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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by bluealien View Post
    Yes I have also had some of these issues - Teyla has been through a lot and lost many people in her life but never reacted like this before - but sometimes I feel that maybe beneath all her calm exterior Teyla may have a boiling point and like in the incident with Bates - something could trigger it - loosing so many Athosians at once may have just sent her over the edge. The thing I did have a huge problem with is that I could not see her hitting John - I know she hit Bates - but then she was always at loggerheads with him and really had no respect for him. Hitting John is a whole different thing though and leaving without telling anyone is also not something I would expect from her. Though I do think the author has made it very believable that Teyla COULD act in this manner under circumstances and so far she has drawn me in.
    Oh, now there's an interesting thought! How much would it take for Teyla to reach her boiling point. We saw it once with Bates, so we know it's possible. I actually love that whole scene with Bates, so I would love to see something like that happen again. Not all the time of course, else she wouldn't be Teyla. But something that triggers such an emotional reaction. And of course John would be there to step right in.... LOL! But seriously, I love seeing more sides of a character, including their anger and pain. We don't get to see enough of this in Teyla.

    And in the story, I totally agree. I could never see Teyla hitting John, no matter how much he deserved it. She would hurt him more with her words or by walking away then by a physical blow I think.
    But oh yes, the author is doing a marvelous job over all. I've been drawn in as well! I love drama and angst in stories. I still need to review for her. Very bad of me!

    Happy Holidays to you too, Donna!!!!! Not sure if anyone else besides Camy is traveling, but if so, have a wonderful and safe trip! I'll be here through tomorrow afternoon myself, then I'll be traveling and will be back on Tues, so I'll be disappearing for a few days. But I'm sure I'll post a few more times between now and then yet.
    Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


      Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone!!
      Good to see you around again Ritter!! Looking forward to that fic!

      So, since it seems like everyone is reading this fic, I finally joined the crowd...

      Absolutely fantastic story! Lots of great action and suspense. I can't wait for the next update. Steph, I agree with you about Teyla and John. They both feel a bit out of character to me too.

      Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
      Hey BA! It's cool we're all reading this fic! I don't know if I can explain it very well, but I'll try. I think Teyla is the more obvious one. As others have said, she is too angry and has smashed in one too many faces for me to find it in character.
      That's the same feeling I got. She just seemed a bit too violent. She definitely has it in her to be that way, but like you said, she usually is more calm and level headed. I think the author mentioned something about Teyla always being good with words as the leader of the Athosians...which is right on. I see her being threatening this way, instead of using so much violence. Like when she pulled a knife on Ronon when they went on a trading mission. She didn't hurt him, but he definitely got the point.

      On the other hand, I can understand why she would be this angry in the situation.

      John is even harder to explain because for me, it's not all the time and it's more of a feeling than anything else. Much of the time, he feels in character to me, but somtimes his reactions or his words don't feel right. I'll try to think of a few examples.
      That's what I noticed too. Sometimes his words seem a bit off. I don't see John ever mocking Teyla like that. He would be angry with her for leaving without him, but I see him being more focused on going after her instead of dwelling on why she left.
      And on the planet...John and Ronon wouldn't ever be distracted like that. The only thing on their minds would be finding Teyla.

      And just another thing I noticed...Beckett is understanding of Teyla, but there is no way he would have let her leave the infirmary like that!

      I really love this story though! Teyla is so strong and I love that we see her as leader of the Athosians again. I liked how McKay was the one to tell her about the council. It's nice to see thoughtful McKay sometimes!
      Sig by Cazzblade


        Seems like most of us are reading that fic and it's great...

        So for anyone who might be dissapearing of here for a few days I just want to wish incase I don't see you .... a very...

        Sigs by Scifan


          Safe trip to all travelers during the holidays and good hunting to all last minute shoppers!

          I see you're all into a great fic, so I'll just post this link to my new one, The Covenant, and scoot over to check out the one you're discussing. Sounds interesting.

          My new one is (again) episode-length. It's JT as though John and Teyla were already together, the way I'd like to see them on the show.

          Happy Holidays!


            Originally posted by expendable_crewman View Post
            Safe trip to all travelers during the holidays and good hunting to all last minute shoppers!

