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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by bluealien View Post
    I love now that Teyla calls him John with such ease, while she seemed to be a bit uncomfortable with using his first name in seasons one and two..
    I do too, and think at how it all began back in Conversions.

    Originally posted by bluealien View Post
    Maybe she was trying to keep her distance and not let John get close, as she was aware from their very first encounter the effect he had on her. I think she has now found a balance between the two and not only does she see a military leader who will help her in the fight with the Wraith, but a close and trusted friend whom she cares deeply for.
    Although she has found a balance and i believe this applies to both her and John, leading relatively solitary lives as they did prior to Rising [oh they had a public persona but you get my point i hope], there remains an underlying fear to let the other know how much they have come to depend on them, personally, emotionally.

    Originally posted by bluealien View Post
    They have gotten to know each other better over the years and are both so at ease in each others company. They put their lives in each others hands and they can also just enjoy each others company when off duty..
    We, each of us, journey through life with a burden of sorts, a weight forever upon our shoulders; not all of us will find someone who we are willing to give it to, to hold, or be able to take from us all by themselves. They lacked it before, but John and Teyla have brought this to each other ever more so since that first time they met.

    Originally posted by Camy View Post
    Oh, guys...I"ve been so busy...I had my puppy spayed and's been hectic cause she wants to play with her adopted sister and she can't...and...Oh, it's been busy...
    I have a cat but i can imagine, dogs running between your legs, round your ankles, under furniture. More fun in that for them maybe.

    Originally posted by Camy View Post
    Well, I have to comment on this...cause I have this friend *winks* and we chat a lot on emails...and well...I hope she doesn't mind, but one thing that she wrote and it makes perfect sense...Now, I'm rephrasing her words..but
    if you go back..and I"m talking about their instant trust here...if you go back and see Rising...there is no doubt that there was a moments of wonder and excitement, a burst of energy that ran through their bodies the minute they met in the tent for the first time....and then you have Teyla and John see the level of respect for each other especially Teyla sees it from John....
    but you have to go back a bit...when Sumner, John and Teyla..and that other guy where in the tent for the second time...John told see ma'm we might need a place to stay for awhile...and Teyla replied...we have always believe that if we venture into the Ancient City it will awaken the Wraith....*or something like that* and then she said, but *we have not tested that in a long time...*again...rephrasing*


    First, and i think you've said in the past that you've already tried but still, your friend would be a valued contributor to this thread at the very least, they should become a member of the forum.

    Now that moving in thng made me smile, reminded me of some pages back
    where we were guessing at what if anything Teyla had handed to John at their farewell in Return P1, and someone said it was her new gate address, like giving him her number in the PG.

    Originally posted by Camy View Post
    Now...the next when they are in the this is crucial....

    we know now that John has been carrying a heavy burden....but we didn't know it then....

    most importantly, John learned that Teyla carried a heavier burden than anything that he was, isn't logical to say that not only did John finally found a beautiful, intelligent, warrior, leader on the other side of his galaxy but also, a woman who he wouldn't have to be afraid to break down on him when he wakes up sweating from his nightmares in the middle of the night?


    So, when Teyla admitted to John the kind of life that she lives...he unconsciously found his's a woman living a nightmare...and what he's going through is nothing compared to what she has endured....

    so, she completes him...she can live with him...she can accept and understand him like no other woman can....she can carry the burden with him and even for him..she can handle it....

    remember in the Gift how John says to Weir about Teyla...she's one of the strongest woman I've ever met....when did he see this...he wasn't talking about physical strength...he was referring to her emotional state...and he knew that she can deal with it...just like he knows that she can deal with him....

    AH.....these two are perfect for each other.....

    Can you picture John waking up in the middle of the night with Teyla laying next to him with her arms over his chest...

    telling him...snap out of it....Afghanistan is nothing compared to the Wraith sucking the life out of get back to sleep before I suck the life out of you!


    Quick question, how far along exactly is Canada with Season 3 these days? Thanks
    Last edited by Nick 0208 Ldn; 20 October 2006, 08:03 PM.


      planet tv, wow! I think I've only heard two or three of those songs. I'll have to look them all up. Thanks for the list! I started a song list on my LJ too but many of the songs are of the Return 1--she/he's gone type songs.



        Hi guys!

        Just finished another new video! This one was a request vid by Camy using the song Beyond the Night from Critical Mass. It was hard to make this one exciting" given the topic and slowness of the song, but hopefully it's got some emotion to it and isn't TOO boring! LOL!

