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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by sanssong
    And feel free to use my banner to rec it if you want.
    Ok, REALLY stupid question now. Can you tell me how to do this? I understand about needing to open an account with photobucket or a similar site, but do I just save this and then upload? And going back to my original question that CR was kind enough to answer, how do I give you appropriate credit then? Thanks!

    Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


      Originally posted by melpomene
      Ah, very cool. In that case welcome to the family And no problem about the explaining. I'm a bit of a die-hard SG-1 fan. I've seen every ep in seasons one through seven at least three times. And eight at least twice...

      So, my little comrades, compatriots and cohorts, I have something for you I hope you'll like. My, *pauses to count on fingers* fourth Shep/Teyla vid and by some accounts my best yet, 'Hero' is finally here. I would like to give many thanks to VB for entrusting me with her song and making me actually finish it (even if she did nag too much during the last month ) Here's the link. File size is large to preserve quality, if you need a smaller file because of dial-up or anything just PM me and I'll make it happen
      Thanks for the welcome!
      And thank you so much for sharing your vid!!! This song reminds of of Gran Canaria because my friend played it constantly while we were there on vacation, lol. This is a wonderful vid though! You captured such great J/T "Twix" moments (see, I'm starting to learn the lingo, LOL!). I could just watch it over and over again.
      My favorite part was around 3:06--3:12, LOVED the way you used the zoom effect there. Looks awesome! And it fit the music so well there as well.
      Great vid, thank you so much!!!
      Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


        Originally posted by vaberella
        Hey way was it under question at all. I just got fed up with the snide comments I've been hearing about on other threads and reading on other boards so I decided to write a final refutation--by breaking down the two relationships and using the words of those who find it cool to say our ship is dead. I thought it was only fitting to throw their words back at them. Evil Twin of Camy that I am....I couldn't resist!

        You know we get a lot of flack, we are also labeled the 'underdogs' and we definitely aren't a shipper group that takes things seriously. Out of my normal laziness this came I decided to feed it, you can be sure this won't happen again for a few months if ever again!

        Shep/Teyla is definite---or I sure hope it's fun to watch them if anything!

        I don't blame you for getting fed up! It frustrates me to no end as well. But your refutation was very nice!
        And oh yes, I believe they are definite! For me, it's never been a question of who will get paired, but how far the pairing will ever go. This is Stargate after all.
        Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


          OH Mel!...That vid is *sobs* beautiful. I love how everytime the phrase 'I can be your hero' comes up, there's sheppard to the rescue. And when he said her name...*faints*....that was ingenius...I loved it.......

          Guys i love the artwork. The multi colored sigs and wp are eye catching.

          Oh VB doesn't have us wrapped around her finger, she's has us in a headlock, she's a slave driver you know........

          *runs away*

          OT: May not be around much this week, but I'll post the sigs for the epi's i miss...

          R.I.P Wraithlord

          Awesome sig by SciFan


            Wow! What happened here? Love the discussions!

            The Storm Shippy Moments

            I love the first scene. It puts to rest those comments about John not taking an interest in Teyla's people. John is taking Teyla to the mainland. John: Haven't been to the mainland in a while. How's everybody settling in? Teyla: Halling believes the first crops will have a good yield. John: You still miss home? Teyla: There is still talk of returning, even though I've told them the Wraith have scorched Athos bare in revenge for our resistance. John: Well, maybe in time this place will start to begin to feel like home.

            They are having a meeting about the storm John and Teyla discovered. John is sitting across from Elizabeth. Teyla is standing right behind him. John: Okay. Strike those options. What else have we got? Zelenka: Nothing. It is a real threat. The high winds alone will wreak havoc. John glances over his shoulder at Teyla. John: C'mon guys! This city's been around for a long time. The conversation goes on talking about the damage that the city will take and that it could sink Atlantis. John: So what you're saying is, if Teyla and I hadn't discovered this, we ... Elizabeth: We would be in even bigger trouble. John and Teyla glance at each other. Elizabeth turns to Rodney and Zelenka. Alright, what's the plan? Rodney: By my calculations we have just under, what, twelve hours until the storm hits. John glances back at Teyla. So, uh, we plan to have a plan ... Teyla looks at Elizabeth seriously worried. John glances back at Teyla then looks down at the table. He has this helpless, worried expression on his face. Poor John can't be a hero against mother nature.

