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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by purple_cube
    Well, what's so wrong with people posting here if they only see John/Teyla friendship? It's the only thread available for the two characters, and what you or I see as ship is open for interpretation. If others see those same scenes as friendship only, why shouldn't they come in here and talk about their views? IMO, the fact that non-shippers are posting here is a testament to how powerful the scenes are in showing the bond between the characters, regardless of whether it is interpreted as ship or not - and therefore worth talking about whatever your point of view is.
    Reread the post!!

    Anyway the ep was fantastic...Again great moments, the shippy scenes were fantastic. I can't wait to see the rest of the season to see there are any more dynamic JT scenes,
    I heard talk of JT in the Ark, we'll see won't we?! I wonder what's the hype about Sunday though, anyone heard anything more than the basic spoilers on GW?!?
    Click statement above to read article.


      Originally posted by purple_cube
      Well, what's so wrong with people posting here if they only see John/Teyla friendship? It's the only thread available for the two characters, and what you or I see as ship is open for interpretation. If others see those same scenes as friendship only, why shouldn't they come in here and talk about their views? IMO, the fact that non-shippers are posting here is a testament to how powerful the scenes are in showing the bond between the characters, regardless of whether it is interpreted as ship or not - and therefore worth talking about whatever your point of view is.
      I also have no problem with shippers or non shippers posting here if they like the connection between John and Teyla whether friendship or shippy. It doesn't really matter if it is a general shipping discussion or even if they may prefer another pairing. I think that it is GREAT that we can all get along and still discuss what you like about John and Teyla even if they are not your preferred pairing.

      As to the Return ....

      I have just watched it and maybe I had too many spoilers but I found it a bit slow. I need to watch it again to appreciate it a bit more. I havn't seen RDA for a few years but he seemed so old.

      I loved all the character moments and loved the goodbye scene in Johns room. That was probably my favourite scene. It was funny and yet heartwrenching at the same time. Ronan hugging John was classic and I loved when Teyla told John that their paths would cross again. They really shared some sad looks between them.

      The head touching was really fantastic and this really reafirms my belief that there is so much emotion going on beneath the surface between John and Teyla. To me it is much deeper than friendship. There was so much emotion in his voice when he say take care.

      Even after 12 weeks back on earth it seemed that Rodney and John were the only ones keeping in contact. John didn't even seem to have any contact with Elizabeth at all, so if they had wanted to start up a relationship, or admit any feelings to each other, there was nothing preventing them from doing this.

      John couldn't wait to mention Teyla and Ronan as soon as he found out that Atlantis was in trouble. They were the 2 people who came to mind immediately. I got the impression that he missed them the most and would have jumped at any opportunity to see Teyla again.

      I loved how you heard John's voice before you saw him, and Teylas expression was of pure joy. John wanted to go and save his HOME - again we see that the Pegasus Galaxy is where he considers home. I really can't see him ever wanting to go back to earth again. Home is in the PG galaxy with Teyla and his friends.
      Last edited by bluealien; 23 September 2006, 10:25 AM.


        Long live le ship...BA, long live.

        I can see it being slow, I actually found it the reverse. I kept laughing the whole time because I was loving it soo much. I don't know about the home comment, I was thinking it was in regards to Atlantis and I liked that he thought of Teyla and Ronon first (to help save Atlantis), since he knows they see it as home, as well. Overall it was great.

        I do also love the way Teyla was negotiating with Ladon, I need more of that, she was fantastic. But yes, her face when she saw heard then saw John...what a transformation. First from confusion to shock to glee...and let's not forget the slip people...'John you're here....all of you' paraphrasing...that was bloody great!! I'll never forget that. Or when Teyla asked him to stay with her and her people....wicked sweet, and they play off of one another so well. I do like the man hug...

        As MOONIE said...'Mandorable!'

        *You know what, I really love my sig! *
        Click statement above to read article.


          Welcome all newbies!


            Guys, who cares if the shep/weir folks see your ship or not???

            You do. Isn't that enough? Or must people obsess over 'everyone else seeing what we see to prove that we're right'
            Where in the World is George Hammond?



              Ship, as a term in stargate, means REALATION SHIP, which encompasses friendship or more.

              If friendshipers aren't welcome, then maybe the title of this thread should be changed to 'sexual relationship only' and the friendshippers can have thier own thread...or we can creat a j/t sexual relationship only thread and let this one be open to those that like ALL aspects of hte relationship between the two characters
              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                First off, my apologies if I offended anyone with how I tried to handle things. Again, it was not my intention, and I am so very sorry if my poor handling made it seem as if I was trying to impart my personal views on everyone. With that said, I do not believe in holding the mass responsible for the few. That is all I'm going to say on that topic.

