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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    More from The Brotherhood

    My kind of guy:
    "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
    Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
    (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).


      Originally posted by Purpleyin
      Yes, wonderful and heartbreaking acting.
      I chose those two caps because it's like the lighter and darker sides of the episode.

      .................look out for caps for the first few episodes, 4 on a dvd right, and it comes out march 14 in UK. Well that's only about 250 caps to redo (from beginning of Rising, and then hide and seek)....I'm sure it's not as bad as it sounds..I'm sure, really I am!

      Yes, excellent choice. I think folk have mentioned before how David Hewlett can take us from humour to tears in a blink of blue eyes, this episode's certainly another example. You can see the emotion even in the still cap taken in the second of those shots. Incredible.

      As for the other caps. 250's nothing, I have EVERY confidence in you, you GO! *Waves cheerleader flag and decides to look at some software for capping so's I can try and contribute a bit*.

      Seriously, any that you can recommend here in the UK? And you're talking to someone who struggles to connect a printer to a pc so nothing TOO technical huh?!?

      And Watcher 652 thanks for the Brotherhood, I enjoyed that episode a lot, thought McKay was pretty sharp in that, and yes I admit I think he's even sexier when he's a wee bit scruffy and dirty... I know a few folk have said the episode was a bit predictable but I didn't think so and I love that sort of story (enjoyed Indiana Jones and also National Treasure to a degree). Rodney shows a nice ability to use his brain to try to work a situation to advantage rather than just be stubborn and have a stand-off that would have gone nowhere fast.

      Is it REALLY still nearly a week 'til The Seige part 2...
      McKay, "I'm not sure I can fix this."
      Grodin, "You can fix anything."
      McKay, "Who told you that?"
      Grodin, "You did. Several times."


        Originally posted by Cassiopeia
        Yes, excellent choice. I think folk have mentioned before how David Hewlett can take us from humour to tears in a blink of blue eyes, this episode's certainly another example. You can see the emotion even in the still cap taken in the second of those shots. Incredible.

        As for the other caps. 250's nothing, I have EVERY confidence in you, you GO! *Waves cheerleader flag and decides to look at some software for capping so's I can try and contribute a bit*.

        Seriously, any that you can recommend here in the UK? And you're talking to someone who struggles to connect a printer to a pc so nothing TOO technical huh?!?
        Is it REALLY still nearly a week 'til The Seige part 2...
        Software - umm, virtual dub? As watcher told me crtl + 1 shortcut take captures. Though if you are capturing from divx's it will often insist on correcting source sounds audio (maknig it out sync!)

        Yep, I'll be fine redoing them. Just hope virtual dub keeps ratio ok since it looked off for other caps from my where the heart is dvd...

        And as for David - those blue eyes hold such emotion.
        Though of course he acts with every fibre of his being judging by his work - hands, face, eyes...etc. Onscreen everything about him screams McKay - great to see that.


          Originally posted by ra-hanna
          And yes, David is a phenominal actor and I know so many people find McKay annoying but there is so much depth there! So many layers to peel through. He's snarky and malicious but so caring and concerned. It makes a person uncertain on whether you want to hug him or slap him silly or maybe a little bit of both.
          Yes, I find brains and depth of character immensely appealing, and yes I can see how that combination can also be irritating to some. I can't wait to see how the writers and David Hewlett develop the character even further, there's just SO much there to laugh at or admire or well you put it pretty well actually, either hug one minute or slap silly the next!

          In fairness to the other characters they're all doing a good job and McKay is in the happy situation of being involved in all aspects of the 'action' from computer/tech stuff to humour to action to drama, perhaps more so than any of the other roles, which gives the character great potential. But it likewise needs a terrific actor to handle all that and you're right, he IS phenomenal!
          McKay, "I'm not sure I can fix this."
          Grodin, "You can fix anything."
          McKay, "Who told you that?"
          Grodin, "You did. Several times."


