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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Arlessiar
    Yes, a thousand times yes! He's perfect the way he is! Cute, cuddly, absolutely alright!
    David? You read this? Don't change! Don't let anyone tell you that you'd have to lose weight! You're perfect the way you are, and it's wonderful that you aren't a part of the vast number of standard pretty boys that can be seen nearly everywhere nowadays. You're much more interesting than these average guys because you are so very special! You have your own personality and I think you are a beautiful man!
    I second and what the heck I third that.
    Originally posted by Aurore
    Aurore, who occasionally thunks Joe Flanigan/John Sheppard even if he looks like a strong wind could blow him over
    Hehe, I admit to the occasional posting and lurking myself and yes the guy wouldn't want to stay out in the wind for too long! We are truly bless with the eye candy here. Oh that reminds me I read on the out of date (they say DH is still married ) bio on site that Jason (Ronon) hmm, how do you spell his last name?! Has an Australian girlfriend anyone know if this info is still correct? It also said he comes here for part of the year. I was just interested to know being Australian. No not being nosey just curious!


      Originally posted by Drwho'srose
      I second and what the heck I third that. Hehe, I admit to the occasional posting and lurking myself and yes the guy wouldn't want to stay out in the wind for too long! We are truly bless with the eye candy here. Oh that reminds me I read on the out of date (they say DH is still married ) bio on site that Jason (Ronon) hmm, how do you spell his last name?! Has an Australian girlfriend anyone know if this info is still correct? It also said he comes here for part of the year. I was just interested to know being Australian. No not being nosey just curious!
      Hey there Rose,

      Read the discussion about cuddly Rodney/David... yeah I do like my guys a bit more solid... that's why my bf is more on the rugby build than skinny thin sort! Definitely prefer David with more weight on... broad shoulders are always good on any guy!

      Jason's fiancee is one of those actresses from McCleod's daughters... the dark haired one, Simone McKinnon or something. It was on a couple of weeks ago - I was checking out the weather and got a shock when I saw the article because it was something about her and her Stargate connection.

      I remember thinking, "Hey, that guy looks familiar...!" There was also an article in the TV guide mag last month I think. Apparently good old Jase lived in Adelaide for a while (my hometown I should add!!!).

      I know we try to avoid personal issues discussion but very quickly, David's fiancee attends some cons with him. I've seen the pics of them together. She seems very nice and quite pretty. Won't say much beyond that as it's not our business to pry and probably not appropriate discussion here.

      I'm off to a ball tonight, so I'm dressing up, in a nice black dress etc...

      But before I go, here are some lovely Rodney piccies... THUNK!

      Too beautiful a day to stay home! Blue skies and sun all over the place...

      Have a great day everyone and keep the piccies flowing...



        Really?! McCleod's Daughters well I don't normally watch it I mean how many Australian dramas set in the Country can we have! I will have to watch at least episode now. It is on again isn't it? Sorry but my TV week buying days are long gone as are my WHO mag days. Hmm, they must of had a field day when they realised. I think I know the one you mean she is a little older than the blond one that got married right? Yes I knew he lived in Adelaide or somewhere in SA for a while and did arty things, hehe. Anyway thanks for that mcalex22 and the pics, nice.

        Um, yes I think the personal David Hewlett stuff can go somewhere else. Maybe you could post it in the Jason *Thunk*!! ROFL. NO!

        Have fun at the Ball. The Ball! Can you Waltz?

        EDIT: Did he take her to the Logies? I would like to have seen that! Haha, the Logies can it get any worse! Ooh I went to the Channel nine site no she wasn't the one I was thinking of and um, she is in a Men's Magazine they have a link must be a PBL publication! Wow!
        Last edited by Willow'sCat; 16 September 2005, 09:37 PM.


          Originally posted by Drwho'srose
          How is that in any way shape or form a spoiler? This is the basic outline of the episode not a spoiler! Not to mention the fact that 95% of that post was pure speculation not fact. Yes I admit some posts here are a little spoilery without tags but this one IMO is not one.

          Thank you, Dr. Who's Rose. I don't suppose that one line summary, which has basically been posted in just about every relevant spot on the 'net the past month or so, is particularly spoilery. You'd pretty much have to stop reading about Atlantis altogether until 2006 to miss that tidbit of information.


