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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by AthosianGirl
    EC....this story amazing work of fiction...let me tell ya...if they made an episode like your story...I'd die of nailed Rodney's voice, loved Weir as a leader, Maj. broke my heart...and last but not least...John and Teyla was written to perfection...ship done so darn well...not in your face but present all the time...

    Okay that was just character wise...I loved the whole story arc...the rich history you created but was complete and thought out...

    My favorite story...I am not joking....

    Everyone else who has yet to read this fic....STOP what you're doing and check it out!

    Since I have inside connections, I've already read this fic... but trust me... IT DEFINES GOOD.

    Camy... you've already got my answer... I'll wait to see what the odds are of my opinion drastically contrasting... here's the question again guys.

    Originally posted by Camy
    In the Long Goodbye, if the roles had been reversed and Teyla would have been possesed and John had to kill Teyla, would he have done it?

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      Originally posted by expendable_crewman
      Just finished new fanfic with John & Teyla. It's long ... I like them long! Here you go: Dark Matter.


      Absolutely and astoundingly beautiful. I just love your work. I thought nothing would top your last one, but I was wrong. This is utterly amazing. Thank you so much for writing it and for sharing it with us! I so cannot wait to read more of your J/T work!
      Thank you!
      Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


        Originally posted by Maria Sheppard
        Hey guys!!!Its amanzing and official!!!They renewed Stargate Atlantis for a fourth season witch means more John and Teyla and Teyla centric episode!!I'm so happy rigth now, but its sad that they cancelled SG1!!

        I'm saddened to hear about SG1, but am sooo excited to hear we'll get Atlantis for another season!!!! Yay!!!! Very emotional news, that's for sure!

        Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


          Loved the Fan Fic!!!


            Originally posted by expendable_crewman
            Just finished new fanfic with John & Teyla. It's long ... I like them long! Here you go: Dark Matter.


            Oh my god. I need a tissue! That was perfect.


              Originally posted by Camy
              Okay, I think this has been asked before, so I'm not going to take credit for it...but I"ve been discussing a couple of things that I've seen happening in this season and things that may or may not happen and this question came up again....and I thought it would be interesting to see what you guys thought...

              In the Long Goodbye, if the roles had been reversed and Teyla would have been possesed and John had to kill Teyla, would he have done it?

              Tough question...I think it would be very hard for Sheppard to kill Teyla. We know that he considers her family and cares very deeply for her, but on the other hand, he did kill Sumner in Rising to end his suffering at the hands of the Wraith. With Teyla, I think Sheppard would face more of a struggle to make the decision since he has known her much longer. It would be horrible for Sheppard to have to harm Teyla, but it would also be painful for him to see her suffer under the control of another being. I think that if worse came to worse, he might do it just to end her suffering as he did with Sumner. Shep would never be the same afterward though...

              Good question! Let's hear some more opinions!
              Sig by Cazzblade


                expendable_crewman love the fic it was really great keep up the good work.


                  great fanfic expendable_crewman, I've look through alot of fanfic in the forums and i have to say the sheyla stories are allways the best. Keep up the good work and keep watching Atlantis.


                    Originally posted by expendable_crewman
                    Just finished new fanfic with John & Teyla. It's long ... I like them long! Here you go: Dark Matter.

                    Excellent story!! i enjoyed every moment of it!!! i love long stories as well!!
                    -thanks Myn MacGeek, Third Sentinel

                    Thanks Camy!!


                      Expandable already got my long review for this fic... she's a fantastic writer....and thus, she's going to make me another long one...but the way I like it! LOL

                      OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, the PAIN! but Darn it...this fic is still making me sob....that is a POWERFUL FIC! Go and READ IT!

                      Now, I'm Overwhelmed with EMOTIONS for SGA...I am an obsessed fan..but I am so saddened for SG-1..and I hope that SGA doesn't loose the SG-1 Faithful fans...and thus hurt the show....

                      I say, Make John and Teyla Official and BANG! you have a hit show....