            Originally posted by Purpleyin
            Software - umm, virtual dub? As watcher told me crtl + 1 shortcut take captures. Though if you are capturing from divx's it will often insist on correcting source sounds audio (maknig it out sync!)

            Yep, I'll be fine redoing them. Just hope virtual dub keeps ratio ok since it looked off for other caps from my where the heart is dvd...

            And as for David - those blue eyes hold such emotion.
            Though of course he acts with every fibre of his being judging by his work - hands, face, eyes...etc. Onscreen everything about him screams McKay - great to see that.
            Virtual dub and Crtl + 1. Thanks, I'll have a bit of an experiment. Actually first I've got to see if my laptop will play DVDs and not just Cdroms or whatever it is that holds software...sorry, like I said, resident computer non-whizz kid here.

            I find myself watching the story, and then going back over any McKay scenes about fifty times, he puts so many subtleties into his acting I keep picking up on little gestures or looks that I missed first time round. That's what's so nice (and brilliant) about his acting, nothing is overdone even if the character is OTT at times, the way he acts it never is.
            McKay, "I'm not sure I can fix this."
            Grodin, "You can fix anything."
            McKay, "Who told you that?"
            Grodin, "You did. Several times."


              did any one see mobuis yet mackay was on it


                It hasn't aired in the U.S. yet but I've seen the screen caps of it and it looks like McKay is going to be his great self.

                "I just hated away the fact that I give a s***" - Dave from Nothing

                My clone:
                Courtesy of the Mckay/Hewlett Thunk Thread


                  I saw Mobieus! McKay was absolutely hilarious in it. I loved his interaction with the other characters. He seems to have chemistry with all of the characters he interacts with and I think thats down to the way David Hewlett portrays him. McKay fans you will deffinately love his role in these episodes!

                  His role in Mobeus was absolutely hilariously acted by David Hewlett. He is just such a likeable character even when he is being arrogant, egotistical and vulgar lol. Even the shirt he was wearing was really funny hehe.

                  Lucy x


                    Yes, more from The Brotherhood. Happy McKay, we see so little of Happy McKay.

                    Delighted, happy McKay!

                    Did anyone else notice that McKay looked a little sunburned compared with the others? Sheppard just look a little grubby, McKay was a definitely a little red.

                    My kind of guy:
                    "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
                    Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
                    (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).


                      Woohooo for all the McKay love!

                      I am so far behind on this thread because I haven't been around much the past couple of evenings so to come to a thread with so much praise for David and so many cute screencaps has just been so cool. I love how David can just convey so much emotion with his facial expressions. In every single cap he has a different expression on his face which conveys so much emotion and makes the viewers feel so much. The screencaps on this thread are always excellent. We get the arm shots, the chest shots and lots of shots of those eyes...yay!

                      I think its the mark of a brilliant actor when he doesn't need to say words to make the viewer feel something but can just do it with his expression or his eyes and David has an immense talent for using those blue eyes to make us laugh or make us cry or just make us feel what the character's going through. He's just so great awwww! I love McKay!

                      Still haven't watched my video of The Siege Part 1 grrr! So can't wait to see it.

                      Lucy x


                        I usually don't post here, just lurk occasionally. All the Sheppard threads take up too much of my time but after seeing Siege Pt1, I had to just come and say how awesome DH was as McKay in that episode. He's been great all season but he really impressed me in this episode. He made me laugh out loud and also feel very moved. I was generally impressed with everyone in this episode but DH/McKay's scenes with DN/Zelenka and CV/Grodin were the best.

                        I can't understand why people would find him annoying, his annoyingness is part of his charm and as ra-hanna said there is soo much more to him than that. In the Siege 1 you saw clearly how fond some of the other characters are of McKay and how they understand that his arrogant manner is just a quirky part of his personality.

