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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Skydiver
    See, here's the other side of the coin.
    Last night for example, when i got a reported post about all the pictures. I'm on dialup. It took me TEN MINUTES to get the page to load in its entirity. And, one quirk of the software, if stuff is downloading, sometimes the buttons don't work to edit posts so you're stuck

    Perhaps another option to post pics in here while still being considerate to the folks that want to actually discuss shep and teyla would be to either

    Not post the pics inline, rather post links
    Post the pics inline but hide them behind spoiler tags.

    That way the pics are here but aren't bogging things down for those that don't have the time/interest in just looking at pictures.

    I know many are enjoying the pics, and that's great, but others are seeing this extreme overabundance of pics as little more than spam
    Well, I know no one in that participates in this thread sees this as spam...and it isn't...Excellent discussions are going on and if people would only take the time to read them and not look for things against it, then they'd understand or even care what we are doing...but, hey...I'm ALL for the WOW Thread....

    How about The Divine John and Teyla WOW Thread...?


      Originally posted by Doxymom
      the Seige 1? No, sorry, I only skimmed your post. I'm trying to do ten things at once.

      I'll have to refresh my memory about Seige1. I do recall loving rain-drenched Shep, but don't recall any JT moments really.

      Siege Part I - Sheppard holding back Teyla from attacking Bates. One of the best Shep/Teyla moments.


        And then there's the scene where he goes BONKERS when the Wraith gets inside Teyla's mind!

        Great observation Warrior.... I did it! I opened the thread...if you want me to change the name, I will..but I like it!

        Warrior, Annie, EVERYONE! I can't do this on my's pointless and I'm counting on everyone to go and help out by posting your awesome work....

        do it little by little so it doesn't overwhelm anyone..I think it can be a FANTASTIC thread...this way people like bella and others don't have a difficult time getting in here if all they want is to discuss...we don't need to post pics in here to make our thread AWESOME! it's already AWESOME and by putting all the wonderful work that you guys have worked so hard on..others will get to see it if that is all they want to do...

        I don't want this to be a burden on anyone..just all fun..Warrior...and Annie..your pics are so needed....

        If you have any suggestions, comments ideas...PM me!

        I think we just DID a WONDERFUL THING!

        SKy..thank you for the suggestions...We are here to SERVE, OBEY and Please...


          Hello Camy, hello everyone out here today.

          A Rose for REMBERANCE is my 4th june challange.

          I feel somewhat down today whether its the weather or my pain meds are not working down today. I could think of only think of two things to cheer me up a) good dose of wraith and b) coming here talking to people i like and admire and being creative with them.

          I think my mood definately affected my 4th june challenge I chose skin and rose as that is my favourite flower especially a white rose. it is romantic but sad too.

          John came across Teyla down by the wide fast flowing river where the wraith Dart stood abandoned on the stony banks. There was no one there but her in this quiet peaceful place where the only sounds were the local birds of this planet and the murmering rushing of the water. Sheppard raised an eyebrow knowing Teyla was unhappy. He knew her so well and could tell by the way she sat unmoving, facing away from him, on a large flat topped rock.

          John did not like to see her like that- it tugged at him to the core. He went over to her knowing Teyla would not resent him being there. Besides if she told him to go away he would understand her need for solitude at once. He was that kind of guy but if Teyla needed to talk he was damn well was gonna be there for her.

          Silently he lowered himself down on the rock beside her, dangling his feet over the edge while she sat cross legged, folded in on herself like parchment holding a secret. She craddled something between her hands. It was a white rose. A cloud of scent rose up from it, filling his nostrils and intermingled with it was Teyla's own lovely scent.

          " Hello old lady... what ails you?" He asked, concern mingling in his own voice. "where did you get that from?"

          Teyla looked up and smiled pleased to him. Gently her fingers teased the long length stem of the white rose. " Claire gave it to me" She said answering the unimportant question first. Claire was her friend who had moved off base to live on this world to study the botany.

          John had found himself with Teyla unexpectedly asking him to take to visit Claire. Since they both had time off and he was happy to do this for Teyla with all his heart as the last few days she had been sad about something. Anything for her was no trouble.

          Teyla looked down but John could see how sad she was and for long moments he thought she would not speak even to him. For several more moments she gazed at the rose. When she looked up there were unshed tears in her eyes. John knew she would not let them full she was too strong for that.

