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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Camy
    Did a simple wall..of the Return...I"m thinking of making it my background for my October Calendar...Hmmm..maybe not...

    Great WP camy love it nice job

    AG lovely WP great work as always

    Sheylafan87 your WP is amazing great job love how you added the flower.

    Return P1 episode was amazing loved it and the J/T moments were all amazing mostly the head touching scene squeeeeeee


      Originally posted by spirited Chihiro
      THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH!!!! i was dying to see these three scenes!!! i absolutely loved
      head touch, and the touching 'take care' which he says so that only she can hear it...very intimate;
      and the last scene!!! teyla's joy was palpable!!! the way she says john!!! gah...awesome!!

      will try and green you, but cause you are *The SHipper of the month* in my eyes, i think i have to spread it a bit more!
      awww thats so sweet to say. Im glad u like the clpis and alot of things will be added to the site and glad u like!!!!
      part of:
      Unique Bond fansite Graphics Com ShepMagan Icons

      wanna sig? pm me and ill make u one


        Originally posted by Skydiver
        Speaking as a POSTER, not as a mod, i gotta say the general air of intolerance amongst many atlantis fans is why i don't play in this part of the fandom.

        THere is the contributing fact that none of the characters are especially enticing and intriguing to me, but the overall attitude of so many atlantis fans is enough to keep me from the fandom

        I look and see how atlantis fans bicker amongst themselves, how they pick on other groups, how intolerant they are and i'm just not in the mood to deal with it.

        What i seem to see is, instead of being drawn together by a joint like, folks waste their energy trying to prove that their personal preferences are 'best' and 'right' and disrespect the likes of others
        Its a shame that this type of behavior occurs but I really think that it is just a minority of posters who do this and its sad that it leaves an atmosphere in the entire thread. Some take things too far and get too personally involved in their pairing and take it badly if they don't get what they expect.

        I don't usually pay any attention to this but after phantoms I was quite surprised at the nasty and petty behaviour. Most of the comments were disguised in a way that mod intervention could not be called for but the intention behind the post was not very pleasant. Its also really not fair to take this kind of thing to other threads. The episode thread is not for stating your shipper preference and this ocurred constantly after phantoms.

        But as I said it is really a minority and we shouldn't let it take away from the fun that most posters get from posting in these threads.

        I'm sorry you don't find the characters all that intriguing or enticing - I find nearly all of them VERY enticing and intriguing .

        I was wondering if you have posted your comments in the other shipper threads as it would be good for eveyone to hear your view of these threads.


          Originally posted by Skydiver
          Speaking as a POSTER, not as a mod, i gotta say the general air of intolerance amongst many atlantis fans is why i don't play in this part of the fandom.

          THere is the contributing fact that none of the characters are especially enticing and intriguing to me, but the overall attitude of so many atlantis fans is enough to keep me from the fandom

          I look and see how atlantis fans bicker amongst themselves, how they pick on other groups, how intolerant they are and i'm just not in the mood to deal with it.

          What i seem to see is, instead of being drawn together by a joint like, folks waste their energy trying to prove that their personal preferences are 'best' and 'right' and disrespect the likes of others

          I've been monitoring this thread for two days waiting for things to calm down and, yeah, waiting for the calmer voices of the majority of creative, respectful contributors to the thread to win over the rest, and then I read this.

          "... intolerance among many Atlantis fans ..."

          "... the overall attitude of so many Atlantis fans ..."

          "... how Atlantis fans bicker ..."

          A mod wrote this.

          My face keeps going from red to white ...

          ... and I know there's a few contributors to this thread ... I'm not going to claim to speak for or about the hundreds of Atlantis fans online or the millions of Atlantis fans who watch weekly ...

          ... but I'm going to guess there's a handful of contributors to this thread who may feel more than a little bruised right now ...

          I'm referring to contributors who (a) have been waiting for peace and staying out of the fray or (b) have been actively calling for better behavior because they feel that they are stakeholders on GW or they are just nice, caring people who deserve to be acknowledged if a comment about behavior is going to be put out there, and (c) contributors who are (a) and (b) who have realized that just because a person pays a cable or phone bill on time and can manage a forum login doesn't mean that person has the right to speak for the many ...

          A problem with forums / boards & any -- ANY --fandom in general is Opinions.

          The beauty of forums / boards & EVERY fandom anywhere is Opinions.

          Forums are recreation.

          A cut at the knees is pain.

          They don't mix.


