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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Whoot! 9600 posts!

    Anywho...this cold/flu/sinus curse-thingy that I got is not going anywhere, so I had plenty of time to put this together. It's pretty big, so I'm just gonna link it, plus I can't quite remember the photoshop rules. So if it's illegal, PM me.

    Let me know what ya think.


    See the Clips | IMDB site | Official Site
    Proud Rodney McKay Thunker | Proud Jayne Cobb Thunker | Keeper of the M.A.L.P.-on-a-Stick


      Originally posted by PartyLikeIts1984
      Hallo everybody! (hi dr. nick!)
      Well, I am back after a breif intervention from Real Life. I was on a Leadership retreat for school for the last couple of days. Lots of fun, but no internet...LE GASP! I shouldn't try going cold turkey from my PowerBook...I was so nervous to leave it alone in the apartment....what if it got lonely? Or scared? *huggles* There, there sweetums, I'm back....I'll never leave you again. *pets*
      *cough* Aaaanyway.
      Long story short, I'm back, I've been watching "Traders," and OMG, Grant Jansky is the cutest thing EVAR. I mean, he is so cuddly and, just RAR! You want to take him home with you to love and care for 4EVAR.
      My ovaries are exploding with maternal instinct...gak.
      PLI-1984 I'm at work (Yes I know I shouldn't be thunking at work but I didn't thunk all weekend!) and I have tears threatening to spill over from holding the laughter in. (I know I'm easily amused.) Can I snurch that line and put it in my sig? I'll give credit.

      Oh and I {heart} my powerbook too!

      Saw ep "Michael" on Friday. No blue jello for McKay! That's just wrong!
      "You are a distraction who is permanently distracted."~ Ohhhhh...sparkly...
      "Well, we came, we saw, we got spanked."-Harper (Andromeda)
      Don't shake that. It's liable to blow up.~L.
      Ewww! What's that mess on the floor? I think my sanity just broke.
      "My ovaries are exploding with maternal instinct..." Partylikeits1984 on DH's character on Traders
      Even if the voices in my head aren't real, they have some pretty good ideas.
      Very smart people intimidate me. And turn me on. Do you see my problem in the dating game?~Aurore
      (Same boat. Small World. ~ r-h)


        Thougts on McKay in ep. "Michael" (just aired in US on Friday).
        First off - McKay "blue jello withdrawl." So sad. Secondly - I know he wasn't in the ep much but his moments were very prominent for his character insight. I only watched the scene once (so far) but I understood it as he thought running the testing was the wrong thing to do. Weir talked in a previous episode how we're no better than the wraith by blaming each other on the conspiracy to destroy Atlantis without "proof" of who was actually doing so. Yet she approved experimenting with a wraith and wouldn't abandon it when things began to go wrong. (Experimenting is what the wraith would do, but I give her credit for not killing him even though he had become a threat.) I think most people would think that McKay would totally support such testing if it meant helping his own people. Yet to me, I believe he had been against it from the beginning (which I have to admit I was against the experimentation too). Which shows he's not all "do anything at any costs for my own people." He recognized that the wraith aren't human but that doesn't mean we should treat them as lab rats to be expermented on. Doing so really doesn't make us any better than the wraith. Any who. It's all my opinion. I just thought it showed some depth to him instead of the normal layer of snark.
        "You are a distraction who is permanently distracted."~ Ohhhhh...sparkly...
        "Well, we came, we saw, we got spanked."-Harper (Andromeda)
        Don't shake that. It's liable to blow up.~L.
        Ewww! What's that mess on the floor? I think my sanity just broke.
        "My ovaries are exploding with maternal instinct..." Partylikeits1984 on DH's character on Traders
        Even if the voices in my head aren't real, they have some pretty good ideas.
        Very smart people intimidate me. And turn me on. Do you see my problem in the dating game?~Aurore
        (Same boat. Small World. ~ r-h)


          Originally posted by ra-hanna
          Can I snurch that line and put it in my sig? I'll give credit.

