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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    I agree blue! Both John and Teyla see to be too very down to earth and like they wouldn't get overwhelmed with love. I think they would be more quiet about their relationship instead of wanting to flaunt it all over the place.


      Originally posted by bluealien View Post
      I can't see either of them callling each other darling or honey. lol.

      I don't think that it is too soon to start taking their relationship just a little further. We could have an incident where one of them narrowly escapes death which causes an admission of how worried they were about each other.

      It doesn't have to be huge or admitting undying love but something more than just the usual casual acceptance that we usaully get. They could gradually build up on this over time - to where we have a scene where John actually Kisses Teyla. Again its another step forward - it can be a very slow process where both of them are not really sure how to handle whats happening between them. The usual life threatening sci fi stuff can be going on with this taking up a minute or two of certain episode - but at least we are going somewhere. Continual subtext just becomes a bit boring over time and then I start to loose interest- though I am a long way from doing that just yet.

      I agree...I would love to see it grow more,,and be a way to start for that direction... I'm not saying it needs to be done within the next couple of episodes... I would like to see such a thing..that something might happen to either one of them to make them confess something,,, admit it,
      I mean something could very well have gone through John's head while he watched Teyla laying there in Echoes,,,.but he is strong and knows he have to focus because he knows there just have to be a solution within grasp..

      For me it's like that as well...if you drag it out way way to long,,for me it gets boring too...and I most likely will lose faith and if it then happens.. I might not react so much to it,,like maybe oh great they got together,,okay well fine... *lol* I wouldn't wanna see it drag out like into season 7 for example, (not like it most likely will go that far but just putting a random season number out there) and then in the last episode they finally admit it... then I think it would just put me off,,feeling cheated out on seeing something being between them in a solid fashion over some period of time atleast...
      However I'm no where close to losing intrest in this ship yet... and there is no way on earth or Pegasus I would change my ship preference either... I'm liking J/T way to much to pair them up with anyone else...
      Sigs by Scifan


        J/T are still very much on track and I am enjoying how their relationship is being handled at present.

        I'm looking foward to lots more John/Teyla interaction in season three and who knows what TPTB have in store for us with these two.


          Blue - All we can do it wait and see and hope ,,, but yes I'm hoping for more interaction between John & Teyla during the rest of the season and hopefully in season 4 as well.... don't want them to lose track of what has been so great so far this season...
          Sigs by Scifan


            Originally posted by NinaM View Post
            Blue - All we can do it wait and see and hope ,,, but yes I'm hoping for more interaction between John & Teyla during the rest of the season and hopefully in season 4 as well.... don't want them to lose track of what has been so great so far this season...

            I know its best to not really expect too much then you can't get disappointed and my faith in TPTB is pretty low at the moment.

            They go a step forward then a step back when it comes to relationships. Look at return part 1

            We had wonderful moments between John and Teyla and a great family feel for the entire team but then Return 2 had nothing and was pretty clinical IMO. I just wish they could be a bit more consistant. I don't want mushy but a follow up in the Return part 2 with the team expressing how great it was to be back in Atlantis would have been nice,and would only have taken a minute or two to show.


              Originally posted by bluealien View Post
              I know its best to not really expect too much then you can't get disappointed and my faith in TPTB is pretty low at the moment.

              They go a step forward then a step back when it comes to relationships. Look at return part 1

              We had wonderful moments between John and Teyla and a great family feel for the entire team but then Return 2 had nothing and was pretty clinical IMO. I just wish they could be a bit more consistant. I don't want mushy but a follow up in the Return part 2 with the team expressing how great it was to be back in Atlantis would have been nice,and would only have taken a minute or two to show.
              Yeah I know what you mean....
              Sigs by Scifan


                Wow, looks like I've been missing some excellent conversation. Wish I had time to skim back and catch up. Long, pitiful sigh.

