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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
    This post is dial-up friendly
    I and my modem thank you, too. Whenever I look through threads here, I save the thunk thread for last, usually, and go do laundry while the page is loading. The photos are always worth the wait.


      Originally posted by watcher652
      Now here's a "huggles" cap from the movie Nothing!
      And he's still adorable!
      Pfft! I see the mature David in that pic but strangely in the eyebrows but not the mouth.

      Toaster I did say he was the most important to me but even though they give him the "and David Hewlett as Dr McKay" end credit, I think TPTB list him third behind John and Elizabeth as important characters.

      Of course he is the most important! I sadly have to admit I would probably stop watching SGA if Rodney ever left. Unless David went on to play Dr Who then wow I would be so happy I wouldn't know how to contain myself.

      Ah it's nice to dream/fantasise/lust! What?


        Always glad to help out those modems.

        Originally posted by Drwho'srose
        Toaster I did say he was the most important to me but even though they give him the "and David Hewlett as Dr McKay" end credit, I think TPTB list him third behind John and Elizabeth as important characters.
        Hmm...maybe. The "and" credit at the end is actually quite important, though I'm not sure in this instance if it puts him even with Joe, even with Torri, or even with them both. I would say he was more important than Torri's character in the first season, but since it seems like Weir is getting more screentime now that may have changed. The writers do like playing with his character and I find it very telling that they always go to him when they need an emotional reaction to things. He's still number one with me, and I don't see that ever changing!

        I sadly have to admit I would probably stop watching SGA if Rodney ever left. Unless David went on to play Dr Who then wow I would be so happy I wouldn't know how to contain myself.
        I'm in the same boat with you there regarding Atlantis, though I admit I actually haven't seen any Dr. Who! If David was cast I would definitely start though.

        Off to bed and hopefully a nice McKay dream or something.


          Originally posted by strivaria
          For those not on the McKay Daily LJ, someone posted a link to a scan of an interview with David. It answers a few questions I've seen asked here about him in the past. They've also posted some pics.... so... go look and thunk.

          David answers a lot of personal questions. That was a good interview. Thanks for that reference.

          I see he answers a question someone had a while back. David is an ex-smoker. Good for him!

          He still keeps up with Doctor Who. At least I guess that what he means and that he's just not watching the old episodes.

          Wow, he only had $60 in the bank when he signed for Atlantis? I could never have led the life of an actor. I heard it plenty of times - an actor doesn't act because he wants to, an actor acts because he has to. I guess if he was really desperate he could have fallen back on his computer skills.

          And I love his answer to the last question about his biggest ambition in life. Maybe he'll start building that army of kids when he gets his house fixed. Hope he has room!

          My kind of guy:
          "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
          Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
          (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).


            Oh I love this man *again* Thanks strivaria for the linky giving you green as soon as I can.

            He not only doesn't smoke anymore yea!

            He watches my three favourite TV shows! *yes I can't believe they are all British either* Wow 'Little Britain', hehe so he would know what I mean when I say "Yeah, I know" and "I am the only gay in the village" Americans looking at me weirdly.

            I love the David Tennant bit for those that don't know he is the new Dr Who actor.

            The army he can keep. But oh yeah this man needs to breed, do the world a favour.


              Originally posted by Drwho'srose
              I also think GW in general is a problem I now have Broad Band but believe me sometimes on GW it seems like I have Dial-up again!
              Same problem here.
              Originally posted by Drwho'srose
              I think asking other posters in a *Thunk* thread to not post repeat pics is asking way too much. Is it even possible?
              In my opinion, no. I think it's good and alright to post pics on the thunk thread and also to repeat them from time to time. Look at the JF thread - they fall over themselves posting pics! I agree with Rose and thing the thunk thread is mainly about pics.
              And Rose, I liked your tips how to avoid too long loading times when you don't have such a fast internet connection (show no sigs (although they're often very funny, so sometimes it's sad if you can't see them), show only five posts per page, smaller pics (I managed to keep many of my pics under 30kb, but not all and everytime, sorry), and this:
              Originally posted by Drwho'srose
              I will say we seem to have developed the annoying habit recently of not URLing pics and not editing posts when quoting, please can we do this?
              Yes, it happens very often lately. Shortening the quotes and URLing could reduce loading times too.

              Rose - I really like the "Wizard of Atlantis" sig!
              watcher652 - thanks for posting the David as a child pic again, I look at it very often, he's so sweet! (I wanted to draw Rodney as a child for some time now, but I never get it done, and I don't want him to look exactly like DH as a child.)
              strivaria - thank, thanks, thanks for the link to the interview! That answers my question about him smoking in "Treed Murray", because he looked like someone who knows what to do with a cigarette (For example, I'd not know how to handle this thing, really!), so I feared that he's smoking. But he quit, yeah!
              His Dad's a doctor! So DH has lab coat experience!
              And a army of kids? What's it with men and kids? Some don't want even one, and the others want a whole army of them!

              Today's my Dad's birthday, so I have to leave now. Happy thunking people, see you later!

