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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by jtjaforever View Post

    Just read this and it was wonderful. Has a nice little surpise/bonus at the end so look for it. .

    Thanks for sharing this Cyn...Loved it!


      Cyn...your fic is awfully similar to my list of favorites...and like you I'm not going to rate them and I will try to include only the ones that I've read this year...I feel a bit uncomfortable doing it cause I"m afraid of missing one or please, bare in mind that I will probably forget something along the way.....

      This is more for me than for you guys....I guess I just have to get it off my shoulders....I am so easy to please, when it comes to pretty much everything except my own stuff....Just recently I read someone comment about fics in general and it struck me that first, I only read JT...I've never ever done anything like this before...meaning online stuff, fics, vids, etc...and I hopefully will remain this way since I already spend too much time doing this for SGA in the first place...but I guess what I"m trying to write is that I'm not picky when it comes to JT fics...the way I see it and in the simplest way...if you have a story and you developed it well, I'm not going to criticize on the style of writing, or your grammar or whether your characters are true to the ones on SGA or not....of coarse, there are better pieces of writing out there than others...but in all..I love and appreciate just about all of them....the fact that some are able to grasp the characters from the show is just an extra bonus piece for me as a reader....but there are so many stories out there that I read that I don't see the characters JT or that I see it in some parts and not others and yet I"m able to appreciate and really love the fic because I can see the John and Teyla and other characters through the eyes of the, as I choose these as my favorite or the ones that really stand out for me as of recently....I just wanted to let everyone know that the reasons why I chose these fics are because I like to see the bigger picture and not necessarily the finer details....but certainly those details and those qualities in a fic that are portrayed better than others is what makes some better than others in general....

      Phew!'s my copy cat!

      and like Cyn...these are not rated or in any particular order....

      1. Visions of the Future by Myyrr...

      Like Cyn...I Loved this story...what I loved the most about it is the actual idea....I loved it....If you haven't read it, is a must...I recommened it to someone and it's interesting because the style of the writing is in script form...again...not being a detailed person I never even realized it till she mentioned it....but I liked it and I think I even tried it when I wrote Short's very scripted style....but again....I loved the idea....very detailed and very well thought out....but most of of the few things lacking in JT fics...and in fanthom in general....good Teyla plots....she is the center of this a big way...and actually...all the main characters are portrayed beautifully and they all play a major, why can't the actual writers of SGA do this.....?


      I can't pick one...I like the entire series....Devine's Series is truly one of a kind..I don't think there is anything quite like it out's AMAZINGLY BRILLIANT and I have been reading it Cyn...I have this fic in printout form and whenever I feel like it, I read it from top to bottom for hours...or I can take a separate story at a time and enjoy it just the same...she develop this story and the relationship from the beginning in such a beautiful way....DANG IT! why can't the writers learn from you guys! it's a keeper! thanks Hon!

      Beauty...I read this recently...and it's really not something that I would rate as one of the top favorites cause I prefer long fics myself...but this really struck me and it's all because it's written from a different persective...Thalen's point of view..and it's truly short...but brilliant!

      4. Fear and Joy by JTforever
      I can't say enough about this fic...I can't believe that she even wrote it so quickly and for one of our's truly AMAZING! it is short and yet so summarized beautifully what John and Teyla have been through and then takes us to the future that I'd like to see in them....I loved it and my eyes watered as I read it...and I read it so many times and I still get chills up my spine...I can't believe that you only have 3 reviews there now that I see it, Cyn...that for me is one of your best pieces.....truly GORGEOUS!

