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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Ravenheart View Post
    I catch myself looking at other's eyelashes from other showsand notice how long they are.
    Maybe that's a good idea: watch other shows so I'm not distracted by Rodney when examining eyelashes! Maybe it's time for a re-watch of SG-1?


      Originally posted by x Varda x View Post
      Oh oh oh! That sounds good (and it's written by women too, so I'm quietly hopeful for some great emotion and whumping!)
      That's what I'm hoping!

      If 'Homecoming' is #16, they've still got 4 to go before that one, as the last one that came out 'Angelus' was #11 (the four missing ones are 'Dead End' 'Brimstone' 'Hunt and Run' and 'Death Game')
      Amazon shows the release dates for May, June and July for those books and then Homecoming in Oct. So hopefully the schedule release dates will hold.

      Originally posted by Tinah View Post
      Not to sound picky or anything... but could you... perhaps... put descriptions of what actually happens in a book under a spoiler in the future? *shuffles feet in embarrassment over being difficult * Some people prefer to be totally spoiler-free..!
      Didn't even think about putting the Product Description for the book in spoilers...apologies. Will do so next time.

      Great WWRT! Really loved the picture in the last one!

      sig by Varda


        Originally posted by Mimzy View Post
        Oh, wait, I already did know his neighbor had it...nevermind

        Doesn't he talk about it in a later season though? Randomly...for some reason I remember him mentioning his cat in s5 but I might be wrong
        Oh, he mentioned his cat. He said he used to have one.

        "Look, you don't know me. This is when I'm at my best. This is when I shine: impossible deadlines."
        Dr. Meredith Rodney McKay
        "That doesn’t matter! You’re hostages! We’re your…we’re your captors! We’re heavily armed! There’s rules! There’s a whole school of etiquette to this!"
        Dr. Daniel Jackson
        "My name is Dean Winchester. I'm an Aquarius. I enjoy sunsets, long walks on the beach, and frisky women."
        Dean Winchester


          Originally posted by Tinah View Post
          Oooh, the eyelashes in the last one..! *is hypnotized* Is it just me, or does he have long eyelashes ( for a man )? I keep thinking, when I re-watch SGA, that I'm going to look at the other men's eyelashes too, so that I can compare... but I always find myself too wrapped up in Rodney and forgetting everybody else..!

          Slightly off topic: Clicked your little eggs! I used to have dragons too, but I lost interest...
          Ahaha I noticed that too
          Sig by ME!!!


            Seeing as I'm just waiting around at home for a doctor's appointment, I thought I'd try my hand at writing up this little questionnaire for Bushy ( and anybody else who might want to answer, if you prefer it this way to my "love-like-dislike-hate" list format ). I hope this is easier to answer. But don't feel pressured to answer at all, it's just that I'm curious about people's preferences and "squicks", to know what to talk to people about, or what not to talk to them about.

            * Is Rodney your number one favourite SGA character?
            - If so, is he also your favourite Stargate character?

            * Are there any other characters on SGA besides Rodney that you like a lot?

            * Or any characters from the other Stargate series?

            * Do you like watching or reading about Rodney in a romantic relationship with a woman ( = ship )?
            - If so, with whom?

            * Do you like reading about Rodney in a romantic relationship with a man ( = slash )?
            - If so, with whom?

            * Are there any romantic pairings you would prefer not to see or read about at all?

            * Do you enjoy explicit sex in fanfiction?

            * In general, what kind of interpersonal relationships do you prefer in Stargate? Romance? Friendship? Team? Other?

            * Do you enjoy hurt/comfort ( = whump )?
            - If so, do you prefer hurt or comfort?
            - Physical or emotional?
            - Are there any injuries or diseases you don't feel comfortable watching on TV or reading about, even if the story doesn't go into gory detail?

            - Do you like, or dislike SG-1? How strongly?

            - Do you like, or dislike SGU? How strongly?

            - Is there anything in Stargate fandom that you go to some lengths to avoid seeing even the mention of? As in, you'd prefer if it wasn't mentioned on this thread. ( Examples can be slash, McKeller, Keller-bashing, SGU, etc. )

            - Is there anything in real life that you go to some lengths to avoid seeing even the mention of? As in, you'd prefer if it wasn't mentioned on this thread. ( As in my case, psychiatric problems, especially self-harm of any kind. More common could be for example religion or politics. )


              Off topic, but it looks like RodneyIsGodney got in a question for this Paul McGillion interview in SciFiAndTvTalk. Congrats!

