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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Jenova Synthesis
    Just dropping in to deliver a gift for Camy.
    As promised, hon. Since I dunno when I'll get my scanner back to working I took a photo. I'll scan it asap.

    Hope you like it. Luv ya. *huggles*

    So beautiful, I am utterly speechless right now. You have amazing talent. I took 4 years of art and all I can draw are stick figures.


      Originally posted by Jenova Synthesis
      Just dropping in to deliver a gift for Camy.
      As promised, hon. Since I dunno when I'll get my scanner back to working I took a photo. I'll scan it asap.

      Hope you like it. Luv ya. *huggles*

      OMG That is sooooo amazing JS you really do have amazing talent it's great.


        Originally posted by Jenova Synthesis
        Just dropping in to deliver a gift for Camy.
        As promised, hon. Since I dunno when I'll get my scanner back to working I took a photo. I'll scan it asap.

        Hope you like it. Luv ya. *huggles*

        Wow that's an amazing drawing.... really great....I wish I could draw like that...
        A scene I could picture them in of course
        Sigs by Scifan


          Originally posted by Jenova Synthesis
          Just dropping in to deliver a gift for Camy.
          As promised, hon. Since I dunno when I'll get my scanner back to working I took a photo. I'll scan it asap.

          Hope you like it. Luv ya. *huggles*

          Nice work - very well sketched!



            Originally posted by Jenova Synthesis
            Just dropping in to deliver a gift for Camy.
            As promised, hon. Since I dunno when I'll get my scanner back to working I took a photo. I'll scan it asap.

            Hope you like it. Luv ya. *huggles*

            Came by to catch up on any fics posted in the last few days and I have to say I found a pleasant surprise: Jenova Synthesis – That picture is absolutely beautiful.


              that is an amazing drawing!!!


                Originally posted by Jenova Synthesis
                Just dropping in to deliver a gift for Camy.
                As promised, hon. Since I dunno when I'll get my scanner back to working I took a photo. I'll scan it asap.

                Hope you like it. Luv ya. *huggles*

                Jen... .wowza... awesome... really, really beautiful!
                Join the Ori War Today.Join Now


                  Originally posted by Camy
                  Sheylafan..basically, anything that has John and Teyla in one same shippy enough for me...

                  I can only speak for myself of course....
                  Then you'll probably like at least one of the upcoming episodes, Camy. Just from the rumours I've heard.



                    Originally posted by Jenova Synthesis
                    Just dropping in to deliver a gift for Camy.
                    As promised, hon. Since I dunno when I'll get my scanner back to working I took a photo. I'll scan it asap.

                    Hope you like it. Luv ya. *huggles*

                    Such an awesome picture!! Great job. I can totally imagine that being their wedding photo ... their faces are perfect.

                    I Find Your Lack Of Faith Disturbing


                      Originally posted by Jenova Synthesis
                      Just dropping in to deliver a gift for Camy.
                      As promised, hon. Since I dunno when I'll get my scanner back to working I took a photo. I'll scan it asap.

                      Hope you like it. Luv ya. *huggles*

                      *sadly joins the thread due to unexpected news*

                      WOW! OH MY! OH HON! OH, I"M I"M I"M....



                        Originally posted by Camy
                        *sadly joins the thread due to unexpected news*

                        WOW! OH MY! OH HON! OH, I"M I"M I"M....

                        That is a lovely sketch, JS.

                        Camy, why are you sad? E-mail me!
                        Sig by Camy


                          I'm back..

                          HI TRIPPY!

                 can't keep secrets from me...tell me what you've me...

                          WITCHY! you know how much I've been worried about you?

                          Why are you lurking...? did someone do something, say just let me know...YOU LET ME KNOW...I'll take care of it...

                          NOW, while unconscious..look it what I did...I feel like I've killed her pic..but I couldn't find a better way of turning it into a sig without killing John's hair and the rest of the pic....does it look okay?

                          I it still as BEAUTIFUL as the original...Oh, I LOVE IT! The details, the expressions, the DETAILS...the perfect similarities....Oh, it's, it's....

                          okay...breath in, breath out...

                          THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU, JS..this is the best gift ever.....

                          Now,'s is the reason for my sorrow...I don't know if I can handle of these news like this...sometimes I wish I had never discovered this entire online thing and had just stayed naive and watched the show and when the TV commercial says, NO MORE..then I'd cry and move on....but all this anxiety is killing me!