            I see you're all into a great fic, so I'll just post this link to my new one, The Covenant, and scoot over to check out the one you're discussing. Sounds interesting.

            My new one is (again) episode-length. It's JT as though John and Teyla were already together, the way I'd like to see them on the show.

            Happy Holidays!
            Oh goodie,,,a new fic...will check it out little later...don't have the time right now...*lol* but I'll read it I promise J/T already together,,,sounds good to me and trust me I would like to see them like that too...
            Sigs by Scifan


              There are 89 fanfiction alerts for me in my inbox right now... and I'm sure I missed a bunch.. so I'll be doing lots of reading in the next few weeks. EC's fics are always good and dark and angsty.... so I recommend it to everyone.
              Join the Ori War Today.Join Now


                Originally posted by Cpt. Ritter View Post
                There are 89 fanfiction alerts for me in my inbox right now... and I'm sure I missed a bunch.. so I'll be doing lots of reading in the next few weeks. EC's fics are always good and dark and angsty.... so I recommend it to everyone.
                Wow 89 alerts...yes you will be busy

                Oh I'm sure the story is really great... I love it when it gets at times dark and angsty...but of course I like the fluff at times too
                Sigs by Scifan


                  If anyone has any free time over the holiday and want a good read.

                  Ryan C Charles has another John/Teyla fic up on - under John and Teyla. Its rated M but mainly for the dark theme. It probably one of my favourite from this author but its superb. Mainly John centric but wonderful Teyla moments as well. Its a long read by a very talented writer.

                  If you read it leave a review as a lot of time has gone into this fic.


                    Thanx much for the heads up BA…I just finished reading the last chapter of Trials of Faith and am dying for another great JT Fic to read.


                      Originally posted by expendable_crewman View Post
                      Safe trip to all travelers during the holidays and good hunting to all last minute shoppers!

                      I see you're all into a great fic, so I'll just post this link to my new one, The Covenant, and scoot over to check out the one you're discussing. Sounds interesting.

                      My new one is (again) episode-length. It's JT as though John and Teyla were already together, the way I'd like to see them on the show.

                      Happy Holidays!
                      Just missed your post - expendable_crewman - I've just finished reading it and its FANTASTIC!!! WOW. I had no idea it was written by you so I also gave a heads up for others to go and read it. Its beautiful and a wonderful story. Its my favourite of your stories.

                      I applaud your talent.

                      Maybe in your next fic ...
                      John and Teyla could share a kiss or maybe a little more.


                        Hello everyone, I'm new to the forum. I've been a guest here for over a year now but I finally decided to register. I've been a John/Teyla shipper since Rising and I don't see any other ships on the show, especially Shep/Weir.

                        So, just came to say hi and I wish everyone a...

                        Merry Christmas
                        The Replicators
                        We must Replicate


                          Welcome JTLover....
                          I hope you will have a great time here...and join in on our great discussions that we have here...

                          Whishing you too a MERRY CHRISTMAS
                          Sigs by Scifan


                            Originally posted by JTLover View Post
                            Hello everyone, I'm new to the forum. I've been a guest here for over a year now but I finally decided to register. I've been a John/Teyla shipper since Rising and I don't see any other ships on the show, especially Shep/Weir.

                            So, just came to say hi and I wish everyone a...

                            Merry Christmas

                            Welcome JTLover

                            Its always great to see a new John/Teyla fan - I don't see any other ships on the show either. J/T are the only couple for me.

                            Hope you enjoy yourself here - lots of lovely friendly people here.


                              hey again, sorry i disappeared after just delurking, thought i'd drop in quickly to wish everyone a good Christmas and such I love everyone's Christmas banners, wish i could make one, i can't think of anything to put it one :-/...ohwell, hope you enjoy the holidays!
                              Last edited by sweetoffee14; 23 December 2006, 04:54 PM.


                                Originally posted by sweetoffee14 View Post
                                hey again, sorry i disappeared after just delurking, thought i'd drop in quickly to wish everyone a good Christmas and such I love everyone's Christmas banners, wish i could make one, i can't think of anything to put it one :-/...ohwell, hope you enjoy the holidays!
                                I wish you a very Merry Christmas too sweetoffee and hope you delurk more often. There are some very talented people around here who do beautiful artwork and I'm sure would be happy to make you a banner once the christmas period is over.

