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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    yummy thunkworthy piccys



      Oh another interview, I guess it is all about publicity for the season end-er. Well I have to agree, Joe is hot if you like them that way. David is so much more and I know who I would rather spend time with, looking at, drooling over.

      Arlessiar thanks AGAIN! And I just finished correcting it.

      (whispers in David's ear)

      Your fraking gorgeous!!!

      We ain't here for the conversation mate!


        lol! i totally agree Rose, we are sooo not here for the conversation...we are here for the booty, the prettiness, the hotness, and so much more


          Originally posted by Drwho'srose

          (whispers in David's ear)

          Your fraking gorgeous!!!

          We ain't here for the conversation mate!

          RFLMAO !!!

          You said it!

          The man is off the scale, out of this world, abso-flipping-lutely drop dead


          sig by SheppyD
          Whumpydoodlesquee and Frenxies a Speciality

          I'm not crazy - I just have another consciousness in my brain
          So he just looks crazy


            Originally posted by smushybird
            Haven't read that one. What is Dreamwatch and where? Is it online?
            Dreamwatch is a magazine, and someone on LJ posted scans of the interview with David. I can't find the link right now though.

            And since everyone seems to agree and says it out loud that Mr. Hewlett is more than thunkworthy, I'll join in!

            *clears throat*

            Dear Mr. Hewlett!

            You have said it so many times already that no-one would believe you for a nanosecond now if you ever denied it: You KNOW how to use a computer! You KNOW how to use the internet! You DO search the internet!
            So I'm pretty sure that you know about your numerous fansites. You know that you have many fans. They send you letters. Drawings. Sweets. Hearts. Kisses. Maybe even underwear. They openly admit that they adore you. They say that they faint because of your cuteness. They don't care if they get strange looks if they drool over their keyboard, lick their monitor with the DH desktop on it, sit in front of the TV as if they were hypnotized when SGA is on or hug their SGA DVD like a long lost family member. They buy a PowerBook because you own one. They believe that the TARDIS will one day belong to you.They would buy a piece of the floor you walked on. They say that you are very sexy. No matter how much hair you might think you have lost already. They have created cute names for your hands, your behind and even your moles! They admire your eyes, your eyelashes and your smile! They know that beauty lies in the eye of the beholder and hasn't only one definition. And they have seen and analysed every pixel of nearly every photo of you, so they surely know what they're talking about! In a poll they have voted you the sexiest man on Atlantis! So...

            ...please believe us: You are a wonderful, hot, adorable and good-looking man and a warm, funny and nice person! Yes, Joe is sexy - but for some of us YOU are THE sex symbol of Atlantis!!!

            ~°~ YOU ARE GORGEOUS! ~°~

            37 years of Teh Hewlett!

            Good night and thank you for reading,
            ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
            ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


              Originally posted by Arlessiar

              Dear Mr. Hewlett!

              You have said it so many times already that no-one would believe you for a nanosecond now if you ever denied it: You KNOW how to use a computer! You KNOW how to use the internet! You DO search the internet!
              So I'm pretty sure that you know about your numerous fansites. You know that you have many fans. They send you letters. Drawings. Sweets. Hearts. Kisses. Maybe even underwear. They openly admit that they adore you. They say that they faint because of your cuteness. They don't care if they get strange looks if they drool over their keyboard, lick their monitor with the DH desktop on it, sit in front of the TV as if they were hypnotized when SGA is on or hug their SGA DVD like a long lost family member. They buy a PowerBook because you own one. They believe that the TARDIS will one day belong to you.They would buy a piece of the floor you walked on. They say that you are very sexy. No matter how much hair you might think you have lost already. They have created cute names for your hands, your behind and even your moles! They admire your eyes, your eyelashes and your smile! They know that beauty lies in the eye of the beholder and hasn't only one definition. And they have seen and analysed every pixel of nearly every photo of you, so they surely know what they're talking about! In a poll they have voted you the sexiest man on Atlantis! So...

              [CENTER]...please believe us: You are a wonderful, hot, adorable and good-looking man and a warm, funny and nice person! Yes, Joe is sexy - but for some of us YOU are THE sex symbol of Atlantis!!!

              Awww! SQUEE!

              Gods, this man needs as much reassuring as my bf!

              When will DH realise that there isn't just ONE kind of sexy, sexy comes in all shapes and sizes, like cookies, and I like mine Hewlett shaped!

              Cheers to DH, sexiest man on Atlantis!


                Originally posted by Ashta
                Awww! SQUEE!
                Gods, this man needs as much reassuring as my bf!
                When will DH realise that there isn't just ONE kind of sexy, sexy comes in all shapes and sizes, like cookies, and I like mine Hewlett shaped!
                Cheers to DH, sexiest man on Atlantis!
                Hell yeah! That's all I've got. DH cookies...yum
                Originally posted by Arlessiar
                Dreamwatch is a magazine, and someone on LJ posted scans of the interview with David. I can't find the link right now though.
                Darn, I haven't read it either...EDIT: I found it through mcalex22's LJ...she has all the good stuff. I don't think I should link...not sure if snurching is allowed and I am in enough trouble at the moment.

                I need new caps.
                Last edited by Willow'sCat; 28 February 2006, 10:52 PM.


