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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    In the end, all we can do is wait and see what happens, but I for one am excited over some great storylines that seem to indicate more J/T moments for us! I love those little moments, so can't wait to see more!
    Oh, I hope so! Personally I think there's a lack of interaction between Teyla and John (in relation to the characters) which, considering they're team mates, is just wrong. I'm glad they're concentrating on interpersonal relationships and all that; I just hope they manage to it some team eps in their awwell.

    My favourite John/Teyla episode has to be Letters From Pegasus. It showed a lot of tension between them and I like that Teyla wasn't afraid to speak her mind. She's a leader afterall and to suddenly ignore the needs of her allies and become subservient to John would have been a gross misconduct to her character. I don't think she would have wanted to anger John, or be unbothered if they fell out, which makes me think that she respects him enough to be honest with him and trusts him not to act like a spoiled child (because she disagrees with him).

    I hope y'all don't mind me posting here. I have nothing against Shep/Teyla hooking up, but if they do I'd like to see more scenes, more of a build up, before they make it canon. I think that's something that missing with a lot of the characters tbh. Hopefully TPTB will find the right balance soon


      Originally posted by SallyLizzie
      I hope y'all don't mind me posting here. I have nothing against Shep/Teyla hooking up, but if they do I'd like to see more scenes, more of a build up, before they make it canon. I think that's something that missing with a lot of the characters tbh. Hopefully TPTB will find the right balance soon

      I’m so glad you said that. Now maybe, I won’t be burned at the stake for my next statement. I truly hope John and Teyla don’t get together next season, especially after John’s escapades from season 2. I’m not so bothered by the brief relationships that some people have called Kirking. What’s bothers me is when it comes out of nowhere and has no relevance to the plot. And for John to suddenly go from accepting whatever falls into his lap to being utterly devoted to Teyla is baffling. I couldn’t see Teyla suddenly falling all over him either. They need a year (or two) to rebuild that flirty relationship that we saw in season 1. I think it’s pretty obvious that they know they are attracted to each other. And the end of Conversion makes me believe that they just aren’t ready to deal with those feelings. Fortunately, they are continuously place in situations that remind them of those feelings.

      Rumor: The idea of Teyla having a love interest and finally having to admit to herself and him that she has feelings for John/someone else is a gradual step forward that I would like to see. As well as John’s rumored declaration of love/feelings for Teyla, that will only be apparent to the audience. I really need to know or see what it is that John/Teyla sees in Teyla/John, because otherwise the relationship will fizzle out and everyone will spend their time trying to ignore the two headed monkey in the middle of the room. At that point the show will be a complete mess. Slow and steady wins that race is what I have always believed and I will continue to do so until I see otherwise.

      Idea: Rumors about John declaring his feelings and the plot summary of season 3 episode Sunday came out around the same time. This made me wonder: Does Teyla get injured in the explosion? Will she have life threatening wounds? Will this lead John to declare his feeling to an unconscious Teyla?


        Originally posted by Devine27
        Idea: Rumors about John declaring his feelings and the plot summary of season 3 episode Sunday came out around the same time. This made me wonder: Does Teyla get injured in the explosion? Will she have life threatening wounds? Will this lead John to declare his feeling to an unconscious Teyla?
        Oh, that would be sweet and heartbreaking at the same time... I love scenes like that!

        Member of W.A.S.P. ~ My Fan Fiction ~MySpace ~ Thanks to *E*K*R* for the sig!


          Originally posted by CeeKay Sheppard
          Oh, that would be sweet and heartbreaking at the same time... I love scenes like that!
          I though so as well, but another idea that I can't shake is:

          That the HE everyone is talking about may be Micheal.

          It was more than obvious that he was attracted to her.


            Originally posted by Devine27
            I though so as well, but another idea that I can't shake is:

            That the HE everyone is talking about may be Micheal.

            It was more than obvious that he was attracted to her.
            Well, Michael seems to have thrown his lot in with the Wraith. He did try to feed on Teyla, after all.

