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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    I'd say what's nice about McKay vs. Sheppard is that Rodney has quirks, flaws, real character as well as intelligence and they've developed a vulnerability to him with that which makes him loveable besides his inital cuteness in 48 hours.

    Plus David himself is very charismatic and funny in interviews whilst Flanigan seems less so though seems nice enough.


      from "underground"
      Sheppard: Look, what you people do with your C4 is none of our business. We just need food. As far as your little secret down here goes, well, uh...
      McKay: We say, 'What giant underground bunker?'


        While I don't think I could actually "thunk" over McKay, I do think he's as cute as a bug and can muster up a healthy lightheaded-ness for the cause.
        "You cannot reason with your own heart;
        it has it's own laws and beats about things
        which the intellect scorns."
        - Mark Twain -


          Hehe I LOVE McKAY!!!

          FAVE LINES

          McKay: "Dead man talking"

          Just in case...for the Eye
          McKay: "In case you haven't noticed I'm an extremely arrogant man who thinks all his plans will work."

          For Sanctuary
          McKay: "He IS Kirk!"


            I've lurked around here long enough and thought it about time I posted. Just wanted to say I'm glad I'm not the only one who finds McKay utterly adorable


              Originally posted by Dirty McHarriet
              I've lurked around here long enough and thought it about time I posted. Just wanted to say I'm glad I'm not the only one who finds McKay utterly adorable
              I think McKay is utterly adorable. Watching the Storm the other night, he just stole all the scenes, right from under Sheppard's nose. Now I love Sheppard, but McKay comes a close second as my favourite character. I thought the banter with Zelenka was just a joy to watch. I could I think, thunk for him.


                Shepperd: Strange enough to leave the route back to the village?

                McKay: It's a radioactive reading in Armish world. Your call.


                5th Season of Supernatural Premiering September 10th!


                  I wondered when this thread would turn up. I've been lurking around the McKay discussion thread but I'm not really a thunker for anything much. I may, just may visit here once...or maybe a while.

                  About that picture TameFarrar posted (with the sword or katana as I've been told), when I saw it, some time ago, wasn't he holding a severed head or something? I was a bit freaked out for a minute.
                  ~Percussive Maintenance - The fine art of repeatedly whacking an electronic device to get it to work again.~

                  Think before you hit 'Post': Friends may come and go but enemies accumulate. *sigh*

                  My LiveJournal: watch me babble about Stargate and life in general here.


                    I have never posted on the forums before so where better to post my first ever message than here in the McKay thunk thread.

                    I have to agree with everyone who has said that McKay is utterly adorable. He is. When he was in SG1 I wasn't really sure about the character but since seeing him on Atlantis he has become one of my favourites. I love the way that David Hewlett can play such a sarcastic, witty and arrogant character and yet somehow make it clear to the audience at the same time that underneath it all there is a somewhat insecure, lonely and vulnerable person who would sacrifice his life for his colleagues and who cares about them. David has a face that can convey so much emotion and portray so many expressions and he is just so cute. He has lovely eyes and arms too hehe.



                      I like his 'Using power, using power, using power' line from Rising. It's not a particularly amusing line to read but it was Davids delivery that made it so funny. His Superman line in The Storm was really cute too. McKay has the best lines in the show IMHO and Davis protrayl of him is amazing. He's deffinately one of my favourite Stargate characters without a doubt. There's just so many dimensions to him and you can always rely on him for comic relief.


                        Originally posted by lucylou
                        I like his 'Using power, using power, using power' line from Rising. It's not a particularly amusing line to read but it was Davids delivery that made it so funny.
                        Yes, it's good isn't it... it's one of my favourite McKay moments as well. Rather like the "In-vul-ner-able" line.

                        His Superman line in The Storm was really cute too. McKay has the best lines in the show IMHO and Davis protrayl of him is amazing. He's deffinately one of my favourite Stargate characters without a doubt. There's just so many dimensions to him and you can always rely on him for comic relief.
                        I think McKay and Sheppard have the best lines in the show especially when they're bantering.
                        Last edited by Easter Lily; 18 December 2004, 01:16 AM.
                        "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"


                          Rodney's pissed!

                          Liaison of F.O.R.D.
                          Click here to help Save Ford!



                            Wow. . .don't get Rodney ticked off!!!

                            When all else fails, change channels.


                              I love McKay, the guy cracks me up I think he's one of the most hilarious and interesting characters in the whole Stargate franchise. He's so anti-hero like And he manages to be loveable anyway Quite and accomplishment.
                              May our transmatter beams cross again...

                              Proud Member of the Chevron Guy Club

                              "Out of that sea of stars came all the elements that make me what I am. "


                                Originally posted by Easter Lily
                                I think McKay and Sheppard have the best lines in the show especially when they're bantering.
                                I totally agree they really do. They play off each other so well. I like Weir and McKays exchanges too, they can be quite cute. McKay seems to have great banter with everybody.

