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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    I'm so annoyed right now. OT "waste a week" rant:
    I planned to have a nice last free week before I start the new job, but now I have to spend this week participating in a very boring and slightly pointless (hmm, how is this called in English?) 'applicant training', because my recuitment agency thought that's a nice idea. Not that it wouldn't have been a good idea three weeks ago, but now? And I also only visit half of this "how to write applications" (geez...) course because I'll start a job on the 15th. Oh the irony. The weather is beautiful, it's hot, I wanted to prepare for the job and also thunk one last week... and now I'm sitting there the whole day...
    At least they have computers with internet connections, I dared to open Gateworld for a few minutes in between to check on a few new posts...

    Originally posted by Drwho'srose
    David talking about Darkyl New Media (his now defunked company)
    Ah yes, I saw that too and read it with delight. Love it when he's so smart and geeky.
    "President Hewlett" - yeah!

    I have a headache.
    Aww, poor thing! *hugs Rose* Hope you're better now!
    We also suffered together today, I developed a headache while sitting in this crowded and sticky computer room for hours today. Luckily it's gone now that I drank lots of water.

    Seems it's time for Whiny!Rodney again.

    And there can never be too much Geeky!Rodney:

    Purpleyin - thanks so much for the newest green!
    McAlex - You mentioned the PM profile where DH appears, we talked about this here a few days ago and since that I'm so very curious about it! Have you seen it already? I only listened to the commentary yet, but I want to see this profile!
    Mx- thanks for the lovely green, darling!
    Rose - did I already thank you for the latest green? Anyway, thanks.

    *Sigh* Another already wasted day ahead... *hugs and misses her fellow thunkers*

    Bye, A.
    Last edited by Arlessiar; 08 May 2006, 01:02 PM. Reason: resized the pic
    ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
    ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


      ive just seen the Paul McGillion thing on the region 2 dvds and OMG so funny! David and Paul get up to so much on set!! LOL

      you MUST ALL watch this!


        Originally posted by Drwho'srose
        Hey I was bored and wandered over to #1 DH site and found this up, never read it before myself so thought I would post a link here. It was "found" by sueKay.

        David talking about Darkyl New Media (his now defunked company)

        Interview It's all very geeky.
        I actually know the Dreamweaver product David talks about in the article! I did a little programming with it before it was deemed "non-standard" by our company and we couldn't use it any more. Of course my company would get rid of it, it's a very easy application to use and we can't have that, can we? (grumble, grumble).

        Here's the main article that cites this one. It was written when David was doing the series "Traders".

        My kind of guy:
        "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
        Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
        (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).


          Hey everyone,

          I just wanted to give a quick thank you to everyone that liked my icons. I'm at work right now so I don't have access to any pics, but I'll be sure to post one tonight as a thank you.

          Edit: Hey everyone, sorry about all the mulitpule posts. I have tried to clean it up a bit by combining them all into one. This first quote, I'm going to apologize in advance, I can't remember who posted it, and I couldn't find the post again when I went to find them. *la sigh*

          Well, I'm not flashing my con photos in GW, but I'm more than happy to flash Derry's (she was the one who provided the props and asked these guys to pose!):

          LOL!!!!! This picture just killed me! I wish I could be a fly on the wall when these two get together. HEE!

          Thank you for sharing (this was refering the pic of Paul and David with the blow up toy)

          Orginaly posted by Mcalex22
          And an old con pic! (Because I love Paul too! )
          Me too! Though I dare anybody not to love Paul and David. They're just too, well, loveable.

          Thanks for the pic, I love that one

          Orginaly posted by Arlessiar

          - Koshi, these are very nice icons! I think I saw the last one with the pic from 'Triangle' on LJ already and I really like it!
          That was probably me you saw That one is my favorite and I use it on my lj. But I'm glad you like it. I'm probably going to make a few more sometime this week, I'll be sure to post them when they are done.

          Again sorry everyone for the multipule posts.
          Last edited by Koshi700; 08 May 2006, 11:06 PM.


            Koshi can you please not multipule post if you need to add to a previous post (and you are not posting caps) then use the edit button to add to your first post and copy/paste the quotes. Also you need to use the name of the person you are quoting as it gets confusing for other users. Thanks.

            Yes I love "Duet"


              Koshi can you please not multipule post if you need to add to a previous post (and you are not posting caps) then use the edit button to add to your first post and copy/paste the quotes. Also you need to use the name of the person you are quoting as it gets confusing for other users. Thanks.

