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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Re: the John admission thing. I can't remember the exact source but I believe it was an interview from a couple of months ago. I do believe the source was posted in this thread way back when.
    the assertion was that John would admit he cared deeply for her but she wouldn't know it. So the unconscious admission would fit. But they could do it in many, many ways--having Rodney tell him "I know how you feel about her" or something like that. The "rumor" wasn't specific, only that his feelings would be made known to the audience and himself and not to Teyla.

    Re: protection. Well, the military gives briefings on that, normally, to personnel getting ready to ship out to "exotic locales" so I suspect Carson hands those out regularly. After all, not only do we have "bugs" here that could wipe out entire civilizations in Pegasus, but they probably have some that could wipe out Earth too--think plagues. <ack! down plotbunny! Down!> Being in command, it's part of John's duty to be sure his men and women are protected, so he should be too. Not that I think he slept with more than Teer and possibly Chaya anyway.

    Re: Teyla. I'll spoiler this even though it's just my speculations based on spoilers I've heard.
    First off, in the DVD commentaries both Torri and Rachel kept saying how they wanted their characters to have love interests. So I think odds are good that it's either an old love refound, then lost again. Or that Teyla gets a one time fling. Someone mentioned somewhere that in Sunday, BamBam has a sparring scene with Teyla and at some point she's walking past the gym when a bomb goes off. It's possible that BamBam dies and she tells him she cares for him as he dies. There are tons of possibilities.

    later, there's a rumor that the Earth people are kicked out of Atlantis and sent home to Earth. Where would Teyla go?

    I think it would be a mistake on the writer's part to send Teyla to Earth if the Earth people get chased home. Why? Because one of her greatest fears is being left behind, abandoned, and that's also John's greatest fear. Remember how upset he was in Epiphany, thinking his friends had abandoned him? If John et al are forced to leave and Teyla forced to choose between staying and leading her people or going with him, I think she'd choose her people first. She's that type of leader. But it would allow for major character development on both their parts--given the assumption they care for each other--if they're forced to face this greatest fear and then find the John et al find a way to return to her. Will they do it this way? I don't know. But that's one powerful plotline if they do it.

    Even if none of this happens, the speculations would all make really interesting AU fan fic, if anyone is interested in all the rabid plotbunnies hopping around.



      Originally posted by kaeyla
      I cant help wondering with the Tower episode how poor Sheppard was to behave. He and his ancient gene literally had it thrown at him on a plate, naked and it was not his idea but her rather desperate way of getting an heir to get her throne completely free from her brother.
      Well, I'd read that there was a cut scene in which John said no.

      But who knows. Personally, I like the character enough to think, once he figured out all she wanted was to trap him and get pregnant to assure her power position, that he said no.

      And...okay, my shippy heart hopes he was thinking of Teyla.

      Not all guys take advantage of every floozy who throws herself at them.


        No by the look on Shep's face i think he looked totally surprised by it all. Yes i have met some really wonderful guys that say no- my friend in Wales had just married when this girl kept coming onto him. No guys are not always a collection of hormones and emotions any than girls are.

        Perhaps for one second John pretended she was Teyla but still said no...waiting for that day to come with Teyla in the future... i can see Sheppard being someone who would want to woo the future partner who was to share her life with him and plan bringing children together to be raised by them both.
        We are angels of death in black leather
        Your demons without wings, we glide
        We are angels in black with a hunger
        Not your sheep to change or guide.
        We are angels in the blackness for ever


          Can you imagine Teyla asking how many girls in the Pegasus Galaxy are hating me right now!? Hm....

          Anywho....I agree...DM...I don't think he slept with the blondy chick in the Tower...and as far as him having self control and not throwing himself at every alien girl in the Pegasus Galaxy...the only one that I clearly saw he was throwing or flirting in the Pegasus Galaxy was with Teyla...and of coarse, there's that one exception, the blonde in Inferno! whom I believe everyone agrees he was just trying to tick Rodney off! and that he was so blatantly flirting and in front of Teyla is even more I wrong in writing that besides that scene in Inferno, John doesn't flirt with others in front of Teyla...right?

          and then of coarse, my favorite scene in Inferno is when he backs off from the blonde and puts his arms up before she does! Clearly, not interested! or just saying...I think your hot, but that's about as far as I'm going with you! Love that scene! he does know his limit!

          and then of coarse, there's the scene in the Hive with that Wraith Worshiper girl....he was never interested in her..and he acknowledge that she was pretty, but he maintain himself focus on what needed to be done!

