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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    I love David and McKay SOOO MUCH!! I swear McKay is one of my fave TV characters of ALL TIME!!!!
    The Von MajorSam Family Singers debut CD... Coming soon

    |||Official Member of the Chevron Guy Fan Club||


      Here's another picture of David with a beard!

      Thanks to ImageShack for Free Image Hosting
      Liaison of F.O.R.D.
      Click here to help Save Ford!


        Not too big on facial hair, myself, although David can pull off the scruffy look.

        And McKay is MINE no matter what delusions YOU may have, MajorSam.


          Originally posted by Easter Lily
          I laud the enthusiasm... for a while there I didn't think anyone else was going to post any Rodney lines. Feel free to post some more...
          OK, you asked for it. I mean, with only 10 episodes and all the down time before the new shows, I think I'm actually starting to memorize the scripts, for goodness sake. Well, not really.

          I have no idea, this technology is so far beyond us, we haven't a clue what we're dealing with. I'm mean for all I know we could... Yeah, ready.

          Hide and Seek
          Some of these Athosian women are pretty hot, and we did just save them from the Wraith, so we got to trade on that while we can, before they discover we're not actually that cool.

          Yeah, very sympathetic. Let's all mock the dying man!

          Thirty-Eight Minutes
          I’m sorry, Major. I’m… I react to certain doom a certain way. It’s a bad habit and… and… maybe there’s a way to manually retract the mechanism.

          This isn’t a quote, but did you notice how Teyla stared at McKay when he was eating his candy bar? Like she didn’t believe he could eat under those circumstances?

          Zelenka: I just can’t bear the same meal day after day after day.
          McKay: Buck up a little. I mean, we are stranded with limited resources in another galaxy. The nearest Bob’s Big Boy is 300 million miles away. We have to make do.

          How could I possibly know that? What am I, Answer Man?
          (yes, Rodney, you are!)

          McKay is holding a P-90. Sheppard looks at him. “You still seem nervous.”
          McKay: No no no… Its good, good… All go… It’s good.

          While getting up after being hit from the blast of a self-destructing Wraith:
          I'm fine. This is…this is fun for me…

          Childhood’s End
          I've heard a lot of reports from SG teams on missions like this one, specifically the mission reports of Colonel Samantha Carter. She and I worked together to avert global catastrophe a few years back, and she and I, I, I… Anyways, what was I saying?

          What are we going to tell them, Teyla? Listen, kiddies, everything you believe is wrong and trust us because we've been here for… almost an hour.

          Are you kidding? 'Weapons R Us!'

          I built an atomic bomb for my grade six science fair exhibit.

          Did I mention that I know almost everything about almost everything?

          Believe it or not, I would only go if I knew there was a good chance I could come back.
          (ok, it’s not a McKay line per se, but I love the sentiment)

          Back in time for supper.

          Granted, it would create a void if I were to go, but you could all take comfort in the knowledge that I'll be on the other side spearheading the effort to return with reinforcements, fresh supplies and Big Macs for all.

          Oh, hey, I was just in the middle of a power nap... and I'm not wearing any pants.

          But an hour ago, it hit me. Like Archimedes in the bathtub, eureka! Except I wasn't in the bathtub, I was on the couch watching a very strange OUTER LIMITS episode.

          How do you go from "You're a pig but I like your cat" to "I missed you"?

          Well, we need food… we need water… we need food.

          The Storm
          This isn’t just a McKay quote, but you need the whole scene.

          McKay: You're right, if only we had a magical tool that could slow down time. I foolishly left mine on Earth. Did you bring yours?
          Zelenka: You know, you're not pleasant when you're like this, McKay.
          McKay: I'm always like this.
          Zelenka: My point exactly.

          My kind of guy:
          "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
          Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
          (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).


            Originally posted by watcher652
            Hide and Seek

            Yeah, very sympathetic. Let's all mock the dying man!

            Love that one.

            I always laugh at the scene at the very end of this episode, too. With McKay slowly sitting back up, while the medical team runs up to him.

            "Thank you. Take your time. Man down."

            DH has such great comical timing.
            Shin ~ def. A device for finding furniture in the dark.


              Originally posted by watcher652
              Oh, hey, I was just in the middle of a power nap... and I'm not wearing any pants.
              I love that quote. McKay in no pants...hehehehe. I like how it doesn't even have to be the lines that are funny. David just delivers them in such a way that it cracks you up.