          " It's the anniversary of the day my mother was taken by the wraith, John... I miss her so much... I really need to talk her now and she is not here to help me. I really miss her , John."

          " Do you want to talk to me instead about her... about anything, Teyla?"

          Teyla nodded her head trying to master herself. "My mother..." She began in a quiet angry way and broke off with a sharp cry.

          John looked down and saw a thorn had embedded itself the soft warm tones of her perfect skin. Why did something as beautiful as a rose have such vicious thorns. Carefully he took Teyla's hand and removed the thorn from Teyla's skin. A teardrop of blood welled its way up laying like a jewel against dusky velvet. Teyla looked up at him as he begin to bind her hand. then she watched as her skin vanished under the white of the bandage he wound round her right hand.

          " A rose is a beautiful thing but it has it thorns- like life it has beauty and its danger.. it just how it is. Like thinking about my mother, John, I have the beauty of her memory but the pain of her loss. There is not one with out the other. it is the way of many things. I will never see her hold my first child or have have her at my of wedding a mate even.It is thoughts like that cause me to be sad "

          John nodded his head screwing his face up in deep understanding. Carefully he slipped a warm comforting arm round Teyla's shoulders and felt her head lay against his chest. A thorn in the skin, a rose for rememberance came John's thoughts as he held as she slipped quietly to sleep there and hewatched the sun go down between the trees that overlooked the wraith dart abandoned by the river.
          Last edited by kaeyla; 14 June 2006, 08:38 AM.
          We are angels of death in black leather
          Your demons without wings, we glide
          We are angels in black with a hunger
          Not your sheep to change or guide.
          We are angels in the blackness for ever


            I'm against a separate WoW thread. I'm noticing most people make icons with their wps and sigs. I don't think sigs are teh problem..but why not have the icon used double for the wallpaper. So one can save the icon, then when they click on the icon it leads to the larger version. Then everyone is happy.

            I just won't be into posting on two threads...I already have problems with Teyla and John the point where the Wow thread or this discussion thread will just end up on page 14 cause a lot of people won't keep up with either/or thread.

            NOt to mention if you send your work to Suz or contact Suz or me we can upload your work to the Convergence site and you can link it over to the forum here.

            Click statement above to read article.


              Originally posted by spirited Chihiro
              How about sheyla WOW we're in Heaven...thread!?
              or Sheyla WOW here's the proof thread?
              or just Sheyla WOW thread?
              Anyway i wish you guys would stop distracting from studying for my Semester exams!!! is a welcomed relief from learning about anastomoses!
              NO NO Sheyla! For the love of Pete, can we NOT blend the names? Please? Lets use either both their last names or TWIX.


                Originally posted by vaberella
                I'm against a separate WoW thread. I'm noticing most people make icons with their wps and sigs. I don't think sigs are teh problem..but why not have the icon used double for the wallpaper. So one can save the icon, then when they click on the icon it leads to the larger version. Then everyone is happy.

                I just won't be into posting on two threads...I already have problems with Teyla and John the point where the Wow thread or this discussion thread will just end up on page 14 cause a lot of people won't keep up with either/or thread.

                NOt to mention if you send your work to Suz or contact Suz or me we can upload your work to the Convergence site and you can link it over to the forum here.

                I'm with you on this one VB- not only do we have the new web-site, but we also have an LJ specifically for graphics and the like- AND Unique Bond also accepts pics.

                And besides as Camy pointed out, our pics aren't OT for this thread, I think if a little more time was taken to hid things behind spoiler cuts, or as SD said, post links, everyone will be happy.

                Speaking of JTC- there are many of you who create the banners, icons and walls and I still dont' have links to your work. We really do want everyone represented who makes graphics, so get in touch with VB or me about doing that. As soon as VB gets our additional graphics space, we'll have everyone added.


                  Hello there Sanssong

                  I also want to say to Cpt Ritter congratulation for graduating from school I know once again I am late in doing so but thanks also for welcoming me here. lots of luck of the best kind for your future.

                  Hello also to Black Panther and Blue Alien
                  We are angels of death in black leather
                  Your demons without wings, we glide
                  We are angels in black with a hunger
                  Not your sheep to change or guide.
                  We are angels in the blackness for ever


                    Trying to keep up with all the different threads at the moment is a full time job.

