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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    ATLANTIS. GATEROOM. Teyla comes over to John.

    TEYLA: Major Sheppard, have we heard back from Doctor McKay?

    SHEPPARD: Not yet.

    TEYLA: Word of the discovery has already spread throughout the base.

    SHEPPARD: I've noticed.

    TEYLA: It is to be expected, of course -- faced with the prospect of being reunited with loved ones, returning to familiar ground ...

    SHEPPARD: Yeah. I'd love to go back.

    TEYLA: You would consider leaving Atlantis?

    SHEPPARD: I just wish I knew I could gate back here, then I'd go in a heartbeat.

    TEYLA: It would be wonderful to see your world.

    SHEPPARD: You could help me with the briefing.

    TEYLA: I would like that.

    SHEPPARD: Hey, you know more about the Pegasus galaxy than anyone. And then there's all of those cool Earth things I talked about -- football, Ferris Wheels ... Oh! D'you remember the last of the popcorn we ate? We could get more!

    (Teyla doesn't look too pleased at that thought.)

    TEYLA: If we knew we could return.
    I love this part...they were both so concerned that one would be without the other...I love Teyla's expression at one point when she said to him...he would think of leaving Atlantis....

    S.G.C. INFIRMARY. Teyla is sitting on the side of a bed strapping her wrist watch back on. John comes into the room and goes over to the doctors.

    SHEPPARD: Well, how's our patient doing?

    DOCTOR: We're all done, Major. She's free to go.

    (John walks over to Teyla.)

    TEYLA: I was afraid you had abandoned me.

    SHEPPARD: Just setting up our ride.

    (Teyla stands up and turns to face John, smiling.)

    TEYLA: So -- where are we going?

    SHEPPARD: We should start by getting you a new outfit.'re right...he did want to get her a new he must have manipulated her choices too...Now, I wonder why of all the things he could have done with her..he decided to that? Maybe he had other things in mind...I know he wanted to show her off!


      AIR FORCE CAR. John is sitting in the back seat. He looks bored, as if he has been waiting for quite some time. The door opens and Teyla climbs in beside him, holding a small flowery handbag and wearing a very short denim skirt and a white and pale blue low-cut sleeveless top. She smiles at the car's driver as he closes the door for her, then turns to John.

      TEYLA: Thank you, Major! (She reaches for a shopping bag already in the car.)

      SHEPPARD: You're welcome.

      TEYLA: I have traded in many market places on many worlds ...

      SHEPPARD (raising a finger in warning as the driver gets into the front seat): Countries ... countries.

      TEYLA: Yes, of course -- countries. But here there are so many different items to choose from!

      SHEPPARD: Yeah, you seemed like you were having fun ... hours and hours of fun. But you have picked out a nice outfit.

      TEYLA: Thank you. (She looks out of the window as the car drives along.) I wonder, if we had never suffered the Wraith, would my people have created a civilization such as this?

      SHEPPARD: I'm starting to wonder about a few things myself.

      TEYLA: What?

      SHEPPARD: Nothing feels wrong to you? I-I don't mean one thing, I mean everything.

      TEYLA: I do not understand.

      SHEPPARD (to the driver): 'Scuse me. Uh, could you take us to the Green Moss Park area?

      DRIVER: Sure thing.

      SHEPPARD: Thank you. (To Teyla) I think I'll have a better idea of what's bothering me once we get there.
      I think he suspected right here that this was not the Teyla he'd the end...she took longer than what he really wanted her this is where his plans had changed for her...she took too long in shopping...that wasn't his doing....hehehehehe.....all women love to shop and Teyla is no exception..I mean really she must be shopping online with all her recent additions to her wardrobe..and I bet John is still paying for it!

      I will be right back!


        Originally posted by Camy
        I see what you mean......I guess the whole thing with Hammond was that perhaps they tapped into their minds prior to having them live their he must have seen the connection between these two and how John was going to have Teyla be with him anyways...Like you said, they had discussed it from the very beginning and that was before the entire thing with the, yeah! John was playing and manipulating everything in his mind even sorrounding Teyla..but again, why did he then turn around and say to Teyla, "I thought that was You?"

        What did he based this on? Why did he think that was not the Teyla he would have imagined?
        Well that's an easy explanation. When your sitting there able to manipulate and control start doubting who's real and who isn't. You see it in the scene when Ford shows up with the pizzas, and John is like...'I was just thinking about you.' And the other scene where he shoots his friend and he's like, 'Can someone tell me what the hell is going on?' And Ford get's up ot make a move and he's like 'I'm not too sure about you either.' So you know he's not sure who's real and who isn't real. But he knows for sure that those dead friends of his aren't.

