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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Has anyone seen the new Grace Uner Pressure pics?
    Poor Rodney, that gash on his head looks really nasty. That cut IMO definatly out does Sam's in Grace.

    And Allies
    He somehow ended up in a Wraith cacoon! But I have to say I'm prowd with that defiant look he has on his face. SO different from Siege 3 and Runner. That's more of the Rodney I know and love.

    5th Season of Supernatural Premiering September 10th!


      Originally posted by worth_it
      Oh My GOD!! I have never laughed so hard in my life!!!! Can I use this for my sig? I love it!!
      Glad that you liked it! I just wanted to make a short comment, but then it went a little out of hand.
      Of course you can sig it if you want (wow, I never got sigged before ). I edited my post and added a title for the episode, by the way.

      Originally posted by unknownterra
      Let's hope there is a season 22 and a wig theif is their biggest problem (apart from arthritis). Maybe in episode 4 the tooth fairy is found to be a cheeky ascended ancient that swaps their dentures around.
      "Carfon! Gif that back, thif if my denture!"
      "Oh, yef, no problem. Rodney, if that Elifabef's denture you haf there?"

      Bye, A.
      ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
      ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


        Originally posted by unknownterra
        Poor DHRose! Watcher should know better than spend time on message boards if they are so picky about spoilers. They should expect someone to slip a spoiler in here and there. How else do we discuss a topic? Its all gonna be this:


        from now till January. Also, other countries such as Australia haven't seen season 2 and will not for a long time, Watcher probably doesn't observe this fact once its played in the US anyway?
        I try not to give anyone too a hard time about spoilers. I just say "Can you please edit your post and put that comment in spoiler tags?" or "Can you please hide that photo by using the url tag instead or the img tag?" And "Can you please resize that photo to something smaller so my display isn't leaking in to the next room?"

        Yes, I know people slip up. I do it myself sometimes. Or posters are new and don't read the spoiler annoucement from the bigwig moderator Darren at the top of the forum. And yes, I have personally complained that it would make my very long posts one big very long white space.

        I want to discuss McKay with other like minded folk, but I also don't want to know about upcoming episodes. And that includes knowing who the guest stars are as well as what the plot of the episode is. Or what Joe M. is speculating about future episodes.

        I've noticed that the people who seem to do the most spoiling tend to be the very ones that we're trying to protect, that is the ones who aren't supposed to have seen the episode yet. But these folk are also the most enthusiastic and forget that others may like to watch an episode fresh and new without any preconceived thoughts.

        I do discuss the episodes without spoilers once its aired in the US because everyone else does it even though technically it's against the rules. But I never discuss episodes that haven't aired yet in the US without spoiler tags. Although, since I'm all about avoiding spoilers for future episodes, I actually don't have many of those. My spoiler tags are usually for the current season episodes that have already aired.

        Regulars may notice that I don't post on this thread as much as I used to (or maybe not, McKay's not the only one who's insecure about some things!) That's because there are way too many spoilers without tags here and I really can't trust the thread anymore. A lot of the new people don't seem to care about spoilers. And sometimes I get tired of begging (nagging) and being accused of being a spoilsport. Which I shouldn't be, since in a way I am! But like McKay, although I try to keep the barriers up, sometimes it just gets to me.

        I supposed I could put the worst offenders on Ignore, but then I'll end up saying something that will make it obvious that I'm ignoring someone and then I'll start getting nasty PMs.

        I miss the serious discussion. How we used to go on and on about the tiniest detail, hoping that it was some insight into McKay's character and not just something random. There are just some things you want to say that seem too McKay for the Episode thread.

        But I have to protect myself. I love Atlantis too much to not give it my best shot as a viewer.

        Thanks to all those who try to follow the no spoiler rule. It's hard, but I appreciate it.

        My kind of guy:
        "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
        Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
        (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).