      5. Ryan C. Charles series...I lied....there is another one out's called doorways fanfic...please forgive me, Expandable could I have forgotten...and I didn't...I never forget your fics....and that's why I can't choose one...well, actually...I can...and she knows which one it is too.....and it's the reason I know her....or him...LOL.....I mean...this is writing....AT IT"S BEST! I could never ever even come close to reaching this type of writing....but I"m glad we have someone like it here....she takes an idea and just blows your mind away and I love it that she makes our Sheppard melt for our Teyla with just one sentence....she has me engross in her, I can't choose's a series and they are all separate one from the other..but you see the growth and development...I haven't read her latest one....The Covenant....but I will....

      okay...I have to stop here cause I"m looking for these and typing at the same time and the timing here will log me out of the system and I"ll loose the entire, I will continue in another posting with my remaining fics for 2006...


        okay...continuing my favorites....I think I"m going to have more than 10 so I hope you guys don't mind...I told you this was difficult for me...I love all of them! Eight JTforever....when I read this...I was goodness..what an ingenious idea and what a wonderful short fic...again..I loooooove long fics...but this was so beautifully's imagery at its best! I got goosebumps just like Teyla did! The Night That Changed All Nytel....I feel so close to this fic...It's one of the first ones that I ever read in this fandom and one that I ended up helping her with....she got discouraged and through my emails not only did I developed a friendship but she let me inside her writings and I got to give her some feedback...but it's all her work..I just got first dibs! LOL....and eventhough she started it in 2005, she finished it in 2006...and it's another fic that I love!

        These are rated R or for ratings please! Happy Beginnings...Seldear...

        Sel has written extraordinary fics...I Love her fics...she's a fantastic writer...but this fic struck's actually an idea that I had a while ago...part of it anyways but she portrayed it beautifully....and it's different...not your ordinary idea for JT and so, I have to recommend this one as well...again...not too many reviews...and then you wonder how on earth are these guys going to get motivated to write more JT with little recommendations.. The Promise of Wedjatqi
        Anything that Wed writes is on top of my list...Anything....the girl is AMAZING! This fic really touched a nerve's beautiful, sensual and it makes your senses go did mine! and's innocence and purity is's not cheesy or's just perfect! WOW! Fractured...allisnow Like Cyn..I Loved this fic...again...a brilliant and different idea that was beautifully portrayed..... The Illman...this was written in 2005 but the sequel was written in 2006 and you need to read one to understand the other....again..brilliant idea! The Journey by Illman Time with Sheyla...this was written in 2004....but I LOVE IT....again...another one that I read over and over again...and a story that is very interesting.... Anger by Wedjetqi....again...anything by this writer is outstanding and this fic is no excpetion.... Tielan...again...anything that she writes in I"m sure I have a favorite..but I can't read all of hers right now to decide....

        more to come


          I can't believe this....this system just went haywire on me....AH!

          Okay...I had some more fics and now I can't remember which ones I had...but I know that I had Captain Ritters's fics up....

          I love his work....This one is one of my favorites and it's in three different fics....but it's three continuations....I almost killed him when I read the first one...

          Now this fic is also from Ritter and I Love the entire thing but my favorite chapter is 20....he had difficulty with this because it was from Teyla's POV and being a young man and looking into the eyes of a woman I can imagine it not been easy for I helped...and my...did he DELIVER! I love it....go and read the entire thing...but Chapter 20 holds a special placed for me....

 Together Forever CaptainRitter


            Camy - Thanks for the list of fics and links to them,,,,have to check them out to see if I've missed some J/T fics out there...some names I seems to notice and think I've read them before,,,but it never hurts to read them again I guess

            I love the talent that is out there...and I hope that 2007 will bring so much more...
            Sigs by Scifan


              Thanks for the links to the fics Camy! I never even knew existed so double thanks for that! lol

              Now, I've just been listening to my new Mae album and I have found a song that would be the perfect anthem for JT for Return Part 1
              while John was back on earth before he knew he'd be going back...

              It's called Awakening and I'll post the lyrics and a link to the song here because I dont know if I'll be able to do justice to this song as a vid (though that wont stop me from trying! ) and I really wanted you to all hear it, or at least read it.