        It's not that it wasn't the Teyla that he wouldn't imagine...but as I mentioned he's unsure of the surroundings. There is no way of knowing what Teyla would do during earth..but she is doing whatever he is thinking of her doing. But probably during the moments between them, he saw things that would be inherently Teyla. Like probably the way she drinks beer, or the comment of how her world would be if not in the shadow of the Wraith. But then the outfit and the surroundings make him think otherwise.

        Originally posted by Camy
        I think he suspected right here that this was not the Teyla he'd the end...she took longer than what he really wanted her this is where his plans had changed for her...she took too long in shopping...that wasn't his doing....hehehehehe.....all women love to shop and Teyla is no exception..I mean really she must be shopping online with all her recent additions to her wardrobe..and I bet John is still paying for it!

        I will be right back!
        Yeah this was pretty much my idea and where I was thinking it changed for him too. Actually not all women...I happen to be a female who hates shopping. But if I came from another world and I had no idea of such things as malls and what not..shoot I'd be shopping up a breeze.
        Last edited by vaberella; 28 May 2006, 03:51 PM.
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          Originally posted by Camy
're right...he did want to get her a new he must have manipulated her choices too...Now, I wonder why of all the things he could have done with her..he decided to that? Maybe he had other things in mind...I know he wanted to show her off!
          Well what I saw when I saw him say that it was more like 'I Dream of Genie'...I have a humor fic entitlled that. And it's pretty much how he's the Major and she's Genie---where he's correcting her and she's like, 'Yes, Major.' It was cute and funny, I didn't think anything of it, beyond that. Not about showing her off...since I give John a bit more credit in not seeing Teyla as an ornament on his arm or some trophy. But for her to fit in as much as possible. In the long run it would make her more comfortable than uncomfortable.

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            yeah, you have a good point there.....I just think this episode was extremely good in again...showing the development of their friendship and shows how John doesn't want to leave Atlantis....and how he sees Teyla as someone very valuable, enough to have her with him during the briefing with Stargate Command and in addition, how he can see himself being the one to show her around Earth...and taking her to his apartment to drink beer! I think that says a lot..don't you?


              Today is Underground, right?

              I will be able to catch up today! I know Camy didn't think there was enough talk about the shippy moments in Childhood's End. So Camy this is for you!

              Childhood's End Shippy Moments

              This episode isn't overtly shippy. Not like Suspicion or 38 Minutes.

              The children arrive and take them to see their elders. John keeps glancing at Teyla during this. They notice the wraith bones that are part of a shrine in the village. John and Teyla look at each other in silent communication. They keep glancing at each other during Keras' explanation of why no one is above the age of 24.

              Rodney radios John and tells him about the zpm. Rodney suggests they take it. Teyla makes her opinion clearly known. As John talks to Rodney about the options he keeps glancing back at Teyla. John gives Rodney the go ahead but also gives him a deadline. Teyla approaches John and in a clearly softer tone expresses her concerns. John in an equally soft tone explains their side.

              John is asked to stand witness by Keras as he prepares for the Sacrifice. Teyla while not needed or asked to be there is by John's side.

              John notices a wraith emergency beacon is transmitting a signal. He shoots the bracelet shutting off the beacon. Ares has gaurds surround John and says he should be punished. Teyla watching what is going on and hearing this is clearly nervous and unsure what to do. Her eyes dart wildly then stop as they land on John. John looks up and stares back at her.

              Keras informs them that all the villages have agreed to suspend the Sacrifices until they all can meet and discuss what they have just learned. John and Teyla look at each other and smiles. Aiden carrying Keras' birthday gift stops by them and glances between them before he gives John the gift. This happens quickly. So it is a blink and you will miss it sort of thing.


                Originally posted by bella
                Nice work Annie.
                Storm missing scene: Where were Shep and Teyla coming back from in the first scene? I know they mentioned something about the Athosians. Was he just her chaffeur picking her up or had they been somewhere together?
                I have no clue. You know they never actually said where they were coming back from. It was just that was it. I'm gonna say just normal recon work since it's only them two on it. Gather some info and look around. But nothing major.
                Now that I think about it...he might be chaffeuring her back from the mainland. But I would have thought there would have been some discussion.

                Click statement above to read article.


                  Originally posted by Camy
                  yeah, you have a good point there.....I just think this episode was extremely good in again...showing the development of their friendship and shows how John doesn't want to leave Atlantis....and how he sees Teyla as someone very valuable, enough to have her with him during the briefing with Stargate Command and in addition, how he can see himself being the one to show her around Earth...and taking her to his apartment to drink beer! I think that says a lot..don't you?
                  Well for sure. I mean this is why I can't understand by people who say they are not friends. I'm like where did this come from. 'Home' is a perfect example to refute that statement. It's pretty much the need of dissenters to want to marginalize their relationship, and it says to me they have not been watching the episodes. I don't think this is the first scene to see their friendship but it's a great example of it on screen and it lets us know there is far more there.