                Now all I need are some sound files of all these great McKay quotes and my comp will be almost as obnoxious as McKay himself.


                  Originally posted by watcher652
                  OK, you asked for it. I mean, with only 10 episodes and all the down time before the new shows, I think I'm actually starting to memorize the scripts, for goodness sake. Well, not really.
                  Ooh, great quotes! I can just hear McKay's voice.

                  I think this is my favorite McKay line so far. LOVE this one.

                  "What are we going to tell them, Teyla? Listen, kiddies, everything you believe is wrong and trust us because we've been here for… almost an hour."

                  And this exchange was classic......

                  McKay: You're right, if only we had a magical tool that could slow down time. I foolishly left mine on Earth. Did you bring yours?
                  Zelenka: You know, you're not pleasant when you're like this, McKay.
                  McKay: I'm always like this.
                  Zelenka: My point exactly.

                  Jeez, will the last half of the season just hurry up and get here already?? I miss McKay.
                  Life is hard...and it's harder if you're stupid


                    Here's more

                    Childhood's End
                    Ahh…you made mistakes. I made mistakes. Let's not get caught in the blame game.

                    Look, both of you! Go to your rooms! <pause> You're not buying this, are you?

                    My kind of guy:
                    "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
                    Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
                    (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).


                      [QUOTE=watcher652]OK, you asked for it. I mean, with only 10 episodes and all the down time before the new shows, I think I'm actually starting to memorize the scripts, for goodness sake. Well, not really.

                      Are you kidding? 'Weapons R Us!'

                      I built an atomic bomb for my grade six science fair exhibit.

                      Did I mention that I know almost everything about almost everything?}

                      you for got one for ubdergorund

                      i think it went like this

                      if people would just learn to keep there secret undergorund bukers locked this would never happen


                        Originally posted by lord-anubis
                        you for got one for ubdergorund

                        i think it went like this

                        if people would just learn to keep there secret undergorund bukers locked this would never happen
                        No, I left that out on purpose because Gatetheway and dancing hampster already quoted it. I was only adding ones that hadn't been mentioned yet. I'm not quoting any lines in episodes after The Storm, either. We can play this game again after the last 10 eps are shown in the US. Thanks, Easter Lily, for getting the ball rolling.

                        My kind of guy:
                        "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
                        Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
                        (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).


                          Originally posted by watcher652
                          No, I left that out on purpose because Gatetheway and dancing hampster already quoted it. I was only adding ones that hadn't been mentioned yet. I'm not quoting any lines in episodes after The Storm, either. We can play this game again after the last 10 eps are shown in the US. Thanks, Easter Lily, for getting the ball rolling.

                          oh sorry

                          some of mckays best lines are after the storm


                            Originally posted by lord-anubis
                            oh sorry
                            some of mckays best lines are after the storm
                            Yes, I've seen the next 4 episodes. But I'm restraining myself. Don't want to be spoiler thumped.

                            My kind of guy:
                            "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
                            Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
                            (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).


                              There’s a cute article with David Hewlett and Amanda Tapping in the Feb 2005 issue of SciFi magazine, on US news stands now. The magazine has Jennifer Garner on the cover.

                              The article records their conversation as they have lunch together at an Italian restaurant in Vancouver. One of the photos that accompanies the article has David and Amanda sharing a string of pasta between them.

                              David has on a dark shirt with stripes of red, white and black. The top 2 or 3 buttons are undone so you can see the red tshirt he has on underneath. Definitely better colors for him than the awful beige uniform the show had him in the first half of the season. Thankfully, it looks like everyone is more casual in the second half and McKay is seen more often in just his blue shirts. It brings out the blue in his eyes.

                              I think this has been mentioned before, but I wonder why McKay would wear a different uniform than Sheppard and Ford when they travel through the Gate. It makes McKay stand out. Alien cultures may think his different uniform signifies that he’s the leader of his group. Which may please Mckay's ego, but still, McKay certainly doesn't want to be front and center when it comes to danger. He knows that's Sheppard's job.

                              My kind of guy:
                              "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
                              Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
                              (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).


                                mckay has been geting beaver

                                SOPLIERS FOR THE DEFIANT ONE

                                you saw the the defiant one he when to hlep sheppard that one of my fav mckay secnes.
                                when shoots his gun the ask sheppard what should he do now
                                than sheppard says keep shooting
                                than make shoots the whole chip and say what do i do now
                                than sheppard says reload
                                Last edited by lord-anubis; 22 December 2004, 04:09 PM.