          Oh and I {heart} my powerbook too!
          Hee. Go ahead...glad you liked it.

          And PowerBooks are pretty much the greatest things on the face of the planet.

          *~S.T.A.K.S.~*~LiveJournal Leik Woah~*

          "Dosmrti, dosmrti na to nezapomenu."


            Originally posted by Drwho'srose
            You didn't put the 'Dr' part in so I used a random Font. I love it! I am glad you went with the BDU shot in the middle...nice. I also deepened the saturation so his face/s really stand out...guh. Thanks S.G.C I will green when I can.
            Can't believe that I forgot the Dr Part!!!! I will be making more now that I have the ability to cap the episodes


              Originally posted by PartyLikeIts1984
              Hee. Go ahead...glad you liked it.

              And PowerBooks are pretty much the greatest things on the face of the planet.

              And yes, PowerBooks are beautiful. Especially PowerBooks with McKay as your desktop. Of course if you're like me you end up causing the computer to short out cause you licked the screen one too many times. They need to make these things waterproof.
              "You are a distraction who is permanently distracted."~ Ohhhhh...sparkly...
              "Well, we came, we saw, we got spanked."-Harper (Andromeda)
              Don't shake that. It's liable to blow up.~L.
              Ewww! What's that mess on the floor? I think my sanity just broke.
              "My ovaries are exploding with maternal instinct..." Partylikeits1984 on DH's character on Traders
              Even if the voices in my head aren't real, they have some pretty good ideas.
              Very smart people intimidate me. And turn me on. Do you see my problem in the dating game?~Aurore
              (Same boat. Small World. ~ r-h)


                Originally posted by PartyLikeIts1984
                And PowerBooks are pretty much the greatest things on the face of the planet.
                I agree completely! *pats her own PB* *praises DH, for he is the reason I own a PB*
                Originally posted by ra-hanna
                Of course if you're like me you end up causing the computer to short out cause you licked the screen one too many times. They need to make these things waterproof.
                Waterproof, oh yes, good idea. I had to discover that too much drooling kills the keyboard!
                Originally posted by Drwho'srose
                Is that ALL?! Lol it isn't keeping you awake at night? I hate that, when you can't sleep because of the coughing or the lack of breathing due to a blocked nose
                It's a cold, not the flu, so yes that's all! It hasn't kept me awake last night, but it's also just beginning, so the toss and turn nights might still lie ahead. But I can live with that as long as I still get a few minutes of sleep with a Rodney dream!!!

                But enough of that, time for "Mixed Piccies":

                Bye, A.
                ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
                ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


                  Originally posted by Drwho'srose
                  No she posted in CAA thread.
                  Is that ALL?! Lol it isn't keeping you awake at night? I hate that, when you can't sleep because of the coughing or the lack of breathing due to a blocked nose.
                  It's the nose that gets me. I don't even bother going to bed. I just park it in a chair in front of the tv with a blanket and sleep sitting up, off and on through the night til morning. So I know just how you feel ::hugs::. Only thing worse is strep throat which my poor kiddie has got (along with everyone else in New Orleans it seems--toxic there now )
                  I don't like jello much because it's what my mom always gave me when I was sick, and now I associate it with being sick. Pudding, on the other hand... And lots of soda. Soda's the only tolerable drink when you're sick, soda and hot tea.
                  Oh I know what's worse than strep --stomach flu. When they mentioned Zelenka getting over the stomach flu, I just had to shudder in sympathy. That is the worst worst.
                  Have you guys read that Koschka fan fic where Shep gets the sniffles and Rodney's trying to avoid his germs? That one scene in the cafeteria still cracks me up.


