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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    what films/shows of davids has everyone seen here and what is your favourite?


      Originally posted by Nerual
      You lucky jammy things. I'm really starting to hate where I live. Nothing happens here at all.

      The chances are I'll never go to a convention. I don't fancy going on my own yet both parents have a slight problem with Stargate. So I can't go with them.

      (Crawls into a dark corner and mutters about how her dreams go to utter shambles half the time)

      Have a good time though.

      I hope to go to a con one day but at the moment I have no one to go with. No one I know who's my age likes it so I'm hoping to meet some scifi fans at uni or college and drag 'em off to one. Plus I, like you live in the north so would have to travel quite far to get to one.

      Anyway, back OT,


        Thanks for all the info everyone - I'm really excited now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

        As I said meeting anyone will be fun but we live in hope

        Nice pic Tiggerific! and that was a good idea to decorate your table - gave the guests something to comment on so perhaps a bit longer chat!

        I'll go check out your LJ Strivaria and make sure my friend does too as it will be her first con as well. She thunks for another but is like me in that whoever is there we have decided we are going to have a good time

        Having said that this is our first con I may go to some others (!) as I believe there is one in July with Torri and Rachel in London and then I think Paul is coming over for one in November (?) but I'm not sure! My son wants to go to one and I think hubbie would quite like the one with Torri and Rachel!! Will have to decide one way or the soon or they will be sold out

        Wouldn't it be nice if these two were at P2?!?!?!?

        sig by SheppyD
        Whumpydoodlesquee and Frenxies a Speciality

        I'm not crazy - I just have another consciousness in my brain
        So he just looks crazy


          Originally posted by McKayRocks!
          Thanks for all the info everyone - I'm really excited now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

          As I said meeting anyone will be fun but we live in hope

          Nice pic Tiggerific! and that was a good idea to decorate your table - gave the guests something to comment on so perhaps a bit longer chat!

          I'll go check out your LJ Strivaria and make sure my friend does too as it will be her first con as well. She thunks for another but is like me in that whoever is there we have decided we are going to have a good time

          Having said that this is our first con I may go to some others (!) as I believe there is one in July with Torri and Rachel in London and then I think Paul is coming over for one in November (?) but I'm not sure! My son wants to go to one and I think hubbie would quite like the one with Torri and Rachel!! Will have to decide one way or the soon or they will be sold out

          Wouldn't it be nice if these two were at P2?!?!?!?

          the event torri and rachel are at wont sell out as its a signing event you dont need a ticket to get into the event you just turn up. you then get a virtual queueing ticket for the queue of the guest you want to meet.

          paul is going to sg11 (work pending) which is a con and you need a ticket prior to the event

          heres hoping david is at one of them!!!


            Originally posted by tiggerific
            the event torri and rachel are at wont sell out as its a signing event you dont need a ticket to get into the event you just turn up. you then get a virtual queueing ticket for the queue of the guest you want to meet.

            paul is going to sg11 (work pending) which is a con and you need a ticket prior to the event

            heres hoping david is at one of them!!!
            Thanks for the clarification - you can tell I am new to this lark! Still may go to the signing - depends what they charge for a piccie!! And Paul's one is called sg11 so I'll look into that as well!

            Scrummy lip licking gorgeous!!

            sig by SheppyD
            Whumpydoodlesquee and Frenxies a Speciality

            I'm not crazy - I just have another consciousness in my brain
            So he just looks crazy


              Morning; welcome new members.

              You know how much I love him in glasses. I snurched these.


                Originally posted by Drwho'srose
                ooo the glasses make him look so dorky and sweet! What are those pics from?


                  Originally posted by Nightingale
                  ooo the glasses make him look so dorky and sweet! What are those pics from?
                  if im not mistaken the top one is from foolproof...are the others from the life before this???


                    The first one is from Foolproof and the others are from Chasing Cain (I think).

                    from Elevated

                    Last edited by Willow'sCat; 11 March 2006, 03:44 PM.


                      Just because I know some of you *weird* people like beards.

                      From Underpressure.

                      No beard but wearing a hat from First Circle.


                        Originally posted by Drwho'srose
                        Just because I know some of you *weird* people like beards.

                        From Underpressure.

                        For a second there I thought you meant as in Grace Under Pressure and I was thinking that I had missed some kind of weird flashback/ hallucination.


                          *dashes back in after a long absence*... Page 496 That is some major thunkage!!!

                          Squeeee David

                          David Hewlett is my 'happy place' SQUEEEEE!!!


                            Originally posted by tiggerific
                            im going to no end of cons/signing events this year:

                            gatecon uk
                            level 3 (once the tickets go on sale)

                            in the hope that david will be at at least one of them!!
                            Well I am visiting the UK in July/August and saw that Gatecon UK was on and bought myself a ticket. That means I'll see you there Tiggerific! My dad was born in Cheltenham and when I saw the con was there I had to go... my excuse anyway and I'm sticking to it!! Unfortunately I was not impressed when I previously met one of the guests and am not looking forwardto seeing him again... Wonder if he'll be drunk this time?!!

                            Are you the same Tigger from the Trippin' for Trinneer list? If so, can you PM me and tell me what happened to the list?

                            Anyway I am going to wake up my friend now so that I can go to a country music festival, and then come home and watch David movies!!

                            Mahlia Belonn


                              Originally posted by MahliaBelonn
                              Well I am visiting the UK in July/August and saw that Gatecon UK was on and bought myself a ticket. That means I'll see you there Tiggerific! My dad was born in Cheltenham and when I saw the con was there I had to go... my excuse anyway and I'm sticking to it!! Unfortunately I was not impressed when I previously met one of the guests and am not looking forwardto seeing him again... Wonder if he'll be drunk this time?!!

                              Are you the same Tigger from the Trippin' for Trinneer list? If so, can you PM me and tell me what happened to the list?

                              Anyway I am going to wake up my friend now so that I can go to a country music festival, and then come home and watch David movies!!

                              yup ill be there!! *is intrigued about the mystery guest you dont wanna meet again*

                              im not on the trinneer list thing so its not me im afraid!


                                Connor Squeeee.... okies wrong thread I'm sure.

                                David Hewlett is my 'happy place' SQUEEEEE!!!