                Anyway, I did catch the comment someone made (sorry I can't remember who) about the war being one of the main reasons there isn't romance. I don't really agree with that. To me, that makes romance MORE likely...and sex too. People don't always spar or run or watch funny movies to relieve stress. There's only so much of that one can do before it becomes mind-numbingly boring. Trust me. Just try being stationed in a little cut-off air base for a year. You've seen all the videos on base, read all the books, played all the games and seen every inch of "all there is to see." Been there, done that. In SGA-land, you add in the stress of a much higher than normal possibility of death and the incidence of "romance" in pretty much any definition of the word, might actually increase.

                All that's left to entertain you or relieve stress are the other people. Atlantis spent the first year totally cut off and the core group of people has been stuck in this Bubble Microcosim for years under tons of stress.

                To me, it's very realistic that most of those stuck in that situation would have at least short term romances with other people in the same situation. Situations like the characters are facing tends to make emotions and experiences more intense, more powerful--with the power to create lifelong enemies, friends, or loves. That's one aspect of the show that the writers aren't exploring--the effects of being stuck in such an encapsulated environment on the people. Sure, they have Heightmeyer, but just talking to her won't be enough for all of the people, particularly the recitent ones like John and Teyla.

                Did John and Teyla de-stress the old fashioned way? Probably not. But as a writer who's lived in that type of cut-off situation, I could write a plausible version of it with all the reasons why and with much of the emotional fallout. (I've read a fic version of this too, though not totally the way I see it.)

                Should John and Teyla be together? I don't know. I think they go better together than any of the other characters. But as a writer who loves to explore the "it'll never happen" type relationships, possibilities and as a multi-shipper, I can see nuances that I could use to justify many different ships. I just see a lot more of them for JT and I like JT mainly for the wonderful possibilities (that the writers are NOT exploring.)

                Do I think the writers will ever come straight out with a ship? Uh, no. And even if they did I don't think they're skilled enough at that stuff to do it justice.

                I tend to view the show in two ways simultaneously: RL (character, plot, writers, actors), and the Story Universe (as if all events were real life.)

                In RL view, I think they'll dance around attraction for years and maybe, maybe have some sort of mild acknowledgment either near/in the finale or in a TV movie or spin-off after the show ends.

                In the story view, I can make cases for friendship, attraction, sex, and babies, combined in one fic or not, and not necessarily in that order.

                I suppose, like the Doctor, I can see the whole of SGA-time, all that was, all that ever will be, and all that *could* be. ;-)

                Last edited by Doxymom; 30 November 2006, 02:41 PM.


                  right ive been following all of the discussions and all of you have and each and every one of us has diffrent ideas about jt now im going to have my say i agree with nearly everyone of you like everyone else i would like to eventually see john and teyla together but first i would like to see a bit more character development because if the writers just threw these two people to gether from the beginning then it would take the fun out of shipping anything and there would'nt be anything between them to lokk forward to at all it would just be a waste of a show and waste of some potentaly good story lines that these two could have like i sateda we go finally got a nice sweet scene that nearly every one of us has waited for and the writers finally delivered also another thing in that scene john didn't have to confide in teyla at all but he did and that shows what a strong connection he has with teyla as also it is shown in phantoms when he was suffering from the visions at the end when teyla asked did he manage to get his friend out and he replyed no he didnt have to reply to her but he did as it is the same with teyla she has also has a strong connection with him she seems to trust him more than some of the others on atlantis and ahe has maintanined this trust for the past 2 years so i think they should take their time building a relationship up between these 2 they should take a leaf out of the x files book look how long it took for mulder and scully to give each other physical con tact and thats what kept the show going and it remains intereresting for people to watch when they can sopmetimes have episodes where they generally show affection for one another and its a way to keep the fans interested and guessing what happns next
                  Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


                    DM...I like your thinking...LOL

                    I could write more on this..but I won't...LOL

                    here are some fic updates....

                    Chapter 10 is up...go leave her a review and she will update sooner....


                    This story is really's from Thalen's point of view from's wonderful...

