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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Hey, I just read the Joe will be at the Chicago Creation Con. Anyone lucky enough to go who's willing to ask him some John/Teyla type questions?

    Uh, anyone *have* any questions that could be asked? (My mind's a blank at the moment.)

    AG, I *so* agree about the spoilers prompting tons of JT plotbunnies whether the spoilers are true or not. There's nothing wrong with a good AU fic!

    Kaeyla, did you see the postings a few back with the spoiler challenges? I posted two or three and I think VB posted one a couple of pages ago. If those aren't enough, I can try to come up with some more JT fic challenges. :-) Plus, on the LJs there are several really old posts with a TON of challenges. I know, I made them up! I'm talking 50 or 60 challenges altogether. And lots of other people posted challenges too.

    I think, but I'm not sure, you can search this forum for the word "challenge" and get a nice long listing of posts, some with challenges, some with links to challenges.

    Should be plenty to keep your John/Teyla muse occupied. :-)

    Have a wonderful week everyone! Don't know how much I'll be around as ds just had surgery and will be miserable for a week after the pain killer wears down.



      So thats where the Alpha site is! When GW is down it tells me to head there but doesn't provide a link. I've often wondered what it's talking about.
      I'm going to stick to GW mainly because i'm easily confused and joining more than one forum would do that, easily.

      Is there more stick fighting?
      His thoughts on that kiss in Conversion?
      Is there a follow through on 'He cares for you more than you know'? Or is there just reset button amnesia?

      I have my pool sigs just about ready to go. Who's got the fics?


        Hello everyone, now that work is done I can post.

        Today's ep is 'Runner' right? I have a few thoughts on that ep. I liked it when Ronan tied them up back-to-back like that, it made the scene more shippy. Plus there was John always aiming his P-90 on Ronan as Carson worked to protect Teyla and Carson. Not that shippy since he was protected more then just her, but a little none the less.
        Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



          I'm back! I don't have much time, but I decided to drop in and tell everyone that chapter 10 of Raindrops Like Blood is up!


          Sorry to rush off, but I really have to go!

          (You can use this image, but please, if you use the poem, I wrote it, so please leave a copywrite on it. Thanks!)


            So, if you could read a fic that explores any part of John and Teyla's lives and relationship, what parts of their lives and relationship would you want to read about?

            Does that make sense to anyone but me???

            Doxymom, the tired.


              Not many shippy moments in The Siege 2 & 3. But I did find a few.

              The Siege Part 2 Shippy Moments

              Teyla is sparring with one of her people. She gets the better of him and holds a knife up to his throat. Colonel Everett walks in and sees this. Everett: You must be Teyla. Teyla lowers the knife and does the Athosian forehead touching with the guy. He takes Teyla's rod and knife and leaves. Teyla turns and faces Colonel Everett. Teyla: And you are Colonel Everett. Everett: Major Sheppard spoke very highly of you in his report. Of course, a more recent report has me a little concerned. Teyla walks over to her bag. Teyla: You think I may once again fall under the influence of the Wraith? Everett: Major Sheppard assures me that won't happen, but I do need you to stay out of the way. Teyla faces him. Teyla (Angry): Do you not need every able body to help defend Atlantis? Everett: I think we can handle it. They stare at each other for a second then Everett turns and leaves.

              They have used the last of the drones in the first battle. Everett, Elizabeth, John, Rodney, and Zelenka are talking about what they should do now. John suggests that they should fly puddle jumpers into the hive ships. Everett mentions that it would be a suicide mission to do that. John volunteers Rodney and Zelenka to make the puddle jumpers run on remote control. Rodney and Zelenka head off to see what they can do. Elizabeth wonders how much damage that jumpers could actually cause. John suggest getting Genii nukes and placing them in the jumpers to increase the damage. They discuss how they will accomplish this since they aren't friends with the Genii. They hear a commotion down in the gateroom. Teyla: Let me pass! John turns to see what is happening. Elizabeth and Everett go onto the balcony overlooking the gateroom to see what is the problem.


              This is John's expression when he hears Teyla's cry of distress.

              Elizabeth asks what the problem is. Teyla informs her that there are wraith in Atlantis.

              Marines are preparing to hunt down the wraith that are in the city. John, Aiden, and Everett are talking about how this happened and how they will track the wraith down. Teyla and a group of her people approach Everett. Teyla: We wish to help. John looks at Teyla as Everett turns to face her. This is quite a large city, Colonel. You need as many people searching as possible.