            Member of W.A.S.P. ~ My Fan Fiction ~MySpace ~ Thanks to *E*K*R* for the sig!


              Originally posted by CeeKay Sheppard
              Well, Michael seems to have thrown his lot in with the Wraith. He did try to feed on Teyla, after all.
              I wouldn't count him out too soon. He supposedly plays an important part in this friday's episode and will end up as an open ended character; he could turn up again and agin (kinda like Ford).

              Take a peek at the episode summaries for No Man's Land and Misbegotten.


                Well I doubt we will see John and Teyla as a couple in season 3. We may get them interacting a bit more and maybe a realization of just how much they do mean to each other. This could happen due to one of them being injured and maybe will act as a wake up call.

                Even if John has feelings for Teyla he has no idea how she feels about him and therefore I have no problem with him enjoying some attention from other woman. Thats why season 2 didn't bother me in the slightest. John isn't attached to anyone and the fact that he recipicated to a few woman who mostly came on to him isn't a problem for me.

                But if John is faced with an injured Teyla or the possibility of loosing her then that may bring all his surpressed feelings for her to the surface causing him to confess how he really feels. He may not be even sure of his own feelings and again maybe he only realises how much he does care for her when faced with her loss.

                I think John and Telya became closer in season two and Conversion may have confused both of them but doesn't mean that they cannot continue to build on the trust and friendship that has been developing between them. I hope to see their friendship continue in season three and I think once John does come to the realization of how much Teyla means to him we won't see him interested in anyone else and he will only have eyes for Teyla.

                This doesn't mean that they are going to leap into a relationship. I think even if they do make their feelings known to each other they will still take things slowly.


                  Originally posted by LoveConquers
                  A quick comment on the third item that seems to be causing some confusion is on the JF article that CR commented on. It's a great comment by Joe, but it's an older one, from last January. But it's still a nice reminder that Joe feels any tension on the show is between John and Teyla, not John and Weir! Here is his exact quote: "I don’t think there is romantic tension with Dr. Weir. There’s tension with Tayla and they’ve written it that way. We get a fair amount into our characters. It all depends on the person and the character. The more time you spend on the show, the more input you get into your character. Brad and Robert, the writers, are very receptive and dynamic when they hear something. The feeling is that if you’ve got good material and suggestions there is always an open door." Arguments aside over how much can be read into how much imput or say an actor has into the storyline, I just find it personally gratifying that Joe, as someone with a huge investment into these characters, sees tension between John and Teyla and not between John and Weir. This however, is separate from Rachel's recent comments about a love interest angle for Teyla. I just wanted to comment on it as well since there was some confusion over all these articles and comments and rumors flying around lately.

                  In the end, all we can do is wait and see what happens, but I for one am excited over some great storylines that seem to indicate more J/T moments for us! I love those little moments, so can't wait to see more!

                  Ooops... sorry... I just saw it on Convergence under the new category... sorry for any confusion. Guess thats old news.

                  And either way... I watch the show cause I love it, regardless of the ship... though squeeing is fun!
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                    Originally posted by Devine27
                    Rumor: The idea of Teyla having a love interest and finally having to admit to herself and him that she has feelings for John/someone else is a gradual step forward that I would like to see. As well as John’s rumored declaration of love/feelings for Teyla, that will only be apparent to the audience. I really need to know or see what it is that John/Teyla sees in Teyla/John, because otherwise the relationship will fizzle out and everyone will spend their time trying to ignore the two headed monkey in the middle of the room. At that point the show will be a complete mess. Slow and steady wins that race is what I have always believed and I will continue to do so until I see otherwise.

