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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Just dropped in to say hey!

    Read the story Camy, Loved it. I wonder if you think the 'Ask Rachel' forum would let you post your sig so she could see it. Or help you get a copy to her as a gift. That would be cool.

    Happy Belated Brithday DM!!!

    Commond Ground:

    Was almost perfect! I was sad because they didn't have an ending scene with John back at Atlantis, but that's okay. (I still imagined Teyla jumping John's bones when he got home) The Wraith prisoner feeling defeated and without hope was odd to see and the 'life giving' bit was very interesting. It did occur to me that that might happened, but reason also told me a Wraith would never give life. Surprise, surprise. What blew me away was that he made John younger; he gave back more than he took. I really want these two to cross paths again.

    All around the cast was great. Even Ronon couldn't stand the site of John being drained of life and that says a lot.

    Of course the most important parts were Teyla's reaction to John being fed on. Rachel did an excellent expressing the horror of what she saw and fear of never seeing John again.
    If the season continues as it has been, I see a long furture for Stargate Atlantis. AND more SGA means more J/T.


      Originally posted by Padme18
      Love the story Camy. It won't let me send you a review from my account though. And I have to spread green around before giving you some .

      I loved 'Common Ground'. Teyla's reaction to John being fed on was great. And I loved the look on her face when she found out he was alive and young again.
      I too noticed that part with Teyla's reaction aswell it would have to be my favourite part but overall the episode was great


        Originally posted by Devine27

        Happy Belated Brithday DM!!!

        What blew me away was that he made John younger; he gave back more than he took. I really want these two to cross paths again.

        Thanks, Devine!

        And about the spoiler, he wasn't stopping yet when they got there! LOL.
        How much younger would he have made John if they hadn't gotten there when they did?



          I found it so amazing how he made John young again I was totally shocked myself but over all a great episode. I hope we get to see more J/T this season.


            We will...hutchi..don't worry!

            Hey, anyone up for a Common Ground Challenge..I know I read a nice fic over in with John and Teyla conversing afterwards and then Tie wrote a very um...HOT one for that episode as well....I"ll share the link laterz......

            How about a challenge DM?


              Originally posted by Camy
              We will...hutchi..don't worry!

              Hey, anyone up for a Common Ground Challenge..I know I read a nice fic over in with John and Teyla conversing afterwards and then Tie wrote a very um...HOT one for that episode as well....I"ll share the link laterz......

              How about a challenge DM?
              Hehe...I read tielan's story...and another on Sheppard_teyla LJ that had John and Teyla getting...*cough* together after the events of 'Common Ground' but I would love to see what our fellow writers can come up with here on Gateworld...I am going to need something since there is no Stargate Atlantis on Friday....


                Originally posted by Camy
                How about a challenge DM?

                Sure! Let me consult my handy dandy notebook.


                1. The obvious two challenges: Write Teyla's feelings about his being tortured, and write what John was thinking about her watching and his faith in how she'd save him.

                2. It's been theorized in fic elsewhere ** that when the Wraith fed on John he gave John some mild Wraith abilities. Since Teyla has these same Wraith abilities, and John (if this theory were true) would have both Wraith abilities and natural, very strong ATA in him, how would that effect John? How would that change his relationship with Teyla? If you like, write a future fic in which these changes effect their children--since John having both would, theoretically, skip a generation in the "genetic combination" process that we discussed here a long time ago.

                ** Sorry I can't recall who wrote the ficlet, only that it was about a double drabble and was good. I just thought you all could expand on the idea that the Wraith gave him a little Wraithy power. So, not my original idea.

                3. Joe has said in an interview that John was changed by the retrovirus--and I don't believe he meant physically for the most part. How was he changed? Who did he talk to about it? Did he share this with Teyla or could she sense it since she knows him so well? What added nightmares or "haunted" feelings did the events in Common Ground add to this mental anguish for him?

                Good enough? I could brainstorm more, I'm sure.


                Last edited by Doxymom; 28 August 2006, 05:48 PM.


                  Originally posted by AthosianGirl
                  Hehe...I read tielan's story...and another on Sheppard_teyla LJ that had John and Teyla getting...*cough* together after the events of 'Common Ground' but I would love to see what our fellow writers can come up with here on Gateworld...I am going to need something since there is no Stargate Atlantis on Friday....

                  Do you have a link to the LJ story thanks.

                  Great ep and it was lovely to see Teylas concern for John. Her expression at the end when he was young again was pricless - she just looked speechless and stunned. I would have liked to have seen a little bit more from her and hopefully the writers will give her more dialogue during the rest of the season. Her scene in Sateda with John was the most memorable for me so far and got such a positive reaction from the majority of fans so I hope the writers were paying attention.


                    Originally posted by bluealien
                    Do you have a link to the LJ story thanks.
                    No problemo!

                    Here is the link to tielan's story...FOR MATURE AUDIENCES ONLY!!! Had to do the disclaimer bit....

                    And here is another one from the Shep_Teyla LJ...same disclaimer as Above...


                      Originally posted by AthosianGirl
                      No problemo!

                      Here is the link to tielan's story...FOR MATURE AUDIENCES ONLY!!! Had to do the disclaimer bit....

                      And here is another one from the Shep_Teyla LJ...same disclaimer as Above...

                      Thank you.

                      Off to read them now


                        I asked Bambam one question about some shep and teyla moments in episode "Phamtoms and Sunday" and here what he said:"I watched Phantoms in the office today, and I would have to say definately yes to that one for sure. "


                          Yes I read that in his thread... I hope we get something really good with them...even though I'm just glad to have anything with the both of them... even if it's not to shippy,,, I'm just happy having them share the screen just the two of them,,thinking of Sateda ......but I'll be even more happy if we truly get more shippy feelings when seeing them together...maybe it's centered mostly of them two... well let's hope for the best and that we get some really great J/T moments....
                          Sigs by Scifan


                            Tielan had asked people to write her JT drabbles and several did in the comments of this page. Very nice stories. And if you feel like writing one for her, this thread is the place to post it.




                              I just read Tielan story thought it was amazing great job anything with J/T I always read.


                                Originally posted by Maria Sheppard
                                I asked Bambam one question about some shep and teyla moments in episode "Phamtoms and Sunday" and here what he said:"I watched Phantoms in the office today, and I would have to say definately yes to that one for sure. "

                                That sounds good I'm looking forward to some Shep/Teyla moments can't wait to watch those two episodes.

