past doesn’t mean that I take our relationship lightly.”
                            “That is good to know.”
                            John wrapped his arms around her and pulled her back against his chest. They stood on the balcony watching the sun set. He rested his chin on top of her head and sighed.
                            “John?” Teyla turned to look at his face.
                            “How many is a few?”
                            Dammit! She was like a dog on a bone.
                            “Teyla,” he looked out at the horizon, “On Earth things are less formal. Well, at least on the part of Earth that I’m from. Men and women meet on the street, in the store, at work, everywhere. And if one person likes another they make a date to spend time together, so that they can get to know each other better. Sometimes it lasts one night and sometimes it lasts a lifetime.” John met her eyes, “I’ve known you for nearly two years now. I would say that we are beyond the stage of dating and are more into the committed stage.”
                            Teyla tilted her head to the side and smiled at John through her lashes, “How many?”
                            John smirked, “Truthfully?”
                            “I don’t remember.”
                            John thought for a moment.
                            “Major Sheppard?”
                            He kissed her, “John.”
                            “Major Sheppard?”
                            He looked up to find Dr. Weir, Dr. McKay, Lt. Ford, and Sgt Litchfield, starring at him expectantly.
                            “Did you want to add anything?”
                            Dr. Weir smirked, “Then you’re all dismissed. Good luck on your mission tomorrow.”

                            Okay, now I’m with you. Oh, and Camy…..back away from the fics. Where have you been? *folds arms and pouts* Computer problems? Yeah, I know the feeling. Hope things get better soon.

                            Nibikko – Thanks for the video link. Very nice, cool affects.
                            NinaM – Can’t get to your video. Will try again later. Congrats on your 1st J/T……Tries second link….Nina! OMG! OMG! Loved it! *does happy dance* I’m going to watch it again just in case I missed something!....Saw it again, even better. Definitely a keeper! Awesome job!

                            Thoughts on:

                            John’s marriage:
                            It is obvious that John’s a very private person who would do anything for those close to him; his ‘family’. If he’s this way for his friends then I would expect him to go even further for his wife. It’s hard for me to believe he would easily commit to a relationship and just as easily walk away from it. Which makes me wonder: What if John’s wife left him due to his black mark? I know he told Ronon that he wasn’t good at marriage, but the fact that they were both kind of vague about the subject made me wonder. Thinking about their past relationships, or loves lost, obviously caused both pain. For one, love lost through death, for the other, the pain of rejection. Now, Shep doesn’t seem the type to casually say, “Yeah, she was a real B*tch”, but maybe she was. Maybe she was one of those horrible officer wives (the minority, not the majority) who rates her social status by her husband’s rank and career. Maybe she couldn’t deal with the black mark and possible loss of rank. Maybe she rejected him and he withdrew into himself.

                            John’s feelings for Teyla:
                            I believe that John sees a kindred spirit in Teyla. It’s obvious he admires and respects her as a leader, a teammate, a warrior, a woman and a friend. He’s curious about her and does what he does best to draw her near: offer to teach Earth customs. It’s an old trick; teach someone about yourself, but in turn learn a little about them. Ronon keeps the numbers friendly and less intimate; 3 instead of 2. John has always been attracted to Teyla, which has made it necessary for him to ‘unsex’ her or rather think of her as one of the guys. Conversion gave us a glimpse of his attraction for Teyla and TLG gave us a hint of the depth of his emotion for her. S3 has been a journey of self awareness for John: he’s realized where his home is, he’s acknowledged a love for his family, and now he’s realizing his feelings for Teyla go further than teammate/friendship. Unfortunately, I don’t think he realizes what she feels for him. He’s stated repeatedly that he ‘never sees it coming’ and I think it’s because he stopped looking after his divorce/last heartache. He flirts and jokes around with everyone to hide his true feelings. So when someone takes an interest in him he is genuinely surprised. *Which makes it so funny when Rodney thinks he was asking for it.*

