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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Hmmm...favorite moment. I guess I do have a JT fave moment, but my all time fave moment in Phantoms had to be:

    When Teyla understood McKay's techno babble and was responding/arguing in kind. It shows that Teyla isn't a wallflower and far from primitive, that girl has a brain like the best, and was letting Rodney know he better watch out. While John stood there totally dumbfounded and was too busy worried about his possible sterility. Apparently, Shep only got the ending bits of the conversation. I really liked this, because it takes me back to Aurora, when Teyla was spouting out all that stuff, much like in the elk of Carter/McKay...without being a bloody scientist; when unfortunately McKay couldn't fall for her more and John couldn't be there to have his, 'That's my girl!' look.

    Second fave scene...When Teyla was yelling at John to take her to the cave. I liked that part especially as a JT scene, because Teyla in effect broke through the delusions, manipulated it and used it to her advantage to save the bloody day. It showed ingenuity and that she was definitely piecing things together to achieve her goal...further more to have John listen to her through that---albeit through his captain...said a lot and that in itself was great!
    Click statement above to read article.


      Originally posted by vaberella
      Actually...I have another point I want to bring up....that I totally forgot about
      everyone saw the initial scene when Teyla was first shot and on the ground, right?! What the hell was up with Teyla. She's shot up, she's bleeding on the ground and in obvious pain, and she looks up at John and goes, 'Are you alright?!' Now people, explain to me what's up with that?! It's most likely the first bloody time she's shot, she's bleeding, in obvious crazy pain (lucky she wasn't crying like baby, which is different from that marine! ) and yet she worries and cares enough to ask John if he's okay. Most people would either be unconcious, crying, or moaning 'Why me, Why me?' a la Nancy Kerrigan.

      Now that is some crazy mess!!
      Crazy mess indeed!

      Poor Teyla! She never even shed a tear! Didn't even notice about the marines before!

      John asked her the same thing ("Are you alright?") in 38 minutes when he was attacked by the giant mutant Wraith bug too. Those two always seem more concerned about the other person when one is hurt.
      Sig by Cazzblade


        Originally posted by Spectrum
        Crazy mess indeed!

        Poor Teyla! She never even shed a tear! Didn't even notice about the marines before!

        John asked her the same thing ("Are you alright?") in 38 minutes when he was attacked by the giant mutant Wraith bug too. Those two always seem more concerned about the other person when one is hurt.
        Great point speccy...I never noticed that. You're totally right. I don't get how that works, maybe I'm just too selfish, I don't know. But it seems a recurring theme for them, doesn't it?!

        Yeah, that marine was such a wuss!

        *By the way, me loves you're sig!!
        Click statement above to read article.


          Originally posted by NinaM
          I loved the last moment between them ...

          How he went and sat down beside her,,,he stayed by her side through the entire episode,,, and even when everything had gotten back to normal he chose to be beside her... loved how she asked him about Holland and him responding,, I think he feels at ease with opening up to Teyla... she has seen him at his worst,,and has seen him I felt it was right that she was the one that got to see more of him, learn more about him, and being the one to be able to reach him even at his darkest place... loved how when Rodney yet again complained that John had shot him and he told him to go to sleep and basically shut up and it seemed like Teyla and him was settling down beside eachother and try to get some sweet...I loved their moments...

          Oh great comments on the ending, Nina! We haven't talked much about that final scene yet, so it's great to see all your comments on it! I love it! Just the thing to put me in a J/T mood before going to sleep. Here's hoping for good dreams, LOL!

          Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


            you know
            when teyla first gets shot and ronon has run off...and then he sees a flash of Holland...but then teyla asks if he is ok...when he kneels next to her,..they show a shot of him reaching out with his hand to touch hers...but he tentatively stops...just an observation..i think there was plenty of ship
            -thanks Myn MacGeek, Third Sentinel

            Thanks Camy!!


              Originally posted by spirited Chihiro
              you know
              when teyla first gets shot and ronon has run off...and then he sees a flash of Holland...but then teyla asks if he is ok...when he kneels next to her,..they show a shot of him reaching out with his hand to touch hers...but he tentatively stops...just an observation..i think there was plenty of ship
              Oh I missed that - gives me another reason to go and watch the ep again. It is fast becoming my favourite episode at the moment.