              John: She is the one who sensed the Wraith presence in the first place.


              John after saying this lifts his brows and presses his lips together.


              Everett: Captain... Everett pauses and stares at Teyla. Teyla and John wait for his response.

              get some weapons for these people. John nods and watches the Captain leave to get the weapons. Everett smiles at Teyla.


              John turns and looks over Everett's shoulder at Teyla. Teyla smiles back at Everett.

              Teyla's team is fighting a wraith group. Another wraith group appears on the other side trapping them. One of Teyla's men is stunned. Teyla quickly glances down at him and continues firing. John and Aiden show up and kill the rest of the wraith guards leaving only the commander. The commander gets up and charges toward them. John runs toward the commander firing his P-90 rapidly with Aiden on his heels. The commander falls down dead. John races over to Teyla watching the commander to make sure he stays down. Teyla watches John then looks over at the commander's body as she walks toward John. John reaches Teyla and looks down at the stunned man. Teyla glances at John, then looks down at the stunned man taking a few steps closer to John, and then looks back at John. John looks at Teyla, quickly looks her over, and then around at the bodies. John: Well, that should be the last of them.
              Last edited by Black Panther; 21 June 2006, 05:02 PM.


                Ok, bringing us back to the party! Some transcript clips from today's ep, Runner...

                SHEPPARD: Teyla, you're with me; Kaufman, take Villick; Reed: you and Sherman cover the Gate; and Major, (he points to Lorne) you've got McKay.
                Shep chooses Teyla to go with him...that way neither he or Teyla have to deal with McKay's whineing. How thoughtful!

                DEX: But why should I trust you?

                (John narrows his eyes thoughtfully.)

                SHEPPARD: That's a good question. Teyla -- why should he trust us?

                TEYLA (to Dex): We mean you no harm. We are only here searching for a friend.
                Shep goes to Teyla for help on this question since she has the diplomacy and negotiation experience from her trading missions and role as leader of the Athosians. Proves Shep and Teyla make a great team!

                SHEPPARD: What the hell are you doing?!

                TEYLA: Getting my hand free.

                SHEPPARD: Didn't feel that way!
                And as Padme mentioned, the scene where Shep and Teyla are tied together and trying to...escape.

                Sig by Cazzblade


                  Hey Guys!!!...Just visiting to drop off a fun vid I's just mindlessness...
                  There's no real point to this song, just a great song, for our great pair.

                  The Ketchup Song


                  R.I.P Wraithlord

                  Awesome sig by SciFan


                    Originally posted by WitchBlade007
                    Hey Guys!!!...Just visiting to drop off a fun vid I's just mindlessness...
                    There's no real point to this song, just a great song, for our great pair.

                    The Ketchup Song


                    *whistles* Watch this vid guys! So. Totally. Cool. And it's fun too


                      Bella, great JT questions. I sure hope someone gets to ask Joe at the convention.

                      Witchy, that is a cool song! I never heard it before. Thanks for sharing!



                        Originally posted by Spectrum
                        Ok, bringing us back to the party! Some transcript clips from today's ep, Runner...

                        Shep chooses Teyla to go with him...that way neither he or Teyla have to deal with McKay's whineing. How thoughtful!

                        Shep goes to Teyla for help on this question since she has the diplomacy and negotiation experience from her trading missions and role as leader of the Athosians. Proves Shep and Teyla make a great team!

                        And as Padme mentioned, the scene where Shep and Teyla are tied together and trying to...escape.

                        I really like the scene with them tied up together. And they do make a great team, her diplomacy and his military skills compliment one another.
                        Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



                          You guys should go check out a new promo shot of teyla, weir and john over in the 'Season three' thread...

                          I bet they have made teyla's knee touch john's on purpose...but maybe i am grasping at straws?!?!
                          -thanks Myn MacGeek, Third Sentinel

                          Thanks Camy!!