              Oh, here, I can make this on topic.

              My kind of guy:
              "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
              Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
              (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).


                Originally posted by watcher652 View Post
                Oh, here, I can make this on topic.
                Aww, they're so lovely together! I always wondered what was going on in that pic... and finally came up with the guess "David pretends to be a dog".


                  Thank you, Tinah, for the form...


                  * Is Rodney your number one favourite SGA character? Yes.
                  - If so, is he also your favourite Stargate character? Yes.

                  * Are there any other characters on SGA besides Rodney that you like a lot? Absolutely.

                  * Or any characters from the other Stargate series? I would be blind if I said no.

                  * Do you like watching or reading about Rodney in a romantic relationship with a woman ( = ship )? Yes
                  - If so, with whom? No one specific, but I tend to read more OC ships.

                  * Do you like reading about Rodney in a romantic relationship with a man ( = slash )? If I'm in the mood for it...
                  - If so, with whom? Oh, it's gotta be Sheppard.

                  * Are there any romantic pairings you would prefer not to see or read about at all? *eye twitch* Quite a few

                  * Do you enjoy explicit sex in fanfiction? No

                  * In general, what kind of interpersonal relationships do you prefer in Stargate? Romance? Friendship? Team? Other? I'll read them all.

                  * Do you enjoy hurt/comfort ( = whump )? Sometimes
                  - If so, do you prefer hurt or comfort? Both, actually. Need both in the story to enjoy it.
                  - Physical or emotional? Both
                  - Are there any injuries or diseases you don't feel comfortable watching on TV or reading about, even if the story doesn't go into gory detail? None that I can think of at the moment. I'll post edits if I think of any.

                  - Do you like, or dislike SG-1? How strongly? Like. 1-10, I'd say 7

                  - Do you like, or dislike SGU? How strongly? Like. Same scale, 9

                  - Is there anything in Stargate fandom that you go to some lengths to avoid seeing even the mention of? As in, you'd prefer if it wasn't mentioned on this thread. ( Examples can be slash, McKeller, Keller-bashing, SGU, etc. ) Any form of Stargate bashing....

                  - Is there anything in real life that you go to some lengths to avoid seeing even the mention of? As in, you'd prefer if it wasn't mentioned on this thread. ( As in my case, psychiatric problems, especially self-harm of any kind. More common could be for example religion or politics. ) None that I can think of at the moment. I'll post edits if I think of any.
                  Last edited by BFH_Bushy_Tush; 30 April 2010, 06:44 AM.

                  "Look, you don't know me. This is when I'm at my best. This is when I shine: impossible deadlines."
                  Dr. Meredith Rodney McKay
                  "That doesn’t matter! You’re hostages! We’re your…we’re your captors! We’re heavily armed! There’s rules! There’s a whole school of etiquette to this!"
                  Dr. Daniel Jackson
                  "My name is Dean Winchester. I'm an Aquarius. I enjoy sunsets, long walks on the beach, and frisky women."
                  Dean Winchester


                    A second trailer and a featurette has been added to the official website for the movie Splice. There is a split second more of David as the camera takes a long shot of the table where the two scientists (portrayed by Adrien Brody and Sarah Polley), someone unknown to me, and David are seated.

                    Split second

                    From the first trailer

                    My kind of guy:
                    "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
                    Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
                    (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).


                      Oooo, I like these.

                      * Is Rodney your number one favourite SGA character?
                      - If so, is he also your favourite Stargate character?

                      Rodney is my favorite SGA and Stargate character.

                      * Are there any other characters on SGA besides Rodney that you like a lot?

                      * Or any characters from the other Stargate series?
                      Vala and Cameron

                      * Do you like watching or reading about Rodney in a romantic relationship with a woman ( = ship )?
                      - If so, with whom?

                      Yes. I like Rodney with Elizabeth or Jennifer.

                      * Do you like reading about Rodney in a romantic relationship with a man ( = slash )?
                      - If so, with whom?

                      No. I avoid slash like the plague.

                      * Are there any romantic pairings you would prefer not to see or read about at all?

                      Any slash. I also don't read any with Katie Brown or Sam Carter

                      * Do you enjoy explicit sex in fanfiction?

                      If written well.

                      * In general, what kind of interpersonal relationships do you prefer in Stargate? Romance?
                      Friendship? Team? Other?

                      Romance and friendship.