            John has found a place they can go. He talks to Rodney about not wanting to owe them any favors. He asks if they could really not go to the mainland. They can't. Elizabeth mentions that even if they could if Atlantis sinks they would be stuck on the mainland without a Stargate. John: Well, McKay will come up with something. Rodney: I will try, but despite what you all may think, I am not Superman. John stares at Rodney then looks over at Teyla. John: Was anyone seriously thinking that? John looks around the room Elizabeth, Teyla and other scientist shake their heads. John looks around at Aiden. Aiden: No, sir. Zelenka: Never! Rodney: Fine! My point is, the storm will affect over seventy percent of the mainland, and Atlantis isn't safe either. If you want everyone to live, you gate them offworld. Teyla looks over at John concerned. John glances over at Teyla.

            The Genii have taken over Atlantis. John is in a puddle jumper gathering supplies. Teyla, Aiden, Carson, and some Athosians are stuck on the mainland in a jumper. John: Jumper Two, this is Sheppard, come in. They don't answer he becomes concerned. Jumper Two, do you copy? Aiden picks up and John informs him on what is happening. You can see Teyla become concerned over what John is telling them. Aiden tells him they are coming. Carson refuses to drive and they get into an arguement over whether they should drive there in the storm to help John. Teyla agrees with Carson and takes over the comms. Teyla: Major, this is Teyla. The hurricane is in full force outside. We could attempt to fly through it but it is doubtful that we could make it back to Atlantis; and we have three young passengers. John becomes concerned over what he hears and his concern increases as the storm blocks out some of her message. John: That's bad news. Teyla: I'm sorry. John: So am I. Just stay put til it passes over. Aiden: Sir... John: (Sternly) It's OK, Lieutenant. (His Tone Softens) Just get your ass back here as soon as you can. I could use a little back-up. Aiden: Good luck, sir. Teyla, Carson, and Aiden stare up at the clouds worried. Teyla's eyes are darting as if she is looking for some sign the storm is letting up.

            They are still stuck in the jumper on the mainland. Aiden: We should have heard something from the Major by now. Teyla walks over to Aiden and looks at him hopefully. Teyla: (In A Hopeful Tone) Perhaps he has not had the opportunity. Aiden: I don't like not knowing what's going on in there. Teyla crosses her arms over her middle and for the rest of the scene seems to have difficulty keeping still. The conversation turns to why the Genii have attacked and why now. Aiden: There's gotta be a way back. Carson: Those winds outside are blowing at a hundred and ten knots. We're not going anywhere, son. Carson and Aiden look up at the storm. Teyla leans forward on the console looking anxiously up at the storm. Her eyes scanning the sky.
            Last edited by Black Panther; 16 April 2007, 03:22 PM.


              Originally posted by Camy
              Okay..I don't normally do this..but I have to reply to just remember three things about me people..especially you newbies....(uhum, veteran Camy is here!)

              When I disagree, I do it with the utmost of respects..and it's only to share my points of view..and compare it with yours....sometimes, I see others pov and change or correct my own, sometimes I don't...this isn't about convincing anyone to a personal view, it's rather deep thought discussions, which I love btw, and it just sparks the differences between us and how much we see or don't see things..
              Of course. Same here.