                  Good Day One And All.
                  As it is snowing right now outside my window I wonder if in SGA they will ever go to a snowy planet and how McKay would react...probably complain about the cold.


                    Hello there.

                    I made a vid, I know what was I thinking...mostly thinking about how hot David looks and wanting to share.

                    This is my first vid, so don't go expecting too much...It is a David/Rodney vid which is why I am posting a link in here. I have to link to my hosting page (Willow'sCat) not the vid as the vid has some Century Hotel clips and that kiss not sure if it meets GW rules. I did ask but you know until someone complains...

                    Title: HandsomeDevil
                    Song: Handsome Devil - The Smiths
                    Format: WMV
                    Warnings: Some male kissing and lots of David flesh.
                    Spoilers: Most of Season 2's SGA latter ep's one really big spoiler if you can make it out.
                    Apologies: To David, to you, to me and most of the rest of fandom and vid makers everywhere.

                    To view only at Putfile: Here
                    To view and other at Streamload: Here


                      Very Nice Rose


                        Originally posted by Arlessiar
                        Dear Mr. Hewlett!

                        You have said it so many times already that no-one would believe you for a nanosecond now if you ever denied it: You KNOW how to use a computer! You KNOW how to use the internet! You DO search the internet!
                        So I'm pretty sure that you know about your numerous fansites. You know that you have many fans. They send you letters. Drawings. Sweets. Hearts. Kisses. Maybe even underwear. They openly admit that they adore you. They say that they faint because of your cuteness. They don't care if they get strange looks if they drool over their keyboard, lick their monitor with the DH desktop on it, sit in front of the TV as if they were hypnotized when SGA is on or hug their SGA DVD like a long lost family member. They buy a PowerBook because you own one. They believe that the TARDIS will one day belong to you.They would buy a piece of the floor you walked on. They say that you are very sexy. No matter how much hair you might think you have lost already. They have created cute names for your hands, your behind and even your moles! They admire your eyes, your eyelashes and your smile! They know that beauty lies in the eye of the beholder and hasn't only one definition. And they have seen and analysed every pixel of nearly every photo of you, so they surely know what they're talking about! In a poll they have voted you the sexiest man on Atlantis! So...

                        [CENTER]...please believe us: You are a wonderful, hot, adorable and good-looking man and a warm, funny and nice person! Yes, Joe is sexy - but for some of us YOU are THE sex symbol of Atlantis!!!

                        ~°~ YOU ARE GORGEOUS! ~°~
                        *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap*


                          My new site includes a few Rodney Avatars
                          See it here HERE


                            For all those who wonder why False Hope (MG) hasn't been in here recently, she recently mentioned that she has lost interest in Stargate and is sticking to the off topic area for the mean time


                              Originally posted by Arlessiar
                              Dreamwatch is a magazine, and someone on LJ posted scans of the interview with David. I can't find the link right now though.

                              And since everyone seems to agree and says it out loud that Mr. Hewlett is more than thunkworthy, I'll join in!

                              *clears throat*

                              Dear Mr. Hewlett!

                              You have said it so many times already that no-one would believe you for a nanosecond now if you ever denied it: You KNOW how to use a computer! You KNOW how to use the internet! You DO search the internet!
                              So I'm pretty sure that you know about your numerous fansites. You know that you have many fans. They send you letters. Drawings. Sweets. Hearts. Kisses. Maybe even underwear. They openly admit that they adore you. They say that they faint because of your cuteness. They don't care if they get strange looks if they drool over their keyboard, lick their monitor with the DH desktop on it, sit in front of the TV as if they were hypnotized when SGA is on or hug their SGA DVD like a long lost family member. They buy a PowerBook because you own one. They believe that the TARDIS will one day belong to you.They would buy a piece of the floor you walked on. They say that you are very sexy. No matter how much hair you might think you have lost already. They have created cute names for your hands, your behind and even your moles! They admire your eyes, your eyelashes and your smile! They know that beauty lies in the eye of the beholder and hasn't only one definition. And they have seen and analysed every pixel of nearly every photo of you, so they surely know what they're talking about! In a poll they have voted you the sexiest man on Atlantis! So...

                              ...please believe us: You are a wonderful, hot, adorable and good-looking man and a warm, funny and nice person! Yes, Joe is sexy - but for some of us YOU are THE sex symbol of Atlantis!!!

                              ~°~ YOU ARE GORGEOUS! ~°~

                              37 years of Teh Hewlett!

                              Good night and thank you for reading,

                              Yummy! David is definatly my sexy man on SGA. Joe's good-looking, but I'm all for the sexy-hot geeks. Daniel on one side, McKay on the other. What a WONDERFULLY BEAUTIFUL WORLD WE LIVE IN! Mmmmm... Even that scowl makes you want to... *clears throat* Never mind. We're all thinking the same thing anyway.
                              thankee toasteronfire


                                Originally posted by S.G.C
                                Good Day One And All.
                                As it is snowing right now outside my window I wonder if in SGA they will ever go to a snowy planet and how McKay would react...probably complain about the cold.

                                I'd complain about the cold... and I live in Minnesota.
                                thankee toasteronfire