          Oh, he's okay in my book! I guess I just think that the writers sometimes don't show enough consistency with the characters and rather choose action that good character plot lines!

          Just my opinion...

          In addition, I think Teyla sees this side of him..and I think she doesn't mind it as much! hence part of her comment to him in Sanctuary was sort of telling him...why flirt when he can have the real thing...or something like that!


            I'm sure that nothing happened between Mara and John. He was already backing off when she started telling him that she wanted his gene and his baby. I did love the line when she kissed him first when he said " I never see this coming". This pretty much sums up John and woman. They usually take him by surprise and while he may enjoy a few kisses I don't think he takes it any further. Teer in my opinion was different. He had been with her six months and didn't think that he would ever get home.

            I'm hoping John and Teyla get to spend more time with each other in season three and develop their friendship. I think they will both continue to surpress their true feelings as both are probably worried what kind of effect it could have on their friendship and the fact that they are on the same team.

            The spoilers about John telling Teyla how he feels about her but only the audience get to hear his confession, seems to indicate that he makes this confession while Teyla is unconsious. If this does happen I still dont see it being a confession of his undying love but more an acknowledgement that she means a lot to him.

            As to Rachaels comments about getting a love interest this season. She states that it is a relationship that has been hinted at for the past two years and that it will be taken further. That means that it is not someone new or Ronan because she only knows him for one season and she has already stated that she sees their dynamic as being more like a brother and sister. So the only other relationship that has been hinted at is with John. I'm not going to get my hopes up too much though as she also said that she has filmed a scene where she has told "him" how she feels but that she doesn't even know who "him" is. The PTB want to keep it a secret and I suppose it gives them the option of changing their minds as to who this love interest could be.


              Okay...I'm so confused!
              How can she tell him how she feels and not know who he is....that doesn't make any sense....not to me anyways! and if she knows that it's with someone that it has been hinted at for two can she then not know if she knows this much? ACK!

              I should really stay spoiler free! LOL


                Originally posted by Camy
                Okay...I'm so confused!
                How can she tell him how she feels and not know who he is....that doesn't make any sense....not to me anyways! and if she knows that it's with someone that it has been hinted at for two can she then not know if she knows this much? ACK!

                I should really stay spoiler free! LOL
                Your confusing me now. It does seem a bit odd. Its just a scene where she tells someone how she feels - the someone will get inserted later I guess. Maybe it will be John or maybe TPTB will decide to go down a different route.

                Spoilers can drive you crazy because in my experience they tend not to turn out how you thought they would, and the PTB love to change their minds at the last moment.


                  Originally posted by Camy
                  But, my opinion...although I thought the story itself was completely useless besides seeing John kiss someone for the first time
                  Most folks don't give "Sanctuary" nearly the credit it deserves. The most interesting bit (to me, anyhow) has less to do with kissing than with the fact that a woman who can see straight through people found John so appealing. Anyone can look at him and tell that he's good-looking and charming and ridiculously charismatic, but Chaya's one of those holier-than-thou ascended sorts (though obviously less uptight than most) and I like to think that somehow her choice had at least marginally more to it than "wow, he's hot and I am way past horny". (Not that that wouldn't totally work for me, personally.)

                  Also very groovy is the way John responds to her. If you look at him when she first gives him the eye, he looks a little surprised. I half-expected him to turn and glance over his shoulder to see who she was really smiling at. The pacing around and grinning like an idiot and admitting how strange the situation is before he actually kisses Chaya was a very cool character moment. It says a lot about his sense of wonder at what he's gotten himself into, and though we already know by then that he's a bit of a big kid, the whole "and dude, I get to kiss pretty girls!" moment is fantastic. It's a very sincere moment, and a good look at the real John. At least I think so, because if he was full of crap, she'd know, right? (But again, look at him. He could be more full of crap than a butt factory and I'd, yeah. Moving on. )

                  The bit in the hallway with Teyla says a lot, too. He looks like he got busted by his folks trying to climb out the window for a late date. He's got this kind of "I know I'm full of crap, you know I'm full of crap, I'm just practicing making an ass out of myself because I'm probably going to do it again any minute" sort of vibe and it's hilarious. Teyla's very sweet to him, right there, which says a lot. For instance "Yes, I know you're a great big doofus, but it's okay, I dig you, anyway".

                  Character stuff aside, it's also another of many episodes that shows Our Heroes that while they might find what they're looking for, they can't always have it. They stumble onto a Wraith-free planet and an ascended Ancient and it still does them no good. Okay, well, maybe it did Shep a little good.


