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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Ooh, my poor woobie... but
    oh ye Gods; Giddy Geeks! Finding that weapon/power source was waaaaay better than the personal shield in eliciting such a happy Rodney. Can't wait to get that capped tomor... err later today.


      Hey All of you Labcoat lovers,

      Did you see tonight's episode? There was talk amongst the lovers that a certain someone should be seen in a labcoat.... Are TPTB psychic or did that someone see a spoiler?

      "I just hated away the fact that I give a s***" - Dave from Nothing

      My clone:
      Courtesy of the Mckay/Hewlett Thunk Thread


        Hi! Visitor here bearing a gift. A friend of mine posted a DH interview and I thought I'd share it with y'all.

        The top part is the interview in French, scroll down and you'll see it in English.

        And I just want to add: Poor Rodney!
        He really made a big mistake this time. I felt so bad for him, especially at the end. But I think in time, things will be OK for him, at least until the next crisis.

        Lovely sig made by NewTrekker
        Thank you SG1 for ten awesome seasons!


          OK, I'm a little indifferent on the most recent episode, Trinity, it was great don't get me wrong, but I was seriousally saddened by it. Spoilers, highlight below to read:
          I feel really bad for Rodney. He was so excited for this oppertunity (which was adorable, lemme tell you, theres nothing cuter than an excited/happy scientist) and then like suddenly his ego got in the way & it turned out really badly. I mean like he has to live with the fact that that scientist died and he was part of the reason for that happening. It was very sad. Then he tries again and his ego gets in the way and he nearly kills himself and John in the process so now Elizabeth, John, and possibly Zelenka plus who knows who else is completely angery with him. In the end when they leave Rodney looking sad because he realizes people don't believe in him as much anymore I nearly cried! Poor Rodney, this was a total Whump episode for him!


            Originally posted by Renenutet
            There was talk amongst the lovers that a certain someone should be seen in a labcoat....
            Yep, and there was much squee-ing in this household!


              Such a lovely episode. I'll never have to read fanfic again.

              The spoilers for this ep had me worried. I was afraid things were going to get really ugly and unhappy between Sheppard and McKay. Instead, it was a beautifully written and realized episode with so many lovely moments, I think I'm going to be watching it again several times (just in the next week ).

              The final scene between them was just so perfectly, perfectly acted, I was in awe. When DH seemed a little choked up, I was too. I loved the way Sheppard softened just a wee bit there. I felt like he sensed that Rodney was really struggling, really groping in the dark as far as trying to understand the social interaction involved. Joe and David's acting was such a huge pleasure to watch. They were both just wonderful.

              Poor baby, Rodney just seems so lost in dealing with other people, sometimes. As brilliant as he is, seems he's playing catch up in learning how friendships work. I loved that he saved Shep's apology for last, being the most concerned about it (seems like he hardly took seriously anything Liz had to say to him...) but he obviously cares a great deal what Sheppard thinks of him.

              And Shep seemed to understand the passion that was driving Rodney throughout the ep. Even Rodney at his worst (poor Zelenka, that man has the patience of a saint. I loved the cakewalk line ) doesn't seem to faze Sheppard too badly. I think he's got a handle on Rodney better than anyone else does.

              And Rodney still hasn't called him John!

              The Ronon/Teyla sections didn't draw me quite as much. I'm not sure I like this dividing an episode in half business....but there are so many characters on Atlantis now, I suppose its difficult to avoid.

              I just adored this ep from start to finish. The writer(s) didn't forget the emotions. Thank you, guys! Please please give us many more eps like this. I also liked the special effects, especially when John was flying the jumper away from the planet with the weapon blazing away at them. It was a very clever ep, with a neat, kind of eerie idea driving it. I'm really impressed.

              Is it just me or does poor Liz keep seeming rather ineffectual most of the time?


                Originally posted by Purpleyin
                I'm back

                I'm glad you're back to the *thunk*!

                Thanks for the different reports and opinions about "Trinity" so far. I haven't seen it yet (maybe at the end of next week), but although there doesn't seem to be very much CB in it there seems to be a lot of RM in it, and that's always good. Judging from what I read so far this will be one of the eps I nearly need to force myself to watch, because of the
                emotional Rodney whumpage. This seems to be a really big mistake he makes there and I hate to see people I like in emotional distress. I feel awkward then and suffer with them. Especially if they go from being extremly happy and self-confident to realizing they screwed up completely. It will be hard to watch Rodney dealing with his guilt. I bet DH nailed his performance and I'm sure it will bring me to tears...

