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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Okay, call me crazy, I'm probably the only person who sees this, but as long as we're comparing David to who we think he looks like, I think he kind of looks like Colin Firth.

    I think that was the basis for my Rodney-as-Mr.-Darcy arguement on the McWeir thread.
    EDITED because I just realized that my sig pic of Rodney is probably a better comparison than David's head shot, but use whichever you want.
    Last edited by Porthos1013; 29 May 2005, 08:47 AM.

    Sheppard: Why does it smell like I'm on vacation?
    McKay: (proudly) Could it be the simulated tropical aroma of cocoa butter?
    Sheppard: Strong enough for anyone within five miles to smell you.
    McKay: Right, like they haven't been tipped off by the Aqua Velva?


      I read on the davidhewlett yahoogroup that quite a few of David’s movies will be on TV in June - at least in Canada *pouts at lack of DH in UK - not even seen Cube on tv*

      TMN which is showing Nothing and Ice Men. It was also mentioned that Mpix will be showing Joe’s Wedding during June too. I don't recognise the names of the channels but I'm hoping that passing on this info was helpful for some people.


        Originally posted by watcher652
        Imdb has Quentin Tarantino at 6'2.5". I know David isn't that tall. But your friend thinks David is short? Well, I get how you could think that way because David seems to work with men even taller than he is. And David has that cute thing going for him and people tend to think cute people are short. And David tends to lean forward when he speaks and that takes off a couple of inches.
        I've always thought of his as an average height, but in Cube he stands next to Kazan and Quentin a lot, both of whom are taller, so maybe that's why she said short. Plus, you're right. He does hunch over a lot in SGA, but I hven't been able to make her watch that yet...she'll probably just make more mean comments*sighs*

        Originally posted by Purpleyin
        You know back in the days when I didn't know who David Hewlett was () I saw Cube and I thought Tarantino too but then I was also sure it was Julian McMahon... :s Or someone who looked like them both as it was.
        Yeah-I think it's his cute, pointyish chin and nose. I saw it a little too, but I wa annoyed by my friend and wouldn't give her the satisfaction of being right.
        Remixed old sig...cause I wanted the pretty again!
        :.*.:My Live Journal:.*.:


          *appreciating* a multi-talented David! Way *cool*!...maybe moreso...
          Gleaning from the above, so far...

          Originally posted by watcher652:
          And he's a sci-fi geek, too. Excerpt from...
          I sort of suspected that, but didn't know about the Doctor Who bit. Maybe, TPTB might incorporate my Star Trek theory for Rodney's childhood into SG? (Just a little humorous thought!)

          I think Michael Shanks is also an Internet lurker, but talks in the 3rd person (alias mode) if he's actually on. (Also, connections with anything Lexa there, too, and since she used to be "Andromeda", both have their own named web sites... maintained by a dedicated somebody.)

          Originally posted by SGalisa:
          Is David Hewlett *really* a computer guru geek?
          This is more of an appreciation for David Hewlett's whole persona, than (the heart-throb surface stuff) what's sort of on the thumper thread... so, thought I'd ask it here... Also, I wasn't originally going to mention the rest of what I had written after that, but did (probably to absorb the initial shock waves/flack) in case someone else asked the question in the future.

          When I first heard David mention his "closet" computer interest, in my heart, I thought Wow! and half wondered if he knew anyone at Hewlett-Packard (obvious name connection there...). My dad used to troubleshoot for computers and occasionally came home with these huge picture printouts that someone timestakingly did keypad character by character in the old programmers mode.

          Before personal computers became popular, closest I ever came technologically to working with computers or TV, was a video effects generator to learn the then *new* digitalized versions, which have probably now been replaced by computers with CGI effects, etc. That "thing" was soooooooo cool. But because of schooling in a major city location at bad hours in the middle of the night that I wasn't fond of, I chose the lesser route into zombie office work instead...

          Originally posted by watcher652:
          I just now really thought about this question. Why would you think David was making that up? That's actually an odd thing to think about someone.
          Not really, not if you know a former theater / stage actor who also dabbles with computers, and has a genius son who is the *real* guru behind it all. Most of the techies I know personally are great teasers... but also don't like to be bothered about techie problems, unless you outline in vast detail what you did wrong (so they can fix it quickly without getting too annoyed).

          In regards to David's rather *impressive* resume, going into office / tech related work: he did the *intelligent* thing by going after something he could easily fall back on at any time in life.

          I've been trying to convince an aspiring, newbie "actor" person to do that between jobs to join up with the temp agencies, but wonder if waiting on tables or cashiering is going to be where this kid will end up. S/he needs more incentive from fellow actors already in the industry, and it was because of fantasy sci-fi programming that s/he got interested in acting in the first place. Gently nudging this person towards the technical (office temp) fields in the meantime, is more difficult. Now that s/he has access to the sci-fi channel, I've tried to get the family to watch both Stargates, but so far there's too much interest with Star Wars, instead.

          I was glad to hear years ago that RDA actually was co-producer for Gekko (expanded beyond ice-hockey and acting). Harrison Ford (Indiana Jones and Star Wars fame) did carpentry work to fall back on.

