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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by sin392
    I do really hope that we eventually (sooner rather than later) gets some episodes where Teyla & Weir are bonding...thier friendship growing stronger not only as part of the Atlantis team but females in positions of command/leaders. I would really love to see a eppy where the women save the day (and the men LOL).
    You're not the only one hoping for a 'girls save the day' episode! Or even a 'girls get in trouble, and get out of it themselves, while the guys run around and around and around and get nowhere' episode.

    Originally posted by sin392
    I also wanted to ask if anyone might see (in some future eppy) Weir & Ronan connecting (on a personal and physical level).
    I'd like to see it. Whether we'll get to see it is another matter entirely. But I'm all for it.



      God I love this thread. You guys are crazy as all get out.


        {Mod Snip}
        The ep was pure class..there was plenty of JT love, which I think many of us can have and share, since it was relevant and there, a few of us will have gotten carried away, but you make it seem like a common occurence and always the case!!

        As for the other ships in that ep there was plenty. I felt that McWeir was squee worthy and had plenty to offer the people out there, worked as a team and McKay was all up in there worried about Elizabeth and wanting her in the deliberation. As for Weckett---long live Weckett is all I have to say, because they were fabu! Weir was power sexy and wonderful by the way!!I thought she was fabulous!

        Anyway it was a ship worthy ep, even if I feel JT was far more justified!! {Mod Snip}
        Last edited by TameFarrar; 24 September 2006, 12:06 PM.
        Click statement above to read article.


          There are images of the J/T scenes in "The Return, Part 1" HERE. The images are spoilerish, of course. I hope you enjoy them.
          Sig by Camy


            Originally posted by Ruined_puzzle
            I appriciate your effor Loveconquers but its never going to stop. Some people just have no class. Go see the shep/weir thread for yourself. Maybe you should remind your sheyla friends there that was inappropriate. I can honestly say that no one from the shep/weir thread would ever do such a thing.

            I refuse to believe that we cannot make a difference. I think many of us have tried very hard to make a difference and with each attempt, we make baby steps. I got the email notification, which was the only reason I went into the J/W thread and had already posted there. To be fair, I hope you weould agree with me that we've all seen this from all sides. I'm ashamed to see it coming from "our" side this time.

            VB, GL, and Suz, I am so sorry, I don't want to fight with friends. Forgive me if I've offended you, but I feel very strongly on this issue. I am really fighting tears right now as I am so tired of all this. You left because you were too, please understand why I am now trying to stop it. We are all trying really hard to make being here fun and purely focused on J/T. I don't think it's walking on eggshells, so much as maintaining respect since this is a public forum.
            My flight is being paged, I have to go.
            Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


              Come on people, this last ep was bloody fantastic!!
              No one can deny the head touch, that scene of John looking at Teyla and vice versa, the smile on their faces, and the shuffling walk, and John initiating it. No doubt that John's very into our girl, and our girl is far from non-responsive. Then our scene towards the end, and that smile and let's not forget the slip from Teyla: 'John it's good to see you...all of you!'

              Yes, yes it was fantastic!! Long live JT!!

              Just resposting it as LC suggested. Same statement...the word 'gloating' removed.
              Click statement above to read article.


                Originally posted by LoveConquers
                I refuse to believe that we cannot make a difference. I think many of us have tried very hard to make a difference and with each attempt, we make baby steps. I got the email notification, which was the only reason I went into the J/W thread and had already posted there. To be fair, I hope you weould agree with me that we've all seen this from all sides. I'm ashamed to see it coming from "our" side this time.

                VB, GL, and Suz, I am so sorry, I don't want to fight with friends. Forgive me if I've offended you, but I feel very strongly on this issue. I am really fighting tears right now as I am so tired of all this. You left because you were too, please understand why I am now trying to stop it. We are all trying really hard to make being here fun and purely focused on J/T. I don't think it's walking on eggshells, so much as maintaining respect since this is a public forum.
                My flight is being paged, I have to go.
                Thank you for demonstrating that some of us S/T fans here at GW are open-minded. I usually don't post at GW, for reasons especially like this. I've seen too many shippers display the most horrendous behavior, and it just got to the point that despite being a multi-shipper, I brace myself everytime I step into a shipper thread. I usually just stick to the episode thread, and even there, people can't help but outright character bash the person that is not in their ship.

                Thank you for holding up the standards, LoveConquers.
                My Livejournal, feel free to friend me.


                  Well well well...isn't it just a perfect day in this neighborhood.....I see everything is normal....

                  Steph, I must compliment you on your efforts. It's not worth your time or your effort, honestly on both sides there's bad blood. Even if there's a period of peace there'll always be someone somewhere offended who will complain at the slightest misstep from either side. So all you can do is let it be.

                  Anyway, can we get back to the topic as in Sheppard and Teyla, and not of who's wrong and who's right, and what's happened in the past.

                  Just got back from watching 'Fearless', and caught the
                  head touching scene- was NOT disappointed at all....I find it interesting that they only showed a close up of Ronon's expression. But i would definitely say that there was a distinct signling out by Sheppard of going up to teyla and her moving toward him. And both lowering their heads at the same time. It was also very sweet how Sheppard said 'take care'....Trippy was so right..