                      * Do you enjoy hurt/comfort ( = whump )? Yes
                      - If so, do you prefer hurt or comfort? Both
                      - Physical or emotional? Both

                      - Are there any injuries or diseases you don't feel comfortable watching on TV or reading about, even if the story doesn't go into gory detail?

                      As long as it doesn't end in death, I'm not uncomfortable with any injuries or diseases. Or how gory it gets.

                      - Do you like, or dislike SG-1? How strongly?

                      I'm neutral, but I've seen episodes eight through ten.

                      - Do you like, or dislike SGU? How strongly?

                      I haven't seen a single episode of SGU.

                      - Is there anything in Stargate fandom that you go to some lengths to avoid seeing even the mention of? As in, you'd prefer if it wasn't mentioned on this thread. ( Examples can be slash, McKeller, Keller-bashing, SGU, etc. )

                      Slash, Keller-bashing

                      - Is there anything in real life that you go to some lengths to avoid seeing even the mention of? As in, you'd prefer if it wasn't mentioned on this thread. ( As in my case, psychiatric problems, especially self-harm of any kind. More common could be for example religion or politics. )



                        Originally posted by BFH_Bushy_Tush View Post
                        Thank you, Tinah, for the form...
                        You're welcome!

                        No one specific, but I tend to read more OC ships.
                        Interesting... I don't read them myself, but I've heard that OCs very often are self-inserts/Mary-Sues. Do you find it easy to find fics with good OCs?

                        Any form of Stargate bashing....
                        And everything is being bashed somewhere on Gateworld... I've found that for the sake of my own sanity I need to stick to a few threads where people agree with me about the main subject ( like here, Rodney ) and avoid mentioning the things we disagree on.


                          Originally posted by watcher652 View Post
                          A second trailer and a featurette has been added to the official website for the movie Splice. There is a split second more of David as the camera takes a long shot of the table where the two scientists (portrayed by Adrien Brody and Sarah Polley), someone unknown to me, and David are seated.
                          Wow, so many people posting right now I can't keep up! Thanks for the info and pics, it's good to see he's keeping busy!


                            Originally posted by Tinah View Post
                            Interesting... I don't read them myself, but I've heard that OCs very often are self-inserts/Mary-Sues. Do you find it easy to find fics with good OCs?
                            Not really. There *is* one OC/McKay story that I just *adore*, though. I'll send the link to you later.

                            And everything is being bashed somewhere on Gateworld... I've found that for the sake of my own sanity I need to stick to a few threads where people agree with me about the main subject ( like here, Rodney ) and avoid mentioning the things we disagree on.
                            I know, right?!

                            "Look, you don't know me. This is when I'm at my best. This is when I shine: impossible deadlines."
                            Dr. Meredith Rodney McKay
                            "That doesn’t matter! You’re hostages! We’re your…we’re your captors! We’re heavily armed! There’s rules! There’s a whole school of etiquette to this!"
                            Dr. Daniel Jackson
                            "My name is Dean Winchester. I'm an Aquarius. I enjoy sunsets, long walks on the beach, and frisky women."
                            Dean Winchester


                              Originally posted by Ravenheart View Post
                              Oooo, I like these.
                              Great! Thanks for replying! ( I seem to have missed your reply in between all this refreshing and quoting and posting... )

                              I've been looking at people's replies so far ( together with the ones I have from last year ) and... it seems like there's nothing we all have in common except loving Rodney! For everything somebody loves, there's another person who can't stand it. That's interesting to consider.

                              A question about quoting, replying, and forum functions:

                              I'm not really sure how this forum is set up, especially now that it's changed while I was gone. I ended up posting separate replies to all three posts, since each post now has its own reply button. Does this mean that you can view the forum in a sort of "tree-mode", I mean where replies "branch out" depending on whether it's "reply with quote" or "reply to thread"? If I use the "reply with quote" thing and then quote other posters too in the same post and reply to them, does that mean that they might end up in the wrong "branch" and somebody might miss my reply to their post? I'd hate to seem like I'm ignoring somebody when I just don't really understand the functions. I've read somewhere that there's this "multi-quote" function..?


                                Originally posted by BFH_Bushy_Tush View Post
                                Not really. There *is* one OC/McKay story that I just *adore*, though. I'll send the link to you later.
                                Well, I don't actually read fanfiction right now ( except some of Varda's )... It's a long story, but it has to do with whether or not I myself will write again, and if so, how reading other people's fics will influence that possibility. I'm... a bit weird, and I have lots of things to figure out.

                                I just realized I don't own any rice, so I have to run off and buy some! *waves*