              Bye, A.
              Last edited by Arlessiar; 05 November 2005, 02:32 AM.
              ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
              ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


                Originally posted by Arlessiar
                And a army of kids? What's it with men and kids? Some don't want even one, and the others want a whole army of them!
                And it all balances out, I guess. David comes from a big family. From the few comments about his own childhood that I've read, he seems to have had a happy one. I'm sure he'll have no problem with his army.

                My kind of guy:
                "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
                Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
                (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).


                  Since David mentions his movie Pin in the DreamWatch interview, here's a cap from the movie.

                  Yep, still adorable!

                  My kind of guy:
                  "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
                  Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
                  (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).


                    So few pics on this page



                      Been away from a day and so many lovely pics, discussions, stories... LJ and here!

                      Glad to see the interview link - thanks Strivaria.

                      Love young David - Thanks Watcher.

                      Love all the pics - big thank you to everyone.

                      I was actually at a con (yay, my first one!) with Rainbow and Torri today. Torri mentioned David once or twice and jokingly commented that David is either always sick or is always worried about getting sick!

                      There was one bit where (after someone asked about the filming of the Eye/Storm) she talked about 4 days of being wet in freezing cold water with David and she said she didn't mind it too much and no, David didn't complain at all but as she said those words, she gave us this huge smile and shook her head!

                      And yes, Rachel and her are in for makeup at 5 in the morning and they are all very quiet and well behaved, talking about their dogs etc but when the boys get in at 7, it gets a little noisier.

                      Actually Torri suggested that when we see David next week at the con, we should offer him a box of tissues and ask him how he's feeling! When I told her that I was seeing the "boys" next week, she told me to give them a big hug and say hi from her.

                      I wonder if I can use that as an excuse to hug David???? Whatcha think girls? I think I'd be too shy to talk (as I was today) but I'm gonna write some decent questions down beforehand.

                      Also happy to report that I met other David/Rodney fans around and it was cool to share all our "We love Rodney/David" stories...

                      Well, onto thunking... I have made some new caps from The Siege 3 and it may not be to everyone's liking. I was trying to fix the lighting and ended up fixing more than just that. Some of my caps don't look like caps anymore and ended up looking like oil paintings or something...

                      Also, I notice that I've become picky with my caps, wanting a specific look or pose...

                      I like this pic, and when I was rewatching this epi, it just look so beautiful... maybe it's the curve of his lips, his nose (can't remember if Joe said it was more like Bob Hope's or Bing Crosby's)...

                      The original pic here was very very dark and I did a lot of adjustments - sorry for spoiling it but I really enjoyed his pose...

                      All from me for now - sorry for the longwinded discussion - pls let me know if it's over the top and I will edit/delete.



                        Originally posted by watcher652
                        Since David mentions his movie Pin in the DreamWatch interview, here's a cap from the movie.
                        Yep, still adorable!
                        Yep still has Adrian!


                        This is pure voyeurism *isn't it all* the studio was obviously cold *again*


                        Labcoat returns for another airing.


                          Alex I have already put a request in the "Calling all Australians" thread for someone, anyone to give him a kiss for me! You have to do it! A hug would be O.K too.

                          More piccies.

                          If he did this in Australia it would be considered rude!


                            Originally posted by watcher652
                            And it all balances out, I guess. David comes from a big family. From the few comments about his own childhood that I've read, he seems to have had a happy one. I'm sure he'll have no problem with his army.
                            Yey, I think that might be an explanation in David's case, he comes from a big family, so maybe he's used to it and likes it.
                            However, I'm an only child, and although I have a very loving, happy and funny family I always wished my family would be bigger!

                            Oh, I just imagine an army full of cute little Hewletts! Sweet!
                            I wonder if he will announce it somewhere when he becomes a Daddy one day.

                            Oh, that's a very lovely pic! Such a sweet smile! *thunk*

                            Bye, A.

                            P.S. I had a Stargate dream last night! Lots of Carson and Rodney was there too!
                            ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
                            ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


                              At last Mckay pics


                                Originally posted by mcalex22
                                I was actually at a con (yay, my first one!) with Rainbow and Torri today. Torri mentioned David once or twice and jokingly commented that David is either always sick or is always worried about getting sick!
                                No, please don't delete anything, the report is great, and since I'll never be able to go to a con myself I depend on these reports!

                                Hehe, hypochondriac David!
                                Originally posted by mcalex22
                                And yes, Rachel and her are in for makeup at 5 in the morning and they are all very quiet and well behaved, talking about their dogs etc but when the boys get in at 7, it gets a little noisier.
                                I wonder why the girls have to be on set so early and the boys don't have to be in makeup before 7? Poor girls.
                                Originally posted by mcalex22
                                I wonder if I can use that as an excuse to hug David???? Whatcha think girls? I think I'd be too shy to talk (as I was today) but I'm gonna write some decent questions down beforehand.
                                Originally posted by Drwho'srose
                                Alex I have already put a request in the "Calling all Australians" thread for someone, anyone to give him a kiss for me! You have to do it! A hug would be O.K too.
                                Oh! Would you do that Alex? I don't mean hugging him for me (although that would be nice ), if it was the other way round I know I would be a little too shy for something like this, but maybe you could greet him somehow? Maybe just in a general way, like "your thunk thread loves you"? That would be sooo great!
                                And I'd LOVE to know if he ever visited this thread!

                                Bye, A.
                                ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
                                ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~

