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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    SQUEE!!!! AGAIN! Rodney is officially smarter than Sam!

    He literally "blew away" the competition!

    Sheppard: Why does it smell like I'm on vacation?
    McKay: (proudly) Could it be the simulated tropical aroma of cocoa butter?
    Sheppard: Strong enough for anyone within five miles to smell you.
    McKay: Right, like they haven't been tipped off by the Aqua Velva?


      I was out of town and left visiting with my friends early because I forgot to set my vcr to record the SciFi special. I'm watching it now and it's lots of fun.

      There was a big plug for the episode Duet. David said what was revealed in the Chicago Tribune interview and a bit more. The visuals were great. Paul McGillion was so funny in this segment.

      In the next segment, David answered a viewer email question. Afte another break, David discussed the value of the set ambulance.

      The best bit was
      Amanda reading some technobabble as it was timed. There was a cut to David on the Atlantis set and Rachel handed the technobabble to David. David then read it in less than half the time it took Amanda and you still understood every word.

      David is great!

      It was a well put together special. Although Stargate had to share its time with Battlestar Galactica instead of having a special of just the 2 Stargate programs like last season, I liked this better. More facts and less messing about, but still with the fun off screen stuff and joking around. Last season's special had too much nonsense for my taste.

      My kind of guy:
      "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
      Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
      (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).


        See, I really like the nonsense. I enjoy seeing the funny interactions between the cast between takes, like MS sniffing CB's armpit. It's like going to a convention and hearing all the stories of what goes on behind the scenes, plus one of the things I love about the Stargate franchise is that they can poke fun at themselves.

        Anyway, those are my final thoughts for this evening. I'm off to bed...actually, I'm off to write for another 3 hours, since I piddled the day away and still have over half my fic for Hans' ficathon left to write! (Don't worry Hans, I'll get it done, but it might not be beta read.)

        Sheppard: Why does it smell like I'm on vacation?
        McKay: (proudly) Could it be the simulated tropical aroma of cocoa butter?
        Sheppard: Strong enough for anyone within five miles to smell you.
        McKay: Right, like they haven't been tipped off by the Aqua Velva?


          Originally posted by watcher652
          David is great!
          It was a well put together special. Although Stargate had to share its time with Battlestar Galactica instead of having a special of just the 2 Stargate programs like last season, I liked this better. More facts and less messing about, but still with the fun off screen stuff and joking around. Last season's special had too much nonsense for my taste.
          Aw I want to see it. I don't think unless it is included in a SG/SGA DVD that I will see it here. *Cry, snif, cry*


            Gee, I'm not around for a couple of days and all this happens! Good news and bad, I'm back at Uni for semester two... (why do I do this, I'm terribly insane!) But the good news is internet access (still cursing the company which cut off her home internet. Bah to them)

            *cries* I don't get to see the special. *cries* Not fair!

            Originally posted by watcher652
            The best bit was

            Amanda reading some technobabble as it was timed. There was a cut to David on the Atlantis set and Rachel handed the technobabble to David. David then read it in less than half the time it took Amanda and you still understood every word.

            David is great!
            Well, duh! It's a good indication of his acting ability if he doesn't trip over words!

            Originally posted by strivaria
            We're 'Aye'-ing the opinion that DH should be on People Magazine's Surprisingly Sexy list. It appears he's been teasing Mitch Pileggi for making the list... when he really should be on it himself.
            Surprisingly? Well, I'd have to agree!!! DH really needs to gain some confidence in his body! Honestly. He should visit here!

            Anyway none of my friends understand it. I usually end up prattling on about his eyes, hands, arms and thighs and smile. But no! They are all far to into things like the OC. BAH!

            David Hewlett is far better looking than anycharacter from the OC.

            And I'm against the cutting down of credits. I liked 'squeeing' whenever 'David Hewlett as Dr. Mckay' comes up on the screen. Bah to them too!

            And Renenutet, I hope you get the job ur after! ::sends good luck::
            -Ashta (thunking deprived)


              Originally posted by Porthos1013
              See, I really like the nonsense. I enjoy seeing the funny interactions between the cast between takes, like MS sniffing CB's armpit.
              I said I liked the funny bits, both this time and last. What I didn't like about last season's special was mostly the stuff with the guy from Conan O'Brien's show. Most of it was offensive to me since the guy acted like a parody of a geek. Now, he may actually be like that, but if they wanted a fan asking those questions and wandering around the stages, why could they have gotten someone who was a normal person? I've been to many conventions and while there are the odd person or two (and I may qualify as one myself), most fans are just normal people with a passion that happens to be a scifi television program.

              This time, the humor and fun was still there, but they also revealed a lot of tantalizing bits of the 3 shows. Definitely a better sale of the shows this time.

              My kind of guy:
              "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
              Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
              (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).


                Originally posted by Ashta
                And I'm against the cutting down of credits. I liked 'squeeing' whenever 'David Hewlett as Dr. Mckay' comes up on the screen. Bah to them too!
                Yeah, money grubbing SciFi. And what do they need with another 50 seconds to run the same commercials and promos they run on every break? It certainly doesn't look like they need the extra time to me. I'm annoyed at the commercials after seeing them 5 times in one hour, not grateful for any information they may impart.