                  R.I.P Wraithlord

                  Awesome sig by SciFan


                    What a great ep!

                    The head touching scene was the best! Loved how John initiated it. He just admitted he was bad at good byes, but looks like he over came that for Teyla. And the look between them... It was like the two of them were in their own little world for a second there. Classic moment right there! And how both John and Teyla asked each other to stay during the good bye in John's room. So many nice moments...but the head touching is topping the list for me!
                    Sig by Cazzblade


                      Hey...if there are JT actions which were inconsiderate or insensitive to you and your ship, which were done out side of this thread, then you should take it to a mod, outside of this thread! This thread is not the problem, and anything that was said here was far from offensive. Even using the word 'gloating'.

                      Again if there are things that were done in your thread, and you have a complaint you should take it to the mod. But it has nothing to do with the majority of people on this thread, and your post shouldn't be directed at them. But to the individuals involved in messing up the S/W thread!
                      Last edited by kiwigater; 23 September 2006, 02:30 PM.
                      Click statement above to read article.


                        *bounce around* you all torture me!!

                        I seriously cannot wait for this ep!

                        *returns to bouncing round the room*

                        awesome sig by Camy!
                        Sheppard/Teyla LiveJournal


                          ok guys...enough is have and issue with each other, take it to PM.....if it doesn't have anything to actually do with shep and teyla, it doesn't belong here. thank you.

                          Originally posted by Spectrum
                          What a great ep!


                          The head touching scene was the best! Loved how John initiated it. He just admitted he was bad at good byes, but looks like he over came that for Teyla. And the look between them... It was like the two of them were in their own little world for a second there. Classic moment right there! And how both John and Teyla asked each other to stay during the good bye in John's room. So many nice moments...but the head touching is topping the list for me!
                          Oh i totally agree Spec....
                          it was as if the world around them just melted away, and it was just them. And the zoom in, made it that much more intimate. and When Sheppard whispered 'take care' and Teyla 'farewell', and looked into each other's eyes. I could have just died...

                          R.I.P Wraithlord

                          Awesome sig by SciFan


                            I loved the episode 'The Return P.1' ! Yay! Now's time for Wallpapers, videos...fanfics...gimme your best shot...

                            I think we came full circle almost...Teyla came up to John in the 'Rising' for the head touch...and now Shep comes forward, he who is not good with his emotions...I loved it...he tried in his quarters to say something but then resorted to his old ploy of joking to get around the situation but in the end...he couldn't leave without truly saying good-bye to Teyla...That made the moment all the more better...and you know Ronon knows these two are suppose to be together...his look was perfect!

                            Most of all... Atlantis is home to EVERYONE! But most of all Shep...and Weir actually, but while Weir loves the city and everything it did to change her life I think Shep is more inclined to think of the people he met while in Atlantis as to why he feels its home...

                            But to wrap this up...
                            I quote Aunt Trippy...."He Athosian Hugged her!"


                              Originally posted by LoveConquers
                              I refuse to believe that we cannot make a difference. I think many of us have tried very hard to make a difference and with each attempt, we make baby steps. I got the email notification, which was the only reason I went into the J/W thread and had already posted there. To be fair, I hope you weould agree with me that we've all seen this from all sides. I'm ashamed to see it coming from "our" side this time.


                              Sorry, this situation continues to be an issue. I am only posting because Steph is such an honest and generous person. She is a fan and an ADULT when it comes to these things. Most importantly she is realistic. A reminder - we are discussing CHARACTERS OF A TV SHOW...not real people. They are more pressing things in this world to occupy our serious concerns(war, crime, injustice...). These forums and discussions are suppose to be a welcome relief from the realities of these things, not an excuse to further our frustrations.

                              I will say what I always said to my girls:
                              Two wrongs never make any thing right.

                              Let J/T shippers show the class and grace that represents our ship by keeping this in mind.

                              Just my two cents.



                                Originally posted by WitchBlade007
                                Well well well...isn't it just a perfect day in this neighborhood.....I see everything is normal....

                                Steph, I must compliment you on your efforts. It's not worth your time or your effort, honestly on both sides there's bad blood. Even if there's a period of peace there'll always be someone somewhere offended who will complain at the slightest misstep from either side. So all you can do is let it be.

                                Anyway, can we get back to the topic as in Sheppard and Teyla, and not of who's wrong and who's right, and what's happened in the past.

                                Just got back from watching 'Fearless', and caught the
                                head touching scene- was NOT disappointed at all....I find it interesting that they only showed a close up of Ronon's expression. But i would definitely say that there was a distinct signling out by Sheppard of going up to teyla and her moving toward him. And both lowering their heads at the same time. It was also very sweet how Sheppard said 'take care'....Trippy was so right..
                                I have to agree with everything you was fantastic. Long live le head touch!! Wow the look that was passed it's about the look.
                                It was bloody great. I love it! And her smile when she saw him again, I love teh slip of hers..'it's great to see you again John....all of you!!' Bloody fantastic!

                                Click statement above to read article.