                Moving on...Wow, it's so great to see the thread so active with those that see the connection between John and Teyla!!! Whether you see frienship or more, I am just thrilled to see so many people acknowledging them! I remember not to long ago, a lot of people were saying they saw nothing between them. So this is a huge step I think! I am so glad season three is doing such a great job in showcasing their relationship more!

                And WELCOME TO ALL THE NEWBIES!!!!! So good to see new faces who love J/T as much as the rest of us do!!!!

                Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                  I too loved last night's episode for a lot of the same reasons that have already been listed. My more shipper side wished for declarations of undying love, but, eh.... this is sci-fi.
                  I loved the idea that all of them were lost with out Atlantis and each other- especially John and Teyla and I LOVED that they would defy orders to save their home. The two goodbyes with John and Teyla were sweet and fall into that, building romance category for me. .


                    Originally posted by Gigajules
                    Sure it's a little late, too long, and not the least bit dial-up friendly, but it beats working:

                    The Weekly Geekly - Phantoms

                    Gigajules, this is hilarious! I always love reading your pic reviews! Awesome! Thank you so much!!!!

                    Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                      Originally posted by vaberella
                      Oh many newbies has this ep brought in... Well welcome aboard MG, it's great to have you here..and let's just say that there is drama on this board, but hey what's life without a bit of drama...right?!

                      Long live JT and there are few new posters who werent' JT but seem to be seeing the same things we class as this ep seems to be a turning point of some kind.

                      Anyway great to have you here...Hopefully I'm the first welcome!!

                      Long live JT and the action...I'm sure you loved the scenes, read back and take a gander on the talk!!
                      Wow, thank you ever so much for the kind welcome. I feel at home already!


                        Originally posted by majortrip
                        There are images of the J/T scenes in "The Return, Part 1" HERE. The images are spoilerish, of course. I hope you enjoy them.
                        Trippy, thank you so much for the beautiful caps!!! And I have to say, I thought your wonderful summary was spot-on! Thank you again for doing all that for us!!!!! That was really really great of you!!!! Thank you!!!

                        Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                          Originally posted by MightyGirl
                          I too loved last night's episode for a lot of the same reasons that have already been listed. My more shipper side wished for declarations of undying love, but, eh.... this is sci-fi.
                          I loved the idea that all of them were lost with out Atlantis and each other- especially John and Teyla and I LOVED that they would defy orders to save their home. The two goodbyes with John and Teyla were sweet and fall into that, building romance category for me. .

                          Hi MightyGirl or MG, whatever you prefer to be called, LOL! I love how you said this! I totally agree! And I so can't wait to see how it continues to grow!

                          Welcome aboard!!!

                          Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                            Originally posted by SallyLizzie
                            I'm trying to get the link for you now. You do have to pay but it's only $1.99 I think, and you have to live in the US.

                            ETA: The Return isn't up to buy yet but should be soon. HEre's the link.

                            Sorry for the OT, but does anyone know what file extension the Amazon files are? I'm debating between Amazon and iTunes. Thanks!
                            Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                              Originally posted by LoveConquers
                              Hi MightyGirl or MG, whatever you prefer to be called, LOL! I love how you said this! I totally agree! And I so can't wait to see how it continues to grow!

                              Welcome aboard!!!

                              Thanks, you're very kind. and you can call me either one- as long as you don't call me late for dinner! *giggle*


                                Originally posted by green_eyed_lady
                                Couldn't agree more!! Woah I just noticed your from Liddypool!! The beatles, (my all time favourite band) come from there!! But I bet you knew that haha.

                                Ugh....November/December, whenever this episode gets aired, in Canada can't come fast enough! I need my uber J/T episode now!! From what I'm hearing this new ep may beat Long Goodbye, LFP, and Conversion in my books Does anyone who has seen the ep feel it is a new favourite??

                                OO and I love how on one of the caps, from the part where they come back how John seems to have a smirk on his face. Almost as if he's thinking "Oh yeah, she's happy to see me, she loves me, I'm too sexy!

                                God, I'm still giddy about everything I heard about this ep. I'm actually pathetic though, I woke up this morning determined not look at any spoilers, I caved in only a few hours later lol.

                                Hey Green-eyes! Good question! And I'm not sure I can really answer that, LOL! I think overall, my favorite eps are still Conversion and LFP. However, in terms of favorite J/T moments, this one is right up there with Rising for my favorite moment between them!!!!

                                For me, as BA said, the ep is a little slow, so overall, not my favorite. But one of favorites for the beautful emotion in it between all the characters, but of course especially between J/T! I love our new head touching scene, especially with the deliberate way they are singled out!!! Awww!

                                The cave is probably still my ultimate favorite, and then the kiss second, but this would definitely be number three for me.

                                And just think! You'll be seeing Return 2 in only a month or two, so then we'll be the ones clamoring to you to spoil us with everything! LOL!

                                Sig by Mayra~many thanks!