            Originally posted by seekergeek
            They've gotten me so involved that Atlantis is one of the few programs on tv that I talk back to. Yes, I am pathetic.
            I think the writers would be flattered as hell to hear that.

            (Forcibly stopping the incipient ranting and repeats mantra - Rodney's cute, David is a fabulous actor, Rodney's cute, David is a fabulous actor....)
            I totally, absolutely agree with you! On both counts. I love to watch him act. He's amazing. He's gifted.


              Well that is enough talk about Jason! We are here for Rodney and David so here they are.

              He is about to become invulnerable.

              And now he is. *Happy Rodney* *Squee* *Thunk*

              Things not working out so well.

              Then this happens!

              No hang on that ain't right!
              Then again...



                It's so quite around here I could swing Rodney's cat around and not hit anyone!! Well if you can't beat 'em join 'em I am going out for Dinner so I may be some time. See you later when hopefully someone will be around to *Thunk*


                  Psst...put down the kitty before Rodney gets angry...

                  Do you remember? Hopping for our lives. Yeah? All that hopping? Remember hopping for your life? Yeah?! Hop? ... No?


                    Originally posted by Drwho'srose
                    It's so quite around here I could swing Rodney's cat around and not hit anyone!! Well if you can't beat 'em join 'em I am going out for Dinner so I may be some time. See you later when hopefully someone will be around to *Thunk*
                    Well, I'm just eating breakfast - but I'm here and I'm always willing to thunk!

                    Sadly this whole weekend won't leave me very much time for thunking at all. I'm visiting my parents, the vacuum cleaner thinks I doesn't love him anymore, and on Sunday there are the elections.

                    Bye, A.
                    ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
                    ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


                      **Gate Trippin' - this one's for you:**

                      Many hugs,
                      ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
                      ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


                        I still think that it's a pity those jeans are three size too big. Or maybe TPTB thought that it would be too dangerous for us fangirls if said jeans were too tight fitting
                        Come on guys, we can take Rodney in tight fitting jeans any day (every day, even)


                          I have a question did the Atlantis team bring this art from Earth (on the wall behind Rodney) or was it already in Atlantis? I am thinking it's meant to be from Earth but I could be wrong.


                          PS McKay's girl - What is with the McCow Man sig?!!!! I noticed it in your rotating sig got the shock of my life, that is a bit wrong! Poor Rodney I wouldn't want to milk him!!!


                            Originally posted by Aurore
                            Solid, that's the word I was searching for when I wrote my post!
                            Toned is good but too much muscle can get scary, IMO (that's what you meant about MS, McKay's Girl? The man looks more like a bodybuilder than an archeologist now)

                            Aurore, who occasionally thunks Joe Flannigan/John Sheppard even if he looks like a strong wind could blow him over
                            That is what I mean, he doesnt look like a geek anymore

                            Gate City - My humorous Stargate site made when I was young, enjoy!
                            Previously known as False hope who was previously known as McKay's girl


                              Originally posted by Drwho'srose
                              PS McKay's girl - What is with the McCow Man sig?!!!! I noticed it in your rotating sig got the shock of my life, that is a bit wrong! Poor Rodney I wouldn't want to milk him!!!
                              I made it before you joined the foum, it was one of those crazy days lol
                              I've been planning to use it as my sig as soon as I got it on rotate

                              Gate City - My humorous Stargate site made when I was young, enjoy!
                              Previously known as False hope who was previously known as McKay's girl


                                Originally posted by Drwho'srose
                                I have a question did the Atlantis team bring this art from Earth (on the wall behind Rodney) or was it already in Atlantis? I am thinking it's meant to be from Earth but I could be wrong.
                                Well, it's Weir's office, I think she brought these things with her from earth, with the Daedalus (like John or Rodney brought the personal things in their rooms (Rodney's special mattress - I love that! ). As a diplomat she surely has visited a lot of places on earth and maybe she bought some souvenirs.
                                Some things may be new though. Maybe from trade partners, or a birthday present from Teyla!

                                McKay'sgirl - like your rotating sig! All the craziness combined!

                                Bye, A,
                                ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
                                ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~