                            Teyla’s feelings for John:
                            Can we say Hero Worship? Okay, first off Teyla is obviously attracted to John. His charm, as well as her curiosity about him and his people, guided her decision to help the expedition. Later, Teyla came to admire and respect John the leader, the teammate, the pilot, the man and the friend. Over time she has slowly pulled Sheppard out of his shell, getting to know him on a personal level through sparring sessions (learning through teaching in reverse) and private talks. Teyla’s feelings for John are not verbal, but yet (I feel) are very clear. She shows her friendship and love through support. She respects his command, trusts him enough to voice concerns with his choices, but ultimately supports his decisions, even when she strongly disagrees (Michael, Allies). I think the kiss in Conversion made Teyla realize how deep her feelings were for John. Unfortunately, she wasn’t ready to acknowledge them at that point. Later in TLG, nearly killing him brought all of the feelings she had been trying to avoid to the forefront. Towards the end of S2 and throughout S3 (near death and separation) we see Teyla coming to terms with her feelings for John and trying to decide what to do next.

                            Just a little something to chew on. That's all for now. Good convo, keep it going.


                              Re: ship and the show and our expectations

                              I'm sorry to have offended people with my statements about 'fan entitlement syndrome'.This was my attempt to head things off before they got to a point where we're saying that "John/Teyla must be canon or the show isn't worth watching!" Or "John and Teyla's relationship must develop or the show isn't worth watching!" Sure, it's a part of why we watch; for some of us, it's a big part - but if it's the all and everything of why a fan is watching Stargate Atlantis, then I think the fan in question is in trouble. Because these PTB don't do open ship.

                              Originally posted by Devine27 View Post
                              Geez people, my eye are starting to cross! Looks as if everyone has jumped ship into an ocean of J/T love. Welcome! Just a few comments……

                              Thoughts on:

                              John’s marriage:
                              It is obvious that John’s a very private person who would do anything for those close to him; his ‘family’. If he’s this way for his friends then I would expect him to go even further for his wife. It’s hard for me to believe he would easily commit to a relationship and just as easily walk away from it. Which makes me wonder: What if John’s wife left him due to his black mark? I know he told Ronon that he wasn’t good at marriage, but the fact that they were both kind of vague about the subject made me wonder. Thinking about their past relationships, or loves lost, obviously caused both pain. For one, love lost through death, for the other, the pain of rejection. Now, Shep doesn’t seem the type to casually say, “Yeah, she was a real B*tch”, but maybe she was. Maybe she was one of those horrible officer wives (the minority, not the majority) who rates her social status by her husband’s rank and career. Maybe she couldn’t deal with the black mark and possible loss of rank. Maybe she rejected him and he withdrew into himself.

                              John’s feelings for Teyla:
                              I believe that John sees a kindred spirit in Teyla. It’s obvious he admires and respects her as a leader, a teammate, a warrior, a woman and a friend. He’s curious about her and does what he does best to draw her near: offer to teach Earth customs. It’s an old trick; teach someone about yourself, but in turn learn a little about them. Ronon keeps the numbers friendly and less intimate; 3 instead of 2. John has always been attracted to Teyla, which has made it necessary for him to ‘unsex’ her or rather think of her as one of the guys. Conversion gave us a glimpse of his attraction for Teyla and TLG gave us a hint of the depth of his emotion for her. S3 has been a journey of self awareness for John: he’s realized where his home is, he’s acknowledged a love for his family, and now he’s realizing his feelings for Teyla go further than teammate/friendship. Unfortunately, I don’t think he realizes what she feels for him. He’s stated repeatedly that he ‘never sees it coming’ and I think it’s because he stopped looking after his divorce/last heartache. He flirts and jokes around with everyone to hide his true feelings. So when someone takes an interest in him he is genuinely surprised. *Which makes it so funny when Rodney thinks he was asking for it.*