                    Originally posted by Gigajules
                    Most folks don't give "Sanctuary" nearly the credit it deserves. The most interesting bit (to me, anyhow) has less to do with kissing than with the fact that a woman who can see straight through people found John so appealing. Anyone can look at him and tell that he's good-looking and charming and ridiculously charismatic, but Chaya's one of those holier-than-thou ascended sorts (though obviously less uptight than most) and I like to think that somehow her choice had at least marginally more to it than "wow, he's hot and I am way past horny". (Not that that wouldn't totally work for me, personally.)

                    Also very groovy is the way John responds to her. If you look at him when she first gives him the eye, he looks a little surprised. I half-expected him to turn and glance over his shoulder to see who she was really smiling at. The pacing around and grinning like an idiot and admitting how strange the situation is before he actually kisses Chaya was a very cool character moment. It says a lot about his sense of wonder at what he's gotten himself into, and though we already know by then that he's a bit of a big kid, the whole "and dude, I get to kiss pretty girls!" moment is fantastic. It's a very sincere moment, and a good look at the real John. At least I think so, because if he was full of crap, she'd know, right? (But again, look at him. He could be more full of crap than a butt factory and I'd, yeah. Moving on. )

                    The bit in the hallway with Teyla says a lot, too. He looks like he got busted by his folks trying to climb out the window for a late date. He's got this kind of "I know I'm full of crap, you know I'm full of crap, I'm just practicing making an ass out of myself because I'm probably going to do it again any minute" sort of vibe and it's hilarious. Teyla's very sweet to him, right there, which says a lot. For instance "Yes, I know you're a great big doofus, but it's okay, I dig you, anyway".

                    Character stuff aside, it's also another of many episodes that shows Our Heroes that while they might find what they're looking for, they can't always have it. They stumble onto a Wraith-free planet and an ascended Ancient and it still does them no good. Okay, well, maybe it did Shep a little good.
                    Nice insights into Shepps character. I loved Santuary and enjoyed the John/Chaya interation. I think Chaya could see right through John and I loved that John seemed to think he owed Teyla an explantion as to why he was going on a picnic with Chaya. Lovely scenes.


                      Hehe...Gig and Blue...Yeah...I told you that I do tend to confuse people..but now I get what you mean....she's actually going to confess this to someone else but she doesn't know who...I was interpreting as...she's..oh...crap..I just interpret it wrong....moving on!

                      Gig...WOW! I love your explanation on Sanctuary....makes me want to see it again...
                      if anything, the episode had many cute Teyla/John moments and in it very telling how much these two were flirting at the beginning but nothing beyond that...In season 2 in my opinion there was less flirting and less moments of them together, but I also more of I can actually fall in love with this girl, guy....kind of vibe! and even more!

                      But, yeah, did show the doofus that John is and it also began the whole cycle of " I never see this coming" for John..and that is when I meant that Teyla read him so clearly on that too...and like you said, in Sanctuary she kind of plain tells him so...

                      I guess what got me with Sanctuary is that the entire episode was just about a doofus guy, who happens to be smart, gorgeous and AH! Moving on....but has his weaknessess..yes...I've said it...and to dedicate an entire episode on me was so pointless...but in a weird kind of way, it was a good episode for John and certainly showed a different side of him....

                      but again, you are so right...what did attract Chaya to John since she can see right through him...

                      I think she saw what we all see in John....such a great, heroic, honest, and yet child like guy..who is there only to do his job while having fun exploring and saving everyones' butt! LOL

                      Uh, what a man!


                        Originally posted by green_eyed_lady
                        THank you so much for your post LoveConquers!! You really got my shippy hopes back up wherethey belong.

                        I agree with you, I think that we may be getting some revelations, probably more one sided ones, that do not neccesarily get acted upon.

                        Earlier this afternoon I rewatched Conversion and the Long Goodbye, as the whole season two is on Movie Network on Demand for free and I just picked those two to watch. You can see from before Conversion, up to Long Goodbye, and beyond, just how much the shippy dynamic has grown for our ship. At the beggins the tension was there, but that was pretty much all it was, tension, and it seemed to stay that way up to the kiss in Conversion. After that kiss, Teyla seems to have grown more aware of how she feels for Sheppard, or is becoming more aware. Proof can be seen in her facial expressions, her actions, and certain inflections that her voice takes on. Most notably of course is the long good bye. So it just seems to me, that the hints we have gotten, that there may be more shippy between Teyla and Sheppard just seems to me like a natural progression, however painfully slow it may be.
                        I totally agree with you! I too think that their awareness seemed to grow after the kiss. It's very subtle, but it can be seen in their expressions and inflections. So I too feel we are seeing a nice, natural progression, which I love.