                    There are more updates in the John and Teyla fic...I will see if I can get those in here later.....

                    EDITED: found it....just keep an eye on the ratings....



                      Anna, it's so good to see you here! I love your comments! How's baby doing? Hope all is well with baby and the move!

                      Camy, thanks so much for the fic recs!!! Nice to have something to read while I'm at work and don't feel like actually working...LOL!

                      Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                        Hey all,

                        Delurking to present fiction (as promised months ago). Also to thank our friends in Canada for the spoilers to the new eps.

                        As for JT getting together on the show, I think the writers see hand-holding as the ultimate display of affection (reminds me of an ex-beau I try to deny knowing). These are guys who repeatedly use the same names for recurring characters (Kate, Katie, Michael- the Wraith, Michael- Elizabeth's Sunday suitor). So I don't expect too much (have I mentioned I'm an optimist )

                        Anywho, on to the fic
                        This was written before Return 2 was shown; so I guess it's a tag.


                        (I tried to post this on the actual sga fic page on, but it didn't seem to work. In fact it confused me . If anyone has any other ideas as to somewhere better to stash it, I'm open to suggestions. it should be up at st fever too.)

                        slinking back into the shadows now



                          To me, it's very realistic that most of those stuck in that situation would have at least short term romances with other people in the same situation. Situations like the characters are facing tends to make emotions and experiences more intense, more powerful--with the power to create lifelong enemies, friends, or loves. That's one aspect of the show that the writers aren't exploring--the effects of being stuck in such an encapsulated environment on the people. Sure, they have Heightmeyer, but just talking to her won't be enough for all of the people, particularly the recitent ones like John and Teyla.
                          I agree that being stuck together on Atlantis would increase the possibities of relationships occuring. In moments of high stress people who wouldn't even normally pair up tend to come togther because they can at least find comfort and understanding and share their experiences.

                          The biggest problem with SGA is that is will not address the fallout or effect of what has happend to the characters. They will never go down that route because they are only interested in portraying them as heroes who save the day on a regular basis without it having any effect on them. How would anyone not be traumatised if they went through half of what John has gone through but the writers don't want to show us this because he can't be seen to be weak or anything less than heroic.

                          A relationship between characters could address this issue and give us an ideal opportunity to drop the hero image, and express real emotion as to how the events of the Pegasus galaxy have effected them. It doesn't have to be mushy and too emotional but an odd reference to the physcological effects of what has happened could make an interesting story, and give us more insight into these characters. It makes them more real and less cardboard cut out heros.

                          Did John and Teyla de-stress the old fashioned way? Probably not. But as a writer who's lived in that type of cut-off situation, I could write a plausible version of it with all the reasons why and with much of the emotional fallout. (I've read a fic version of this too, though not totally the way I see it.)
                          I can't ever see any hints on anyone de-stressing the old fashioned way. Shame. lol

                          Should John and Teyla be together? I don't know. I think they go better together than any of the other characters. But as a writer who loves to explore the "it'll never happen" type relationships, possibilities and as a multi-shipper, I can see nuances that I could use to justify many different ships. I just see a lot more of them for JT and I like JT mainly for the wonderful possibilities (that the writers are NOT exploring.)
                          I would love to see them together but as I mentioned before in a subtle and low key way. I havn't really got a lot of patience with all the "maybe it will never happen scenario". I have a short attention span and if things don't at least move forward in some way I will lose interest. I can't see the possibilities of any other pairing, maybe because the characters just don't interest me that way. The nearest would be Ronan/Teyla but I don't see a romantic vibe there at all just really good friends - and I love it like that. There are so many possibilites that have not been explored with J/T and its a shame because I think these two could be amazing together and it doesn't have to be in a shippy sense. Good friendship moments just have a conversation and maybe discussing how things have changed in their lives would be great - look how wonderful there scene was in Sateda. But again I don't expect many of these moments because once again the writers seem to think that it detracts from the cool, strong heroic personas that they are intent on portraying.