                              Teyla’s feelings for John:
                              Can we say Hero Worship? Okay, first off Teyla is obviously attracted to John. His charm, as well as her curiosity about him and his people, guided her decision to help the expedition. Later, Teyla came to admire and respect John the leader, the teammate, the pilot, the man and the friend. Over time she has slowly pulled Sheppard out of his shell, getting to know him on a personal level through sparring sessions (learning through teaching in reverse) and private talks. Teyla’s feelings for John are not verbal, but yet (I feel) are very clear. She shows her friendship and love through support. She respects his command, trusts him enough to voice concerns with his choices, but ultimately supports his decisions, even when she strongly disagrees (Michael, Allies). I think the kiss in Conversion made Teyla realize how deep her feelings were for John. Unfortunately, she wasn’t ready to acknowledge them at that point. Later in TLG, nearly killing him brought all of the feelings she had been trying to avoid to the forefront. Towards the end of S2 and throughout S3 (near death and separation) we see Teyla coming to terms with her feelings for John and trying to decide what to do next.

                              Just a little something to chew on. That's all for now. Good convo, keep it going.
                              I'm kinda intrigued. My take on John and Teyla's feelings for each other are exactly the opposite: that John is more interested in Teyla than Teyla is in John - after all, he's the one who keeps making the moves, while Teyla's the one who keeps turning her back on him.

                              In Season One, John's the one reaching out to Teyla - spending time with her and her people (Hide And Seek), learning her stave-fighting technique (Hot Zone and The Gift), and valuing her need to rescue as much of her 'family' as possible in Letters From Pegasus. It's the basics of a relationship - learn what you can about someone else.

                              We don't know how much Teyla learns about John - but I imagine that she knows most of John's secrets, probably including that he was married once before. (Note: just because Ronon and the audience are learning that John was married before doesn't mean that the rest of Atlantis is ignorant of it - at the least, Elizabeth would know because it would be in John's personnel record.) Certainly, Teyla learns Earth protocols, Earth weapons, and Earth techniques, as well as how to manage both John and Rodney in crisis situations - particularly in Season Two.

                              During Season Two's Conversion, John's the one making the move on Teyla when the Iratus retrovirus is doing a number on his inhibitions, and he's the one whose feelings Thalen attempts to use in order to sway Teyla in The Long Goodbye.

                              By contrast, Teyla's the one interrupting John to 'think nothing of it' when he comes to apologise at the end of Conversion, and the one ignoring John entirely after Phoebus is taken out. She hands him over to Lorne with the instructions to hand him to Dr. Beckett cuffs and all and walks away.

                              John's the one watching the monitors every time we see Teyla and Michael interacting in Michael, and he's the one going after Teyla in Allies to make sure that she's okay with what they're doing.

                              It's John who takes the conversation into a personal zone in Sateda, and John who's uncomfortable with the intimacy of having to bind Teyla's hip (possibly having to run bandages around her inner thigh) in Phantoms.

                              And it's John who initiates the head-touch in The Return I: Teyla has a moment of surprise as he steps forwards, before she realises what he's about.

                              In addition to this, when they're saying goodbye, Teyla says "Farewell," loud enough to be heard by everyone on the gateroom floor. This is a public leavetaking for her. John's the one who whispers - whispers, mind - "Take care," to Teyla. Specifically to Teyla. Not to Teyla-and-Ronon; just to Teyla. To John, this is a private goodbye.

                              So, in spite of his denial in Sunday, I'd say John's very much interested in Teyla, while Teyla's a little more cagey about them. And he's not stupid - he'd be very well aware of it, particularly after Thalen. He's just been shot down, held at arm's length, or gently eased into the 'friends-only' slot often enough to know better than to show his cards yet another time.

                              My personal take on the matter is that Teyla is going to have to make at least one move towards John before John attempts anything more. At least. Which, IMO, is why they're going to sit in a holding pattern for a while - until Teyla decides she's ready to take a risk with her heart and give John the okay, John's going to settle for being friends.

                              Agreement? Disagreement? Debate? *g*




                                You have a strong arguement with excellent points to back it up. I may be able to enter the discussion later.