                        A McKay wp I did for 'The Gift'. It could I suppose be considered spoilery so will just post a link rather than thumb nail.
                        Last edited by smallgirl; 04 March 2005, 02:55 AM.
                        ~ Esther~ My Live Journal
                        FBI - Body Preservation Division


                          So need to go and watch The Siege Part 1! Welcome to the thread Smallgirl!



                            Originally posted by watcher652
                            Oh. My. Goodness. *dies of the adorableness*

                            "Man's main task in life is to give birth to himself, to become what he potentially is.
                            The most important product of his effort is his own personaility."-Erich Framm
                            "I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing
                            Only I will remain."


                              Yeah, it's such a hardship capping for McKay shots! Although Sheppard shots are mighty fine, too. But there are plenty of people posting those. You can't beat McKay for angst, though. And joy, and anger, and confusion, and self satisfaction, and dismay, and frustration, and sarcasm, and righteous self confidence, and self-doubt and...

                              Well, I guess you just can't beat McKay!

                              Here's one that's a bit dark, but it shows off his cute nose. I just want to hug the man!

                              I mentioned it before, but I think I will suffer from a major brain freeze if I ever meet David Hewlett.

                              My kind of guy:
                              "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
                              Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
                              (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).


                                Originally posted by TJStarbuck
                                And here's a thought...perhaps it was the actors take on the lines, not the lines themselves. David Hewlett may have played it more over the top than the writer intended. And tv actors are especially bad when it comes to changing their lines from what's written. The script books from Stargate are littered with notes about RDA changing his lines constantly.

                                Just a thought...
                                That's RDA. He is an executive producer, as well as an actor on the show.

                                David's credits are mainly movies, although he had a recurring role in Kung Fu the Legend Continues and was a co-star on the Canadian series, Traders. I'm sure David would just say he's an actor and not qualify it as movie or tv.

                                About changing lines, here's a quote from a transcript of an interview David did recently:

                                Mod2: Are they letting you guys ad lib anything yet?

                                DH: I'm allowed to… they definitely let me play at times…

                                Mod1: I'll say, that sounded like an ad-lib when I saw it.

                                DH: You know, it's… but part of the fun is that you don't need to. It's that, they write this fantastic stuff, and it is so… the way they write is very off-hand…

                                Mod2: But they take your opinion, when you like read something and go, "Oh, I would never say that!"

                                DH: Yeah, I mean, but… again, they are so… I mean, I'm also covering my ass… <laughter> Uhm, they just, I think, the funny thing, I made a joke about this, and I think the more I say it, the more I believe it, is it's a… my character is a bit like a combination of our producers, Robert and Brad. Like they both, because they're both incredibly smart and they just do not suffer fools lightly. Uhm, and, and so I think a lot of the writing comes from that, that base. They understand geeks, they know how they interact with people, and uhm, you know, and the writers that they bring on the show all really embrace that. I mean, you know…

                                Mod2: I just had to point out that "Back to the Future" quip that you had, when… when he comes back and he says "Don't *even* get me started on that movie!"

                                DH: <laughs> That's right, I had a few problems with that… but it was written. Again, I'd love to take credit for it, and I'm sure I will in a couple of years, when I've forgotten… but, uhm…

                                Mod2: How much do they let you interact and write your own lines?

                                DH: Well… it's usually, the way it works, I mean, I definitely am, I have a…respect for writers that I've always had and always enjoyed. I like… I don't… I feel that they've had more time to figure this stuff out than I have, so by changing stuff, I feel that it's a disservice to the script for the most part, because, you know, they've had more time to think about it than I have. If I come in and start changing stuff, I may or may not be doing them a disservice later on. So usually what happens is we stick to the script, and then at the end of the shot, then you get to play a bit. So you get to do the little sort of, tail off things, and usually once you've got one in the can you can goof around a bit. So, for the most part, I think I just, you know, I pretty well stick with what's there, you know… so… I feel like that's my job, you know, my job is to take what they've got and… and make it obnoxious.
                                Ha, "make it obnoxious"! That's great!

                                My kind of guy:
                                "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
                                Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
                                (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).