                Hey everyone, i finished capping phantoms mainly the john/teyla scenes nad posted most of it yesterday and the rest should be up today or tomorrow and if u want the zip file ill post the link here so u guys can have ur own file of it soon, there was about 423 pics of them together and i kind of capped scenec by scene a bit between them cause i thought it was better that way. The link to unique bond is aBOVE MY SIG AND MOST OF U KNOW WHERE THAT IS SO HOPE U GUYS CECK OUT THE PICS AND MANY MORE TO COME.
                part of:
                Unique Bond fansite Graphics Com ShepMagan Icons

                wanna sig? pm me and ill make u one


                  Oh, I saw that bit too....

                  I wouldn't say that he didn't grab her hand, but maybe you are right, cause the camera immediately goes to his face...but then you wonder, if he did or not.....Oh, I"m glad I"m not the only that sees these things...

                  Thanks Shey, I will definetely be interested in that zip file...

                  thanks for all your hard work....I love your's one of the most resourceful ones out there and very well put together....


                    Originally posted by Camy
                    Oh, I saw that bit too....

                    I wouldn't say that he didn't grab her hand, but maybe you are right, cause the camera immediately goes to his face...but then you wonder, if he did or not.....Oh, I"m glad I"m not the only that sees these things...

                    Thanks Shey, I will definetely be interested in that zip file...

                    thanks for all your hard work....I love your's one of the most resourceful ones out there and very well put together....
                    Glad u like it, its fun working on the site and alot of ppl seem to like it too. I know that there are alot of sheyla fans out ther and when the show came out there was a few sites for sheweir and I made a board(forum) for it and then Duerre came up with the idea to make a site out if it and all of a sudden theres a ton of ppl that come by and check it out. Its made by fans and for fans also that love Shep and teyla. its all for the fans.

                    the link will be up later today so hope u all enjoy it and make some great stuff out of it if u can.
                    part of:
                    Unique Bond fansite Graphics Com ShepMagan Icons

                    wanna sig? pm me and ill make u one


                      *claps madly*

                      I know it was the first JT site that I ever visited and it was a haven place for me...

                      can't wait for the file..I do want to make more of those Wallies..this episode had more great shots than RISING, CONVERSION, TLG, and all the others....GREAT!


                        I loved Phantoms

                        It had:
                        some great moments between John and Teyla
                        -like when she and John ran after Ronon and she ends up geting shot in the leg and John ran over to her and grabbed her, took her to a near by tree for cover.
                        -When John turns around to see an old friend who was dead, he snapps out of it for a moment when Teyla looks at John in a confused way, he kneels down next to her and check her wound.
                        -He and Teyla walk to find a empty hide out made by Maj Lenon(forgot his name) he checks it out and takes her arm and walks in and lays her down.
                        -he and teyla have a talk and he tries to deny he didnt see someone from his past but he did either way and Teyla could tell that he was hiding something, he bandeges her up and they have talk about the device and he mentions that maybe her wraith gene keeps her from seeing things and when he asks her if she has any feelings of killing John and she says no the relief on his face said alot to me, that he knows she wouldnt unless it was needed to.
                        -Then John ends up living his past that he thought he forgot and ends up thinking teyla was his old friend but he did save her, he got her to the cave and ended up shooting rodney which was funny at first casue john saw him as someone else.
                        Teyla convinces him to go in the cave before Ronon ends up killing them, John looked confused the whole time while in there and Teyla snapped at him and man she could make John do anything. WHen John took the thing out of the wraith control thing and Teyla was so releieved and tired i guess from losing blood and standing most of the time but John took a glance at Teyla when Ronon came in and they turned back to normal and left the cave.
                        -The creepy part was seeing Beckett see dead ppl, and he ended up saving the military guys life at least but that was creepy when he didnt even realize that the guy that ws shot in the arm area was dead.
                        -the ending was funny when Rondey kept repeating "you shot me" nad John tryed to apoligize and he still said it anbd Ronon to, But he sat next to Teyla at least. I think part of Johns mind knew that Teyla was there casue he kept going in and out of his weird illusion, he saw teyla then his friend and then he was relieving the saving his old friend but in all he saved Teyla from nearly dying. He sat next to her and they talked only them, no one to listen just for them to share.
                        I think Teyla is starting to understand John more casue she seems to know when somethings on his mind.
                        part of:
                        Unique Bond fansite Graphics Com ShepMagan Icons

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                          After seeing Sateda & Phantoms if we never get a romance I would be incredibly happy just to have that close friendship.


