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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    I liked this ep, it showed the teams lighter side instead of the "we're all gunna die"
    I was hoping to have john and teyla together in the AU I guess john is just as much of a chicken in that universe lol
    but we did get some major flirty moments!If a guy that a like says that I have the hots for some other guy, I would say "no I don't" and ether kick him or punch him in the arm. John could have just said that the get a reaction, or it was true. And if its true, it just means that he was watching them!



      Uploaded a zip file for the scenes with John and Teyla sitting next to each other.
      There ziped in WinRAR.

      MMM 308 caps
      part of:
      Unique Bond fansite Graphics Com ShepMagan Icons

      wanna sig? pm me and ill make u one


        Great pics...thanks...
        Sigs by Scifan


          Originally posted by mishy91
          I liked this ep, it showed the teams lighter side instead of the "we're all gunna die"
          I was hoping to have john and teyla together in the AU I guess john is just as much of a chicken in that universe lol
          but we did get some major flirty moments!If a guy that a like says that I have the hots for some other guy, I would say "no I don't" and ether kick him or punch him in the arm. John could have just said that the get a reaction, or it was true. And if its true, it just means that he was watching them!

          I have to agree with you…

          John’s teasing Teyla (aside from wanting to make Rodney feel at ease) was his backward way of getting her to respond playfully to him...and from the way he held her gaze after she kicked his leg it was apparent that he was pleased with how she reacted to him in turn.

          Now whether or not there really is a marine I could care less because firstly, she’s meant to be with Shep, and if she ever veered off this path (I shudder at the thought) it would only be a bump in the road to her ultimately ending up with John; secondly, the context alone of his taunt implies that he’s fully aware of her dealings or lack there of with other men; he’s so absolutely keeping her within his visual radar; and why wouldn’t he. Teyla’s the total package…she’s, in every aspect, a kick ass woman inundated with intelligence, beauty and compassion and totally capable of delivering a proper beat down whenever a situation calls for it…oh yeah, then there’s that insanely chiseled body she uses to dispense her standard beat downs with; and John being a man, has to be aware that he isn’t the only guy conscious of her appealing attributes--he’d be a fool not to; with this in mind, of course he’s going to be aware of other men vigilantly taking notice of Teyla; but the question is, how is she in turn responding, according to Johns perspective that is, and is she even remotely aware of her alluring charm over these men. This is where I believe his decision to tease Teyla in such a manner stems from; but anyways, since he doesn’t have any say in who she chooses to interact with or be attracted to it’s only logical that he comes at her in a teasingly charming manner that’s second nature to him.

          Originally Posted by expendable_crewman
          Hey, that makes a lot more sense than buying that the leader of the Athosians

          or the leader of anything would have the hots (aka random fever characterized by its temporariness) and show it for a new Marine. I am absolutely convinced the teasing was all for fun, since the image of Teyla in a private moment with a hunk in a uniform (as opposed to THE hunk in a uniform) sort of boggles the mind, given that Teyla IMO would be way too circumspect for anyone in Atlantis to notice. The comment/reaction was a nice little tool, though, to remind viewers she's not only a leader, but a woman. I can only dream that this was in prep for something down the road this season. Anyway, her reaction was priceless.
          I agree and really believe that their...

          interplay was a deliberate tool utilized to remind us that apart from all of the responsibilities and troubles that come along with her being a leader and warrior Teyla’s,very much so, a cheerfully animated woman. You can hear it in the way she laughed during all of the cafeteria scenes--it was so vibrantly girly.

          Also, because things in the PG are forever chaotic, we always see her being so seriously focused and determined…especially when there’s a mission at hand; and being the no nonsense type of woman she is, most of the time, I have to say it’s extremely refreshing to watch such a versatile woman finally be able to express her carefree side.

          Now, as for what’s down the road for JT, even though the scene was also a method used to showcase how much the team has grown very close, I-like you- am dreaming that their isolated interplay is some sort of foreshadowing of what’s to come for our striking twosome.
          I really hope that we will, at the very least, in the near future, see more playful banter like this-- preferably with them alone...especially since John’s aware of his ability to rattle Teyla out of her stoic demeanor every now and again.
          It’s only logical to expect many more similar exchanges between them while they head toward an even more profound/multifaceted relationship.
          Last edited by fates4jt; 10 September 2006, 03:56 PM.


            Thanks for the caps Sheylafan -

            wow loads to look at.
            Last edited by bluealien; 10 September 2006, 11:16 PM.


              Originally posted by HyperCaz
              O_o that would have been hard, kudos for trying! I take very bad caps.
              I tried Caz...see where I used it?


