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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by x Varda x View Post
    Hiya, RIG, Elisa, Raven, Blue
    Howdy Varda!

    (you ignored my message on your profile, RIG! )
    I didn't mean too! So sorry!!! Have responded.

    I like the new and improved pic! *thunk*

    *feels bad for not posting any fic for ages*
    You feel bad? I'm the one who hasn't posted a fic/new chapters in forever!

    Spending all my time working on my SGA Santa fic. S'about 15k now It's Rodney/Teyla friendship/UST :-D:-D
    Hmm...dunno if I'll read that. See more on your profile about that.

    Originally posted by Blue Shadowdancer View Post
    Hi Varda! And RiG, and anyone else who turns up
    Hiya Blue.

    *Feels guilty that her SSfic is still sitting at 1,300 words*
    Hey, at least you have completed fics... what do I have? 1 itty bitty oneshot and 3 barely there fics. Stupid writers block! I'm the one who should feel guilty.

    Originally posted by x Varda x View Post
    Would anyone be terribly offended if I didn't reply, just with the view to getting stuff posted? (I still have ~10 Hundred Ways chapters I'm too scared to post for that reason) A lot of people on (including the best ones) never bother at all
    Won't bother me...unless I ask you a question.

    Uh, I changed my sig
    I noticed. Rodney and Neeva? Really? She doesn't even like him! To each her own I suppose.:-)

    Originally posted by Ravenheart View Post
    Don't worry about it. I haven't been reading any fanfic either.
    Good to know I'm not the only one in that boat.

    I decided to mess with it and turn it into an icon for my fic.

    Here it is brightened up a bit.
    Hey, nice!

    Originally posted by ed263 View Post
    Hi RiG!
    Hiya Elisa!

    NOT stupid!! Just maybe photobucket picture challenged
    Maybe that's it.

    Good dreams! Thanks!


    Brain fart strikes again!
    Sig by ME.


      Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post
      I noticed. Rodney and Neeva? Really? She doesn't even like him! To each her own I suppose.:-)
      Hey Varda, I noticed...sorry I didn't say so! You need to make a sig with Rodney holding the gun...Smoking hot and dangerous!


      And just because....

      "You don't have to say anything, and you don't have to do anything.
      Not a thing. Oh, maybe just whistle. You know how to whistle, don't you?
      You just put your lips together and... blow. " be an ancient dohicky!

      Look at those eyelashes!! How long are they!?

      sig by Varda


        Originally posted by ed263 View Post
        Hey Varda, You need to make a sig with Rodney holding the gun...Smoking hot and dangerous!
        Yes! I agree!

        And just because....
        "You don't have to say anything, and you don't have to do anything.
        Not a thing. Oh, maybe just whistle. You know how to whistle, don't you?
        You just put your lips together and... blow. " be an ancient dohicky!
        Look at those eyelashes!! How long are they!?
        Ooooh, thunk! These "just because" pics get me every time! Specially the whistle pic...unfortunately I can't whistle properly. I whistle ass backwards - that's American!slang Varda, I think - which means I inhale instead of exhale...blowing out. So, sadly, I cannot whistle a tune. I can wolf whistle though!
        Last edited by RodneyIsGodney; 16 November 2009, 05:41 PM.
        Sig by ME.


          Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post
          Yes! I agree!

          Ooooh, thunk! These "just because" pics get me every time!
          Glad you got thunked!

          Specially the whistle pic...unfortunately I can't whistle properly. I whistle ass backwards - that's American!slang Varda, I think - which means I inhale instead of exhale...blowing out. So, sadly, I cannot whistle a tune. I can wolf whistle though!
          Been seeing some of the old movies and that line just popped in my I had to find a Rodney whistle face!

          I can't whistle either, but yes...wolf whistle, I can do that!

          sig by Varda


            Originally posted by ed263 View Post
            Hey Varda, I noticed...sorry I didn't say so! You need to make a sig with Rodney holding the gun...Smoking hot and dangerous!
            Oh! Good one... I'll probably make that later today I do have a second version of the sig which says 'a match made in heaven'
            And just because....
            "You don't have to say anything, and you don't have to do anything.
            Not a thing. Oh, maybe just whistle. You know how to whistle, don't you?
            You just put your lips together and... blow. "

   be an ancient dohicky!

            Look at those eyelashes!! How long are they!?

            Oh guttery and eyelash thunk *has been eye-lashed* ouch!

            Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post
            Ooooh, thunk! These "just because" pics get me every time! Specially the whistle pic...unfortunately I can't whistle properly. I whistle ass backwards - that's American!slang Varda, I think - which means I inhale instead of exhale...blowing out. So, sadly, I cannot whistle a tune. I can wolf whistle though!
            My whistling is quiet but can be tuneful if I think of something to actually whistle Can't wolf whistle, but can make recorder/owl noises with clasped hands...
            McKAY: Hey, I can eat frozen dinners without thawing them. (~Trinity)


              Nice banner, Varda.