              Yes I love "Duet"
              Oops Sorry, Drwho'srose! I'll keep that in mind for the future. Here's a little forgive me pic.

              Last edited by Koshi700; 09 May 2006, 01:31 AM.


                Originally posted by Koshi700
                Oops Sorry, Drwho'srose! I'll keep that in mind for the future. Here's a little forgive me pic.
                No worries.

                I know you are new so maybe you would like to check out the FAQ here on GW. Also check out the rules on posting spoilers.


                  Originally posted by Koshi700
                  Oops Sorry, Drwho'srose! I'll keep that in mind for the future. Here's a little forgive me pic.

                  Ah, poor Koshi! You need a forgive me pic for your forgive me pic (which is a spoiler pic!). To fix your post with the spoiler tags, use the Edit button located at the bottom right of your post.

                  Thanks for gently pointing Koshi to the FAQ, Rose.

                  From The Intruder.

                  My kind of guy:
                  "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
                  Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
                  (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).


                    Originally posted by watcher652
                    Ah, poor Koshi! You need a forgive me pic for your forgive me pic (which is a spoiler pic!). To fix your post with the spoiler tags, use the Edit button located at the bottom right of your post.

                    Thanks for gently pointing Koshi to the FAQ, Rose.

                    From The Intruder.

                    **la sigh** sorry....again.... I knew about the spoiler space, but didn't put a pic and spoiler in the same category (though it makes sense to). When I think spoiler I think verbal or written spoilers where they give specifics about the ep. Oh well, you learn something new everyday. Now I'm going to go beat my head against the wall. *G*
                    Last edited by Koshi700; 09 May 2006, 01:38 AM.


                      Originally posted by Koshi700
                      **la sigh** sorry....again.... I knew about the spoiler space, but didn't put a pic and spoiler in the same category (though it makes sense to). When I think spoiler I think verbal or written spoilers where they give specifics about the ep. Oh well, you learn something new everyday. Now I'm going to go beat my head against the wall. *G*
                      Well that is why I sent you off to read the rules. Yeah GW is huge on avoiding spoilers it is just something you either learn to live with or learn to take people constantly telling you to use the spoil tags or reporting your post to the mods.

                      Also it is polite and kind of a rule too, to URL quotes of others pictures, it takes up bandwidth and makes load time longer for those on dial-up... aren't you glad you drop by?

                      I still forget about spoilers sometimes although in my own little world where I ignore all others anything from "Duet" does not count as a spoiler.

                      Arm porn *again* well can you ever have too much?


                        Wheeeeeeeeeeee! I just watched the Paul McGillion profile from the SGA S2 DVD, if David's profile on the next release is as good it will be worth getting believe me.

                        I made some caps, they are not great and they are vv small but you know David goodness...

                        They are bts caps so I will spoil them.

                        They do talk a lot about the kiss, not really funny unless you think guys kissing each other is funny *I don't, it's hot!!!!*

                        Heehee, he does a little *weird* dance thing, too hard to cap but funny.



                          I'll spoil again mostly for size. There a few of them.

                          I think I had better go to bed now. Bye


                            Now I feel really bad! Is it someone's birthday?

                            Happy Birthday


                            *too much?*

                            David's excited about another fangirls birthday, he's even wearing a silly hat

                            Now I really need to go to bed.


                              hello everyone

                              HAPPY BIRTHDAY KOSHI!!

                              Rose, thanks for the bts pics! I just hope all it's all on the box set when it is available here in the U.S.


                              sig by Pandora's_Box


                                Originally posted by Drwho'srose
                                Now I feel really bad! Is it someone's birthday?
                                Ha! especially after talking about multiple posts and posting 4 in a row and talking about cap spoilers and your self designated "exception" to Duet pics! Ha Ha I mean really, some people!
                                BTW, love, love, love the BTS caps!

                                Happy Birthday Koshi!!
                                David wondering what to get you.

                                Originally posted by Watcher
                                Here's the main article that cites this one.
                                Thanks for the link, didn't have a chance to read the article when Rose posted the first link, so thanks for reminding me to read it. What an old interview! must be around 8 years old!

                                Arlessiar you poor thing! all geared up to have a relaxing week and they get you training straight away! That Sux!! you need a cute boy hmm no sexy man to cheer you up.

                                mmm those eyes... acctually this pics a bit scary... but sexy, yes still very sexy.