                    We have thunk, whump, wow, appreciation, discussion. I would like to be able to just visit one Shep/Teyla thread and see everything under one roof. I love the banners and pictures but I can just see them getting duplicated in both threads. Why not put the pictures in spoilers or tags as suggested then it shouldn't effect people loading up.

                    I don't think anyone else minds seeing all those lovely pictures unless its people who don't actually like the pairing. It is difficult if you are on dial up and it takes forever to load.


                      I think that the pics, WP's, sigs, at whatever else should be done behind spoiler tags or with links. Two threads will be tedious. This way, the shippers for this couple will have all their stuff in one place, and those who have a problem with the caps don't have to click on the spoiler tag if they don't want to.
                      Sig by Camy


                        I think here is a pretty good place to be and there are a lot of cool artistic people with talent on this thread of all types

                        here is my 5th june drabble using the words passion, ocean with Teyla and Sheppard dancing off duty at a ball... late again there

                        When Teyla entered the dance room Sheppard found his face changing with shock. His eyebrows shot skyward and his mouth opened wide with shock. He found her beauty moved him with passion. Dignified she strode over to him with a glimmer and gliding sound of a gown that could have come from the Renaisance. It was all the blues and greens on an ocean from the palest aquamarine to the deepest emerald hues. IT was not purely the beauty of the fabric that moved him to passion but the rising and falling swells of Teyla's body deep beneath the foam of the gown. Gracefully she took him by the hand and John was pleased to find that once the dance had begun, he relaxed as soon as he had this wonderful woman by his side
                        We are angels of death in black leather
                        Your demons without wings, we glide
                        We are angels in black with a hunger
                        Not your sheep to change or guide.
                        We are angels in the blackness for ever


                          we can do whatever you guys decide. I can merge the newly created thread back into this one if folks want it. or just leave it be

                          since you have a site to upload this stuff, how about uploading it there, then posting a link here. that way you can share without bogging things down?

                          maybe a compromise that's the best of both worlds?
                          Where in the World is George Hammond?



                            Originally posted by Skydiver
                            we can do whatever you guys decide. I can merge the newly created thread back into this one if folks want it. or just leave it be

                            since you have a site to upload this stuff, how about uploading it there, then posting a link here. that way you can share without bogging things down?

                            maybe a compromise that's the best of both worlds?
                            Yeah that's what I'm thinking SD....So if everyone agrees...I guess you can go ahead and delete the new thread.

                            So if everyone is interested and since the purpose of the site me and Suz are working on is to benefit you can all just send us the work. We upload it, but I think there are capabilities that allow the artist or author to upload their work onto the site..and then post the link here.

                            There is no way I will be able to keep up with about 2 threads on top of the multitude of other threads. And as BlueAlien is a full time job to keep up with different threads and I'm not up for that.

                            When I can keep the site up as a fave and just link away...efficient and effective. Plus I think the work is dated, so you can just post link, state name, and it's just a few clicks away---plus I think we have capabilities that allow people to review the work and or you can probably post your reviews on the forum.

                            It's quick, more efficient and everyone benefits...and the spoiler tags is the added benefit to posters who dont' want to post on the site.

                            Originally posted by majortrip
                            I think that the pics, WP's, sigs, at whatever else should be done behind spoiler tags or with links. Two threads will be tedious. This way, the shippers for this couple will have all their stuff in one place, and those who have a problem with the caps don't have to click on the spoiler tag if they don't want to.
                            Yeah MT summed up the coolness of spoiler tags and the status of the extra thread, very well.

                            Click statement above to read article.


                              I think I like the idea of the pics/artwork behind the tags or links. They are valuable contributions to discussion in my opinion, so I would hate to have to separate them.

                              I hadn't realized (despite the fact that I was told that the J/T Convergence site was a one-stop site for all things J/T) that I could put my artworky stuff there... What can I say? I'm a spaz. I guess I should.
                              The really disturbing thing is, this is me on a GOOD day.


                                I don't know what I like better. I have Dial-up, and the page takes ten minutes to load (A big problem when you have a sister who you have to give half of the computer day to) and it's crazy. I think I like the idea of another thread, because it would be awesome when I go to the library and hav fast-speed, but I also like the idea of the spoiler tags because once the page is loaded, I can just load 'em one at a time.

                                Anyway, I don't know what I like best. I am also a little confused because I just woke up.

                                Whatever you guys want, I guess!

                                (You can use this image, but please, if you use the poem, I wrote it, so please leave a copywrite on it. Thanks!)

