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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    *Comes crawling back from the 'other' thread where things are very unpleasant now*
    Originally posted by Tinah View Post
    I'm just dropping in to give you the latest news ( rumour, really ) on the SGA movie front, in case you don't follow that thread:
    Thanks for that! I'm just looking forward to getting S5 on DVD when it comes out on Monday
    Also, to apologize for not commenting on everybody's posts, or backtracking to do it later, but instead picking up where I return after my "SGA marathon". I want to do so much and end up doing nothing properly. It's an ongoing problem of mine, which will have to be fixed very soon due to upcoming changes to my real life. While I straighten everything out, please be patient with me?
    That's okay I'm having trouble finding the motivation to write my fic at the mo. Mainly because of this place, but also because of the super tiredness created by RL.
    That's nice

    And as our US friends can't seem to see LJ Some more icons from the batch
    McKAY: Hey, I can eat frozen dinners without thawing them. (~Trinity)


      Originally posted by x Varda x View Post
      *Comes crawling back from the 'other' thread where things are very unpleasant now*
      Other thread? One on Gateworld? I'm still learning which sub-folders/threads to stay out of. The "Stargate: Extinction" one doesn't exactly inspire me to post right now, at least not expressing/defending an opinion.

      What? No, I'm not here!


        Random piccies




          Originally posted by AlbinoMonkeyC View Post

          It sucks being sick.
          That it does, my allergys are kicking my ass lol


          MCSHEP FOREVER!!!!!!!!
          Sheppard <3's Rodney! YAY! LOLS!
          Happily floating in Mckay Heaven <3


            For me, 9 months of mystery neuro problems... *sigh* doncha just *love* Doctors and the speed they can work at

            The worst part is I lost my job due to it and now going slowly (more) ga ga.

            Oh just rewatched Grace Under Pressure.... the more I see it the more I am impressed with DH's acting... it was a very cramped set and he pulled it off brilliantly.
            sig by me


              Originally posted by CarsonsKitty View Post
              BAH HAHAHAHAH *rolls around floor gigglesnorting*

              Oh that made my day/week/most of year... all of them are my favourites this post... chuckled more with each one.
              Heh, glad I made you happy.

              More will be forthcoming, I'm just trying to space them out a bit now 'cause I don't know how many I have left...


                Aww, it seems I missed almost everyone while I was at work.

                Originally posted by x Varda x View Post
                I've had no problems with it at all UK must be on a different server.
                In the words of Jack O'Neill: "Oh, how nice for you."

                GW's been a bit naff this week though...
                Yeah, at least one day it was... for me anyway.

                It's the right link, I'll repost it again in a few days when LJ works for everyone
                Kewl. Thankies.

                The table is here
                It looks a little daunting, but it's not really. It generates html code (including LJ cut) which can simply be copied and pasted into the posting box on LJ. The key thing is that you can generate a list of links in Photobucket and simply copy and paste them into the box on the right. It takes about ten seconds to do
                Again, thankies.

                I won 'most creative' in the McShep Icontest on LJ for this one (the challenge was called 'The oh shuddup chronicles)
                A honor richly deserved, BRAVO!

                Originally posted by Tinah View Post
                I'm just dropping in to give you the latest news ( rumour, really ) on the SGA movie front, in case you don't follow that thread:

                Thank you for that bit of good news!

                Also, to apologize for not commenting on everybody's posts, or backtracking to do it later, but instead picking up where I return after my "SGA marathon". I want to do so much and end up doing nothing properly. It's an ongoing problem of mine, which will have to be fixed very soon due to upcoming changes to my real life. While I straighten everything out, please be patient with me?

                *Rodney-puppy eyes*
                It's okay, we're kinda in the same boat when it comes to wanting to do so much and not doing it, so I understand completely.

                Aww. Rodney looks sad!

                Love them! Specially the second to last one, the coloring is so pretty!

                Great pics! I snurched most of them, thanx for making it so easy for me!

                Originally posted by CarsonsKitty View Post
                Oh just rewatched Grace Under Pressure.... the more I see it the more I am impressed with DH's acting... it was a very cramped set and he pulled it off brilliantly.
                He did indeed.
                Last edited by RodneyIsGodney; 08 August 2009, 12:44 PM.
                Sig by ME.