              Originally posted by Camy
              Again, I disagree with equals you guys mean, what? in combat?
              Yes, John does know that Teyla can defend herself..but I also know that John clearly informs Teyla whenever he needs to make a final decision and he sticks to it...regardless...many times Teyla has voiced her opinion and he sticks to his and vice versa..he knows his place in Atlantis and it cannot be as equal to Teyla's...if this is what you are referring far as combat...I don't think so either..that Teyla can manage herself, yes..but who is always there rescuing her..he is! and not that he sees her in a demeaning way or any less than him..I don't think so either, but I do think that when it comes to ranking and responsibilities, John is very aware of what he needs to do and how he needs to do it..and not even Teyla can convince him on that! He does listen to her, and on many occassion he should have, but didn't....but again, he is strong headed himself and he doesn't let others influence him in his position and what needs to be done..if he thought of Teyla as an equal to him, then I don't think that he'd be as attracted to her either....I think he sees her as a woman that is more than capable of holding her own...I think he respects her and has an extremely high admiration for her physical, spiritual and mental capabilities of holding on for so long with so much suffering..I think he has an extremely high esteem of her capabilities and her opinions..he always asks her for her opinion and even when he doesn't follow her opinion, he still respects and questions his actions as in the infamous Allies confrontation.....clearly, Teyla didn't convince them of her opinion but she trusted them...even though they didn't convince see to me this says more than if he had convinced her....HE didn't convinced her that this was the best way to defeat the Wraith..she was completely against it and still firmly believes that this is not the way, yet she went along with it anyways...why? I don't think it was just becuase of John, but I do think he had a lot to do with it..she even said to him, I chose to put my trust in you! very powerful statement....

              I can't speak for anyone else of course, but for me, I definitely see them as equals. Not in terms of position because that can be argued both ways. John is obviously in a higher ranking military position, but Teyla is the leader of her people. Lt. Colonel vs. Leader of a race of people, it's not my place to say which position is higher up, but I don't believe a person is necessarily or competely defined by their roles. So no, I was not speaking in terms of positions.
              And not necessarily in terms of combat either because this can again be aruged both ways. In my opinion, Teyla is more skilled in hand to hand combat (All the sparring sessions and the hand to hand battles we've seen her do), but John would seem to be the one more skilled with weaponry/guns (He seems to have some marksmenship in his background with the way he saved Elizabeth in The Eye and the way he took out all the Genii in Storm/Eye). Hand to hand vs weaponry, it's again not my place to say which skill is higher up as both have their moments of importance.
              What's really interesting to me is that all the reasons you used to argue against them being equals are exactly the same reasons I would argue that they are. John is very aware of what he needs to do and how he needs to do it, but yet he listens to Teyla's opinion as well. Sometimes he agrees and sometimes he disagrees. Sometimes he follows her advice and sometimes he doesn't. But she does the same with him. What's important is the fact that they do discuss their opinions with each other, when it is appropriate (ie, not when he is talking to her as her ranking military officer or not when she is representing her people as she deems necessary).
              They have also both rescued each other on more than one occasion. And I too believe he feels she is more than capable to hold her own and has high admiration of her. And this also clearly goes both ways as we see her also putting her trust in him, knowing he can hold his own and showing high admiration for him, the most significant example being in Allies, exactly as you mentioned!
              But I do not agree with your statement, "if he thought of Teyla as an equal to him, then I don't think that he'd be as attracted to her either." May I ask why you think that? I've never actually heard someone say that before. I personally would find it hard to be attracted to someone who I felt wasn't on the same level as me. I am attracted to someone who shares my interests and passions, who challenges me on all levels physically and intellectually, and who (for risk of sounding utterly cheesy!) can complete me by filling in my weaknesses and enhancing my strengths. I would not find this with someone if this person was not my equal in all matters of importance.
              For me, when I say they are equals, I mean in terms of honesty, conviction, values, interests, passions, etc, not in terms of job or physical strength. Ones job or ones expertise are tangible things, I was thinking more of the intangible.

              Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                The Eye Shippy Moments

                Teyla, Carson, and Aiden are still in the jumper and it is getting shaken by the storm. Carson fixes the problem by making it heavier with the inertial dampeners. Teyla: How much longer until the storm passes? Carson: I guess we're barely halfway through. But there's no way to tell… Teyla looks up at the storm and then at Aiden worried. Aiden meets her gaze and then looks back up at the storm. Aiden: I know. I hope they're ok too.