                Originally posted by AthosianGirl
                I tried Caz...see where I used it?

                I love it AG.... the cute way he is smiling when looking down...her beautiful smile...the way they look at eachother...even though it seems little more like he is looking at her and she is more like checking him out...*lol* but maybe it's just the coloring that make me see things *lol*
                Sigs by Scifan


                  Originally posted by Gigajules
                  Why is it hard to believe that Teyla would be attracted to a marine? Ever seen one? lol It's not hard at all to imagine that she got busted ogling and John's giving her a hard time. Or hell, that she talked to a guy and he's ribbing her about it. John is a great big 12-year-old. (And Marines, as a general rule, are hot.)
                  As a general rule, most men in uniform are hot.

                  Spoilers for M&MM
                  I don't really care WHY he was teasing her, I just thought it was great that he was. I was talking to a friend and we recalled when we were even in college. I think men won't tease you about things like that unless 1) they want a reaction; 2) they want reassurance; 3) they want to make you laugh because they think you're pretty when you smile. I agree about Sheppard's being a big kid.
                  Sig by Camy


                    Originally posted by majortrip
                    As a general rule, most men in uniform are hot.

                    Spoilers for M&MM
                    I don't really care WHY he was teasing her, I just thought it was great that he was. I was talking to a friend and we recalled when we were even in college. I think men won't tease you about things like that unless 1) they want a reaction; 2) they want reassurance; 3) they want to make you laugh because they think you're pretty when you smile. I agree about Sheppard's being a big kid.
                    Yeah he sure likes to tease...
                    I remember when I went to school...guys went often to tease and tried to rise something out of a girl the liked...
                    Sheppard seems like that kind of a guy,,,since we all know he is not really that good in expressing his feelings right out ,,,so I guess he just did that and in a way make her realize that it might be more to it then just a friendly teasing,,that it might go deeper then that...
                    Sigs by Scifan


                      they are sooo cute together!! there always seemed to be such a strong connection from the start!! you just know they want each but stay away only for military reasons and or just the extreme challange of admitting it first!
                      *Thanks aaobuttons*


                        Originally posted by gategirl2
                        they are sooo cute together!! there always seemed to be such a strong connection from the start!! you just know they want each but stay away only for military reasons and or just the extreme challange of admitting it first!
                        Did you hit it right on or what! Hiya gategirl2!

                        Okay...let's all take a walk back in time...I started to write a John/Teyla story dealing with a certain someone resurfacing from Teyla's went on a long hiatus....I'm talking months here ...but anyway classes are almost back in session for me and I got inspiration for this fic, along with my 'Common Ground' Tag, Camy's requested Teyla/McKay friendship with a side of JT happiness and know, all thanks to McVab herself, a Teyla fic dealing with drawing....

                        I'll be posting all these fics and updates in the next couple of days but I finally started to post my stories to JTC...haven't quite figured out html format but I'm muddling through...

                        Here is the link to the first three chapters of my story..'Remember Me'....http://fanfiction.john-teyla-converg...ry.php?sid=208


                          Originally posted by AthosianGirl
                          I tried Caz...see where I used it?

                          Great job AG love the way their smiling and looking at eachother soooo sweet and great fic can't wait till the next chapter.


                   took me awhile to read all of this...but I'm not going to quote everyone...

                            first of all..BP..hon you are still on top of my list...You always give me reasons to go back and see those scenes...cause I always miss a several of them...THANKS HON! I can't live without your summaries....

                            AG..HON...I can't believe you liked and are sporting around my Rachel sig...WOW! I"m excited now....I wasn't sure if it came out alright! I have to go to the Wow thread after this....

                            and the Wall...Is GORGEOUS!

                            and yes...finish those fics will ya....

                            Now, I like what everyone wrote in here about M&MM....

                            I have to say..not my favorite had too much...

                            again...everytime a character is introduced...must we know the history of this person....why did we have to know so much about Jeannie and her life ouside Atlantis....the entire scene in Stargate Command could have been done in less time than that....I just think that spending too much time with things that really aren't interesting....take away from the time of our cast in SGA!....

                            so, on that note...I did like this episode so much better than Gup...which I have yet not seen the entire thing...I just can't sit through the entire thing..sorry...MCKAY OVERDRIVE! LOL

                            This episode was a bit confusing for showed a different side of Mckay that the writers were trying to portray but at the same time mix in with the McKay that we know...I don't know...something was not right..I just can't pinpoint...

                            but, anyways, this is the John/Teyla thread....

                            I think it's important to say that we got to see John doing a lot of personal things in this episode..and of all those personal things how many he shared with Teyla...and the rest of the team...that is shows again....they are very important to him...