                    Originally posted by strivaria
                    Regarding the hypoglycemia.. from someone who is hypoglycemic... it's not something that's easily shown. About the only external manifestation of it is a slight tremor that makes it nearly impossible to do anything requiring fine motor control. When you reach that point your brain no longer has the fuel it needs to function properly so you basically have the attention span of a goldfish. But that's only when it gets really bad and it really sucks when you get to that point. I'd almost rather faint that get the shakes and stupids. So I can believe that Rodney is what he says though it doesn't mean he doesn't play it up for sympathy.
                    I don't think he even plays it up, really. I mean, you feel like hell until you eat again (at least I do -- once I felt so sick hiking after not eating any breakfast, I had to lie down on the ground for a while) so he's entitled to mention it if he really needs something to eat. Hypoglycemia interfering with your concentration is the least of it. He gripes way less than I do--OMG, I'm crankier than Rodney McKay


                      Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
                      I was always unsure whether Rodney's medical conditions are truly present or more a manifestation of his mind/because he's too stressed/whatever. In Moebius
                      his AU character appeared to not be allergic to citrus at all. Since allergies are genetic, it would appear that the AU either shifted his genes a bit or that none of the Rodney's are truly allergic to citrus. So if the allergy is merely mental, which of his other conditions could be? Food for thought.
                      Um, did I miss something? *yes probably* He never said lets go grab a big juicy lemon I'm famished...did he? I really need to pay more attention.

                      I also think to say allergies are gene (DNA) related is misunderstanding them (is it the gene mutating that leads to the allergy or the allergy that leads to the mutation) sister has a serve allergy to raw egg (from birth), allergies are an odd thing, she is also (not from birth) allergic to nickle. If AU Rodney isn't allergic now, he maybe later. I think environment is important (way too important and ignored by conventional medicine) so maybe AU Rodney lived or experienced things differently to our Rodney (hence the AU part) and that is why he is not allergic.

                      Toaster what was it in the episode that leads you to say he wasn't? Did he say he was going to have lemonade? I miss so much looking at the pretty. I also spent most of the ep laughing at Jack.

                      Originally posted by smushybird
                      I'm crankier than Rodney McKay
                      I think if he was in RL he wouldn't be anymore annoying/cranky than most people I know, everyone I know lets you know how *&^^** they are feeling!


                        Originally posted by Drwho'srose
                        Um, did I miss something? *yes probably* He never said lets go grab a big juicy lemon I'm famished...did he? I really need to pay more attention. [...]Did he say he was going to have lemonade? I miss so much looking at the pretty. I also spent most of the ep laughing at Jack.
                        He invites Sam for lunch - and says that lemon chicken is on the menu, and that it's his favourite!

                        ETA: Found a transcript, he says:
                        "Look, why don't I take you to lunch and get you up to speed. I hear it's Lemon Chicken today, my favorite, hmmm?"

                        Bye, A.
                        ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
                        ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


                          Congrats on reaching page 100 McKayits!

                          5th Season of Supernatural Premiering September 10th!


                            Originally posted by Traker
                            I'm not huge on Starwars (kind of hate it) but this is he Obi? :
                            Originally posted by Arlessiar
                            But enough of that, time for "Mixed Piccies":

                            He really looked so dorky when he was young. *said with love*
                            Last edited by Willow'sCat; 27 February 2006, 05:23 PM.


                              mm.. DrWho's Rose was eating chockie cake... man, all i was eating was two minute noodles... Huzzuh for student diets!

                              And oh my gods, far too many cute piccies of Rodney! I think I need a nice cold shower and a mop for the keyboard!

                              Hi Ashta and Party, welcome back!

                              Originally Posted by Drwho'srose
                              Tasmania eating Arlessiar's chocolate cake
                              Hehe, nice location, Rose!
                              Hurruh for Tassie DH thunkers!

                              And thanks for the wb A!

                              ps. I couldn't be bothered quoting properly today... ugh, too much effort. I picked up Latin as one of my subjects this year and my brain has turned to an attractive grey mush.

                              <-- Yay


                                Originally posted by Drwho'srose
                                He really looked so dorky when he was young. *said with love*
                                heeee.....much love, yes. Dorky, but oh those beautiful blue eyes. And he just radiates charm, even in a photograph, doesn't he?

