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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    well as long as we only discuss based on titles and SMALL spoilers, i'm up for that!! cuz now that i've experienced the spoiler-free lifestyle, i don't think i can go back the episodes are so much more exciting this way

    if teyla was taken by the wraith, i think it'll be really interesting to see HOW he finds out that she is... i wonder if the people talking to shep from atlantis will mention that teyla is missing and he'll hear it... or perhaps his mission will go awry and he'll be forced to actually go aboard the wraith ship (!!! )


      Originally posted by emily_reich
      or perhaps his mission will go awry and he'll be forced to actually go aboard the wraith ship (!!! )
      yeah that! I hope that happens!


        Originally posted by TheWarrior
        A good idea is every week discuss an upcoming Season 2 episode we have the title for and small spoilers for etc.
        How about dreaming up tiny stories or something?
        This poster has a Superiority Complex. Apologies in advance.


          I've been thinking about Teyla and how they didn't show her actually being captured by the Wraith. However, they did show Ford and his team being captured. I don't know. But I have a feeling something else happened. I don't know what- buy why not show Teyla being captured. Unless something else is up.


            well they just showed ford in a standoff.... teyla was plucked right from where she was standing if she was indeed taken... AND she was the only one... it's possible she left for some reason, but i don't see it, since she didn't answer weir... i think she was stunned and they took her to a ship, likely because they know she can connect to them... maybe they want info, maybe they want to do something else to her... who knows...

            but i do think the wraith took her... even if they managed to take her over, she would have kept the weapon i think... UNLESS that shooting weir heard was teyla shooting the other athosians!!! ooh, didn't even think of that... maybe she has been taken over...

            but i'm still betting that she somehow winds up on a ship because there has to be some reason for shep to change his plans and not just go, blow up the ship, and die...


              ok, just rewatched, and there's loads of bullet-things lying around everyone, so if teyla had been shooting them from where her bullet-things (shell casings??? ) were, she'd be dead and they were definately not full of bullet holes... they were stunned most likely... so much for speculation!


                Just seen these in an email with bits of information that is on the commentarie for The Siege

                "Teyla has a little bit of an arc with her finding out about these powers
                and learning to control them that goes all the way into' Siege' part 3."

                So looks like Teyla will use her powers or learn more in The Siege - so she may have been taken by the Wraith as they know about her powers and intend to use them and Sheppard does have to rescue her.


                  ooh!! coolies!! maybe she finds a way from the wraith ship to contact sheppard...

                  i'm really starting to think there's either a really weirdthing i'm thinking about or teyla had to have been taken by the wraith... cuz where else would she have gone after shooting... we saw no dead wraith! and what else would make shep change his mind about the suicide mission but having some reason not to have to blow up the ship, or a reason to try it another way...

                  my wild speculation brain is only half-working today, so this is the best i can come up with anyone got anything wilder??


                    Well what I came up with on Friday really - which actually I can't remember now.

                    It just seems odd the Wraith take Teyla but not the others - maybe they are capturing as many members of the Atlantis team as possible to tortune then to kill or something. Ford - Teyla - could also mean Everett might not be dead straight away.

                    In the trailer for Season 2 I saw a shot of Teyla looking round towards the camera with Weir next to her - that is a new shot to me so its either from Siege or an episode after that.


                      and was that shot of sheppard new??? i could tell...

                      personally my only thought with teyla is they really DID eat everett and (like bob was telling shep) they found out for sure about teyla being able to connect with them...


                        god i cant wait til the new season starts... i need eppys


                          Originally posted by CKO
                          god i cant wait til the new season starts... i need eppys
                          Well your lucky - you'll get the new episodes in July I have to wait for September/October for new episodes :-(

                          No Sheyla till September/October


                            wow!! september!

                            well you get the end of the season months earlier though... so i guess that's a lovely double-edged sword, ain't it...

                            we don't get the dvds til then though...

                            OMG!! just rewatched LFP! it's even better than i remember.... i noticed in the scene at the end where they're telling weir about the wraith, they keep looking to each other with really sad looks... cuz they had to watch that together.... probably for some moral support... it was really sweet

                            plus she has just the biggest smile when she sees him coming through the binoculars! it was an "awwww" moment


                              Interesting theories about Teyla. The Wraith would have to know that Teyla has been tapping into their thoughts. Therefore, they would have to be interested in knowing how a mere human could be tapping into their thoughts. Years have passed since the experiments on the humans and I wonder how many of the Wraith will actually remember. They would have to view her as the most dangerous threat to their kind. Also, I wonder if the Wraith responsible is still around.

                              Anyway, just as their numbers overwhelmed the Ancients- I'm sure the Wraith are banking on their numbers once again overwhelming the humans now living on Atlantis. However, the threat of what Teyla could possibly learn about them and eventually lead to their destruction would have to be first and foremost on their minds now.

                              I also have noticed that Teyla's abililty is increasing. The Wraith would have to view her as a serious threat with the possibility to surpass their own ability. Although, the Wraith are unable to read human minds- I wonder if Teyla will develop the ability to do this. Or at the very least, project her thoughts into others.

                              Also, while John is quick to sacrifice himself, I wonder if he could sacrifice Teyla as well to save Atlantis. I mean, if she has been taken by the Wraith and she is on the ship- Will Teyla try to stop John from taking out the ship. I'm just really interested to see what happens.
                              Last edited by Sheyla Fan; 27 March 2005, 06:35 PM.


                                Originally posted by Sheyla Fan
                                Interesting theories about Teyla. The Wraith would have to know that Teyla has been tapping into their thoughts. Therefore, they would have to be interested in knowing how a mere human could be tapping into their thoughts. Years have passed since the experiments on the humans and I wonder how many of the Wraith will actually remember. They would have to view her as the most dangerous threat to their kind. Also, I wonder if the Wraith responsible is still around.

                                Anyway, just as their numbers overwhelmed the Ancients- I'm sure the Wraith are banking on their numbers once again overwhelming the humans now living on Atlantis. However, the threat of what Teyla could possibly learn about them and eventually lead to their destruction would have to be first and foremost on their minds now.
                                yeah, this is definately why it's my theory that the wraith took her... and they probably don't want to kill her either.... i'm also wondering if they may want to use her as a sleeper in a sense by finding a way to take control of her whenever they want to... another good reason for an "if they can't take the city this time" scenario

                                I also have noticed that Teyla's abililty is increasing. The Wraith would have to view her as a serious threat with the possibility to surpass their own ability. Although, the Wraith are unable to read human minds- I wonder if Teyla will develop the ability to do this. Or at the very least, project her thoughts into others.
                                hmm...that'd be interesting! may be a bit far-fetched, but the human mind is different from the wraith and with the telepathic abilities of the wraith combined with a human mind... who knows...

                                it's possible she could do that kind of thing completely on accident to shep before he gets to the ship, which would be an interesting explanation for getting him to change his mission... hmm...

                                Also, while John is quick to sacrifice himself, I wonder if he could sacrifice Teyla as well to save Atlantis. I mean, if she has been taking by the Wraith and she is on the ship. Will Teyla try to stop John from taking out the ship. I'm just really interested to see what happens.
                                yeah, that's what i thought!! especially after rewatching LFP, though, i have mixed thoughts... we know he told her that military training involves knowing who you can save and who you can't... but is he hurting enough already and feeling he's already caused the deaths of enough people to go back on that and save his good friend?? i don't think he'd be willing to knowingly kill anyone from the base, especially teyla... and if he found out she was on the ship, i definately think he would change his plan somehow... but he wouldn't abort destroying the ship altogether, either... at least i don't see it...