            Originally posted by bluealien
            I don't usually pay any attention to this but after phantoms I was quite surprised at the nasty and petty behaviour. Most of the comments were disguised in a way that mod intervention could not be called for but the intention behind the post was not very pleasant. Its also really not fair to take this kind of thing to other threads. The episode thread is not for stating your shipper preference and this ocurred constantly after phantoms.
            Shipper preference might be a valid point to mention in the episode thread if the episode itself pertained to the development of an intimate relationship between two characters, or if one is explaining one's point of view.

            eg. for Phantoms:
            As a fan of Teyla and a John/Teyla shipper, I was really delighted by the use of Teyla's wraith gene, her control of the situation, and the way John's subconscious didn't tag her as an enemy, the way it did with both Rodney and Ronon.

            I always like John and Teyla working together as team-mates - not necessarily shippy at all - another reason that Sateda is up there among my favourite episodes. And, like in Sateda, John reveals more of his past and his mental/emotional state in Teyla's presence than has been shown with any other character on the show. Even if the situation in Phantoms was an unconscious revelation, perhaps on some level, his mind is aware that he can trust Teyla - wants to trust Teyla - and so tagged her as a friendly instead of an enemy?

            Or, for The Return:
            There were some very strong relationship dynamics in this ep. As a team-fan, I loved them all. John/Teyla, John/Rodney, John/Elizabeth, Teyla/Ronon, Rodney/Elizabeth, Carson/Elizabeth, Rodney/Carson...the list just keeps going!

            As a John/Teyla fan, I found John's initiation of the Athosian greeting/farewell gesture very telling - plus his private "Take care," to Teyla. So cute.


            On the other hand, I'd like to smack the Ancients for being arrogant idiots and thinking they could deal with everything by sending it away.

            ...and so on.

            I think it's unreasonable to expect people to leave their leanings at the door - that's not the way we work. But I see no reason to flood the episode discussion section with SQUEE, either. Or snide comments, if it comes to that.

            Isn't this thread (and other ship-related threads) specifically created for SQUEE about an interaction or pairing?



              There's been a few posts about "people who don't want to see John and Teyla as a couple should go away", and various notices from people that they're unsubbing from this thread because of that attitude.

              As an alternative place to play, I offer the John/Teyla LiveJournal Community.

              The community is for people who might like the varying dynamics between them: for fans who like them as team-mates, for fans who like to see them as friends, as well as for fans who like to see them in a romantic relationship.

              As the creator of the community says: "I wanted to start a place for John and Teyla that was also a little more open, a little more inclusive and geared towards discussion and even debate!

              Right now there's a discussion post on The Return and a post with John/Teyla screencaps from the episode. We also run regular icon-making competitions, and there's presently a het porn challenge running!

              So, if you're into LiveJournal, then I invite you to come along and start posting at the John/Teyla LiveJournal Community.

              Look forward to seeing you there!



                Camy, very dreamy wp! Pretty!

                Sheylafan, beautiful wp! I love how you used their before expressions to frame the headtouch.

                Sel, thanks! The J_T Lj is fun. And they have something fun planned for the Hiatus Event too. :-) Hopefully, everyone will join in.

                Have a happy and lighthearted weekend, everyone. I have to pop in to Octoberfest today because I promised a friend. No, I won't partake.

                Hey, you know what would be a fun fic challenge? Octoberfest on Atlantis! LOL. Can you see John teaching Teyla the Chicken Dance? LOL.

                T: "And you are certain a chicken would really do this thing?"
                J: "Ye-ah. Sure." Big cheesy grin.



                  Originally posted by seldear
                  There's been a few posts about "people who don't want to see John and Teyla as a couple should go away", and various notices from people that they're unsubbing from this thread because of that attitude.

                  As an alternative place to play, I offer the John/Teyla LiveJournal Community.

                  The community is for people who might like the varying dynamics between them: for fans who like them as team-mates, for fans who like to see them as friends, as well as for fans who like to see them in a romantic relationship.

                  As the creator of the community says: "I wanted to start a place for John and Teyla that was also a little more open, a little more inclusive and geared towards discussion and even debate!

                  Right now there's a discussion post on The Return and a post with John/Teyla screencaps from the episode. We also run regular icon-making competitions, and there's presently a het porn challenge running!

                  So, if you're into LiveJournal, then I invite you to come along and start posting at the John/Teyla LiveJournal Community.

                  Look forward to seeing you there!


                  I might check it out sometime thanks for the link Sel by the way great caps loved them all mostly the J/T caps they were amazing .


                    Good Afternoon. Today is the first day of the J/T hiatus party!

                    READY FOR HIATUS?
                    This is the week to find out what's happening.

                    Camy has already posted the masterlist so you can see what's ahead.

                    We're looking for volunteers to put together a list of J/T trivia questions for Xmas/New Year. Please Pm me if you're interested.

