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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Mmm, I really love his arms;

    Ooh, and his legs;

    Wake up Rodney;




      Originally posted by Purpleyin
      Phew, it's way too hot here in the Uk. Boiling, feels like being in Spain or something.

      Happy (Belated) Birthday Aaobuttons!

      Getting difficult to thunk in this heat... need icecream.

      It's not belated yet, it's only 10 pm here! Thanks everybody for the warm and fuzzy birthday wishes (and the teapot! ) You all are the best!

      BTW: Yes, I'm still lurking about.... just looking, not touching!
      It's beer o'clock. Now where the HELL is my riot !?!


        oh man you guys..... I got back from a bad date that lasted way too long. I wasn't attracted to him and he didn't get my major hints. I could use some wonderful pics to make me forget it happened.

        Thnaks everyone.

        p.s. : does pulling away from a guy trying to touch you seem like a strong enough signal?

        "I just hated away the fact that I give a s***" - Dave from Nothing

        My clone:
        Courtesy of the Mckay/Hewlett Thunk Thread


          Originally posted by Renenutet
          oh man you guys..... I got back from a bad date that lasted way too long. I wasn't attracted to him and he didn't get my major hints. I could use some wonderful pics to make me forget it happened.

          Thnaks everyone.

          p.s. : does pulling away from a guy trying to touch you seem like a strong enough signal?
          Aww, that stinks! (And yes, that seems like a strong enough signal. I think he sounds like a creep! )
          Here's a yummy Rodney pic to make you feel better!

          Sheppard: Why does it smell like I'm on vacation?
          McKay: (proudly) Could it be the simulated tropical aroma of cocoa butter?
          Sheppard: Strong enough for anyone within five miles to smell you.
          McKay: Right, like they haven't been tipped off by the Aqua Velva?


            And here's another couple from Boa vs. Python, in honor of it airing tonite on Sci Fi channel:

            (I love his eyelashes in this pic! )

            Okay, now I'm off to bed. I have another week of dealing with bratty children starting tomorrow, and I'll need my rest to keep up!

            Sheppard: Why does it smell like I'm on vacation?
            McKay: (proudly) Could it be the simulated tropical aroma of cocoa butter?
            Sheppard: Strong enough for anyone within five miles to smell you.
            McKay: Right, like they haven't been tipped off by the Aqua Velva?


              Originally posted by Renenutet
              p.s. : does pulling away from a guy trying to touch you seem like a strong enough signal?
              Well, in my case I had to accentuate the pulling away with a very stern "leave me alone". It kinda helped that two of my male, albet geeky friends (unbeknownest to me) stood up behind me and got all intimidating looking.

              Anyway, pictures.... here's some more from Boa Vs. Python. I have to admit, that while I cringed through most of the movie, I was rooting for Betty by the end. And... note to the SGA makeup and clothing depts.... long hair, scruffy and t-shirted.... very much the way to go with Rodney next season.


                Originally posted by strivaria
                And... note to the SGA makeup and clothing depts.... long hair, scruffy and t-shirted.... very much the way to go with Rodney next season.
                Yay! Another DH with long hair supporter! I agree, I totally love him in this movie, despite its horridness. He's positively droolworthy!

                But my parents don't get it. They came in and saw me watching BvP last night, and my dad said, "Isn't that the guy from Atlantis?" And I of course blushed profusely because I knew I was caught red handed, and said that yes it was. My dad kind of got this funny smile, like he knew something, and said, "Is that the reason you're watching this?" To which my mom finally caught on, looked at the screen, and said in disbelief, "That guy?"

                Hmmf. I would say my mom has no taste in men, but she did marry my dad, and he's cool, so I guess I'll have to make an exception for him.

                Sheppard: Why does it smell like I'm on vacation?
                McKay: (proudly) Could it be the simulated tropical aroma of cocoa butter?
                Sheppard: Strong enough for anyone within five miles to smell you.
                McKay: Right, like they haven't been tipped off by the Aqua Velva?


                  Originally posted by Renenutet
                  oh man you guys..... I got back from a bad date that lasted way too long. I wasn't attracted to him and he didn't get my major hints. I could use some wonderful pics to make me forget it happened.

                  Thnaks everyone.

                  p.s. : does pulling away from a guy trying to touch you seem like a strong enough signal?
                  Aww, sounds not nice. I'd say pulling away from someone's touch is pretty clear signal you don't want them to touch you but maybe he was thinking there was a more general reason and not just related to him - still some people just really can't pick up hints on stuff (thinking about a certain character there, though he seems to go the other way, not getting hints people like him!)

