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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by strivaria
    That said, I appreciate you folks being so good about using the spoiler tags for The Hive... even if I'm itching to spoil myself for it.
    I always put spoiler tags but sometimes people may not realise that something will upset someone else so I don't think they should get a hard time over it. One of the big spoilers that occur on this forum is the ability to view screen caps and many season 2 screen caps have already been posted.


      Originally posted by watcher652
      Or even if Rodney shows up in clothes other than his normal Atlantis gear, like he did in a certain episode in the first half of the season.
      Part of the problem is, there are levels of spoileriness to contend with around here, so if you're genuinely adamant about avoiding spoilers, you should be aware that you take a risk browsing in any thread on this site.

      Some folks might take even your comment about Rodney's clothes as spoiling, so you see how easy it is to spoil without actually meaning to.

      Me personally, I love spoilers. I just read the yahoo group's transcript for The Hive (thank you very much to those who transcribe the episodes) and I'm just as excited as ever to finally get to see the episode in January.


        Er, either stuff got moved around or I was wrong. The Rodney pic that I said was for Inferno is apparently now in the episode Allies.

        Btw, interesting plot blurb from New Atlantis about Inferno:

        "McKay must save the team when they are trapped on a planet with a super-volcano."

        Go Rodney!


          Originally posted by mcalex22
          Interesting comment Arlessiar about the hands - apparently it takes up to an hour or more to do a close-up hands shot! I'm not sure why but they actually have to adjust the lense or something - that's what Joe and Martin Wood were talking about in the commentary.
          Got it in one - camera lens and position need to be adjusted, and very often the lighting situation needs to change. Depending on the shot, the surrounding space will also need to be re-dressed for the shot (stuff gets cheated into place for a better frame, etc). All this takes more time than you would think possible (just like everything else in the industry, heheh), and that's before the "performance" aspect comes into it. It's much more efficient to get cutaways like that at the end of the day - the talent can be released and the rest of the crew can start bumping out their gear. Occasionally (if appropriate) a director will do the doubling themselves, since then they can get the precise performance they are after; but it often comes down to whoever is available on set at the time. ADs, camera assistants, art dept minions(me!), PAs and runners are the most common targets for the "Oi! You! Take your gloves off and get over here!" call, LOL.

          It beats making the talent hang around for an extra 1-2hrs for something comparitively incidental, thus pushing back everyone's effective start time for the next day (cast and crew have a minimum 10hr turnaround between being released from set, and their next call time - eating into that means overtime, which producers hate, as well as possibly losing the light the next day if shooting exteriors). It's especially important when there are minors on set - there are very strict rules about the number of hours children can work per day, so if you can rope in Kate-the-camera-assistant-with-small-hands to double for that cutaway of little Amy picking up an apple, you're gonna take it. Crew are also frequently used as stand-ins for blocking and pre-lighting - such are the joys of no-budget filmmaking.

          Hell, I've had to double hands, feet, backs of heads...even heart (I kid you not - they hooked me up to an ECG for a "steady rhythm/rapid beating/asystole/flatline" cutaway. The flatline was easy, just let go of the leads, but the rapid pulse/asystole part wasn't so fun. Freaked out the 1st AD though, so it was worth it LOL. Who hasn't always wanted to die on stage?)

          Anyways - heya thunkers! *waves* Longtime lurker here
          Last edited by Cynicat; 24 November 2005, 09:00 PM.

          -- Cynicatlantis - home of BeanieLantis, and other such silliness --


            Originally posted by mcalex22
            I know for certain that it wasn't David's hands in childhood's ends... but not sure about other epis... guess we all need to check out Martin's fingers!!! I know, a little disappointed here.
            What? Do you mean with the, uh, thingmabob? (gee, can I mention what it is since it's a first season episode?) How do you know that? Is it in the commentary? Gah! How can our thunk be pure if we don't know if that's David's hands or not? Guess we'll just have to admire his hands when we can see them attached to the rest of him.

            Here - I know these are David's hands! From Aurora.

            My kind of guy:
            "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
            Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
            (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).