          Originally posted by alyssa
          I love that Rodney says zed! It just makes it all the more obvious that he's Canadian. (and it's cool coming from a Commonwealth country and hearing him say that! It's like he's one of us!!)
          I think Rodney says Zed because he's being stubbornly Canadian since everyone around him is saying Zee. Well, maybe not so much now since the science team is so international, but when he was back at the SGC I can imagine most everyone was calling it a ZeePM because it's the name of the object, not because the initials stand for something.

          Or, he's being stubbornly an astrophysicist and using the initials correctly. So, of course it's a (Z)ero (P)oint (M)odule. And since Rodney is the one who determined how it actually works, he can call it whatever he wants and the other folks should get with the program and call it the same thing.

          I'm reminded of the little second season Star Trek: The Next Generation exchange between Data and the new CMO, Dr. Katherine Pulaski. She kept saying Data with the short "a" sound so that the "da" syllable sounded the same as the "ta" syllable. That's the "correct" way to say "data". Data finally corrected her. She asked why should she say "Data", pronouncing it now with the long "a". Data simply said, "Because that is my name."

          Ooh, sorry for the OT geek moment.

          My kind of guy:
          "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
          Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
          (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).


            Originally posted by Arlessiar
            Thanks so much for this insight into the film business and these interesting tidbits about close-up shots!
            And I always wondered about the ECG things. Sometimes I doubted that they are actually showing the heartbeat of the actor, because often the rhythm didn't match the level of agitation someone was showing. So they really are "faking" this too sometimes.
            Hehe, glad you liked it If there's one thing you learn working in the industry, it's that almost anything can be faked with enough time/money/ingenuity (is it any wonder our company motto is "It's all about deception"?), though - admittedly - it does strip all the magic out of things LOL.

            Most shows with actual budgets have a more sophisticated way of fabricating readouts for things like ECGs (most just use an animation on an LCD screen - either running prac on the day, or added in post), but that was an el-cheapo production, so we had to find other means. Having been at the mercy of one of those things, I now know why they wouldn't even try using practical ones on a shoot - they're twitchy as all hell! According to half the readings it gave, I should've been dead LMAO *shakes fist at bloody unreliable props*

            Makin' it legal - a cute little cap from "Nothing"

            -- Cynicatlantis - home of BeanieLantis, and other such silliness --


              Originally posted by MahliaBelonn
              Hiya! Just thought I'd throw in something for the hand-porn fans... These are definitely his hands...


              Give´s that in great?
              *Vancouver Con Attendee 2006* *Vancouver Con Attendee 2007*
              *Vancouver Con Attendee 2008* *Vancouver Con Attendee 2009*
              *Vancouver Con Attendee 2010* *Vancouver Con Attendee 2011*

              * Vancouver Con Attendee 2012 *


                Originally posted by Cynicat
                Makin' it legal - a cute little cap from "Nothing"

                Awwwww, very, VERY adorable.

                Dad just told me I forgot to do council voting. What kind of B-grade council votes by attendance ballot not mail ballot (as if its so important)? Darn, gtg now, and I was gonna watch some SGA


                  Wow, its really quiet in here today. Where is everyone? Rodney is starting to get upset his thunkers have left him!


                    Originally posted by MahliaBelonn
                    Oooh purdy hands (not to mention dead-useful reference for drawing hand gestures)!

                    -- Cynicatlantis - home of BeanieLantis, and other such silliness --


                      Re Australian television programmers' treatment of sci-fi viewership:

                      Originally posted by alyssa
                      We have quite a bit of buying power, and when you look at how much money people spend on cons, they're losing a big advertising opportuning because people are 'accessing' their eps via other means.....
                      The suits always claim it's all about the money, but over and over (as in this example) the evidence says otherwise.

                      What boggles my mind is that people actually believe them. "Because they said so." Sigh.

                      The story of my life. I finally find a city like this, intact, deserted for ten thousand years, probably contains hundreds of patents that I can exploit--and I'm going to die. I can appreciate dramatic irony as much as the next person, but this is pushing it a bit. --Max Eilerson, Crusade "War Zone"

                      Mess with me, you mess with my whole family. --Max Eilerson, Crusade "Ruling From the Tomb"


                        ARGH! I've learnt this morning that I've missed a DH movie on TV!
                        My only excuses are that I didn't recognize the title in French and that I've been gone from my house 12 hours a day, so no time to study the TV program.
                        It was my mother who broke the news to me at breakfast.