                            also, again...the fact that everytime he was sitting next to me says a's like someone else mentioned's expected's their seating arrangement almost...and I think that is cute...

                            This was a great side of Teyla...I"m so glad they didn't miss her this time...and it was short but it was was very much a bit of the team here....

                            Now, I miss this whole John's feet was next to Teyla as BP mentioned..but I did see how close they were to each other and their body posture....if you notice...John had his hands crossed a me, it's almost like he's afraid that if he lets them go...they are going to end up on Teyla somewhere...LOL

                            Teyla so relaxed and carefree..I like it...we need to see this side of Teyla....

                            Now, I"m having a bit of a difficulty understanding what people wrote in here..but I'll just write what I"ve seen...

                            Teyla and John flirt a lot with each other..they've done it since they met....and that is one thing that surprised me with these two...that how quickly and how comfortable they feel with one another almost instantly after they to me that Teyla and John are flirting in this scene should not be surprising cause these two do it all the time......I mean..I posted some pictures from Rising and in that last scene before and after Teyla joins foreheads with John...the looks she gives him are very seducing and flirtatious....John and Teyla practically define the term in my book...other scenes like Hot Zone...and so on...are classic moments of these two flirting with each other...

                            What is new is this "kicking" and the fact that John brings about the fact that Teyla has the "hot" for another man....Teyla has never shown us besides with John and even subtly that she has the "hots" for any man...from our point of view..the only time that Teyla has come close for me to show that she has the "hots" for any man was in that scene after John kissed her...I felt that at one point....she had it bad for John and the fact that she was out of me indicates a lot of things...and one of them could be...I do have the hots for this man...but I can't let it take over me....that's part of what I saw there....
                            but besides that....the only thing I've seen from Teyla is that she finds John attractive and interesting....and she enjoys spending time with him on her off hours and they do get to a level of intimacy that can be considered intense and more than their sparring scene...

                            the moves there and the level of intimacy is certainly matched by both of them in those's both intense and mutual...

                            but, we've never seen Teyla show any interest in any other man...besides John...and for John to ask me...anyways...says two things..

                            the writers are telling us this ship is still very much's there.......John could have mentioned so many things to make all of them laugh....and yet he points out the fact that Teyla has the hots for another, for me...if John were to point out blank ask this to Teyla in would be inappropriate and Probably Teyla would not kick him but slap him because that is none of his,

                            this was John's opportunity to ask something that he wants to know..but yet do it in front of others so as not to compromise himself as to the intimacy and the reality of his question....

                            from what I can picture..I see that somehow...John heard something about Teyla and a new marine...whether it was the new marine showing interest or whether it was something he heard about Teyla...I think it's the first...

                            In Sateda we heard from Teyla that she still feels uncomfortable and sometimes feels like an outsider among the members of the expedition...for some reason, I don't see Teyla eyeing any guy....Teyla is too much of a lady that knows what she wants....and she's not one to play around...I ask Rachel if she sees Teyla as playing the field and having a fling here and there..and Rachel clearly replied what I've always considered from Teyla....

                            She is not a player..and she is not going to go after any man...Whatever man Teyla ends up with, he's gonna have to come to her...he's the one that is going to have to lure her to him....and he's going to have to do some really good convincing...for when Teyla makes her decision, she will make it for a lifetime...once she decides, that will be the one that she will remain with for her to eye a marine and consider him hot...I don't see it....

                            It's not like her...if this was so...she would have jumped John a long time ago...what would be the difference between any marine and John...? there wouldn't be one...

                            So, the way I see it...somehow, John overheard from somewhere that a new marine has been eyeing Teyla and perhaps even talking with, John wanted to get Teyla's side..and this was his perfect opportunity...he had witnesses...he was joking around, it seemed harmless and meaning less....but Teyla is too smart and she caught him...and she laid it down on him...and hard...

                            She meant it...she has no hots for any marine....the only man she has the hots the man that is sitting next to her...otherwise, what the heck was she doing with John and Ronon in her off time when she could be with the hot marine?!LOL

                            So, ladies and gentlemen...our boy was jealous! YUP! this is the closest that we are going to get from the writers showing our John jealous and again...overprotective of Teyla....and she caught on...and the best part...she could have gotten upset with him...she could have stated that is none of your business but instead, she kicked him...bringing him back to his senses and demonstrating to him..she's no player...and clearly finding it cute and funny that he's jealous over her! YUP! these two knew exactly what they were doing...