                Back to Teyla, Carson, and Aiden. They are now in the eye of the storm. Aiden wants to use the time they have to get back to Atlantis to help John. Carson argues saying they still have to fly through the storm.

                Aiden: Its not insanity. This is a spaceship. We can fly up and over. Teyla is so expressive. Love the half smile. Just have to ask what happened to her shirt? The laces are all messed up.

                Carson still worried turns to Teyla for help. Teyla eagerly backs up Aiden.

                Teyla: If we can help we must.

                They are looking for the right power generator to help John. They go to the wrong one Teyla's worry increases. Aiden and Carson get into an arguement. Teyla gets annoyed with them and then an idea comes to her. She wonders if they are just early and it is the right one. It isn't. Teyla looks at Aiden worried. Teyla: How much time?

                They find John. John comes up with a plan to save Elizabeth and Rodney. John: Now here's the deal. Ford and I get into position just below the control room stairs. Teyla and Beckett head for the Jumper bay. Teyla: (Sternly) I intend to fight along side you. John: (Gently) And I intend you to fight with us, once you get in position lower the ship into the gateroom, open the weapons pods that should create a distraction for Ford and me to go in. We take back the control room, get the shield up, city safe, Weir and McKay safe. Take the rest of the day off.

                John and Aiden are in position. John: (On Radio) We're in position. John looks around nothing happens. Aiden: This isn't right. John: What? Aiden: Teyla and Beckett should of easily have made it back to the Jumper bay first. They should have been waiting for us… John glances at Aiden concerned. John: (On Radio) Teyla what's your position? No answer. John's worry increases. Teyla?! John and Aiden look at each other.

                The Genii have escaped through the stargate and before John checks on Elizabeth he turns to Aiden. John: Find Teyla and Beckett. Make sure that's all of them. Aiden goes to the control room to check the lifesigns detector. John and Elizabeth have reached the control room. Rodney starts messing with the control panel. Aiden: Wait! What are you doing? Rodney: I thought I'd activate the shield and save the day you got something else in mind? Aiden: Teyla and Beckett are still out there! John is obviously worried and stares at Rodney waiting for a response. Rodney: Tracking systems down. There's a tsunami headed towards the city. Two and a half minutes they're dead. John: (Sternly And Slightly Panicked) Then give them two minutes!

                Teyla has just pinned Sora to the wall. John's voice comes over the comms. John: Teyla and Beckett fall back to the control room!

                Teyla and Sora coming into the control room carring Carson. Elizabeth quickly moves forward to the control panel telling Rodney to put on the shield. As Elizabeth does this John runs forward stopping because the control panel is between them and the group with worry etched on his face and looking directly at one person. It never shows us who he is looking at but I personally think it is Teyla. I don't think it is Carson that effects him that strongly and certainly not Sora. Immediately after the danger has passed John looks at Teyla. He notices Sora and looks at Teyla again.

                John: I see you've made a new friend Teyla. Love the concern and confusion on his face.


                  Hi Nath. I'm a UK terrestial viewer, I have to wait until July for S2 and even then there's no guarantee that Five will show it.

                  I think there have only been four definite ship moments for j/t. I'm thinking of moments deliberately written as creating romantic and/or sexual tension between two characters by TPTB rather than fan interpretations.

                  1. Rising Cave scene. The long looks, the necklace, we know that TPTB wanted to create romantic tension between Shep and Teyla and this is the scene they do it in.
                  2. Conversion. The kiss. Enough said.
                  3. TLG. He cares for you more than you know. It creates a moment of tension with romantic implications at that point in time even if it can later be argued ‘Aliens made them do it!’
                  4. Hot zone stick fight. Close contact? Check. Working up a sweat? Check. Feeling that TPTB were writing the whole scene as a metaphor for something else? Check.

                  Everything else is a case of eye of the beholder and whilst I could make a much longer list of all the moments I think are shippy, they could also be argued to be just friendship or overanalsyed or shipper glasses. I think the above is an irrefutable list of romantic/sexual moments between Shep and Teyla whether or not you ship J/T. I'd like to know what a non j/t shipper thinks.