              Anyway, the lyrics are;

              When I close my eyes to this paradox place
              I'll fly away, far away from here
              I'll get away and dream, dream of you

              When it's all said and done
              And the night has come
              I'll disappear, take flight on the wind of wishing you were here
              Fading light, like a star whose life has been gone for years

              And I'll fly, fly across the sky
              And I'll leave, I'll leave it all behind
              If you'll be here, here with me tonight
              I'll be fine, I'll be fine
              I'll be fine

              PM me if you want me to send you the song

              I think they'e perfect! What do you guys think?

              Last edited by Just_breathing; 07 January 2007, 04:46 AM.
              Someone notices you. Someone somewhere notices you the second you walk into a room. Find them. Because they’re waiting for you. Waiting for you to turn your head, say hello, and make their day the way you’ve made every single one of theirs. Find them.


                Originally posted by Just_breathing View Post
                Thanks for the links to the fics Camy! I never even knew existed so double thanks for that! lol

                Now, I've just been listening to my new Mae album and I have found a song that would be the perfect anthem for JT for Return Part 1
                while John was back on earth before he knew he'd be going back...

                It's called Awakening and I'll post the lyrics and a link to the song here because I dont know if I'll be able to do justice to this song as a vid (though that wont stop me from trying! ) and I really wanted you to all hear it, or at least read it.

                Anyway, the lyrics are;

                When I close my eyes to this paradox place
                I'll fly away, far away from here
                I'll get away and dream, dream of you

                When it's all said and done
                And the night has come
                I'll disappear, take flight on the wind of wishing you were here
                Fading light, like a star whose life has been gone for years

                And I'll fly, fly across the sky
                And I'll leave, I'll leave it all behind
                If you'll be here, here with me tonight
                I'll be fine, I'll be fine
                I'll be fine

                PM me if you want me to send you the song

                I think they'e perfect! What do you guys think?


                Could you send it to me JB....

                I may not be able to du it justice either,,,but it would be good to hear it first before I decide if I'm able to work with it...
                Sigs by Scifan


                  Glad you guys like the fics...I actually had to log off suddenly and I do have more....vids..I"m not sure that I would do justice, I"m going to have to look those up but certainly, I'll have my list sometime this week.....

                  Great idea, Cyn....

                  Also, JB I don't think I"ve heard that song...can you link us with an audio or something where I can find it and listen to it...I don't know how to make vids but I'd love to hear the song and see if it fits....although I do trust your judgement....

                  In addition, I have a vid request as well....I love the song from the Lonely Boys....oy, I think it's called More than Love....let me look it up...and I would love for someone to make that one into a JT....

                  Steph, Witchy, Ritter, Nina, JB...Ritter....anyone?


                    New Year Resolutions for 2007
                    10. Finish reading ‘War and Peace’.
                    9. Start reading a book of poems.
                    8. Practice for my sparring lessons.
                    7. Work on getting rid of my ‘Kirk’ reputation.
                    6. Make a point of spending more alone time with Teyla.
                    5. Try to be more open with Teyla about my past.
                    4. Ask Teyla on a date.
                    3. Really kiss Teyla.
                    2. Show Teyla how much she means to me.
                    1. Tell Teyla that I love her.

                    10. Accept that even without the Wraith, there are no guarantees in life.
                    9. Practice making Tuttleroot soup.
                    8. Try to visit the mainland more often.
                    7. Invite John to the mainland more often.
                    6. Teach John more about Athosian culture and history.
                    5. Tell John about my childhood.
                    4. Accept that my feelings for John go much farther than friendship.
                    3. Talk to John about our relationship.
                    2. Show John how much he means to me.
                    1. Tell John how much I love him.

                    SGA Favorite Fanfiction: I’ve read a lot of fics over the last year or so; some J/T, some not, some SGA, some not. Unfortunately, I can’t remember 1/3 of the authors or where the stories or located. I do have my favorite authors; Tielan, Expendable Crewman, Sansong, Camy, Captain Ritter, Nytel, …..oh shoot there are many more, but I can’t think of them right now. I agree with Camy about grammar and all that not playing a part (especially since my writing sucks), instead I focus on the uniqueness of the story, how the author expresses characters and situation, and whether I was touched by it.