                            He tried to be sleek about it...but Teyla is so much smarter than that....she told him..NO, I am not..and just in case that's not good's a kick on the foot to tell you..that my eyes are only for you...and don't ever forget's almost like if she was saying...what the heck is wrong with you..what am I doing here with you then?

                            Men! they can be so stupid sometimes...sorry guys....

                            in then end, the smile on John's face at then end, and the way he looked at Teyla after that...UM..yup! he got the message and he's all cool now! all his worries are gone....everything is back to normal....the coast is clear...boy, do I feel sorry for that marine...I bet he got bathroom duty for a month or more...or worse......clean up John's golfing equipment....LOL

                            but, it was great of the writers to put in there that there are in fact guys interested in Teyla....

                            the comment that I found very interesting was Rodney's reply to that...
                            That's not new or something like that..see, even Rodney understood what John was doing...I see it as Rodney acknowledging other men noticing and having the "hots" for Teyla..for everyone knows that Teyla is not one to go after no guy...and Ronon was clearly playing along with John..I can almost see these two planning this out ahead of time....cause you can see John with his head down looking at the table...clearly aware about what he was going to do....

                            great scene....


                              Originally posted by Camy

                              again...everytime a character is introduced...must we know the history of this person....why did we have to know so much about Jeannie and her life ouside Atlantis....the entire scene in Stargate Command could have been done in less time than that....I just think that spending too much time with things that really aren't interesting....take away from the time of our cast in SGA!....

                              Good points Camy,

                              I didn't mind it as much as I thought I would - I think that was down to the wonderful performance of Kate Hewlett.

                              This episode was a bit confusing for showed a different side of Mckay that the writers were trying to portray but at the same time mix in with the McKay that we know...I don't know...something was not right..I just can't pinpoint...
                              To me both McKays were "nice", but I think that Jeanie brought out the best in our McKay. I liked that he realised just how much of a jerk he had been and with his own sister.

                              but, anyways, this is the John/Teyla thread....

                              I think it's important to say that we got to see John doing a lot of personal things in this episode..and of all those personal things how many he shared with Teyla...and the rest of the team...that is shows again....they are very important to him...
                              I loved the easy going relaxed atmosphere the team had with each other.

                              also, again...the fact that everytime he was sitting next to me says a's like someone else mentioned's expected's their seating arrangement almost...and I think that is cute...
                              Not only was John spending his off hours with Teyla but he was sitting next to her on each occasion. I find it hard to believe that some people have said that they don't spend anytime together - she is on his team and by this side each time they go through the gate - they spend time sparring and they socialise together, and VERY close together.

                              This was a great side of Teyla...I"m so glad they didn't miss her this time...and it was short but it was was very much a bit of the team here....
                              It was great to see her so at ease and relaxed and laughing.

                              Now, I miss this whole John's feet was next to Teyla as BP mentioned..but I did see how close they were to each other and their body posture....if you notice...John had his hands crossed a me, it's almost like he's afraid that if he lets them go...they are going to end up on Teyla somewhere...LOL
                              yep, they were so close to each other and I loved their body language.

                              Teyla so relaxed and carefree..I like it...we need to see this side of Teyla....
                              Relaxed, carefree and very beautiful.

                              Now, I"m having a bit of a difficulty understanding what people wrote in here..but I'll just write what I"ve seen...

                              Teyla and John flirt a lot with each other..they've done it since they met....and that is one thing that surprised me with these two...that how quickly and how comfortable they feel with one another almost instantly after they to me that Teyla and John are flirting in this scene should not be surprising cause these two do it all the time......I mean..I posted some pictures from Rising and in that last scene before and after Teyla joins foreheads with John...the looks she gives him are very seducing and flirtatious....John and Teyla practically define the term in my book...other scenes like Hot Zone...and so on...are classic moments of these two flirting with each other...
                              I don't really see it as flirting as such. More like a really strong connection that has been there from the start. They don't really need to flirt - they are both very much themselves when they interact. John doesn't do the banter like he does with Weir, he is just himself and likewise so is Teyla.

                              What is new is this "kicking" and the fact that John brings about the fact that Teyla has the "hot" for another man....Teyla has never shown us besides with John and even subtly that she has the "hots" for any man...from our point of view..the only time that Teyla has come close for me to show that she has the "hots" for any man was in that scene after John kissed her...I felt that at one point....she had it bad for John and the fact that she was out of me indicates a lot of things...and one of them could be...I do have the hots for this man...but I can't let it take over me....that's part of what I saw there....
                              but besides that....the only thing I've seen from Teyla is that she finds John attractive and interesting....and she enjoys spending time with him on her off hours and they do get to a level of intimacy that can be considered intense and more than their sparring scene...
                              I can't see Teyla openly showing that she has the hots for anyone but it could just have been a look of admiration she gave this marine that caused a reaction in John. He couldn't really say anything at the time so now is the perfect opportunity to ask the question that has been eating at him in a very casual manner - and he definitely got the answer he wanted.

