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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by mcalex22
    I can't see any reason why the 3 actors are off different heights. In all the photos I've seen (mine and those around), they all look about the same height. Yes, PM is supposed to be taller than DH in their bios or something, but maybe it's those air pump Nikes DH wears... he was definitely a little taller than Paul. Or maybe Paul slouches??? As for David Nykl, he was wearing normal leather shoes and I didn't see any heels!
    I was just surprised that Nykl looks the same height as David and Paul. The impression I got from the show is that the heights are Sheppard, McKay, Beckett, Zelenka. The only person I know their height for sure is Paul McGillion because he has it on his website.

    I notice Rodney tends to slouch and lean forward when he's with Sheppard. Although here's a cap from Suspicion where Rodney looks like he's standing pretty straight and now it looks like his shoulder line is higher than John's.

    Here's a cap from Suspicion where John looks taller than Rodney.

    My kind of guy:
    "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
    Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
    (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).


      Originally posted by Blue Banrigh
      I'm looking for a specific clip for this vid I'm making. I need one of McKay clicking his fingers (when he's trying to remember a word or name). This seems to be a habit of his but can't I specifically remember which eps or scenes they were in.
      I think Rodney snaps his fingers when he thinks he's listening to his comm headset in Duet.

      But it turns out he's mistaken.

      My kind of guy:
      "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
      Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
      (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).


        Originally posted by McKay's girl
        McKay is unbelievably hot, resistance is futile
        Originally posted by HyperCaz
        I wouldn't say hot, but maybe cute when he's holding up guide dog bookmarks and saying "puppies with no bodies!"

        But not enough to thunk over.
        You don't thunk over someone with this face?

        Or this smile of satisfaction?

        Or these arms?

        Or his nice long lashes?

        Or this lovely hand?

        Not that I reduce Rodney to his component parts, because I love all of him!

        Ah, well, to each his own!

        My kind of guy:
        "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
        Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
        (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).


          Originally posted by watcher652
          I think Rodney snaps his fingers when he thinks he's listening to his comm headset in Duet.

          But it turns out he's mistaken.

          Perfect. Thanks for that.


            Originally posted by watcher652
            You don't thunk over someone with this face?

            Or this smile of satisfaction?

            Or these arms?

            Or his nice long lashes?

            Or this lovely hand?

            Not that I reduce Rodney to his component parts, because I love all of him!

            Ah, well, to each his own!
            Me thinks she may have been a bit annoyed with some comments about her con report.... however, I do love your response more!!! Bravo - there are components we all love but tthe sum is still the best!

            Yes, the height issue has me wondering. Can't remember where I read it but pretty sure Joe is about 6' although I'm sure Beanie and the girls at his thread can confirm (??) and David is about Amanda's height - 5'10 or 5'11.

            I asked Spubba about this too as she's a big DN fan and she was a bit stumped as well. She noticed the discrepancy in heights. Maybe it's the camera angles and perhaps they really do give them boxes to stand on! I'm sure they do that with Rachel and Torri because both of them are petite!

            BTW, I finally purchased the DVD boxset today at lunch. Even got a free tee!

            Here are some pics:

            Hope they are not spoilers!



              Originally posted by mcalex22
              Me thinks she may have been a bit annoyed with some comments about her con report....
              "a bit" is putting it lightly.


                Originally posted by HyperCaz
                "a bit" is putting it lightly.
                And coming the the Rodney thunking thread and saying something about McKay is very mature!

                Well, bash me all you want if it makes you feel better... I'm used to it and I don't care anymore. I've been inspired by reading Joe Mallozi's blogs!

                Take care and have a nice day.


                  Well there are no bouncers on the door stopping Paul thunkers like me walk in!

                  Random Girl: I'm a comic book nerd

                  ^ excuse, my non-Stargate-watching friend. she says McKay looks like a nice guy and isn't ugly

                  One last post here and I swear to god I'll stop sneaking in

                  David Hewlett is a really, really funny guy.