                    Sorry, but the same thing goes for videos and artwork.


                      *jumps up and down* DEE! where have you been?

                      Dee, I need you to link me again to your site...I know that your vids are my favorite.....I Love the ones that you've made and I know those are definetly on my top list...

                      Okay...I found the song from the lonely boys...and I was right, it's titled more than, I"m willing to do a fic with this title if someone does the vid...I think it would fit perfectly too with the Return Part 1 scenes....


                      BTW..I am half way through with my JT icon challenge...I need 500 more JT icons..anyone?


                        Phew...I have two more fics that I"m looking for that I know I really enjoyed and I can't find them...but anyways...I found one of the three that I was looking for...

                        I hope Trippy doesn't mind that I"m posting this again here...she wrote this awhile back and only posted it in her thread and I think she did post it here...but was back in June of 2006. It's her first and from my understanding her only JT fic...but I think it's's short and sweet and very much in character and I had to share it with you guys cause it's on top of my list of favorite fics for 2006.




                          Originally posted by Devine27 View Post
                          New Year Resolutions for 2007
                          10. Finish reading ‘War and Peace’.
                          9. Start reading a book of poems.
                          8. Practice for my sparring lessons.
                          7. Work on getting rid of my ‘Kirk’ reputation.
                          6. Make a point of spending more alone time with Teyla.
                          5. Try to be more open with Teyla about my past.
                          4. Ask Teyla on a date.
                          3. Really kiss Teyla.
                          2. Show Teyla how much she means to me.
                          1. Tell Teyla that I love her.

                          10. Accept that even without the Wraith, there are no guarantees in life.
                          9. Practice making Tuttleroot soup.
                          8. Try to visit the mainland more often.
                          7. Invite John to the mainland more often.
                          6. Teach John more about Athosian culture and history.
                          5. Tell John about my childhood.
                          4. Accept that my feelings for John go much farther than friendship.
                          3. Talk to John about our relationship.
                          2. Show John how much he means to me.
                          1. Tell John how much I love him.

                          SGA Favorite Fanfiction: I’ve read a lot of fics over the last year or so; some J/T, some not, some SGA, some not. Unfortunately, I can’t remember 1/3 of the authors or where the stories or located. I do have my favorite authors; Tielan, Expendable Crewman, Sansong, Camy, Captain Ritter, Nytel, …..oh shoot there are many more, but I can’t think of them right now. I agree with Camy about grammar and all that not playing a part (especially since my writing sucks), instead I focus on the uniqueness of the story, how the author expresses characters and situation, and whether I was touched by it.

                          Sorry, but the same thing goes for videos and artwork.

                          I love all your choices - fantastic and I am in the same situation as you regarding fics. I have read so many and can't think of all the names and authors but all the authors you have listed are on my favourite list too.


                            Hey! I've been hiding out. I've reduced my SGA posting to Fridays and the weekend. My videos? I went ahead and posted them on Youtube. I'm thinking about redoing a couple, but here they are
                            DevineM27 .


                              Hey guys!
                              The link for the music file is here. Nina has been having a few problems downloading it but it worked alright for me so let me know if you have any problems with it.

                              I've been trying to start the vid for it myself, but as I go I get confused as to what clips I can use.. maybe it's not that great to make a vid to then.

                              Camy, I'll see what I can do for the vid and the icons.. I have a few things to do for Uni before I have time to sit and be creative but I should be able to get a few icons out soon... ish.

                              Someone notices you. Someone somewhere notices you the second you walk into a room. Find them. Because they’re waiting for you. Waiting for you to turn your head, say hello, and make their day the way you’ve made every single one of theirs. Find them.


                                COOL, JB....

                                Chapter 9 of What Dreams May Come is up....wooohooo! I"m going to read it but I thought I'd share...leave the girls lots of review..she's going to uni and won't write for awhile and this was her first one too.....

                                This is the last chapter and the next will be an epilogue!