                          Do I think the writers will ever come straight out with a ship? Uh, no. And even if they did I don't think they're skilled enough at that stuff to do it justice.
                          Sadly I think you are correct - I highly doubt that any ship will ever manifest on the show and its a shame really because IMO it could be really flesh out the characters a lot more. Its equally a shame that a bunch of so called professional writers are not up to the task.

                          In RL view, I think they'll dance around attraction for years and maybe, maybe have some sort of mild acknowledgment either near/in the finale or in a TV movie or spin-off after the show ends.
                          Yep, unfortunately this is exactly what I see happening.


                            Originally posted by stargazr View Post
                            Hey all,

                            Delurking to present fiction (as promised months ago). Also to thank our friends in Canada for the spoilers to the new eps.

                            As for JT getting together on the show, I think the writers see hand-holding as the ultimate display of affection (reminds me of an ex-beau I try to deny knowing). These are guys who repeatedly use the same names for recurring characters (Kate, Katie, Michael- the Wraith, Michael- Elizabeth's Sunday suitor). So I don't expect too much (have I mentioned I'm an optimist )

                            Anywho, on to the fic
                            This was written before Return 2 was shown; so I guess it's a tag.


                            (I tried to post this on the actual sga fic page on, but it didn't seem to work. In fact it confused me . If anyone has any other ideas as to somewhere better to stash it, I'm open to suggestions. it should be up at st fever too.)

                            slinking back into the shadows now

                            OKay I've given you feedback on an mailing list where I saw this story the first time,,then on and so I'm going to say just a small thing here
                            I loved it... it's he kind of reunion that was so sweet and tender... and wouldn't kind seeing that happen *lol*
                            So a truly great story...thanks for sharing...
                            I'm glad you delurked... so welcome...
                            Sigs by Scifan


                              Originally posted by stargazr View Post
                              Hey all,
                              This was written before Return 2 was shown; so I guess it's a tag.


                              (I tried to post this on the actual sga fic page on, but it didn't seem to work. In fact it confused me . If anyone has any other ideas as to somewhere better to stash it, I'm open to suggestions. it should be up at st fever too.)

                              slinking back into the shadows now
                              stargazr that fic is amazing! I loved it! Perfect! I could just imagine them being like that.. bravo!

                              And now onto the question of whether I prefer JT with babies or what we have now... tough question.. I really really really want to see them together but, like alot of you have said, I dont want the whole show to suddenly become all about them. That would kill it.
                              No, I think a quiet relationship between them would be perfect! Low-key but we all know it's there if you know what I mean. Little moments like just being together on a balcony, sitting in one of their rooms, having dinner together, whatever.
                              I want the audience to know they're together, but I dont want what happened in Farscape. I mean, don't get me wrong, I loved Farscape and I think the whole John/Aeyron thing was handled perfectly, but SGA isn't like Farscape. It's a different situation... for one thing there are more people around in SGA.. more of an outside unfluence. There are more things going on in SGA and to forget about what we've seen for however long it takes for JT to get together so that the relationship gets more screen-time would be terrible to see.
                              No, I would much prefer a low-key thing that gives us plenty of SQUEEEEEE moments, but one that doesn't shove the relationship in our faces every five seconds.

                              But, like you said, I dont have that much faith in the writers...

                              Someone notices you. Someone somewhere notices you the second you walk into a room. Find them. Because they’re waiting for you. Waiting for you to turn your head, say hello, and make their day the way you’ve made every single one of theirs. Find them.


                                No I don't want a relationship in a show to be shoved in my face...just having the low-key,,random moments,,, and I think that can work... now they only have to figure out how to write it like that...

                                I'm trying to stay as positive as I can when it comes to the writers and such,,,so far season 3 has been great... it's the future I'm a little concerned about,,, but I'm hoping for the best and as John used to say,,, *Stay positive now*
                                Sigs by Scifan

