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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Lucia Tanaka
    My buddy Casta's review of "Treed Murray".

    You're welcome. Enjoy the eyecandy. ^.^
    Oh. My.

    Thanks! And there's that little downturn of his mouth. I love that.

    My kind of guy:
    "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
    Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
    (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).


      Finally got my copy of Nothing. If you get a chance to see it or buy it (ebay has Russian R5 versions available), DO SO! I haven't laughed that much in a long time. The plot is kinda stupid and it never really gets explained, but it's still hilarious. David is one of two main characters and he gets most of the best lines... and eats most of the food. Even at its dumbest, I still managed to laugh, and I'm usually pretty intolerant of stupidity in plotlines- and particularly in characters.

      And since I know this'll be a draw to Certain People, David (and co-star Andrew), spend a portion of the film running (and jumping) around in their underwear.

      All shallowness aside, though, this really is a lot of fun to watch. Two losers hating away te rest of the world. Ya gotta love that. hehe.


        Sorry for the double post, but I've been digging up info.

        It looks like Vincenzo Natali's next project will be Necropolis a "ghost story with psychological overtones". Natali is the guy who made Cube, Cypher, and Nothing. David has been in every single movie Natali has made and, as he said in an interview with Uncubed, "David and I have been shooting films together since we were fifteen. It would be hard for me to do a film without him." So I think it's safe to assume David will be in Necropolis, too. Schedule permitting. *crosses fingers*

        Also, according to the site, Natali had been in talks with SCIFI about doing a Cube TV series, but got suspicious when they would only commit to a 2-hour pilot and backed out. Hmph. Curse you, SCIFI! *shakes fist*

        I now have at least two questions to ask David if I ever see him at a con...


          Originally posted by ShadowMaat
          Finally got my copy of Nothing. If you get a chance to see it or buy it (ebay has Russian R5 versions available), DO SO!
          Sob! Some of us have DVD players that only play Region 1!

          I am soooo technologically behind. I just hooked up my dvd player a couple of weeks ago. I had it for over a year, but my tv is so old, you can't hook up both a dvd player and a vcr at the same time. Yes, I know I could have bought some splitter thingy, but I just never got around to doing so. My tv finally died, so now I can hook up both devices.

          Yes, and my cd players can't play cds created on a computer. Yes, I don't have a dvd-rom drive on my computer. I'm living in the computer stone age.

          My kind of guy:
          "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
          Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
          (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).


            Nothing has been popping up at Canadian film festivals, I think, so maybe it will only be a matter of time before it's available for R1. Gotta say, while the artwork for the Canuck version is more "true" to the movie itself, the Russian cover is a lot cooler... if a bit more deceptively sinister.


              Originally posted by ShadowMaat
              Nothing has been popping up at Canadian film festivals, I think, so maybe it will only be a matter of time before it's available for R1.
              Yeah, but what about Cypher? That has some pretty well known actors in it and it seems it's available for every region BUT Region 1.

              My kind of guy:
              "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
              Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
              (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).


                I'm going to post something here that I posted in the "Home" episode thread since I don't know what threads people read and this is a McKay thing. But can someone tell me if that ok to do in the future? I don't want to do something that is violation of board etiquette but I couldn't find any rules about this. I don't know how to direct people to one specific post someplace else on the board. Maybe you can say I'm quoting myself? Anyway...

                Originally posted by ShadowMaat
                And since I know this'll be a draw to Certain People, David (and co-star Andrew), spend a portion of the film running (and jumping) around in their underwear.
                Speaking of underwear, this brings up something I noticed in the episode "Home". If you look at the GateWorld images for "Home", there is an episode photo that shows McKay on the couch sleeping in a different posture than the one that finally made it into the episode.

                In the photo, he looks much more natural sleeping with his head turned to his left and his right arm bent up above his head and his left arm lying bent across over his stomach. In the actual episode, he's lying on the couch with his head turned to his left and both arms straight down against his sides. I noticed it for 2 reasons. One, I had already seen the photo, so I was expecting McKay to look like the photo. Two, it was kind of an odd sleeping posture, at first it almost looked like he was tied up.

                But then, at the end when we see the team unconscious on the surface of the planet, McKay was lying face down with his head turned to his left and with his arms at his side. So his "nap" posture was reflecting his real unconscious posture.

                I thought that was pretty cool.

                In the stray thought category, since they also have a "behind the scenes" photo of McKay on the couch, I kinda thought that first photo caught David actually napping!

                My kind of guy:
                "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
                Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
                (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).


                  If not actually napping, then probably at least trying... which could explain the next pic, where he seems to be laughing. That wasn't in the ep either.


                    Originally posted by ShadowMaat
                    If not actually napping, then probably at least trying... which could explain the next pic, where he seems to be laughing. That wasn't in the ep either.
                    Yeah. Don't you love "behind the scenes" photos? I wish they would throw one in for every episode. And, it doesn't have to be always of McKay. In the Stargate special, Torri appeared to have a goofy sense of humor. She seemed like a lot of fun.

                    My kind of guy:
                    "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
                    Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
                    (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).


                      I like McKay too. However, I can't shake the feeling that he's going to lose an arm and have a puddlejumper dropped on him.

                      I'm being silly. Mckay already has way more humanity than Ramano ever did.


                        Originally posted by Slainey
                        I like McKay too. However, I can't shake the feeling that he's going to lose an arm and have a puddlejumper dropped on him.

                        I'm being silly. Mckay already has way more humanity than Ramano ever did.
                        I so did not get your reference. I had to google it. You must be referring to Dr. Romano on ER, right? The one who got his arm cut off and had a helicopter fall on him? Good thing Stargate Digital did that special effect, or I would have never found it searching for "Ramano Stargate".

                        And, whoa, I never would have connected the two. I found Romano had a certain heartlessness that McKay definitely does not have. In fact, McKay seems the most concerned whenever anybody else appears to be in jeopardy. Sure, he doesn't want to be hurt himself, he has a high sense of self-preservation, but neither does he want anybody else harmed. Romano could have cared less.

                        My kind of guy:
                        "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
                        Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
                        (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).


                          Romano, IMO, had nothing to redeem him. He was a flat-out jackass and a very shallow character- both in lack of personality and lack of depth in writing.

                          McKay, at least, shows a bit of humanity. In fact, I think he's very human. And he has a great, snarky sense of humor, whereas Romano's humor was always cutting and at the expense of someone else.

                          Ah well. It's reasons like that which made me stop watching ER anyway.


                            Originally posted by ShadowMaat
                            Ah well. It's reasons like that which made me stop watching ER anyway.
                            Although we will keep an eye out on the old repeats so we can see David's episode.

                            My kind of guy:
                            "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
                            Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
                            (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).


                              Originally posted by watcher652
                              Although we will keep an eye out on the old repeats so we can see David's episode.
                              That goes without saying.

                              I'd also like to know what the hell happened to Jerry. I love Abraham Benrubi. I've loved him ever since he played Kubiack on Parker Lewis with a certain OTHER Stargate actor who got some good screen-time with David in the ep Redemption.

                              How's that for bringing things back on topic?


                                I just watched my tape of The Triangle. Guess what? David's character was the only person who ate anything. Also, his character dealt with computers and he had medical issues.
                                Last edited by watcher652; 15 September 2004, 10:33 PM.

                                My kind of guy:
                                "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
                                Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
                                (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).