                        Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                          Originally posted by green_eyed_lady
                          Your SO lucky!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          I have to wait till August 14th cuz I live in!

                          On a completely off topic note....does anyone know where I can find tutorials on how to make fanvids? What programs are best to use? Actually if anyone has even the slightest info on that kind of thing I would be so happy, because I really wanna learn how to do it, but I'm totally lost. Thanks
                          Yikes, that's a loaded question! I can point you in the direction of some sites that have nice (long) summaries of making vids, but to give you a VERY high-level overview, you just need to have a way to get the eps onto your computer and you can make videos from there. Windows comes with a free program called MovieMaker, which while very basic, does get the job done. There are several other higher quality programs you can purchase as well.
                          To get the episodes onto your computer, you can rip DVD's onto your computer using various DVD Ripping programs you can download off the internet or copy VHS onto your computer with the right video card as well. Either way, getting the episodes onto your computer is the first and one of the most time-consuming steps.
                          From there, it's a matter of learning your video editing program and challenging yourself to make a video.

                          Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                            Originally posted by SallyLizzie
                            I hope y'all don't mind me posting here. I have nothing against Shep/Teyla hooking up, but if they do I'd like to see more scenes, more of a build up, before they make it canon. I think that's something that missing with a lot of the characters tbh. Hopefully TPTB will find the right balance soon
                            Thank you for your comments and for posting here! As someone who loves ALL the characters and am friends with several people of various shipping preferences, I really appreciate it. While I am a J/T shipper through and through, I am also an SGA fan through and through and love discussing how different people see different scenes.
                            And to keep this post on track, I agree with you on your comments. I too would like to see more development (I would say continued from previous seasons while you would probably say missing, LOL) before J/T would become canon. While I wouldn't object if they were suddenly thrown together as I personally have seen a lot of development betweeen them, I would prefer to see even more as well, before anything too significant happened between them. I love that slow build-up of tension and angst and longing!

                            Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                              Originally posted by Devine27
                              Now maybe, I won’t be burned at the stake for my next statement. I truly hope John and Teyla don’t get together next season, especially after John’s escapades from season 2. I’m not so bothered by the brief relationships that some people have called Kirking. What’s bothers me is when it comes out of nowhere and has no relevance to the plot. And for John to suddenly go from accepting whatever falls into his lap to being utterly devoted to Teyla is baffling. I couldn’t see Teyla suddenly falling all over him either. They need a year (or two) to rebuild that flirty relationship that we saw in season 1. I think it’s pretty obvious that they know they are attracted to each other. And the end of Conversion makes me believe that they just aren’t ready to deal with those feelings. Fortunately, they are continuously place in situations that remind them of those feelings.
                              I almost agree with you here! I too much prefer to see a continued build-up before anything major happens between them, and if any of the spoilers are to be believed, it seems the writers agree. (Yay!) I loved your thoughts on Conversion and how they've so far shown they aren't quite ready to deal with those feelings yet. I completely agree! But I don't think it would be inplausible for them to get together in season three, if that were to happen, as we have seen they do have feelings for each other. I personally felt those feelings were continued in season two, not harmed. I don't agree with the term "kirking" being used for John in season two, so that's probably why I don't have a problem if they were to get together quickly, although as I already said, I do think it will be slow and gradual, which is my first preference.

                              Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                                Originally posted by Devine27
                                I wouldn't count him out too soon. He supposedly plays an important part in this friday's episode and will end up as an open ended character; he could turn up again and agin (kinda like Ford).

                                Take a peek at the episode summaries for No Man's Land and Misbegotten.
                                I don't know how to make a spoiler button (side note, can someone please tell me how?) so I will keep this as vague as possible. I see HIS role in season three as being more of the "Flying Dutchman" role, as one caught between two worlds, part of both, but belong to neither. I do not see romance anywhere in this equation.
                                Teyla was also quite clear in her feelings to him as well. Any tentative trust she may have had with him was destroyed when he betrayed her. She does not trust easily to begin with. Her good-bye was quite clear and quite finitive. I have never heard her voice so cold as it was on that last line to him. While she may have to work with him from time to time, she will never trust him ever again, let alone find love for him. Any interaction between them will be on guard. So no, I don't count him out, but only because I have never counted him as a possibility in the first place.

                                Sig by Mayra~many thanks!