                        - My mother : Oh, forgot to tell you. I saw a movie this week and there was someone from Stargate in it.
                        - Me (perking up) : Yeah? Who was it? (not expecting a straight answer. My mother is really bad with names)
                        - My mother : You know, it was the funny guy.
                        - Me (not knowing if she's talking about SG1 or SGA) : The funny guy?
                        - My mother : Yes, the one who's always fixing everything.
                        - Me (with a sudden feeling of dread) : I'm not quite sure who you mean.
                        - My mother : The one who was surprised his friend had attended some genius school.

                        Here I realise that she's talking about the Mensa scene in Brotherhood and I'm crushed. I missed a DH movie!!
                        Turns out that they aired "The boys from St Vincent" last Wednesday. Even if I had read the TV program, I don't think it would have rung a bell because of the title translated in French. Needless to say I was peeved!

                        My mother told me that she only realised from where she knew him when he smiled that loopsided smile of his. So, she finds Rodney funny. Cool, eh?
                        She also said he was too thin back then and that she prefers him now.

                        "Cube" in on TV next week and you can bet I'm not going to miss it!



                          Originally posted by Cynicat
                          Most shows with actual budgets have a more sophisticated way of fabricating readouts for things like ECGs (most just use an animation on an LCD screen - either running prac on the day, or added in post), but that was an el-cheapo production, so we had to find other means. Having been at the mercy of one of those things, I now know why they wouldn't even try using practical ones on a shoot - they're twitchy as all hell! According to half the readings it gave, I should've been dead LMAO *shakes fist at bloody unreliable props*
                          And the alarm is always going off, and there's only one person who knows how to turn it off and no one knows where he is.

                          Ain't it great?

                          The story of my life. I finally find a city like this, intact, deserted for ten thousand years, probably contains hundreds of patents that I can exploit--and I'm going to die. I can appreciate dramatic irony as much as the next person, but this is pushing it a bit. --Max Eilerson, Crusade "War Zone"

                          Mess with me, you mess with my whole family. --Max Eilerson, Crusade "Ruling From the Tomb"


                            Originally posted by Wordsmit2
                            And the alarm is always going off, and there's only one person who knows how to turn it off and no one knows where he is.

                            Ain't it great?
                            LMAO - the funny thing was, every time it did register an abnormal reading (like, say...flatline?) it didn't do anything spectacular - like light up and beep incessently the way you kinda hope it would if you were relying on it - it just kinda went "ding........ding.........ding.......".

                            A little less "OMFG they're dying! Somebody HEEEEELP!", and more "By the way, you left your keys in the ignition and the headlights are on.". Very disappointing, I must say *sulk*

                            Celebratory Cube cap, for Cube pwns

                            -- Cynicatlantis - home of BeanieLantis, and other such silliness --


                              I loved the Hive, what a great Rodney episode:
                              I loved how he was debating with himself over wether to take the drug or not. He chickened out and then realized he had to save his friends and sucked it up. And he was so proud of himself that he had beaten up those guards!
                              It's beer o'clock. Now where the HELL is my riot !?!


                                Originally posted by Aurore
                                ARGH! I've learnt this morning that I've missed a DH movie on TV!
                                Turns out that they aired "The boys from St Vincent" last Wednesday.
                                My mother told me that she only realised from where she knew him when he smiled that loopsided smile of his. So, she finds Rodney funny. Cool, eh?
                                Ah yes, who can resist David Hewlett?
                                Here's a cap from the movie.

                                I would have more but I have to admit I've only seen the David bits from this movie and those only once. I really haven't been able to make myself go back and see them again, let alone the whole movie. I find the movie's topic very disturbing. But I'm sure the whole movie is great.

                                It took me months to make it through Pin so I don't have many caps for that one either.

                                My kind of guy:
                                "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
                                Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
                                (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).