              Chapter Ten of Silent Altantis is now up. Soon to be followed by chapter eleven if my computer behaves.

              for size

              Edited to add chapter eleven.
              Last edited by Ravenheart; 17 November 2009, 11:17 AM.


                Rodney's first episode of SG1 - 48 hours - is on right now!

                On Syfy.
                Sig by ME.


                  ...and it's over now.

                  Originally posted by ed263 View Post
                  Glad you got thunked!
                  So am I!

                  Been seeing some of the old movies and that line just popped in my I had to find a Rodney whistle face!
                  And what a whistle face it is!

                  I can't whistle either, but yes...wolf whistle, I can do that!
                  Nice to know there are others, besides me, who can't whistle.

                  Originally posted by x Varda x View Post
                  Oh! Good one... I'll probably make that later today

                  I do have a second version of the sig which says 'a match made in heaven'

                  Can't wolf whistle, but can make recorder/owl noises with clasped hands...

                  Originally posted by Ravenheart View Post
                  for size
                  Oooh, nice!
                  Sig by ME.


                    Gateworld's back!!! WOOT!!!!!
                    Sig by ME.


             are fast!!

                      sig by Varda


                        GW only just came back for me

                        *points to sig* I'm going to attempt a James Bond anim for that middle pic

                        Just finished my SGA Santa fic too Smilie overload Although I do have to check it through, top and tail it now, which'll probably take another week

                        Had a bit of a breakdown earlier and ended up leaving my karate club, deciding to join a gym and got a sudden craving to eat half a jar of olives... is better than chocolate though RL stinx *sigh*
                        McKAY: Hey, I can eat frozen dinners without thawing them. (~Trinity)


                          Originally posted by x Varda x View Post
                          GW only just came back for me
                          Yay! And you bet RiG in posting!

                          *points to sig* I'm going to attempt a James Bond anim for that middle pic
                          Love it! Well done!! Now, that's more like it!

                          Just finished my SGA Santa fic too Smilie overload Although I do have to check it through, top and tail it now, which'll probably take another week
                          Great! Well done! Now that's done...maybe you can write another story!

                          Had a bit of a breakdown earlier and ended up leaving my karate club, deciding to join a gym and got a sudden craving to eat half a jar of olives... is better than chocolate though RL stinx *sigh*
                          Aww...sorry to hear about you leaving karate club! Hope it's not a premanent break! Hopefully RL will straighten itself out for you! Hang in there!

                          sig by Varda


                            Originally posted by ed263 View Post
                            Love it! Well done!! Now, that's more like it!
                            True. Here's my very quick attempted James Bond manip of that middle pic (obviously there's room for improvement )

                            Great! Well done! Now that's done...maybe you can write another story!
                            Gotta check it over first. It's 18k I think... could take a while...
                            Aww...sorry to hear about you leaving karate club! Hope it's not a premanent break! Hopefully RL will straighten itself out for you! Hang in there!
                            In my week off too It's commuting related...

                            Oh, it's nearly 3am! Better go catch some zzzzzz
                            McKAY: Hey, I can eat frozen dinners without thawing them. (~Trinity)


                              Originally posted by x Varda x View Post
                              True. Here's my very quick attempted James Bond manip of that middle pic (obviously there's room for improvement )
                              Great icon!
                              Maybe pan the 'tunnel' from left to right...I think that's how the Bond movies did it.

                              Gotta check it over first. It's 18k I think... could take a while...
                              Wow....18k..yes, it will take a while!

                              In my week off too It's commuting related...

                              Oh, it's nearly 3am! Better go catch some zzzzzz
                              Good night!! Happy Rodney whumping dreams!

                              sig by Varda


                                Originally posted by ed263 View Post
                       are fast!!
                                Actually right after that it gave me the boot! I just tried now and it's back. Hopefully permanently this time.

                                Originally posted by x Varda x View Post
                                GW only just came back for me

                                *points to sig* I'm going to attempt a James Bond anim for that middle pic
                                LOVE LOVE LOVE the sig!

                                Just finished my SGA Santa fic too Smilie overload Although I do have to check it through, top and tail it now, which'll probably take another week
                                Ooh, can't wait to read it!

                                Had a bit of a breakdown earlier and ended up leaving my karate club, deciding to join a gym and got a sudden craving to eat half a jar of olives... is better than chocolate though RL stinx *sigh*
                                Aww, poor Varda! You liked Karate too... I've had that same craving...for the green olives with the little pimentos. YUM!

                                Originally posted by ed263 View Post
                                Yay! And you bet RiG in posting!
                                You bet I'm posting! Now. I was off all day and no GW. I missed everyone! I'm off tomorrow too so, here's hoping!

                                Originally posted by x Varda x View Post
                                True. Here's my very quick attempted James Bond manip of that middle pic (obviously there's room for improvement )

                                Love it!

                                Oh, it's nearly 3am! Better go catch some zzzzzz
                                Aww, I just got back on! Goodnight Varda!

                                EDIT: 87 posts to go until I hit 15,000 posts!
                                Sig by ME.