                  Random Girl: Hugh Jackman as Wolverine is sooo hot!!!

                  ^ that's her again

                  anyway...yes. David Hewlett. Hilarious and has an unseeming obsession with horror movies (though he likes Shaun of the Dead and that made me respect him )

                  also forms one half of mcweir


                    Originally posted by HyperCaz
                    Well there are no bouncers on the door stopping Paul thunkers like me walk in!
                    Hey, we welcome all thunkers! No one says you have to limit yourself to just one thunkee.

                    Look, Rodney and Carson and hands!

                    My kind of guy:
                    "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
                    Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
                    (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).


                      A new article on GateWord has spoilers for SGA's "The Hive". Warning, there are also spoilers for the SG1 and BSG episodes airing after the break on Jan 6 on the SciFi Channel.

                      My kind of guy:
                      "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
                      Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
                      (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).


                        i really like rodney when he's put in a vulnerabe spot. like in Eye when he's all like "If you havent noticed, i'm a very arrogent man who tends to think all his ideas will work.". Also, when he tries to be brave like in ... the one with the prison in Season 2.... name eludes me....

                        I tried to put that kind of Rodney into my fics. The brash scientist who thinks he knows everything, but peel away the layers of ego and bravado and you find a man who is not too sure about some stuff, especially when it comes to the heart or teh ladies... I should know, im engaged to one just like this... Except, he's not such the arrogent pig that sometimes McKay CAN be (Can be, not ALWAYS! Dont flame me. >_<) He can be a pig, but he's never THAT bad. I think. But maybe I'm biased Hell, i still love him.

                        Anyways, love in 38 minutes: "The Czech, the Czech, the Czech who's name I can never remember!" Zelenka? "Zelenka, why cant i remember that?"
                        And in the superweapon one (season 2 again!) when Elizabeth is having a go at him in her office, I love the background fighting stuff, its so hilarious.
                        "You destroyed half a solar system."
                        "More like 1/3rd!"

                        It reminds me of getting into bickering fights with my hunny and i'm all like "you did that!!" and he's like "yeah but it wasnt that bad..." and I'm like "dont be pedantic!!" >_<

                        Despite what you might be thinking, i still love him (hun) lots. And hey, he's a scientist, what do you expect?

                        "The Atom bomb, granted not our finest moment..."

                        Join the Neko Rebellion!!


                          Originally posted by neko138
                          And in the superweapon one (season 2 again!) when Elizabeth is having a go at him in her office, I love the background fighting stuff, its so hilarious.

                          "You destroyed half a solar system."
                          "More like 1/3rd!"

                          Actually, it was (spoiler for Trinity)

                          WEIR: ... putting your life and other people's lives at risk. You destroyed three quarters of a solar system!
                          McKAY: Well, five sixths. It's not an exact science.
                          WEIR: Rodney, can you give your ego a rest for one second?!

                          And, although reading the lines makes it seem that Rodney is being flip, when you look at the scene, you can see that Rodney is looking at the floor and not at Elizabeth. He's being very contrite, but his scientist mind couldn't let Elizabeth say the wrong fraction, even though five sixths is worse than three fourths.

                          My kind of guy:
                          "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
                          Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
                          (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).


                            Thanks for the link Watcher.

                            It was evil to read spoilers but I couldn't help it and now my toes are curling in glee in anticipation... oh the wait!

                            Still, I was kinda hoping for something like that to happen...

                            Can't remember if I said this - went out to buy DVD boxset just now and got a free teeshirt. How geeky am I? When the guy at the store said, "Uh, you get a free Atlantis shirt with this, do you want it?" I just nodded!

                            I guess between CSI and the DVD boxset, I will be busy tonight!

                            PS love all the discussions about Rodney's speeches!


                              Got my DVD boxset today.
                              How funny is DH in the behind the scenes stuff? I swear he's the funniest man alive!


                                The Gap kid. He really wanted to wear this stuff rather than the uniforms.

                                David sparkles in real life. Such a lovely man.