                  Originally posted by CarsonsKitty View Post
                  For me, 9 months of mystery neuro problems... *sigh* doncha just *love* Doctors and the speed they can work at

                  The worst part is I lost my job due to it and now going slowly (more) ga ga.
                  Hope you get better soon
                  Oh just rewatched Grace Under Pressure.... the more I see it the more I am impressed with DH's acting... it was a very cramped set and he pulled it off brilliantly.
                  I watched that on the train the other day on my ipod. I hope my fellow commuters weren't too traumatised by the snorts of evil laughter

                  > whumper
                  Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post
                  Aww, it seems I missed almost everyone while I was at work.
                  I've been here all day, only hidden...
                  In the words of Jack O'Neill: "Oh, how nice for you."
                  Thanks I entered another one yesterday and one, possibly two more later if I have time
                  Thanks (you might want to fix your coding here ) Although, grrrrr, the one which won it was a basic crop and contrast correction
                  Love them! Specially the second to last one, the coloring is so pretty!
                  Thanks! I might ditch the contests after these ones and just make what I want (see above). But (like fic challenges) it is nice to have a goal and a theme to work from

                  I'm back in fic writing mood now, but has gone down
                  McKAY: Hey, I can eat frozen dinners without thawing them. (~Trinity)



                    I was going to multiquote some other posts too, but it's failed, and I'm to lazy to go and multiquote them all again... so I'll just say that everyone else's were very pretty too And I've snurched lots.


                      Originally posted by x Varda x View Post
                      I've been here all day, only hidden...
                      Thanks (you might want to fix your coding here )
                      Uhm, what coding? I worked 6 and a half hours today so my brain is not firing on all cylinders.

                      EDIT: Never mind, I figured it out - and fixed it. How in the hell did that happen???

                      I'm back in fic writing mood now, but has gone down
                      Again? First Twitter, Facebook and LJ, now as well? Geeze!

                      Originally posted by Blue Shadowdancer View Post
                      Thank you.

                      Just made an icon...

                      I tried playing with the saturation a bit...
                      Sig by ME.


                        Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post

                        Uhm, what coding? I worked 6 and a half hours today so my brain is not firing on all cylinders.
                        *Chug chug chug... BANG*

                        I think I can trump you on that one though > I, uh, went to a wedding this afternoon, but it turns out I was a week early... oopsy! Although it's not so bad, as it wasn't for anyone I know - I sing in the choir. I just ducked out
                        Again? First Twitter, Facebook and LJ, now as well? Geeze!
                        LJ's still a-okay Don't use Facebook or Twitter. I dunno how long's been down for cos I haven't actually logged in for a couple of days
                        I love that picture, great icons too
                        McKAY: Hey, I can eat frozen dinners without thawing them. (~Trinity)


                          Originally posted by CarsonsKitty View Post
                          Sorry I've been gone... had a rough few days with headaches/tremors... anyone got a brain going spare? preferabely one with geeky/arty/gamer tendencies and good hand/eye coordination.
                          So sorry you are feeling badly! Hope you feel better soon!

                          Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post
                          Yeah, This is what I got when I tried getting to LJ. How Varda got there to upload all 176 of her avatars I'll never know.
                          I can't get to my LJ site either!! Darn the hackers!!

                          EDIT: It doesn't work.
                          Weird, I was able to follow the link to Varda's post....weird!

                          Originally posted by x Varda x View Post
                          I've had no problems with it at all UK must be on a different server. GW's been a bit naff this week though...
                          It's the right link, I'll repost it again in a few days when LJ works for everyone
                          I was able to make a post at your LJ site....but I am not able to log onto to mine....go figure!

                          I won 'most creative' in the McShep Icontest on LJ for this one (the challenge was called 'The oh shuddup chronicles)
                          Wow!! Congratulations!!

                          Originally posted by Tinah View Post
                          I'm just dropping in to give you the latest news ( rumour, really ) on the SGA movie front, in case you don't follow that thread:
                          Hey, thanks for that bit of news! Hope it happens!

                          Wow! Those were awesome! I had not seen many of them before! Thanks Ravenheart for sharing! Snurched them!

                          sig by Varda


                            Originally posted by x Varda x View Post

                            I think I can trump you on that one though > I, uh, went to a wedding this afternoon, but it turns out I was a week early... oopsy! Although it's not so bad, as it wasn't for anyone I know - I sing in the choir. I just ducked out
                            Embarrassing much?

                            LJ's still a-okay Don't use Facebook or Twitter. I dunno how long's been down for cos I haven't actually logged in for a couple of days
                            I don't go near FB either. I am on twitter tho, which you already know.

                            I love that picture, great icons too

                            Here's another icon...
                            Sig by ME.


                              Originally posted by x Varda x View Post
                              Thanks I entered another one yesterday and one, possibly two more later if I have time
                              Good luck with those!

                              I'm back in fic writing mood now, but has gone down
                              I am able to read stories over on FFN, it doesn't seem to be down.

                              Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post
                              I like the saturated one! Snurched! Thanks!

                              Originally posted by x Varda x View Post
                              I think I can trump you on that one though > I, uh, went to a wedding this afternoon, but it turns out I was a week early... oopsy! Although it's not so bad, as it wasn't for anyone I know - I sing in the choir. I just ducked out
                              That's so funny!

                              sig by Varda


                      's Saturday's dark and gloomy outside...

                                ...we need some pictures of McKay!


                                It's my one whumpy picture! He just looks so peaceful!!
                                (Anyone know where it's from?)

                                Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo happy.

                                "Who, me?"

                                Heh...that look...

                                Aww, someone needs a hug! *hugs*

                                Aww! More hugs needed! *more hugs*