                          How can anyone replace any of the characters of SGA...How can Teyla and John move on? Teyla already gets thrown on the side too much and everytime any characters of SG-1 comes in, she isn't there and neither is Beckett or Ronon...

                          I feel this could seriously hurt our ship in many ways....any thoughts...

                          here's the news....
                          Stern said Sci Fi plans to use some of the cast members of “SG-1? on the successful “Stargate: Atlantis” sequel, now in its third season and still going strong.

                          Thanks to Nytel for posting it in her LJ...

                          and here's the entire article...

                          I know that I would not see SGA if things change this would just be a waste of time....the real purpose and reason for it would be lost...

                 made my night...actually morning...THANKS SWEETIE! YOU ARE THE BEST!

                          I wonder if there's anyway I can send this to Rachel.

                          I know she would love it!


                            Originally posted by Camy
                            here's the news....

                            Stern said Sci Fi plans to use some of the cast members of “SG-1? on the successful “Stargate: Atlantis” sequel, now in its third season and still going strong.

                            Thanks to Nytel for posting it in her LJ...

                            and here's the entire article...
                            I guess the question is whether they're intending to use the cast as guest stars or regulars.

                            The present SGA line-up certainly isn't given adequate time or role in the show. It would be a pity to lessen the time the "minor" (and IMO more interesting) characters have to bring in SG1 characters who already have distinct analogues within SGA (Action Hero: Cameron Mitchell/Sheppard, Technocrat: Sam Carter/McKay, Diplomat/Linguist: Daniel Jackson/Weir).

                            Unfortunately, I doubt that Sci-Fi is much concerned with the value of character storytelling. They're looking at their bottom line - and their bottom line says that they have marketable actors and an existing show in which to put them.

                            I guess this is the point where people start encouraging either a 2nd spinoff series, or a TV miniseries.



                              Wow, JS, this is beautiful!! And so romantic!! Thank you so much for sharing with us!!! GORGEOUS!

                              Last edited by LoveConquers; 24 August 2006, 10:13 PM.
                              Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                                Originally posted by Camy
                                I'm back..

                                NOW, while unconscious..look it what I did...I feel like I've killed her pic..but I couldn't find a better way of turning it into a sig without killing John's hair and the rest of the pic....does it look okay?

                                I it still as BEAUTIFUL as the original...Oh, I LOVE IT! The details, the expressions, the DETAILS...the perfect similarities....Oh, it's, it's....

                                okay...breath in, breath out...

                                THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU, JS..this is the best gift ever.....

                                Now,'s is the reason for my sorrow...I don't know if I can handle of these news like this...sometimes I wish I had never discovered this entire online thing and had just stayed naive and watched the show and when the TV commercial says, NO MORE..then I'd cry and move on....but all this anxiety is killing me!

                                How can anyone replace any of the characters of SGA...How can Teyla and John move on? Teyla already gets thrown on the side too much and everytime any characters of SG-1 comes in, she isn't there and neither is Beckett or Ronon...

                                I feel this could seriously hurt our ship in many ways....any thoughts...

                                here's the news....
                                Stern said Sci Fi plans to use some of the cast members of “SG-1? on the successful “Stargate: Atlantis” sequel, now in its third season and still going strong.

                                Thanks to Nytel for posting it in her LJ...

                                and here's the entire article...

                                I know that I would not see SGA if things change this would just be a waste of time....the real purpose and reason for it would be lost...
                                Hey Camy, I think the drawing looks GREAT as a sig!!! Very cool way to showcase such beautiful artwork!

                                And I too am so frustrated at this lately possible turn of events. From the comments on the board, it looks like pretty much everyone is against the idea of moving SG1 characters to SGA. Let's hope whoever has the power over this horrific decision sees and listens!
                                But on the more positive side, I am hopeful that everything will be just fine. If they planned to transplant the entire cast into Atlantis, why bother cancelling SG1? It makes no sense from a financial standpoint, especially with the cost of main cast salaries. I am hopeful this article is referring to either a few minor secondary characters (like gate guy) or recurring guest star roles (like Caldwell today). And there is still the possibility SG1 being picked up by another network or the whole movie idea. Michael Shanks even commented on his site that it's not over yet (I forget the exact wording, sorry!), so I am feeling pretty positive that everything will work out ok. Let's hope so!!!

                                Sig by Mayra~many thanks!