        The idea for this one is that it's "Teyla's Song" and the text are her thoughts and the clips her memories of Charin and the Athosians while she is performing the ring ceremony. I tried to also make the flute represent Charin and the very heavy drums be John (the three clips he shows up in, LOL!),but I don't know how well that turned out. I was also trying to focus on the idea of their both starting new journeys, Charin with her death and Teyla with John and Atlantis. But I wanted to keep this one out of the city at the same time, so that was my challenge. I also didn't realize Charin is only in two episodes until making this one!

        It's called Teyla's Song and can be found here:

        I also saved a higher quality version if anyone wants it, so just let me know.

        Sorry I didn't get it done in time for Athos week, but better late than never I guess!

        Thank you!!!!!!
        Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


          Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
          Hi guys!

          Just finished another new video! This one was a request vid by Camy using the song Beyond the Night from Critical Mass. It was hard to make this one exciting" given the topic and slowness of the song, but hopefully it's got some emotion to it and isn't TOO boring! LOL!

          The idea for this one is that it's "Teyla's Song" and the text are her thoughts and the clips her memories of Charin and the Athosians while she is performing the ring ceremony. I tried to also make the flute represent Charin and the very heavy drums be John (the three clips he shows up in, LOL!),but I don't know how well that turned out. I was also trying to focus on the idea of their both starting new journeys, Charin with her death and Teyla with John and Atlantis. But I wanted to keep this one out of the city at the same time, so that was my challenge. I also didn't realize Charin is only in two episodes until making this one!

          It's called Teyla's Song and can be found here:

          I also saved a higher quality version if anyone wants it, so just let me know.

          Sorry I didn't get it done in time for Athos week, but better late than never I guess!

          Thank you!!!!!!
          Oh, thank you.

          Outstanding, the effort that must've gone into this, i salute you.

          The journey portrayed within, the scenes, they captured the mood and told the tale so well.

          I am going to be out all day today but i am glad that i was able to see this before i went. I have got "Beyond the Night" on my iPod, when i play it later, i will think of your vid. In fact, i am watching it for the third time now, ha.
          Again, thanks.

          Oh, the Fan Awards, the results, they'll be out later today won't they. Well, a potential nominee for 2007 me thinks.
          Last edited by Nick 0208 Ldn; 21 October 2006, 07:08 PM.



            I watched The Long Goodbye again yesterday, specifically the now famous scene where John/Thalen utters those words…”he cares for you more than you know”.

            Well it got me thinking about this slightly random and hypothetical question. How would things have played out if their roles had been reversed? John standing above Teyla, he still himself and being given such a decision by Phebus and not the other way around.

            How would he have dealt with it? Coped? What would he have said? What of Teyla too? Much different do you think?

            This might’ve been looked into before but I joined the forum or began reading it, but if not or you are willing, I thought it maybe something worth discussing. It has an “angst” aspect to it at least and that’s on message if you will.

            Anyway, must dash, enjoy your Sunday.


              Oh, great episode Nick...

              Ironically, I've been thinking about TLG myself....and this was probably mentioned here..but I"m a bit bare with me....

              but you have to wonder....yeah, it was Thalen speaking to Teyla..but how did Thalen know that those words would get to did he know what type of relationship John had with Teyla if it wasn't that somehow either John screamed to him...don't her the woman I Love...or if he somehow read through John's mind how much he cares for her...I can't help but wonder...could it have been that right before Thalen said those words....John confessed something and Thalen used it in his favor?

              I"m telling you...I don't care what anyone says....Thalen said those words because one way or another that was what John said or thought of ...or said even more...and Thalen picked it else would he have known that Teyla knew Sheppard and that this would be significant for her in deciding what to do...right?

              very telling.....very telling...he cares for her...more than she knows....


                Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
                Hi guys!

                Just finished another new video! This one was a request vid by Camy using the song Beyond the Night from Critical Mass. It was hard to make this one exciting" given the topic and slowness of the song, but hopefully it's got some emotion to it and isn't TOO boring! LOL!

                The idea for this one is that it's "Teyla's Song" and the text are her thoughts and the clips her memories of Charin and the Athosians while she is performing the ring ceremony. I tried to also make the flute represent Charin and the very heavy drums be John (the three clips he shows up in, LOL!),but I don't know how well that turned out. I was also trying to focus on the idea of their both starting new journeys, Charin with her death and Teyla with John and Atlantis. But I wanted to keep this one out of the city at the same time, so that was my challenge. I also didn't realize Charin is only in two episodes until making this one!