          It's good to hear about these multi-talented actor persons. They are inspirational help for the next generation of talent coming in...Just hoping David doesn't get too swamped with requests to fix things... he's got enough to do for now as McKay... No wonder he prefers "small dark rooms and large computers."

          hmmmmm... would he be interested in helping out the space exploration industry, too??? ...During any hiatus times, he could be a spokesperson from the Stargate side and join forces with those already working/helping there from the Star Trek side. If seeking out living on other planets is our children's future, it'd really be a blast into space. Kids today need more encouragement than what their current world is giving them. Imagine the possibilities... Or maybe he knows other people willing to do that...?

          Regardless of what he does futuristically... this topic certainly expands my appreciation for him as a person, as well as his talent of being an actor...


            No man should really look that hot in a lab coat...

            But for some reason, I'll allow it.

            "Oh honey you just can't seem to walk into a room quietly can you?" -Michael Shanks Chicago Con 08

            The Universe is Mad


              Triple thunk!

              "Oh honey you just can't seem to walk into a room quietly can you?" -Michael Shanks Chicago Con 08

              The Universe is Mad


                Originally posted by erinanderson
                No man should really look that hot in a lab coat...

                But for some reason, I'll allow it.
                lol! I agree, very hot.
                Just out of curiosity, does the ZedPM look upside down to anyone else?

                Sheppard: Why does it smell like I'm on vacation?
                McKay: (proudly) Could it be the simulated tropical aroma of cocoa butter?
                Sheppard: Strong enough for anyone within five miles to smell you.
                McKay: Right, like they haven't been tipped off by the Aqua Velva?


                  Originally posted by Porthos1013
                  Just out of curiosity, does the ZedPM look upside down to anyone else?
                  It does seem a bit top heavy.
                  I'm wondering what they heck those circular thingies are that are attached to the ZPM. Electrodes? What could they be measuring?
                  It makes me think the ZPM has a kind of electric "pulse", maybe dying down as it loses energy and stops completely when it's "dead".

                  And on topic: Yay labcoat!Rodney! That scene is always going to remind me of the bear.


                    Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
                    It does seem a bit top heavy.
                    I'm wondering what they heck those circular thingies are that are attached to the ZPM. Electrodes? What could they be measuring?
                    It makes me think the ZPM has a kind of electric "pulse", maybe dying down as it loses energy and stops completely when it's "dead".
                    If that's the case, then wouldn't Rodney have to treat the readouts like some sort of medical EKG? (I think that's the right acronym for electrocardiogram, right?) Which would mean he had to do some sort of medical 'voodoo' on the ZedPM! Okay, probably not really, but in my wacky mind, I found it funny.

                    And, to stay On Topic:

                    Here's a picture of David from Mutant X. I've never seen this show, let alone David's episode. (I found the pic on Any idea what that ep was about and/or what his character was?

                    Sheppard: Why does it smell like I'm on vacation?
                    McKay: (proudly) Could it be the simulated tropical aroma of cocoa butter?
                    Sheppard: Strong enough for anyone within five miles to smell you.
                    McKay: Right, like they haven't been tipped off by the Aqua Velva?


                      Originally posted by Porthos1013
                      lol! I agree, very hot.
                      Just out of curiosity, does the ZedPM look upside down to anyone else?
                      Yep... love labcoat!Rodney And not only does the ZedPM look upside down, it looks as though they stuck it nose first in a coffee can.

                      Originally posted by Porthos1013
                      Here's a picture of David from Mutant X. I've never seen this show, let alone David's episode. (I found the pic on Any idea what that ep was about and/or what his character was?
                      What bugs me is I actually saw that episode and I don't remember seeing David in it!!! I think that was back before SGA started and I'm not sure if I'd seen Redemption by that point. That was the episode where I just fell in love with the character. Anyway, the correct Mutant X episode synopsis is here (as opposed to my now edited and wrong commentary ). What's kind of funny is that the original, blonde Weir on SG-1... if I remember correctly... is in this episode as well.
                      Last edited by strivaria; 29 May 2005, 07:54 PM. Reason: poor memory :)


                        Originally posted by strivaria
                        And not only does the ZedPM look upside down, it looks as though they stuck it nose first in a coffee can.
                        Originally posted by erinanderson
                        Rodney's desperate attempts to power the ZPM with caffeine failed miserably.


                          Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
                          LOL, that caption was just too perfect! I think this might be my next sigpic:


                            Originally posted by ToasterOnFire

                            Rodney's desperate attempts to power the ZPM with caffeine failed miserably.
                            ROTF! I wanted to give you green jello for making me giggle so hard I woke my dog up, but it won't let me, so I'll come back later.

                            Originally posted by strivaria
                            What's kind of funny is that the original, blonde Weir on SG-1... if I remember correctly... is in this episode as well.
                            Wow, really? I'll have to check this out. <dashes off to check>
                            BTW, what were his mutant superpowers? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?

                            Sheppard: Why does it smell like I'm on vacation?
                            McKay: (proudly) Could it be the simulated tropical aroma of cocoa butter?
                            Sheppard: Strong enough for anyone within five miles to smell you.
                            McKay: Right, like they haven't been tipped off by the Aqua Velva?


                              Originally posted by erinanderson
                              No man should really look that hot in a lab coat...


                              But for some reason, I'll allow it.

                              {{{{ERIN}}}} Good to see you outside the Daniel thread. Hehe. And I totally agree with you.

                              And here's a pic to try and stay on topic.

                              There's just something about big steel watches. Maybe it's just me.



                                Because I'm getting my pic posting groove on...
                                "Never offend people with style when you can offend them with substance." --Sam Brown