                Anyway, here's to nostagia after just 20 episodes.

                My kind of guy:
                "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
                Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
                (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).



                  Darn commercials. bah.


                    Originally posted by watcher652
                    I said I liked the funny bits, both this time and last. What I didn't like about last season's special was mostly the stuff with the guy from Conan O'Brien's show.
                    This time, the humor and fun was still there, but they also revealed a lot of tantalizing bits of the 3 shows. Definitely a better sale of the shows this time.
                    Of course you know some of us haven't seen either special's. I would love to see them no matter how annoying or stereotyping(?) some parts may be. You don't know how lucky you are. I want to see David.


                      Originally posted by Drwho'srose
                      Of course you know some of us haven't seen either special's. I would love to see them no matter how annoying or stereotyping(?) some parts may be. You don't know how lucky you are. I want to see David.
                      I would also love to see that new lowdown, but I don't know if this will ever be the case. I got to see the two other SGA specials, but that was very unexpected and I consider myself very lucky because of that. But I really know how you feel, Rose. This inner craving to see what everyone is talking about can be very intense! Consider me your fellow sufferer when it comes to specials or the new season.
                      Bye, A.
                      ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
                      ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


                        Originally posted by Arlessiar
                        I would also love to see that new lowdown, but I don't know if this will ever be the case. I got to see the two other SGA specials, but that was very unexpected and I consider myself very lucky because of that. But I really know how you feel, Rose. This inner craving to see what everyone is talking about can be very intense! Consider me your fellow sufferer when it comes to specials or the new season.
                        Bye, A.
                        Ah when I posted that, I had no idea that the SGA stuff from last year was on the new Season one DVD release, so another DVD I have to get like I wasn't anyway. I guess this also means next years Season 2 DVD will contain this new one. So as always I am a year or so behind everyone else.


                          Originally posted by Porthos1013
                          Yay! Hans, I love it, now if only we could somehow mail it to Mitch and have him post it on David's dressing room door...

                          P.S.~ Your sig looks familiar! Viva la revolution!
                          Happy to blow it up, though I have no bigger picture so it may look a little pixelated - anyone know how big it'd need to be pixelwise to stand out on a landscape printed page? Knowing that'd help, can't try myself since printer is still packed up from the move.

                          (And I thought the sig stuff was a good cause - did you start it? Though it'd be great if there was an email address to write to as well as the petition)


                            Originally posted by Drwho'srose
                            Off-topic slightly I have been busy everywhere posting links to the "Restore opening titles" petition, I can't believe SciFi are serious about this! I can't believe SciFi thought that we wouldn't give a dam!
                            Personally, losing the opening credits wouldn't bother me if we were getting an extra 50 seconds of the *show*.

                            I don't watch commercials. If I'm watching a tape I fast-forward. If I'm watching live I leave the room or read the newspaper or channel surf or position a tape. And I hate watching programs that are covered up by ad overlays so much that I am actually watching less TV. (On the plus side, I do like those brief overlays after the commercials that tell you what you're currently watching. I am indeed more inclined to stay if I know what it is.)

                            I have never been inspired to buy anything thanks to a commercial. In fact they tend to dissuade me. The only useful information commercials impart to me is keywords that I can use to find the *good* products. I've noticed only mediocre products advertise on TV.

                            As far as trailers are concerned, the same sort of inverse law seems to apply. Lots of advertising is a dead giveaway that it's really bad. If months of long ads lead up to a new movie or new TV show, don't even bother. --Especially if "critics are raving".

                            (Hm, don't be surprised if this post shows up in some form in another thread or even another forum.)

                            The story of my life. I finally find a city like this, intact, deserted for ten thousand years, probably contains hundreds of patents that I can exploit--and I'm going to die. I can appreciate dramatic irony as much as the next person, but this is pushing it a bit. --Max Eilerson, Crusade "War Zone"

                            Mess with me, you mess with my whole family. --Max Eilerson, Crusade "Ruling From the Tomb"


                              Hi everyone,

                              Love the pics of Dave Hewlett floating around. I'm new to the forum but I have to admit I laughed when I read about the obsessions with his arms and other body bits and then all the discussions about Dave's previous movies.

                              Like some of you, even though I reckon Joe's pretty cute, he's just not geeky enough or there's just something about him that doesn't twirl me like David.

                              I don't have fancy softwares to capture any particular series, but I did manage to capture a couple from "Before I sleep". Here is it where McKay and Carson are in the infirmary.

                              I do like the new Season 2 pics (digitalised as they are) since I really like all the characters in casual clothes and of course, Dave/McKay in jeans.

                              Have a nice day!


                                Originally posted by Wordsmit2
                                Personally, losing the opening credits wouldn't bother me if we were getting an extra 50 seconds of the *show*.
                                Well yes!

                                Originally posted by Wordsmit2
                                I don't watch commercials. I have never been inspired to buy anything thanks to a commercial. In fact they tend to dissuade me.
                                Commercials have the same effect on me that is no effect at all.

                                There is still no clarification though, is this just for the US or will it be everywhere? Quite frankly my local network already has more than enough commercials it sometimes runs over the hour.