                  And I'll have some screencaps up later *fingers crossed*. I've just got help to fix a pesky linux problem and have installed avidemux - hopnig to get to make caps for the sneakpeek and... The Life Before This which I watched last night. Though that's thunderstorm willing since it's looking to become one here. Love the noise of summer rain but I may have to go offline at least because when I made my pc I thought to buy a surge protected extension thing but of course as my fiance pointed out the network isn't surge protected and my pc could still get fried through network cable connection.

                  Anyway, about the film. DH really isn't in it much - 5 minutes maybe? Hard to tell but will check when I screencap. He has maybe a minute at the beginning, a brief bit later and then 2 more lengthier clips. His character doesn't get much development really compared to other bit parts, but you get David with guns!

                  Overall the film was fair enough, I liked it but it wasn't a film I liked loads. Sort of okay but not really good or bad. I'm not sure it's a film I'd recommend buying for his scenes, probably not. Renting maybe. I'm not sure if I'm going to keep ahold of my copy because I doubt I'll rewatch. Still it was only £6 and for that it was fairly enjoyable, interesting character film.

                  If you're interested David's role is
                  Nick, one of two guys who rob a bank. The other guy, Kevin, is a bit crazy, gun happy. David's character has scenes trying to reassure his wife/girlfirend that everything will go fine and it'll be soution to their problems (film was a bit quiet, I think it was gambling related stuff he'd caused) and that Kevin wouldn't be allowed back in their house (she saw him loading a gun in the toilet and got freaked out). The film starts off with their getaway car crashing outside this cafe and Nick running into the cafe where he and Kevin have a shoot out over the money which ends very badly. Then everything reverses and the day is played over agian showing the lives of the peope in the cafe and with things working out slightly differently for some. This is where the scenes pre-robbery come in but it still ends badly in the cafe for him the second time.

                  Plenty of famous Canadians in it. I kept on thinking, "what did I see them in?"
                  Last edited by Purpleyin; 20 June 2005, 03:45 AM.


                    Ooooooo all these lurverly David pics! They're enough to make a girl go all wibbly! I love that cap of sleeping Rodney! Makes me all warm and fuzzy lolol. And that arm pic at the top of the page...mmmmmm!

                    Luce xxx


                      Originally posted by Purpleyin
                      Aww, sounds not nice. I'd say pulling away from someone's touch is pretty clear signal you don't want them to touch you but maybe he was thinking there was a more general reason and not just related to him - still some people just really can't pick up hints on stuff (thinking about a certain character there, though he seems to go the other way, not getting hints people like him!)

                      And I'll have some screencaps up later *fingers crossed*. I've just got help to fix a pesky linux problem and have installed avidemux - hopnig to get to make caps for the sneakpeek and... The Life Before This which I watched last night. Though that's thunderstorm willing since it's looking to become one here. Love the noise of summer rain but I may have to go offline at least because when I made my pc I thought to buy a surge protected extension thing but of course as my fiance pointed out the network isn't surge protected and my pc could still get fried through network cable connection.

                      Anyway, about the film. DH really isn't in it much - 5 minutes maybe? Hard to tell but will check when I screencap. He has maybe a minute at the beginning, a brief bit later and then 2 more lengthier clips. His character doesn't get much development really compared to other bit parts, but you get David with guns!

                      Overall the film was fair enough, I liked it but it wasn't a film I liked loads. Sort of okay but not really good or bad. I'm not sure it's a film I'd recommend buying for his scenes, probably not. Renting maybe. I'm not sure if I'm going to keep ahold of my copy because I doubt I'll rewatch. Still it was only £6 and for that it was fairly enjoyable, interesting character film.

                      If you're interested David's role is
                      Nick, one of two guys who rob a bank. The other guy, Kevin, is a bit crazy, gun happy. David's character has scenes trying to reassure his wife/girlfirend that everything will go fine and it'll be soution to their problems (film was a bit quiet, I think it was gambling related stuff he'd caused) and that Kevin wouldn't be allowed back in their house (she saw him loading a gun in the toilet and got freaked out). The film starts off with their getaway car crashing outside this cafe and Nick running into the cafe where he and Kevin have a shoot out over the money which ends very badly. Then everything reverses and the day is played over agian showing the lives of the peope in the cafe and with things working out slightly differently for some. This is where the scenes pre-robbery come in but it still ends badly in the cafe for him the second time.