                    We're open to suggestions. If there is anything you'd like to see included in the challenges and games, from the silly to the serious to the surreal, let us know.

                    There will also be some fic/vid/artwork sign ups soon.

                    CHALLENGE: First and Favourite.
                    Post the first piece of J/T fic/artwork/vid you made along side your favourite piece of J/T fic/artwork/vid you've made.

                    GW has several of them HERE. The ones to bear in mind are:
                    - GW is a PG rated board. There are posters here between 13-18. Please keep that in mind. If you want to post fic/art, etc. rated 18/NC17/Mature there are other comms involved in this event that are more suitable.
                    - All images more than 700pixels wide (or multiple images) most by posted behind a spoiler cut. There are people here on dial-up.
                    - All spoilers, as defined by the GW rules, must also be behind a spoiler cut. Even if it includes an entire challenge.


                      Found a new JT fic. NC-17 so only visit if you're of age! Not mine.



                        Kudos to everyone here who realizes that we are here to have fun. And most have done it not only respectfully but with dignity...THANKS!

                        Now, slavedriver you! LOL

                        The Challenges for the Month of October along with a detailed Calendar will be posted I feed the kiddies....

                        And everyone here mentioned everything that I noticed about The Return...

                        You know if I didn't know any better I'd called that episode, John's Return to Teyla.....


                          Hey all. After Phantoms and The Return I was in desperate need of a new good Sheyla video. Well, my sister had pity on me and made one. I figured I'd post the link in here just in case anyone else had the same problem. It's really good. ^_^ *goes off to watch it again*

                          And that's my two cents...
                          My LiveJournal
                          ^_^ ~ DANIquinn ~ ^_^


                            EDITED:Oh, thanks Dan...I will see it very soon....

                            Okay, I tried to put this in a poster but it's too here are the challenges for the Month of October here in GW...Now, there is a sign up for this or you can make up your own. This will go around the participating sites so you must let me know. I guess we could have more than one person take the same but I'd prefer to have a variey of fics and artwork.

                            Here's the idea. On October 31st we are going to host the Major Event here at GW. The idea is that you don't display any of your work from this challenge until that date and POST it FIRST here and then distribute in the participating sites.

                            The Main Event is that you write a fic and find someone that will do the TITLE or COVER POSTER that would go with your fic. The Fic and Artwork will be displayed here but the artwork should also be posted in the Galleria. The MONTH of October is broken down into SIX THemes: Choose one of these themes and either pick one of these or come up with your own...

                            The THEMES ARE: Athos, The Past/Beginning, Angst, Harvest, Halloween, and Fears If you want to make your own artwork along with your fic, that's fine as well.
                            In addition we have other challenges that are not fic, but require writing and artwork. We also have vids as part of the challenges. Remember, these you are to post only on the 31st, here in GW. However, everyday we will have small challenges or discussions, games and other goodies.

                            So, Bella and I thought about these for a long time...I hope you enjoy them and Remember, these are just ideas. You make up on with your own as well.

                            Thanks everyone and I hope we have a lot of participants.

                            If you have any questions ask away, Bella, DM or I.

                            LONG FIC CHALLENGES:

                            • Long fic Challenge….Teyla spends the day in Athos after the culling to search for any remains and supplies needed to rebuild later on. What does she do? Does she contact other worlds? Does she visit other worlds to inform other worlds, or anyone in particular? Describe the environment and the feeling it bring upon her, the scents, what does she touch, what does she hear, what does she taste? Does it feel the same for her? Is she crying? Is she mourning someone in particular? Have her be accompanied by someone from Atlantis…could be John with her and him watching her experience all of this…or it could be someone else…but she must come to meet with John at some point. Either before she leaves or after….it has to be J/T …it could be that they meet up to tell of each others day. But it’s from Teyla’s Point of view…accompanying this challenge, create a wallpaper with the title and pics that go with your fic.

                            • Long Challenge: Write a mission report from John’s Point of View from every episode either from S1 or S2…has to be J/T centered but not strickly…Then have a Poster/Banner from every episode with the Title and pics chosen from the episode or do a summary report with pics as if John was sending the report with pictures supporting it for every episode.

                            • Write a journal entry from Teyla’s Point of view for every episode..choose either S1 or S2 or what we’ve seen so far from S3..Then have Teyla use her art abilities by creating a wall for each episode from Teyla’s POV..shippy centered of coarse..