                    Idea: Rumors about John declaring his feelings and the plot summary of season 3 episode Sunday came out around the same time. This made me wonder: Does Teyla get injured in the explosion? Will she have life threatening wounds? Will this lead John to declare his feeling to an unconscious Teyla?
                    That's a very plausible explanation... and then we won't see more on it from then. I'm all for a slow build-up of their relationship... but I see ship in a friendly smile or a note of concern in either of their voices. So all they'd have to do is be friends and I'd be happy... as for ship... give it time... I want Atlantis to last for a long time... and on new episodes... *jumps up and down* Need STARGATE!!!
                    Join the Ori War Today.Join Now


                      Originally posted by Devine27
                      Idea: Rumors about John declaring his feelings and the plot summary of season 3 episode Sunday came out around the same time. This made me wonder: Does Teyla get injured in the explosion? Will she have life threatening wounds? Will this lead John to declare his feeling to an unconscious Teyla?
                      Apparantly I've been living under a rock I've heard that
                      Teyla confesses her feelings for someone in Sunday (coming from RL's comments at LFCC) but not that John did too. Where did that come from?


                        Originally posted by SallyLizzie
                        Apparantly I've been living under a rock I've heard that
                        Teyla confesses her feelings for someone in Sunday (coming from RL's comments at LFCC) but not that John did too. Where did that come from?
                        No one has actually said that any declarations will ocur in Sunday. It's jsut that both bits of information came out around the same time and I wondered if the two could be linked.


                          Oh, no, sorry. I meant where did that bit of info about John come from (in general, not in relation to Sunday)?


                            Phew....I saved my favorite thread for last..and boy did I have a lot to read...please forgive me if I forget to mention something...

                            but, the vids....

                            WT..thanks for the link to that Striptease vid..very nice and hot indeed!

                            Nice discussions here....DM..thanks for posting the episode by episodes....

                            Great discussions...

                            I just want to add one thing...the kirking did bother me...cause like Devine mentioned...I would have a hard time seeing John now declare his undying love for Teyla after all that! I never watched the kirking term I"m basing on what I"ve read...and I do believe there is a big difference between the actual Kirk character and John...some great points were brought here...btw!

                            Two scenes come to mind with this whole kirking thing....The Tower...what a stupid episode..and pointless..and that Bimbo..UGH!
                            My only responds I guess to that episode is that, yes...of coarse it's only fair that John responds to her actions..but I guess I am a bit puzzled...does John walk around with handful of "protective wear"? I mean really! How many kids will have roaming around in the Pegasus Galaxy if he was sleeping around with every Bimbo that came his way!?

                            Since he knew the intentions of the Bimbo in The Tower..I doubt that he slept with her...clearly she had other a things in mind besides just shacking with John..and she made it very clear! so, I doubt that John went along with it..unless...he had protection!

                            next...DM...I couldn't have said it better myself with regards to Inferno! that Blonde was so pointless...I don't even get that! I mean I get everyone's explanation on how he was trying to get Rodney ticked off..but I don't even see it that way! if that was what he was trying to do...

                            Overall, Teyla shouldn't and couldn't hold any of this against John since there hasn't been any declaration of feelings between them, however, I would hesitate to date someone or even open my heart to someone who I see flirting with every girl around the corner..and this is my concern when placing these two together...but didn't I read somewhere that TPTB did say that there wasn't going to be anymore kirking or something like that!

                            I mean the Chaya thing was understandable, the Teer thing was realistic and reasonable...but the others....I just don't see it!

                            but, still it's not a huge thing right now, not if TPTB cool it down a bit or make it more believable...

                            On another note..the only thing that I really didn't like from Inferno was the fact that John never asked about Teyla and Ronon..for me it wasn't that there was a missing scene where John and Teyla talk..because TPTB hardly ever do this...but certainly instead of being sarcastic and joking about his status..he should have shown concerned for his team member and wondered what happened to them before he gloated that he had a ship full or whatever he gloated about! that just didn't seem right to me and to me it's not even about John and Teyla but it's about John's character and what we've seen in him! he cares about his people and even more about his was only logical that he immediately asked about them...before he celebrated his own victory....again..little things like the lack of consistency on the writers for the characters...and I"m surprised that not even the actors picked up on this....but anyways, this is just my opinion...