                  (It's just occurred to me that irrefutable is probably not a good word to use regarding shipping but I can't think of one that fits better so emphasis on the 'I think')
                  Last edited by bella; 31 May 2006, 01:52 AM.


                    BP, Thanks for all the shippy moments. That's a lot of work. Appreciate it!

                    Nath Welcome!

                    VB Great essay on the "dead ship" issue. And good insights into the shipper wars.

                    I'm kind of mellow and don't mind everyone shipping who they want. But I do hear some sniping and, you're right, VB, I've read on LJ about people thinking John was talking to Weir in TLG and not Teyla. And I've heard the "no way JT will fly" comments too.

                    But, I don't care what anyone says. I'll still like JT. Let everyone else fight over the pie, I'll have the whole cake. :-)

                    I've always seen Teyla's and John's connection as immediate and more than they realize it is, possibly down to the genetic level.

                    Could be the romantic in me. Destiny and all that.



                      Hi Everyone!!! I'm a dedicated J/T shipper so is it okay if i join in and butt into a few conversations every now and then???

                      Oh and Mel, that vid back then was AMAZING!!!!
                      Magnificent sig by Sheylafan87!!! *hugs*


                        Originally posted by White Tigeress
                        Hi Everyone!!! I'm a dedicated J/T shipper so is it okay if i join in and butt into a few conversations every now and then???

                        Oh and Mel, that vid back then was AMAZING!!!!
                        No!!! U cant Join!!!....hehe...OF COURSE YOU CAN!!! Welcome!!!! This group loves getting new people, and reading what they have to say about our favourite couple!!! And everyone is BEYOND friendly!
                        off to bed i go!!!
                        *bites nails, trying to remember her spanish oral for her university examination*
                        -thanks Myn MacGeek, Third Sentinel

                        Thanks Camy!!


                          Poll on favourite ship for Sheppard can be found here

                          John and Weir are currently leading in the above poll.


                            Greetings to you White Tigress and I see Black Panther too. Thank you to Camy, and majorTrip for welcoming me about a week ago i think there was someone else so i apologise for forgetting your name.

                            I am here to learn about the likes and relationships of Sheppard and Teyla. I do not know if any one dicussed this but if Teyla and Sheppard ever came together in life union and produced offspring all the three major races, in the Pegasus Galaxy would be represented in one little being! I wonder in the long run that would bring about peace, an end to warring.

                            Today I am more calm and collected than last week- for a start I have not forgot my pain meds, so I am not flying around brainlessly like a confused Dart pilot trying to fly his dart out of a hive ship in a hurry and not knowing which hole to fly out through first.

                            I am glad each day I have her prescence in mind
                            Her hair flows bright cinnamon in the sunshine.
                            In her company, her laughter I am glad to find
                            Her body's motion and movement are grace divine
                            Her eyes dark ,starfilled are wide and fine.
                            Her smile, her companionship grew on me like the headiest wine.
                            To all the others, in her charm and beauty I am blind.

                            Here is a peace offering I know it's a certain gentleman thinking about Teyla. I apologise if the poetry is not up to much!!
                            We are angels of death in black leather
                            Your demons without wings, we glide
                            We are angels in black with a hunger
                            Not your sheep to change or guide.
                            We are angels in the blackness for ever


                              Originally posted by Camy
                              So, Teyla calls John on his BS....yes, she sees right through him..but I do think he has a special charm just for Teyla and not only does it work on her, but she also likes it! and what girl woudn't? which one of you doesn't like that a guy charms you once in awhile...? I mean, I might be misinterpreting what you guys mean by John's BS, but I just don't get it! and don't see it...
                              When he is full of crap, she tells him so. That's what I meant, and it's a good thing in both a teammate and a, er...just plain mate. (Oh good wording, Jules. Not.) When he charms her it seems to be because she lets him.


                                Originally posted by LoveConquers
                                LOL! I almost spit my coke at my computer screen. Well said.
                                Whoo hoo! Near-soda spewage!

                                I'm so grown up. In a way that isn't.

