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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Rose, thanks for pointing out that it's time to celebrate! Fangirl Birthday Alert!

    ~*~ HAPPY BIRTHDAY MCALEX22!!! ~*~

    Bye, A.
    ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
    ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


      Hi everyone,

      A big thank you Rose, Arlessiar and Kirsten for the birthday greeting! A happy dance and flowers are always nice!

      Would you believe I forgot? Ah, just kidding. I was out at dinner!

      Wow, I notice that we haven't done too much thunking...

      so I'm gonna post some lovely Rodney pics:

      Here's a nice image to sleep with!

      And more:

      Only because the poor boys had to talk about Duet (it's still following them around).

      And I'm going to go a little OT here because Watcher (yes I wanted to answer this but I couldn't coz I had to study!) raised this just recently and at the PM thread too.

      I can't see any reason why the 3 actors are off different heights. In all the photos I've seen (mine and those around), they all look about the same height. Yes, PM is supposed to be taller than DH in their bios or something, but maybe it's those air pump Nikes DH wears... he was definitely a little taller than Paul. Or maybe Paul slouches??? As for David Nykl, he was wearing normal leather shoes and I didn't see any heels!

      Do ya reckon the actos stand on boxes or something? Teryl (Janet Fraiser) is also 5'2" but she was wearing high heels in the photo shoot, so she eclipsed me easily but she said she's quite petite.

      Oh well, just some thoughts.

      Once again, thanks all for the sweet comments on the photos . I never liked posing for photos and believe me I would have been happy having the photographer take pics of the boys without me... but they turned out ok after all even if my mind is a little hazy! I should add Paul wanted to draw on David's face in mine but I didn't let him - I wish I had now!

      Feel free to ask me any questions about the con etc although I should add I'd love to hear Illinga's perspective!

      Take care,

      Last edited by mcalex22; 15 November 2005, 02:41 AM.


        Happy Birthday! (Hope your feeling much better)

        And for everyone, a link to yet another con report... this time by Derry (maker of very very very good vids)


          Originally posted by strivaria
          I was really surprised by how forward some of the people were with the actors... but then again, I'm usually a very quiet and shy person (unless I know you well ) and I don't think I could be as outgoing as all that. Put it this way... I shared an elevator with Tony Amendola(Bra'tac) on the way up to my room... I think I might have been polite enough to say 'hi' and then left him alone for the rest of the ride. I'd like to think he appreciated that.
          I'm sure he did. I've been in close (and prolonged) contact with known and less known actors when they weren't doing their job at a con (ie signing autograph) and I just smiled, said hi and resumed doing my thing without a fuss (and God knows that sometimes I was squeeing inside. Try to stand besides Billy Boyd without squeeing inside. Tough.) I'd like to think that knowing I had recognised them, they appreciated being left alone for a change. I've witnessed some attitudes from fans that completely shamed me and I saw how graceful a lot of the actors were about that. I know I couldn't remain cool and smiling all the time.

          Originally posted by Arlessiar
          I'm glad that I didn't insult anyone with my post and it was good to read the opinions of a few others on this topic.
          I agree with what you said

          - David doesn't like any of his uniforms he wears on the show! But he liked the promo shots that made him look "like a GAP kid"! LOL!
          He'd probably laugh like a hyena if he knew that a lot of his fans find him sexy in those uniforms

          Joyeux Anniversaire, Alex!

          PS : hope I didn't sound full of myself in the first paragraph. My con experience stops at 2 LOTR cons in England, lol.


            Originally posted by Purpleyin
            And for everyone, a link to yet another con report... this time by Derry (maker of very very very good vids)
            Thanks for posting that here, Purpleyin! I already read it this morning and it's really nice.
            It was so cool that David Nykl recognized Derry! He knows one of her videos and recommended it once. And now it was even played on the con in Prague! Wow, Derry must walk on clouds now!

            Originally posted by Aurore
            He'd probably laugh like a hyena if he knew that a lot of his fans find him sexy in those uniforms
            Hi Aurore, good to see you! Hope you're alright again!
            And wow, when I think about all the times we thunked because of his uniform, and he hates them actually... But, we also thunked because of the GAP kid outfit a lot, didn't we?

