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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    JT moments in Phantoms, WOOT, WOOT. I can't wait. I wonder if this weeks eppy will have any Teyla moments at all as it is a McKay-centric episode.


      As long as we get some Sheppard and Teyla moments makes me happy shippy would be even better . Who know if we'll get any Teyla moments in the next episode but yeah it is mostly a McKay-centric episode.


        Actually, we have no new ep this week. The next ep airs next Fri, Sept 8th, so we have a little ways to go still, lol. Not sure why they skipped a week in the airing schedule!

        I so cannot wait for Phantoms and Return!!!! Those are the eps I've been mostly wanting to see out of the first 10 for this season! So happy to hear BamBam's response!!!! Although I do think we need to be careful about bomboarding the guy with ship-based questions. My fear is that every ship will keep asking him to the point where he'll just stop answering them. But I am very happy to hear his answer to this latest question! I too will just be thrilled to for John and Teyla to have screen time together, whether it's shippy or not! I just love seeing them interact!!!!

        Tielan's story is AMAZING!!! And the comment fics people have left for her are great as well! Nice fix for a J/T story mood! Thanks!
        Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


          Originally posted by Maria Sheppard
          I asked Bambam one question about some shep and teyla moments in episode "Phamtoms and Sunday" and here what he said:"I watched Phantoms in the office today, and I would have to say definately yes to that one for sure. "
          That sounds very promising. I'm really looking forward to seeing them share screentime together and its great that we are getting it in both eps.

          In Sunday there is a bomb explosion near the gym so I am wondering if Teyla gets hurt. That would certaintly give us some good angst moments and we may get to see some of those "feelings" from John like we saw in Sateda. Phantoms sounds like a great ep as well. Can't wait for both these eps.

          Does anyone know why there isn't an ep showing this friday.?


            Labor day holiday in the US, thats why there is no episode on Friday


              Originally posted by AthosianGirl
              No problemo!

              Here is the link to tielan's story...FOR MATURE AUDIENCES ONLY!!! Had to do the disclaimer bit....

              And here is another one from the Shep_Teyla LJ...same disclaimer as Above...
              Thank you, thank you, thank you for these links.
              Sig by Luciana


                I doubt we will even see Teyla in Mr. and Mrs. McKay...if anything it will be a la Intruder..she's left behind in charge of Atlantis...which is always good...maybe this time John will be the one interacting back and forth on the screen...WOOOOO! anyone for a plotbunny on that one?

                Phantoms...I agree with you guys...we have to remember....(believe me, I"ve been preparing myself for this one...) what the writers see as shippy may not be what we see as shippy.....the wise, DM reminded me of, I'm just as happy to get anything with real "meat" for Teyla as I am to seeing Teyla and John back together in an episode....


                  I can't wait to see Phantoms too. I'm hopeful, but reserved. I'd rather be pleasantly surprised than build it up in my head and be disappointed.

                  BTW, just wanted to ask:

                  1. Are there any questions about John or Teyla you wish were answered?

                  2. So far in the show, what plot points/issues/scenes weren't finished to your liking? I mean things like--how did Teyla feel about the loss of her father's necklace? Did anyone give her a new one? Did Teyla ever tell John about Charin's death? Has John ever heard her sing? Does Teyla ever participate in the mainland Athosian government anymore or is she their leader in name only now since she's gone on so many missions?

                  Any plotlines, any questions...anything dropped by the writers or PTB or even any character hints mentioned by the actors at conventions or in interviews that you wish they'd expand on?

                  These can apply to other characters or the series in general too if there's a major thing (like what happened to Michael or even Ford) that bugs you because it wasn't answered.



                    I just noticed.... that it is NinaM's birthday today!!! sooooo....

                    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!


                      Oooh a birthday!!! Happy birthday NinaM

                      I'm looking forward to phantoms and with BamBam saying that it is a good one for us Sheyla shippers im looking forwards to it even more!!!
                      Magnificent sig by Sheylafan87!!! *hugs*


                        I will be happy with any interaction between John and Teyla as they are such a delight together.

                        I never really look for shippy moments or try and find some where none really exist, but John and Teyla always come across as sharing a deep bond and knowing each other better than anyone else on Atlantis when they interact.

                        I'm sure we will get some great moments between them whether its just frienship or something more.


                          Originally posted by bluealien
                          I will be happy with any interaction between John and Teyla as they are such a delight together.

                          I never really look for shippy moments or try and find some where none really exist, but John and Teyla always come across as sharing a deep bond and knowing each other better than anyone else on Atlantis when they interact.

                          I'm sure we will get some great moments between them whether its just frienship or something more.
                          I agree with you. Sometimes it seems as if people try taking something that appears to be just casual interaction between friends and turn it into something that is the "shippiest" thing that could ever happen. I acutally enjoy the subtleties of John/Teyla without the need for a blatantly obvious relationship. The shyness of some of the situations (Sateda) is adorable and I think it works great between the two characters.


                            NAH! I'm ready for the next level...been there done long kind a friendship as powerful as theirs last without it trying to get to the next level?

                            for how long are we going to sit and believe that John is satisfied with his regular alien induced primal urges to finally dare and make the move...?

                            How long will Teyla sit back and watch as John goes off and gets involved even for the weekend, while she waits by the gate?

                            Nope, not me...I"m loving that Sateda...was the first real verbal acknoledgment without any other interference..and the next level closest to anything, I want more...If anything, I believe that these two need and deserve each other...something of a secret confession...I need more....

                            that's just my opinion.....


                              I agree with you as well Camy!!

                              What I meant by enjoying the subtleties of the relationship was just that.. I would rather have that than nothing at all! I could always stand for more But, who coudln't? Anyways.. Sateda was a great ep for J/T.
                              It was their first real conversation that had anything to do with emotions and feelings and it could possibly be the first step towards a meaningful relationship. I just loved the shyness and uncertanty that was shown because in my mind it eluded to the nervousness that John was feeling. If Teyla was only his friend he would be able to talk to her without fumbling for words. He wanted to say things right. He wanted to impress her. Or that's my opinion of it

                              Man I missed this thread!! I love discussing eps!! It seems now that I'm back in school I find MORE time than when I had nothing to do!! Strange how it works!!


                                Well, I'd figured that most would want more..and I am with you...something is better than nothing....

                                but you know..the reality is that most likely this is as much as we are going to get, from what I read from others who know about Stargate writers more than I do...and that it's a shame...cause I think the possibilities could be endless and not take away from the main focus of the show..but, hey...that's what this thread is for...we can think for the writers and beyond....LOL

