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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Arlessiar
    Time for some oldies but goldies:

    Bye, A.
    What a lovely way to wake up, I adore that pic.


      okay, A. asked for it in the Rockett thread so here it is...McKay's top 15 posters

      watcher652 821
      McKay's girl 679
      Drwho'srose 620
      Purpleyin 538
      Arlessiar 385
      Potions_Mistress 300
      strivaria 248
      Gate Trippin' 221
      Porthos1013 203
      ToasterOnFire 193
      ra-hanna 185
      lucylou 172
      Renenutet 157
      not so ancient 142
      mcalex22 96

      and i am #6


        Darn, I'm slipping. I used to be #5 on the list. Maybe time to work on some more clones. Or I could just start sharing the LJ icons I've been making lately.


          oooooh, yea, share wanna see them


            Well, all of my current LJ userpics are here and I have a stash in a personal directory here. The ones that feature RM/DH:

            On my userpics page, there's also a Carson, a John and 2 Radek icons. And I just realized that all this time I've been capping my recordings of SGA when I could also be capping the DH movies I own... so there will be a great variety of DH related icons from other roles relatively soon. And since Century Hotel is in my collection, I'll see if I can't get you a clearer shot of your favorite screencap Watcher.


              David has very kindly sent another message with a whole heap of thank you's and some wonderful photos of 'cat' (the Dalek)

              Visit to view the message and photos

              #1 David Hewlett Fansite


                Originally posted by Jen
                David has very kindly sent another message with a whole heap of thank you's and some wonderful photos of 'cat' (the Dalek)
                Squeee!!!! Aw, that's incredibly wonderfully cool! And the pictures are adorable! Thank you so much for sharing!

                And I'll quit with the !exclamation! points! now.


                  Originally posted by Jen
                  David has very kindly sent another message with a whole heap of thank you's and some wonderful photos of 'cat' (the Dalek)

                  Visit to view the message and photos
                  Hey Jen,

                  You beat me to it - I just saw the link at my LJ and was about to spread the goss!

                  Holy cow, could the man get any cuter??? Love the Dalek - and such an adorable red/pink too! I like the fact that there's a dog on set - or maybe his dog???

                  Makes me all gooey and smiley today!

                  Strivaria, love your LJ icons - unfortunately I've exceeded my 15 max but I think yours are all hot (how can they not be???). I'm also happy coz a mate of mine made some Rodney icons from my Aurora etc caps.

                  Take care all,


                    Hi everyone,

                    Some more Rodney pics (I still can't get over cute and funny David looks with his Dalek - the guy is just so photogenic!).

                    From Siege pt1 - conversation with Radek...

                    From Conversion (coz I have high res pics)... love the hands and love Teyla's expression!

                    More soon,



                      I'd like to see an AU "trading places" ep myself -- it would be fun to see military McKay and geeky Sheppard, since I simply can't imagine either one! This would make a great "dream sequence", or perhaps some sort of VR caused by someone touching something they shouldn't have...

                      In the meantime, I'm simply loving all the thunkable pics -- a big thank you to all!

                      Finally, a HUGE "Fine work in S2; we're all very much looking forward to S3 of Atlantis!" to David, in case he's lurking about...


                        Well, there was an AU fanfic recently that had Rodney as a Mountie and Shep as a civilian math geek. Rodney heads the offworld team composed of himself, Sheppard, Beckett and Cadman... they call themselves Team Misfit. It's a good story, but it's NC-17 slash on the mckay_sheppard lj comm... so may not be everyone's cup of tea.. or coffee seeing as whose thread this is.


                          Originally posted by Arlessiar
                          Oh yes, it is beautiful.

                          Originally posted by Potions_Mistress
                          okay, A. asked for it in the Rockett thread so here it is...McKay's top 15 posters
                          I must make the list of the bottom 15. I'm never able to post that much. Don't know how you guys do it. You're like the Martha Stewarts of the McKay thread. (Does that sound like a compliment? )


                            Hello all,

                            Wow, I made the list of top 15 posters ? Hmm, not sure what this reflects, ie I have nothing better to do (spend too much time on computer???)

                            Doesn't really matter, anyhow, here's a Rodney pic from Conversion:

                            (Still trying to reach 200 here...)

                            Anyhow, gotta go back to work.

                            Take care all


                              mmmmmm...yummy! piccys...what a wonderful sight to see before going to bed...well in a little while anyway


                                Originally posted by Jen
                                David has very kindly sent another message with a whole heap of thank you's and some wonderful photos of 'cat' (the Dalek)

                                Visit to view the message and photos
                                Haha, I love that thanks Jen. Can some one please tell him not to do this to me? David with 'cat' the Dalek, is too much for this fangal!

                                Ooh their looking at filming this movie thing a lot sooner than I thought.