                            Originally posted by vaberella
                            Actually...I have another point I want to bring up....that I totally forgot about
                            everyone saw the initial scene when Teyla was first shot and on the ground, right?! What the hell was up with Teyla. She's shot up, she's bleeding on the ground and in obvious pain, and she looks up at John and goes, 'Are you alright?!' Now people, explain to me what's up with that?! It's most likely the first bloody time she's shot, she's bleeding, in obvious crazy pain (lucky she wasn't crying like baby, which is different from that marine! ) and yet she worries and cares enough to ask John if he's okay. Most people would either be unconcious, crying, or moaning 'Why me, Why me?' a la Nancy Kerrigan.

                            Now that is some crazy mess!!
                            As many of you have said, it's the same with John when he's hurt.
                            In 38 minutes with the funky alien bug attatched to his neck, the first thing he asks when he wakes up after the slight misshap with the whole jumper going through the gate issue is "are you ok?"
                            Did you notice how shocked she was to be asked that? Her expression was clearly one of someone not being expected to be asked that... then if you notice in later episodes, like Runner for example, she's not the slightest bit shocked to be asked if she's alright. It's like she expects it from him because it's what he's always done. He's always been concerned about her.
                            It's clear in the eps that she's picked up his habit of being more concerned about him than she is of herself.
                            Like you've said, she's the one that's been shot and still she asks about him. She doesn't shed a tear and even though she's injured and pretty much incapacitated (sp??) she's probably stronger than I've seen her in alot of episodes. She knows that the only way to save them all is to control the situation, and in the end she figures out how to do that.
                            She gets into his mind, she breaks through his delusion when nothing else in the real world was able to do that. Not the shock of fighting Ronan, not shooting Rodeny, nothing.
                            Teyla was the only one to break into his mind and tell him what to do to save the day. I think that says a lot about their relationship. Whether it's friendship or something more, I think this ep was a major one for J/T. Be it shippy in the traditional sense or not.
                            Their relationship evolved in this ep, she knows about one of the darkest times in his life, and when she asked about it, he didn't run away, change the subject or make a joke as you'd expect him to with anyone else.
                            No, I think their relationship has come on leaps and bounds in the ep and I can't wait to see how TPTB develop it more in later eps.

                            Fab ep all round, and a really good Teyla one. Can't get enough of the Teyla-centric eps!

                            Someone notices you. Someone somewhere notices you the second you walk into a room. Find them. Because they’re waiting for you. Waiting for you to turn your head, say hello, and make their day the way you’ve made every single one of theirs. Find them.


                              Originally posted by Just_breathing
                              As many of you have said, it's the same with John when he's hurt.
                              In 38 minutes with the funky alien bug attatched to his neck, the first thing he asks when he wakes up after the slight misshap with the whole jumper going through the gate issue is "are you ok?"
                              Did you notice how shocked she was to be asked that? Her expression was clearly one of someone not being expected to be asked that... then if you notice in later episodes, like Runner for example, she's not the slightest bit shocked to be asked if she's alright. It's like she expects it from him because it's what he's always done. He's always been concerned about her.
                              It's clear in the eps that she's picked up his habit of being more concerned about him than she is of herself.
                              Like you've said, she's the one that's been shot and still she asks about him. She doesn't shed a tear and even though she's injured and pretty much incapacitated (sp??) she's probably stronger than I've seen her in alot of episodes. She knows that the only way to save them all is to control the situation, and in the end she figures out how to do that.
                              She gets into his mind, she breaks through his delusion when nothing else in the real world was able to do that. Not the shock of fighting Ronan, not shooting Rodeny, nothing.
                              Teyla was the only one to break into his mind and tell him what to do to save the day. I think that says a lot about their relationship. Whether it's friendship or something more, I think this ep was a major one for J/T. Be it shippy in the traditional sense or not.
                              Their relationship evolved in this ep, she knows about one of the darkest times in his life, and when she asked about it, he didn't run away, change the subject or make a joke as you'd expect him to with anyone else.
                              No, I think their relationship has come on leaps and bounds in the ep and I can't wait to see how TPTB develop it more in later eps.

                              Fab ep all round, and a really good Teyla one. Can't get enough of the Teyla-centric eps!

                              I completley agree -


                                HERE IS THE Uploaded zip file for the scenes with John and Teyla IN PHANTOMS, THERES ABOUT 423 PICS OF THEM.
                                There ziped in WinRAR.

                                309 PHANTOMS caps
                                part of:
                                Unique Bond fansite Graphics Com ShepMagan Icons

                                wanna sig? pm me and ill make u one