                            Long fic…Pirates of the Carribean…John/Teyla style…Accompanying Wallpaper…use manips CAMY”S TOP PIC

                            Write a long Fic…From Rod’s POV…either telling us the story from his eyes..or him telling the story to someone in Atlantis….on how Mensa John and Quiet Teyla fell in love from Beginning to the End….Make accompanying Wall.. CAMY”S PERSONAL FAVORITE

                            Long fic…Masquerade Ball…J/T…Galleria…Accompanying Wall/Poster to go with your fic… CAMY”S TOPIC

                            • Reversed the Scenario from Phantoms…Have Teyla be affected by an Ancient Device and then have John be the one to see the effects of it on Teyla…Angst Fic…could be her relieving her fathers death, or her mothers’ passing, it could be anything you want…but Teyla is the only one affected or you could include the team but it has to be J/T centered. Accompanying Artwork with Teyla of fic…CAMY”S 2nd FAVORITE…

                            SHORT FIC CHALLENGES:

                            • Write a Detailed Bio for John and Teyla Individually
                            • Write a Detailed Bio on John and Teyla’s Relationship From the Beginning till the Present
                            • Create a Wallpaper For each Bio include the Bio info. The Teyla individual Bio will be a contest. Scifi has changed Teyla’s Bio to one sentence summary, and we know our girl does more than that….The winner’s bio will be sent to the webmaster of the Atlantis site in Scifi…

                            • Short fic…John shared things that he liked with Teyla…football, ferris wheels, popcorn…Now it’s Teyla’s turn to share something that she likes with John. Make it something that is of her culture…can be something like the first time John saw her spar and got interested…or it could be something you make up from Teyla…write it from Teyla’s POV…accompanying artwork with fic

                            • 500 Words…Teyla ponders leaving Atlantis after the Suspicion events…..John changes her mind…Accompanying with pic fic, wall or flip book

                            • Short fic…John helps out the Athosians during one of their Harvest which concludes in a Festival from Teyla’s or John’s POV….Accompanying Wall paper using Fall themes, colors to go with your fic…title for Fic..

                            • Short fic…John and Teyla learn together a daring sport. Accompanying Wallpaper

                            • Short fic…John scares Teyla for Halloween. Accompanying Wallpaper..John and Teyla in Halloween Costumes…or something that relates to your fic…

                            • Short fic…John asks Teyla to join his team…Pic fic convo or Flip Book with Pics.

                            • Drabble…Use each of these words in a sentence..J/T style…try to have it in a sequence of events to form a story is possible...each words begins with a letter from the Alphabet….

                            Anidote, belated, chamber, deny, emerge, fearsome, glimpse, heidious, impossible, joke, knit, love, momentary, notice, oatmeal, pinch, quiver, reason, sanctuary, toxin, ultrasound, velvet, writhe, x-ray, yearn, zipper

                            Make a wall/poster using ten of these words..J/T

                            More info to come....Now remember these are just suggestions...and they don't have to be long or can choose a topic here and if it's under long fic, you can change it and make it short and vice versa.

                            Last edited by Jeyla4ever; 24 September 2006, 07:51 AM.


                              ok my last post for awhile a think....

                              WOW!!!...AG those wallpapers are great. And I'm definitely SQUEEING over both pics...who couldn't.......I'll be working on that 'return to me' wallie soon....

                              Sheylafan, i luv yours also....

                              ok a little randomness since we're kind of talking about the whole friendship/couple thing...Really as long as someone admits that they possibly see some type of relationship between shep and teyla, (cause it's kind of hard to be on a team together and not have some type of relationship), talks about it in a repectful way, i don't mind if they talk about it here, but as long as they understand that a majority of the thread see them romantically inclined to each other (correct me if i'm wrong ok??).....cause really we equate the head touching to a hug right??? (or something like that) and in Siege 3 weir hugged sheppard, and I saw that as friendship, while Shep/Weir shippers saw it in a romantic sense, so it would make sense that the
                              head touching scene in Return between Shep and seen by someone who doesn't ship, or may ship another pair, as a friendship thing. Which leads back to shipping is in the eye of the beholder.

                              Camy you're on a roll with the challenges....

                              ok well i'm off to pack boxes again....i hate moving....

                              R.I.P Wraithlord

                              Awesome sig by SciFan


                                you are moving sunshine?

                                I hope you decide to do one...Witchy....

                                See, if John and Teyla only see each other as friends, then how come John didn't seem to do any of the things that he did with Teyla in the episode..I mean back on earth, he hated it..and half of his buddies from Atlantis were there..when he first saw signs of Trouble, he kept mentioning to go and get Teyla and Ronon....the Athosian greeting was so intimate, so personal and yet it was as if he didn't care , he had to do more for her....he had to have that contact! for me, it said so much more than friendship, they are very close and so much so that for John having his friends on Earth was not enough, he needed to be back in Atlantis and with Teyla and Ronon...that to me is very significant and much beyond what a friendship is...