                      Okay...I have a fic challenge for you guys...but I will post it tomorrow....

                      now, CG..can't WAIT!

                      Now, would John shoot Teyla...

                      My opinion....NO!
                      Why? he's a man in love and a man that would do anything for his family...Military responsibility aside..he couldn't bring himself to do it...I see John shooting the camera, and running off with Teyla..and yelling at Rodney to get his ass working on something to rescue the rest of the crew....I see him running down the corridors and getting Teyla to safety and going and risking his life to save the others....He knew that Thalan's possession of Teyla was temporary so he knew that eventually she would be back to could he kill her...I'm sorry I don't see, I don't see this as making him any less capable than Teyla..but I do see two different points of view....Teyla is used to seeing death....and has come to grips with it...she has accepted it....and as much as it would have killed her, she would have shot John...although I have my doubts about that too....

                      But John, I have no doubts about and in my opinion he wouldn't have had...

                      Now, I shared this with Ritter already.....go back to his Sateda scene...with Teyla...above all else, is his family...he didn't say he'd risk his life for others..he said and even clearly mentioned who he would do it for....

                      now, another comparison....didn't Adam fail all humanity to save Eve...or better yet, he knew he would die and he never hesitated to eat from the forbidden fruit just because he loved EVE..and couldn't see his life with any other woman...which I"m sure he knew God would have made him another one...but that was not an option for him....

                      so, that's my theory and I"m sticking to it.....*I stole that phrase from expandable...*

                      John wouldn't have shot Teyla...he'd rather die first and take the consequences of dying with the others than shoot Teyla....he would not give in to another's demands....especially knowing that what was inside of Teyla was temporary....NEVER, he wouldn't have done it!


                        Originally posted by AthosianGirl
                        EC....this story amazing work of fiction...let me tell ya...if they made an episode like your story...I'd die of nailed Rodney's voice, loved Weir as a leader, Maj. broke my heart...and last but not least...John and Teyla was written to perfection...ship done so darn well...not in your face but present all the time...

                        Okay that was just character wise...I loved the whole story arc...the rich history you created but was complete and thought out...

                        My favorite story...I am not joking....

                        Everyone else who has yet to read this fic....STOP what you're doing and check it out!

                        Thanks to everyone for the nice things you wrote about the fic. And thanks to LoveConquers for the inspirational Silent Obsession video. That's a motivating video, let me tell you.

                        Helps at the end of a long day too.

                        And I owe Camy and Cpt. Ritter another long one for putting up with me and, um, there was that whole shock thing ... still sorry .. so I'm already on it.

                        The Long Good-bye reversal scenario:
                        John does not shoot Teyla, IMO. On that option he'd get instant paralysis. I picture his brain trying to click on that channel and all he gets is white noise. Since he's usually going fast in intense situations, he'd just flash right over that option. Again, IMO. Ugly as this sounds, if we're talking about a scenario where a person gets shot, then I'd picture him shooting himself first. He can rationalize and probably be right that Phoebus wouldn't release the halon because he'd be down. She'd go to the next step and order Caldwell to send someone else to kill Teyla. She could unlock that section, if I'm not mistaken, and let someone else in. Meanwhile, Rodney would get the code and free up the back-up people.

                        ** shudder moment **

                        Even though I can see Teyla shooting him, the way the episode was running ...

                        Here's a better scenario and one I would have paid to watch: Teyla is up, John is Thalan, and she hits him in his tac vest with the P90 round. She knows he's wearing an anti-ballistic plate, Phoebus might wonder but Weir's not military so she's not sure ... but to the viewers we get an oh no moment of the highest order.