                  What I also find interesting is based on each ep we're going through and in future eps of S1 we will see more and more and more JT scenes. Actually it can be said we were pretty much fed a lot of JT shipperness in S1, and yet, it's considered the best season over S2. When S2 had a more muted approach to showing the JT relationship. I'm starting to think people are just closet JT shippers.

                  Click statement above to read article.


                    I agree VB...nothing better for others to do than to shout out comments without any evidence in their favor! We know which couple rules in SGA!

                    John and Teyla...

                    Okay, so I've been fooling around with a new software that I got...I know...I'm nuts...but I'm having so much fun....I'm playing around with it until I am happy with it so that I can do the Letter G...I already have everything that I want...I just have to beautifully put it together....

                    So, let me know what you think...BP..hon...thanks for those shippy moments....we are doing HOME today....
                    These are pics from Suspicion...both of them...and I'm really liking this light blue...



                      Wow Camy, I really like it. How did you make their faces fade so much that it actually looks hand drawn on a slightly coloured paper?! I really like the affect you gave it. And the line is fantastic..and we know that the one who fits his soul stands next to him always on every mission. I actually should write a fic on when he was training her to use a weapon. This is great picture.

                      Camy please save all your artwork on a hard drive and keep them filed for me. The JT Hub will be underconstruction starting on Monday. And should be ready for business on premiere night. So keep your work people can collect and what not. You might want to set them up in files of like WPs, Icons, and Sigs/Banners.

                      I'll make a massive announcement..I need a sig made for it.

                      Click statement above to read article.


                        I do have them saved...NO PROB...and remember what I said...I can be your official screencaps person....Whatever...I know how to do it now..YIPEE...

                        Well, this is a new software that I got...It's called Photo Impact Pro...and it's really easy to use...I just click and BANG! It does it for me..this was a pencil like it looks like if it is a drawing..and then the effect is a kind of lighting effect...and the color just fit nicely, I think...

                        Thanks VB.....and I can do a sig for you if you'd like...but truthfully, there are others here who can do something much nicer than I can...but I don't mind giving it a shot...just tell me what pics you have in mind and what do you want it to say!

                        Thanks VB...I'm glad you like it! Letter G will come up soon...promise! I think you will like it too...


                          Are we doing Home tonight as well?

                          Now it is time for Poisoning The Well.

                          Poisoning The Well Shippy Moments

                          Chancellor Druhin is showing them around. They stop by the boiler room. John and Rodney go in. As Rodney looks around John stops, walks back to the doorway, and looks out into the hallway at Teyla. Who has stopped by the doorway. As Druhin and Teyla talk about the wraith John clearly checks Teyla out. Starting at her face all the way down to her feet. When Druhin mentions they have been working on a defence John glances at Teyla. Druhin hands John a test tube and says he will find this intriguing. John looks at it and says, "OK, I'm intrigued. What is it?" He glances at Teyla as he says that.

                          Perna comes up and talks to Carson. John walks to the side of the two. Looking at Teyla as he does so. Who stops by his side. Perna is clearly talking to Carson, but when she introduces herself John introduces himself. Being his usual charming self. Causing Teyla to roll her eyes.

                          John: John Sheppard. Couldn't find a pic of her rolling her eyes, but this is a pic of just before she does.

                          John remembers Teyla and Aiden. I know screencaps are Annie's Job but I had to show Teyla's expression. This screencap I made myself.

                          John: Uh, and this is Teyla...

                          Merell (the test subject) enters Steve's prison cell. It is interesting how this scene is shot. It shows Steve/Merell, Carson/Perna, and John/Teyla shots. No one else's reactions. Teyla is clearly uncertain about this as Merell walks into Steve's cell. She turns and looks at John as if for assurance. John is busy pointing his weapon at Steve. Steve stares at Merell mentioning that he is weak. Steve then slams his hand into his chest. John looks down and then turns to look at Teyla who is still looking at him. She holds his gaze for a few seconds and then turns to watch Steve and Merell. Perna is watching in horror and Carson watches her with concern. Steve pulls his hand back and stares at it. Merell looks down and stares at his chest in amazement. Teyla turns and looks at John. Who turns to look at her. Perna stares at what just happened in amazement and Carson still watches her.

                          The team is leaving. Druhin comes to give them the results of the vote. John turns and looks at Teyla behind him before giving Druhin his full attention.

                          Underground to come later tonight.
                          Last edited by Black Panther; 28 May 2006, 09:10 PM.


                            Wow BP you are doing an amazing job. Dont' think I'm unappreciative because I haven't's hot. I have to still respond to that post about 5 months back..shoot..vb will be off searching.. And you added pics now. Darn it..multitalented.
                            Great job BP and glad your were missed.

                            Click statement above to read article.


                              Letter G...Finally

                     for Gaze....I love this saying that I found by Gustavo Adolfo Bequer...
                              Last edited by TameFarrar; 28 May 2006, 10:31 PM.


                                Sig and icon...