                              but, we've never seen Teyla show any interest in any other man...besides John...and for John to ask me...anyways...says two things..

                              the writers are telling us this ship is still very much's there.......John could have mentioned so many things to make all of them laugh....and yet he points out the fact that Teyla has the hots for another, for me...if John were to point out blank ask this to Teyla in would be inappropriate and Probably Teyla would not kick him but slap him because that is none of his,
                              I'm sure that there are many marines that have the hots for Teyla, so maybe she was just being polite to one of them - but it brought out a twinge of jealousy in John and as you say he can't really just come out and say anthing to her..

                              this was John's opportunity to ask something that he wants to know..but yet do it in front of others so as not to compromise himself as to the intimacy and the reality of his question....

                              from what I can picture..I see that somehow...John heard something about Teyla and a new marine...whether it was the new marine showing interest or whether it was something he heard about Teyla...I think it's the first...
                              Yep, perfect opportunity to put his mind at rest.

                              She is not a player..and she is not going to go after any man...Whatever man Teyla ends up with, he's gonna have to come to her...he's the one that is going to have to lure her to him....and he's going to have to do some really good convincing...for when Teyla makes her decision, she will make it for a lifetime...once she decides, that will be the one that she will remain with for her to eye a marine and consider him hot...I don't see it....
                              No she is not a player and I agree that whomever she ends up with will have to come after her - and I think that John will eventually but now is not the right time.

                              She meant it...she has no hots for any marine....the only man she has the hots the man that is sitting next to her...otherwise, what the heck was she doing with John and Ronon in her off time when she could be with the hot marine?!LOL
                              Exactly - she doesn't have feelings for any man except the one sitting next to her but the first step for both of them, and it will probably be the hardest one is to admit this to themselves and then to each other.

                              So, ladies and gentlemen...our boy was jealous! YUP! this is the closest that we are going to get from the writers showing our John jealous and again...overprotective of Teyla....and she caught on...and the best part...she could have gotten upset with him...she could have stated that is none of your business but instead, she kicked him...bringing him back to his senses and demonstrating to him..she's no player...and clearly finding it cute and funny that he's jealous over her! YUP! these two knew exactly what they were doing...
                              I don't think it was outright jealousy but definitely John was not sure about how he felt about Teyla giving or receiving attention from another guy. But as we saw from Teylas reaction "whatever" did happen between her and this so called marine - she certaintly doesn't have the hots for him and was quite indignant about getting that point across to John.

                              Men! they can be so stupid sometimes...sorry guys....

                              in then end, the smile on John's face at then end, and the way he looked at Teyla after that...UM..yup! he got the message and he's all cool now! all his worries are gone....everything is back to normal....the coast is clear...boy, do I feel sorry for that marine...I bet he got bathroom duty for a month or more...or worse......clean up John's golfing equipment....LOL

                              but, it was great of the writers to put in there that there are in fact guys interested in Teyla....
                              Yes, I'm also glad that the writers put this in - John is not the only hot person on Atlantis and Teyla is a stunning woman and bound to attract attention.



                                Originally posted by Gigajules
                                Why is it hard to believe that Teyla would be attracted to a marine? Ever seen one? lol It's not hard at all to imagine that she got busted ogling and John's giving her a hard time. Or hell, that she talked to a guy and he's ribbing her about it. John is a great big 12-year-old. (And Marines, as a general rule, are hot.)
                                Hmmm, yes, Marines are hot.
                                I think, though, my comment was not about her feeling an attraction but whether or not said attraction would be in the open for anyone to notice, including a guy as in tune with her as John. This could be a preference thing. I prefer to see Teyla as a leader. Even though we don't see Athosians around anymore, I imagine her taking care of Athosian business the way she did in season one and early season two, negotiating for grain, etc. That's a woman who needs her credibility. She might be fun on girls' night, talking it up with the ladies about the guys (reference Cadman's comment in Duet-- and I could easily imagine Teyla taking part in that) but the guys aren't going to see her ogling, no matter what's going on in her heart. Again, this is my understanding of the character. Teyla getting caught needing a drool cup? Doesn't work for me. But it's about the face she shows the world, not about what she feels inside. So, to me, having the hots and John *seeing* she has the hots are two different things. It was all in his mind or he was teasing ... That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