                            and about this new spoilers! all I can say is WOW! I can't wait to see the new episodes!

                            and if Teyla has feelings for
                            Michael..that is another one that I just won't get! how can she? there was no indication that she had any feelings for Michael beyond the fact that she felt pity for him because I think in a way she saw in Michael her own worst fears...since she's not far from his demise..human and Wraith! For me it would be so out of Teyla's character...I can't help but think back when she last met with Michael in Allies..there was nothing there..and now all of the sudden she's going to develop feeling for him! NOT! now, having an old flame come, oh.yeah..or even someone new that would give her the attention she lacks in Atlantis..yup...which bring me to my last point..DM..thanks for those pics..Sg=1 and Atlantis Teyla going to Earth...and Cameron in Atlantis? WOW! can he be the one to spark Teyla's interest!? That should be so interesting...I mean when I look at the pic of John and him together in Atlantis, I can't help but see the look on Sheppards face...clearly there is some tension and competetion there...I wonder if this will relay into his attention to Teyla as well...that should be interesting..and certainly these two are going to need some outside interference before they claim any feelings for each other..just like it took a bug to finally bring John to do something he's wanted to do for so long..kiss Teyla...John being jealous, and old flame or new flame for Teyla and Teyla getting hurt can certainly bring that!


                              I'm not sure if I got this statement right...I"m known for this type of stuff...but I thought something about the whole kirking thing was commented by one of the writers or producers in a con and someone mentioned it here awhile back...

                              again, I don't mind John falling for other girls as long as
                              A. He isn't tied down to anyone else
                              B. It's played out realistically and within the character that we have come to love

                              See, I see John, and I think DM wrote something like a man who does want to fall madly in love with someone and permanently stay with that person...
                              however, I can't help to also see the other side of him....remember in Epiphany...
                              He was so cold and brutally honest with Teer about not wanting to stay there...and he was open to her about his feelings that you can't help but wonder how far Teer went to go ahead and sleep with him regardless the fact that she knew he wasn't in love with her and that he had no intentions of ever really settling in there with them....
                              I mean his reaction and what he said to her when she told him that his friends had arrived..what did he say, something like, that's the best news I've heard..or something similar...

                              again, she came on to him...and he was very honest with her...and she decided to go ahead and sleep with him anyways, not his fault...and that is okay with me and I see it as something that many people do and accept....I would have shoved him to the side, but hey...obviously Teer saw in John something that others in the Pegasus Galaxy see as well..the hero.....the untouchable! She couldn't resist him! LOL

                              Chaya, the same thing...she flauntered herself to him..she was desperate..poor girl....all those centuries trapped there..and John came along and she went craze! LOL

                              The only reason why he did the picnic to begin with was because she told him to show her the highest point in Atlantis...Yeah right! We know what high point she wanted to see! LOL

                              But, my opinion...although I thought the story itself was completely useless besides seeing John kiss someone for the first time, it was something I could believe and accept...and especially when we see that awesome part with him and Teyla...

                              jeepers...what was my point...

                              Hmmmm....maybe that I'm not sure if my statement to no more kirking is accurate...but from what I"ve read in spoilers so far..
                              there is no mentioning of anything remotely significant that hints any type of kirking from John for Season 3...I wonder if he'll flirt with Vala....certainly she will make some stupid comment to him!

                              But, I'm kind of looking forward to seeing Mitchell and even Daniel's reaction when they see Teyla....
                              that should be interesting! hopefully!


                                I cant help wondering with the Tower episode how poor Sheppard was to behave. He and his ancient gene literally had it thrown at him on a plate, naked and it was not his idea but her rather desperate way of getting an heir to get her throne completely free from her brother.
                                We are angels of death in black leather
                                Your demons without wings, we glide
                                We are angels in black with a hunger
                                Not your sheep to change or guide.
                                We are angels in the blackness for ever