                      Plenty of famous Canadians in it. I kept on thinking, "what did I see them in?"
                      Well, I have a cold too but he must have thought it was that. The very first thing he did was try to hold my hand and I instead clutched my pocketbook. He hugged me and my arms were infront of me pushing him away. He even said 'aww... don't pull away.' and just before he left he had the awdacity(?) to say 'we don't have to kiss or anything.'. I was like 'damn straight' as I'm ru... uh walking away. bleh! bleh! What I find hysterical was that this was after we had a conversation about kissing on a first date, how some people make rules and I was like 'well,you have to read the body language but it can be 'difficult' sometimes.' *screams in horror and then hack up a lung*

                      "I just hated away the fact that I give a s***" - Dave from Nothing

                      My clone:
                      Courtesy of the Mckay/Hewlett Thunk Thread


                        Originally posted by Renenutet
                        Well, I have a cold too but he must have thought it was that. The very first thing he did was try to hold my hand and I instead clutched my pocketbook. He hugged me and my arms were infront of me pushing him away. He even said 'aww... don't pull away.' and just before he left he had the awdacity(?) to say 'we don't have to kiss or anything.'. I was like 'damn straight' as I'm ru... uh walking away. bleh! bleh! What I find hysterical was that this was after we had a conversation about kissing on a first date, how some people make rules and I was like 'well,you have to read the body language but it can be 'difficult' sometimes.' *screams in horror and then hack up a lung*
                        Sounds like the guy was pretty touchy feely and really couldn't take a hint.
                        Hope you're recovered from the bad date and that your cold gets better too. It's so weird to be thinking of colds when it's still so humid here. My poor housemate still has hayfever so he won't go anywhere, but on the plus side we get to watch the last Dr Who if he can be pulled away from GTA San Andreas for long enough

                        And um to make this post legal a pic


                          Originally posted by Porthos1013
                          Yay! Another DH with long hair supporter! I agree, I totally love him in this movie, despite its horridness. He's positively droolworthy!

                          But my parents don't get it. They came in and saw me watching BvP last night, and my dad said, "Isn't that the guy from Atlantis?" And I of course blushed profusely because I knew I was caught red handed, and said that yes it was. My dad kind of got this funny smile, like he knew something, and said, "Is that the reason you're watching this?" To which my mom finally caught on, looked at the screen, and said in disbelief, "That guy?"

                          Hmmf. I would say my mom has no taste in men, but she did marry my dad, and he's cool, so I guess I'll have to make an exception for him.
                          I loved David in that movie! (Although the movie was terrible) And to your mom! Thats horrible! On the plus side she didnt call him old I'm still recovering from that attack!

                          Gate City - My humorous Stargate site made when I was young, enjoy!
                          Previously known as False hope who was previously known as McKay's girl


                            Originally posted by Porthos1013
                            But my parents don't get it. They came in and saw me watching BvP last night, and my dad said, "Isn't that the guy from Atlantis?" And I of course blushed profusely because I knew I was caught red handed, and said that yes it was. My dad kind of got this funny smile, like he knew something, and said, "Is that the reason you're watching this?" To which my mom finally caught on, looked at the screen, and said in disbelief, "That guy?"

                            Hmmf. I would say my mom has no taste in men, but she did marry my dad, and he's cool, so I guess I'll have to make an exception for him.
                            You're SO busted. Just razz your mom right back. Dig around in her past - ask your grandparents or aunts or uncles who she had a crush on years ago. My mom's crush on Elvis Presley continues to this day, decades past his death!
                            not so ancient


                            PLEASE donate to the American Red Cross for Hurricane Disaster Relief ~ My LJ ~ My Disclaimer ~ A Mitch Pileggi Discussion Group


                              Originally posted by Ashta
                              yes... if i were her, I think i would keep stuffing up that scene... he he... "Take 42!"

                              David: Aww, now c'mon Ashta... 42 takes, this is RIDICULOUS!

                              AND Happy Birthday aaobuttons
                              Is it just me or does this thread seem to be bombarded with 42's?! I should really go see that movie.

                              To stay ontopic, here's McKay's caffiene kitty -

                              I love this pic!

                              Gate City - My humorous Stargate site made when I was young, enjoy!
                              Previously known as False hope who was previously known as McKay's girl


                                Well, I went back to sleep and slept until 1:00 p.m.. I think I am recovered from the date. Oh btw, he even said that he's very affectionate. bleh! I mean I would have been more warm to his affection if I was attracted to him. If it was someone that looked like DH then I would have been a lot more accepting.

                                "I just hated away the fact that I give a s***" - Dave from Nothing

                                My clone:
                                Courtesy of the Mckay/Hewlett Thunk Thread