                It's called Teyla's Song and can be found here:


                I also saved a higher quality version if anyone wants it, so just let me know.

                Sorry I didn't get it done in time for Athos week, but better late than never I guess!

                Thank you!!!!!!

                THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH! I just think that song is so beautiful and I love how in the episode itself it was tied to the actions by John....even though he wasn't with's almost like if he was...and I Loved how you tied everything together...THANKS!


                  Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                  Its interesting that from their very first encounter they never really needed to use a lot of words. There was always an understanding between them that we have seen many times, and Sateda was the most obvious. Teyla understands John probably more than anyone he has ever met. This is why his emotional barriers seem to come down with ease when he is around her.

                  He doesn't have to waste time with meaningless banter because Teyla sees right through John. She knows him probably better than he knows himself. John has the same connection with Teyla. Why did he trust her the moment he set eyes on her. She hadn't done anything to earn his trust at this stage but yet he knew he trusted her.

                  They have gotten to know each other better over the years and are both so at ease in each others company. They put their lives in each others hands and they can also just enjoy each others company when off duty. I love now that Teyla calls him John with such ease, while she seemed to be a bit uncomfortable with using his first name in seasons one and two.

                  Maybe she was trying to keep her distance and not let John get close, as she was aware from their very first encounter the effect he had on her. I think she has now found a balance between the two and not only does she see a military leader who will help her in the fight with the Wraith, but a close and trusted friend whom she cares deeply for.

                  Oh, I love how you said this! Their silent communication is one of my favorite things about them, and you explained it so well! Thank you!!!

                  Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                    Originally posted by Nick 0208 Ldn View Post
                    Oh, thank you.

                    Outstanding, the effort that must've gone into this, i salute you.

                    The journey portrayed within, the scenes, they captured the mood and told the tale so well.

                    I am going to be out all day today but i am glad that i was able to see this before i went. I have got "Beyond the Night" on my iPod, when i play it later, i will think of your vid. In fact, i am watching it for the third time now, ha.
                    Again, thanks.

                    Oh, the Fan Awards, the results, they'll be out later today won't they. Well, a potential nominee for 2007 me thinks.
                    Wow, thank you so much!!! You've totally made my night! Thank you!!!

                    Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                      Originally posted by Camy View Post
                      Oh, great episode Nick...

                      Ironically, I've been thinking about TLG myself....and this was probably mentioned here..but I"m a bit bare with me....

                      but you have to wonder....yeah, it was Thalen speaking to Teyla..but how did Thalen know that those words would get to did he know what type of relationship John had with Teyla if it wasn't that somehow either John screamed to him...don't her the woman I Love...or if he somehow read through John's mind how much he cares for her...I can't help but wonder...could it have been that right before Thalen said those words....John confessed something and Thalen used it in his favor?

                      I"m telling you...I don't care what anyone says....Thalen said those words because one way or another that was what John said or thought of ...or said even more...and Thalen picked it else would he have known that Teyla knew Sheppard and that this would be significant for her in deciding what to do...right?

                      very telling.....very telling...he cares for her...more than she knows....

                      Oh, I totally agree! It's not logical that Thalen would throw that out there and hope for some effect. He most definitely knew what John was thinking. Thalen himself confirmed he could hear John's thoughts when he made the comment about hearing John screaming in anger in his mind. I forget the exact wording, but it confirms he knew what John was thinking, including his hidden thoughts and feelings about Teyla. He seized on them and tried to use them to his advantage.

                      LOVE that ep!!!!

                      Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                        Originally posted by Camy View Post

                        THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH! I just think that song is so beautiful and I love how in the episode itself it was tied to the actions by John....even though he wasn't with's almost like if he was...and I Loved how you tied everything together...THANKS!

                        My pleasure, Camy! Thank YOU so much for trusting me with your request! I'm so happy you liked it! I'm sorry I couldn't fit more John in there for you. I managed to squeeze him in a tiny bit at least, LOL!

                        Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                          Steph, what a powerful and evocative vid. Love Beyond the Night!



                            As always Steph - great job. I love the feel of this. We've been talking about Teyla and her roots and this was certainly the type of things I think we all would like to see on the show. Very emotional and touching.



                              Jtjaforever (and Camy), that is beautiful sig.

                              I've been busy and ill for the past fortnight but I'm catching up and hopefully the hiatus event should be back on schedule soon-ish.


                                Your video was beautiful Steph! Good job as always!! Thanks so much for sharing!!!