                        John knows he's not really shot but John and Thalan go down like he/they are. John knows what Teyla's trying to do, so Thalan knows. The viewers are not in on the charade and man are we reacting ... oh and and Teyla/Rachel gets to act her butt off. We in TV land put down our 7-Ups and Doritos. Jaws are hanging. Phoebus (or Rodney) unlocks the city and Phoebus heads down to check out the body. It's like a play on how the episode actually resolved itself, only it happens sooner and with more drama. Teyla is still leaning over John when Phoebus bursts in. Phoebus wants to see him dead. John of course is still Thalan but who cares? Phoebus gets blasted, Teyla kicks the gun out of his hand. We get our follow-up in the infirmary. Everyone lives happily ever after, sort of ... Well, it's still Atlantis. And John has a sore chest.
                        Last edited by expendable_crewman; 22 August 2006, 03:45 AM.


                          On the second page? Now that just won't do!

                          I know this is very overdue but better late than never right?
                          Thank you all so much for your welcomes! I feel right at home!
                          First off, *sobs* SG-1 gone? Nooooooo.
                          Secondly, *cheers* Yay for season 4! More John/Teyla goodness on the horizon! Can't wait to see what the writers come up with.

                          Now, as to the reverse situation idea in TLG I dont think he'd shoot her either.
                          I think there would be much angst and he would consider it like Telya did. He'd want to save her, but at the same time I think his responsibility as the ranking military officer on the base might come to the foreground.
                          I think he would have to consider it, one person or a third of the population is definitly something he'd have to weigh up in his mind.
                          When it comes down to it, John is a military man and I think he would have to have thought about it.
                          Teyla may well be very close to him, and it may very well kill him if he lost her but a third of the population gone because he put his personal feelings infront of his duty? (I sound like Bates!!) I'm not sure John would have been able to make that decision indefinately.
                          Thats why I dont think he would have shot her. I think he would have been fighting two sides of a battle in his mind long enough for McKay to come through and save the day. Again. (Now I sound like McKay!)
                          I think it would have most likely gone much the same as it did in the ep.
                          I dont think he would have been able to bring himself to shoot her if it came down to the cruch though.
                          I dont think John would have been able to believe that it was Thalan he was killing and all he can focus on was the fact that he was about to shoot Teyla.
                          So yeah, all in all, I think he would have considered it but I dont think he would have been able to do it when/if it came down to it.

                          Someone notices you. Someone somewhere notices you the second you walk into a room. Find them. Because they’re waiting for you. Waiting for you to turn your head, say hello, and make their day the way you’ve made every single one of theirs. Find them.


                            I am also saddened about the cancellation of sg1 but let the good times role as now the writers can concentrate on some more teyla and john stories i hope as teyla lately has had no episodes centred around her and am still waiting for some more jt chemistry lets hope now its been renewed that we have loads more teyla and shepard story lines
                            Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


                              Originally posted by expendable_crewman
                              Thanks to everyone for the nice things you wrote about the fic. And thanks to LoveConquers for the inspirational Silent Obsession video. That's a motivating video, let me tell you.

                              Helps at the end of a long day too.

                              And I owe Camy and Cpt. Ritter another long one for putting up with me and, um, there was that whole shock thing ... still sorry .. so I'm already on it.

                              The Long Good-bye reversal scenario:
                              John does not shoot Teyla, IMO. On that option he'd get instant paralysis. I picture his brain trying to click on that channel and all he gets is white noise. Since he's usually going fast in intense situations, he'd just flash right over that option. Again, IMO. Ugly as this sounds, if we're talking about a scenario where a person gets shot, then I'd picture him shooting himself first. He can rationalize and probably be right that Phoebus wouldn't release the halon because he'd be down. She'd go to the next step and order Caldwell to send someone else to kill Teyla. She could unlock that section, if I'm not mistaken, and let someone else in. Meanwhile, Rodney would get the code and free up the back-up people.

                              ** shudder moment **

                              Even though I can see Teyla shooting him, the way the episode was running ...

                              Here's a better scenario and one I would have paid to watch: Teyla is up, John is Thalan, and she hits him in his tac vest with the P90 round. She knows he's wearing an anti-ballistic plate, Phoebus might wonder but Weir's not military so she's not sure ... but to the viewers we get an oh no moment of the highest order.