            Bye, A., off to Burger King and after that watching Gilmore girls
            Last edited by Arlessiar; 15 November 2005, 01:11 PM. Reason: correction
            ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
            ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


              Originally posted by Purpleyin
              And for everyone, a link to yet another con report... this time by Derry (maker of very very very good vids)
              Wonderful report! The pics are hilarious. What a special moment to live and remember.
              This got my full attention:
              This discussion was when some of us took the opportunity to tell David Hewlett that while we really liked his technobabble (and personally I do, geek girl that I am), we'd love to see him do an episode where perhaps Rodney couldn't talk, so that he could act more without words. He looked at us and said "You're just trying to make my job more difficult, aren't you?" Someone brought up the "Hush" episode of "Buffy" and he looked a little scared. He admitted that while he loves "Firefly" and the "Serenity" movie, he hasn't actually watched much of "Buffy". I don't think we really sold him on the idea of him acting without dialogue, but I'd still love to see it.
              Wouldn't it be fantastic? I'd love to see David in a whole episode acting without any dialogue. He'd be perfect doing that. I can picture Rodney's hands flying everywhere

              Arlessiar: yep, I like Rodney in civvies too. That's why I enjoyed watching "48 Hours", "Redemption" and "Home", not to mention "Moebius". I like his sense of fashion


                Just wondering if anybody can help me out here.

                I'm looking for a specific clip for this vid I'm making. I need one of McKay clicking his fingers (when he's trying to remember a word or name). This seems to be a habit of his but can't I specifically remember which eps or scenes they were in.

                So if anybody could point me in the right direction I'd be most grateful.


                  Happy Birthday Alex!!


                    (sorry you two )

                    I dont think McKay enjoys out birthdays very much

                    Have a love birthday McAlex!! Have fun with those whips of yours!

                    Gate City - My humorous Stargate site made when I was young, enjoy!
                    Previously known as False hope who was previously known as McKay's girl


                      Originally posted by mcalex22
                      Here's a nice image to sleep with!

                      Eeeee! It's Drooling!Rodney!
                      "Sometimes we reach what's realest by making believe..."
                      My LiveJournal - My Photography - My Art


                        Originally posted by McKay's girl
                        Yes, you better be sorry, otherwise I know where I find my next meal! *hiss*

                        Bye, A.
                        ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
                        ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


                          if i could do good at PS, i know what i would make Alex


                            Originally posted by Arlessiar
                            And wow, when I think about all the times we thunked because of his uniform, and he hates them actually... But, we also thunked because of the GAP kid outfit a lot, didn't we?
                            Yes, let's look at that Gap outfit.

                            Those clothes are probably all cotton and that's why he likes them. I usually wear all cotton myself. Other fabrics make me itch.

                            My kind of guy:
                            "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
                            Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
                            (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).


                              Originally posted by Blue Banrigh
                              I'm looking for a specific clip for this vid I'm making. I need one of McKay clicking his fingers (when he's trying to remember a word or name). This seems to be a habit of his but can't I specifically remember which eps or scenes they were in.
                              I don't have the ep with me now, but doesn't he try to remember Zelenka's name in Thirty Eight Minutes? Although, now that I think about it, I kinda remember he has one hand on the overhead panel access door and some kind of circuit probe in the other, so maybe he couldn't snap his fingers.

                              Rodney snaps his fingers in The Brotherhood, but not because he's forgotten somebodys' name, but because he wants something.

                              I think Rodney got a little sun in that episode, too.

                              My kind of guy:
                              "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
                              Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
                              (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).


                                Originally posted by watcher652
                                Those clothes are probably all cotton and that's why he likes them. I usually wear all cotton myself. Other fabrics make me itch.
                                I'm a cotton guru myself. I wear other fabrics too, but I don't like them very much. I don't want to sound like whining Rodney, but I really have a delicate skin (very thin), and cotton is simply the best thing to wear then.
                                And if DH is really a lot like Rodney, then maybe he has a delicate skin too. Not to forget those allergies.

                                Watcher, you were talking about the different body heights, right? I was also wondering about that. Well, in this pic (and in others I've seen) DH seems to be a little taller than PM. And Paul's even standing in the foreground in this pic. It has always been my impression that DH is a bit taller.

                                Bye, A.
                                ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
                                ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~