                            The Siege Part 3 Shippy Moments

                            Rodney and John are standing on a balcony watching the wraith bombard the shield. Rodney mentions it is almost pretty. John agrees and they enter the conference room. Everyone else is already there talking. Rodney takes a seat by Zelenka. John takes a seat next to Teyla. They are discussing what they are going to do about the two wraith hive ships. Steven informs Elizabeth that the Daedalus will be ready to go back into battle in 24 hours. Elizabeth: Even if we were able to destroy these ships this instant, more would be here in a few days, and even more a few days after that. From where I'm standing, I just don't see how we can win this. Rodney: Well now we know how the Ancients must have felt. Zelenka: Atlantis is the only way to Earth. As long as they know we're here, they're just going to keep coming. This gives John an ideal. John: As long as they know that we're here. Everyone looks at John. Elizabeth: What do you mean? John glances at Elizabeth then looks over at Rodney. John: Zelenka just said as long as they know that we're here, they'll keep coming. Rodney: Yes, he said that. John: Well, what if they thought we were gone? Teyla is looking at Rodney as well. Teyla: Then there'd be no reason for them to stay. John and Teyla look at each other. John: Exactly! John looks back over at Rodney. Rodney: Exactly what? John: We disappear. That gets Rodney to think. Steven: Destroy the city, you mean? John: No, we just make it look like we did. John looks at Teyla then back at Steven. Elizabeth: How? Rodney snaps his fingers. Rodney: We cloak it. Rodney and Zelenka go on discussing how they can do this. Steven mentions that he doesn't think that by simply having the city disappear will fool the wraith. Rodney: Which is why we fake a self-destruct. Have the Daedalus beam a nuke right above the city's shield, and then detonate it. While their sensors are blinded, John narrows his eyes in confusion then he understands. John nods and glances at Teyla. we cloak the city; when the smoke clears... Elizabeth: ...nothing but ocean. They start discussing the finer points of the plan. Zelenka mentions there is one problem. The cloak would replace the shield, so if the wraith don't buy into this ploy, it would leave the city vulnerable to attack. They discuss what to do if that happens. Elizabeth asks about the Daedalus. Steven: Well, if it doesn't work, our shields should be sufficiently recharged to break through their lines and escape. We know we can outrun ‘em. John: Alright. John looks at Teyla then back at Steven. Let's get as many non-essential personnel on your ship as we can. John glances at Teyla. Just in case. Elizabeth: I love this idea. I really do, but the Wraith are aware that we have cloaking technology. Teyla: They are close. Close enough for me to connect to them. Teyla looks directly at John.


                            This is John's expression when he hears this.

                            If I can convince them that we intend to destroy Atlantis rather than allow it to be taken, just before the explosion occurs... Elizabeth: How will we know whether or not they believe you?


                            John: Well, if they stop the bombardment, we'll know. John's brows lift dramatically. He looks down at the table. He doesn't seem too thrilled with this plan.


                            Rodney looks at John then down at the table.


                            Rodney looks over at Teyla as she is talking.

                            Teyla: He's right. If the Wraith believe that we intend to destroy the city, the last thing they'll wanna do is to help us do it. Elizabeth nods and turns to Rodney and Zelenka. Elizabeth: How much time do you need? Rodney: Oh, well... The speak at the same time. Zelenka: ...a week. Rodney: ...a couple of hours. They stare at each other. Elizabeth: I'll take the second estimate. Go. Everyone leaves.

                            Carson is racing up the stairs as Teyla, John, and Elizabeth are leaving the conference room. Carson informs them Aiden has escaped. John tries to contact Aiden. Aiden first ignores him then answers. He tells John he is just afraid of him and his new found abilities and he will no longer listen to John. John: I'm going after him. John runs off. Carson gives him a you can't be serious look. Elizabeth's pace quickens slightly and she calls after him. Elizabeth: Now's not the right time! As they do this Teyla's pace quickens, her mouth hangs open, and her expression is one of worry. Teyla stops at the top of the last stairs.


                            Here is a picture as they stare as John leaves. Couldn't get a clear one, but you can still slightly see their expressions and read their body language. Most definitely need to check out Teyla's.
                            Last edited by Black Panther; 23 June 2006, 12:14 PM.


                              Originally posted by spirited Chihiro
                              You guys should go check out a new promo shot of teyla, weir and john over in the 'Season three' thread...

                              I bet they have made teyla's knee touch john's on purpose...but maybe i am grasping at straws?!?!
                              I think not! Straws are straws after all! *giggles* Anyone else see a new fetish
                              -the knee touch-
                              emerging from this? I wonder how many times they can sneak it in during the season...


                                Originally posted by Lauradorable
                                I think not! Straws are straws after all! *giggles* Anyone else see a new fetish
                                -the knee touch-
                                emerging from this? I wonder how many times they can sneak it in during the season...
                                Thanks SC for the heads up...I need to go buy that magazine!

                                And I quite agree with you Lauradorable...A new fetish I could defintetly get into to...