                Bye, A.
                ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
                ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


                  Originally posted by Purpleyin
                  Still playing catchup with the 12 or so pages that sprung up in a week...

                  Read that interview - did you catch what he said about Runner filming and eating fish and chips... Isn't that pretty much a British dish?
                  Welcome back again. We eat them here in Australia so I guess other Commonwealth Countries have them as well. I don't eat them because of the vegetarian thing.

                  Originally posted by Purpleyin
                  LOL. I'd only seem Julian McMahon in Charmed though and I couldn't place David in Cube because I wasn't quite the voracious film fan I am today - he seriously made me think of Julian McMahon/Quentin Taratino! But since I knew it wasn't Tarantino... Well okay are you trying to embrass me *pleads with thunkers* I didn't know what I was saying, truly I didn't...
                  Sorry I am evil! Tarantino! OMG I am not saying anything.

                  Well I am not sure I wish to see Trinity anytime soon. I don't like to think of Rodney upset/sad. Just when he was getting his snark back too. Emotional growth is so over-ratted.


                    Originally posted by Drwho'srose
                    Welcome back again. We eat them here in Australia so I guess other Commonwealth Countries have them as well. I don't eat them because of the vegetarian thing.

                    Sorry I am evil! Tarantino! OMG I am not saying anything.

                    Well I am not sure I wish to see Trinity anytime soon. I don't like to think of Rodney upset/sad. Just when he was getting his snark back too. Emotional growth is so over-ratted.
                    actually, I saw the Tarantino thing and a friend of mine made that comparison as well when watching Treed Murray but Dh is WAAAY cuter

                    Also, there is tons of happy, smiling Mckay in Trinity...perhaps more than in all the other eps combined thus far!
                    Remixed old sig...cause I wanted the pretty again!
                    :.*.:My Live Journal:.*.:


                      Smiling Rodney? Looks like DH listened to my advice about the smiling afterall!
                      *kicks SkyOne* I dont see why we have to wait longer because we're in a different country

                      Gate City - My humorous Stargate site made when I was young, enjoy!
                      Previously known as False hope who was previously known as McKay's girl


                        Originally posted by McKay's girl
                        Smiling Rodney? Looks like DH listened to my advice about the smiling afterall!
                        *kicks SkyOne* I dont see why we have to wait longer because we're in a different country
                        Yes if only we had a time machine or something.
                        I still haven't seen Condemned! I am doomed my computer is on the blink, something came up about STACKS! What on Earth does that mean? I can't wait until I get my new one. I really think this one is going to blow up! Or be thrown out the window.


                          Originally posted by Drwho'srose
                          Well I am not sure I wish to see Trinity anytime soon. I don't like to think of Rodney upset/sad. Just when he was getting his snark back too. Emotional growth is so over-ratted.
                          Oh no no! There is much of the Happy and Snarky Rodney in Trinity but there is also much of the Arrogant "I know more than you and God combined" Rodney too. The emotional whumpage is much bigger for it; as they say 'pride goeth before the fall'.... or something like that. The RodneyBear very nearly got the stuffing hugged out of him. I just hope that the repercussions of this episode are felt in the episodes down the line.
                          This is probably the first time in Rodney's life that nobody could save him from his arrogance and ego and he's going to have to wrestle with this one for a long time to come.


                            Drwho'srose, congrats on 700 posts! Have some Rodney for that:

                            And I really love the TARDIS banter between you and McKay'sgirl! Don't get into a fight, girls!

                            Bye, A.
                            Last edited by Arlessiar; 20 August 2005, 07:12 AM.
                            ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
                            ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


                              Originally posted by Arlessiar
                              Drwho'rose, congrats on 700 posts! Have some Rodney for that:

                              Bye, A.
                              HaHa, he's not getting out until 1000! *Squee*

                              Thanks Arlessiar


                                Originally posted by Drwho'srose
                                Well I am not sure I wish to see Trinity anytime soon. I don't like to think of Rodney upset/sad. Just when he was getting his snark back too. Emotional growth is so over-ratted.

                                Oh if you love DH (and RM), you can't miss Trinity. DH's acting is brilliant in it, especially his scenes with JF. I thought it ended on an uplifting note. He might not have gotten one thing he wanted, but he got other, better things and you could tell by the look in his eyes that he was starting to realize that, too. All of the Sheppard/McKay interaction was gorgeous. It does take their relationship to another level and I think it's a stronger and better one.
                                Definitely a don't-miss ep.