                              John knows he's not really shot but John and Thalan go down like he/they are. John knows what Teyla's trying to do, so Thalan knows. The viewers are not in on the charade and man are we reacting ... oh and and Teyla/Rachel gets to act her butt off. We in TV land put down our 7-Ups and Doritos. Jaws are hanging. Phoebus (or Rodney) unlocks the city and Phoebus heads down to check out the body. It's like a play on how the episode actually resolved itself, only it happens sooner and with more drama. Teyla is still leaning over John when Phoebus bursts in. Phoebus wants to see him dead. John of course is still Thalan but who cares? Phoebus gets blasted, Teyla kicks the gun out of his hand. We get our follow-up in the infirmary. Everyone lives happily ever after, sort of ... Well, it's still Atlantis. And John has a sore chest.

                              LOL! I love your ideas for TLG! Now THAT would have been great to see!!! I love the way you think.
                              And wow, thank you so much for the comment on the vid!

                              Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                                Okay... since Camy and Expendable have done their little talks on this... time for my totally different opinion from everyone on this thread... maybe I'm just not seeing this clearly. Don't read this if you don't want to be met with disagreement, I can see it both ways, this is just my view on it (or at least it will be until Expendable and Camy force me to see things their way...

                                Now we're looking at a scene where John has just chased Thalen (in Teyla's body) all over Atlantis, stunned her, and then brought her in front of this camera after Caldwell stalling, now he's gotta listen to Phoebus tell him that she will vent... 'THE GAS' into the living quarters of the city if he doesn't shoot Thalen (AKA Teyla in this scene)

                                Now I'm gonna freeze frame right here... what's going on in John's mind. He's not going to shoot Teyla, he loves her (we're shippers right?). Okay... so he's starting to do the math in his head, probably doesn't even have his gun raised.

                                Phoebus: 'SHOOT HER OR I RELEASE THE GAS'

                                Shep (to Caldwell): 'Can she really do that?'

                                Caldwell: 'She has the power to do what she says she does.'

                                Shep: 'How many people?'

                                Caldwell: 'A 3rd of the expedition.'

                                Now freeze the tape again... in this instance Sheppard is looking at two eventual possibilities for this outcome, at least at the moment. There is no word on when McKay is gonna get the city unlocked. Choice 1) Shoot Teyla and hope that Phoebus doesn't release the gas. Choice 2) Refuse to shoot Teyla and possibly doom almost a 3rd of the expedition.

                                Now... I've been butting head with Camy and Expendable on this issue of Sheppard's military mind. Just how far does he take the math, how much weight to the lives of a 3rd of the expedition does he attribute to it. And how much weight is Teyla's life.

                                Sheppard (with emotion): "Why are you doing this?"

                                Phoebus: "Shoot her or the gas is released."

                                Sheppard would glare angrily at the camera for a little while, before finally turning back to Teyla.

                                Thalen: 'Teyla doesn't think you'll do it.'

                                Sheppard (Raising the gun): 'Teyla... I'm sorry.'

                                Thalen: 'She cares for you, more than you know.'

                                Freeze it up again... now if I'm getting winded, its because I'm trying to explain my thinking. Anyway, back to the ship. Right now he's desperately trying to make his decision (all while delaying as long as possible, that goes without saying) Now, if this were the show... McKay would unlock the city right then and then he could drop the gun... but assuming that McKay didn't... where does that lead us, Sheppard's choice.

                                Almost all of you are saying that Sheppard couldn't do it, that he couldn't value the lives of a 3rd of the expedition to Teyla's... that he couldn't make that decision. That he'd drop the gun and Phoebus would release the gas, possibly killing them both.

                                I believe he (like Teyla) could've done it, if there was no other option. What would there have been left of him afterward... nothing... absolutely nothing. He'd probably be dead within a year, either from a mission or suicide. Just like with Teyla it would've destroyed him if he pulled that trigger, but could he have done it to save the expedition, I still believe his military mind can make that jump.

                                Now don't everyone kill me, I am a Sheyla shipper. This is just how I see it right now... I am in no waying saying he could have really lived afterwards, I don't think Teyla could've either...
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