              Originally posted by watcher652
              Here - I know these are David's hands! From Aurora.

              O.o Are you so sure of that?


                Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
                Btw, interesting plot blurb from New Atlantis about Inferno:

                "McKay must save the team when they are trapped on a planet with a super-volcano."

                Go Rodney!
                W00t! *does a little happy dance*


                  Originally posted by Arlessiar
                  We learnt BE in school and we were told that it's "zed". I never heard "zee" before I watched Stargate.

                  I love that Rodney says zed! It just makes it all the more obvious that he's Canadian. (and it's cool coming from a Commonwealth country and hearing him say that! It's like he's one of us!!)
                  When I was at school, we would have got our butts kicked for saying zee instead of zed!


                    Originally posted by Arlessiar
                    Normally no problem Rose, you know that I think like you and watcher when it comes to spoilers. I always try to be very careful not to spoiler anything, and I sincerely apologise if I forgot to put something in spoilertags that belongs there.
                    Speculation in threads that have Spoiler in the title seems to be fine but in a discussion thread you need to think about what if..what if you are saying something that wow might happen. Use the tags.

                    Look as always I love spoilers can't get enough of them and have made long winded responses as to why I think it is unfair living in Australia but still having to spoil for the US/Canada/UK yet no-one cares about me and my fellow Australians being spoiled (Example: apparently there is this new character called Dex ) but I do understand now how it can be annoying for people who really don't like to speculated too much about any future development or even the fun developments that are extremely unlikely to happen.

                    My bit on the "Wraith Queen" ring any bells? I did spoil that! Now maybe I am going a little overboard but again I do get it now what starts as speculation can quite easily snowball and if you don't use the tags from the start people soon think (like I did) that it is an optional extra.

                    Look there are lots of things we can talk about with Rodney I don't know why we always go for the speculation when the actual episodes offer such great material. *yeah but I like to speculate too*

                    Oh and yes watcher652 is very, very good at keeping things in spoiler tags for ages, bless her.


                      sorry, im still getting used to spoiler tags. but ill try to remember it. plus i just crossed over from the Hive official thread where spoilers are us.

                      hehe, watched the Genii episode Underground.
                      "You have other weapons?"
                      "Are you kidding, weapons are us!"-Rodney

                      "Can you believe it, i didnt even win the science fair."
                      "Although i was interrogated for six hours by the CIA who thought i was a pre-teen..."

                      Join the Neko Rebellion!!


                        How do we know this isnt Martin trying to strangle David?

                        I wouldn't doubt it if it was him

                        Gate City - My humorous Stargate site made when I was young, enjoy!
                        Previously known as False hope who was previously known as McKay's girl


                          i say zee and im australian, buit only because i got brought up with american tv shows, like seasame street, care bares, ninja turtles and such. and then watched us tv over aussie tv (i mean aussie tv is crappyyyyy...)

                          So, Z it up baby! But i love how Rodney says zed, although apparently in rl he says Zee.

                          Join the Neko Rebellion!!


                            Originally posted by McKay's girl
                            How do we know this isnt Martin trying to strangle David?
                            I wouldn't doubt it if it was him
                            Why would he? If anyone is getting strangled it would be Martin by David! I just watched the BTS of the Storm/Eye ep and well poor David (and Torri) just looks miserable, wet and miserable. Did I mention wet.


                              Originally posted by watcher652
                              How can our thunk be pure if we don't know if that's David's hands or not? Guess we'll just have to admire his hands when we can see them attached to the rest of him.
                              My thoughts exactly! I don't want to thunk over the wrong hands!
                              I want a "real hand of David guarantee" - Kiss and Lick for president!

                              Bye, A.

                              P.S. It was Kiss and Lick, right MG?
                              ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
                              ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


                                Originally posted by mcalex22
                                I know for certain that it wasn't David's hands in childhood's ends... but not sure about other epis... guess we all need to check out Martin's fingers!!! I know, a little disappointed here.
                                Okay, here are some hands from Childhood's End that are attached to the rest of David.

                                My kind of guy:
                                "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
                                Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
                                (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).

